Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


Ryujin looked down at his hand and flexed it. With a short grunt he swung his legs over the bed and shakily stood up. He winced as his muscles screamed a in. he looked over at the nurse and gave her a sad smile. "I'm not the oni if that's what your thinking. He's gone..." His voice trailed off as the finished the last part of his sentence. "And in all honestly I'm not alright. I was beaten horribly, Had part of my very Being stolen from me, and now I'm about to do something stupid."

With his queen fast asleep, healing her wounds, Honey took this time to search the garden for any potential enemies. With all of the little bugs crawling around though, the humming hornet kept on being distracted with the many snacks walking around him. They all had different flavours to Honey, but the tastiest of the bugs he found were the ladybugs. Sweet with a tinge of bitterness, they pleased his taste buds. Plus they were fun to chase around.

While on the journey to find some new snacks, he spotted another red ladybird being chased by a teenager. Ignoring the boy noticing him, he zipped over to the frightened ladybug and caught it in his mouth, landing on the brick wall and chewing on it.

Axel simply Covering Kori from the glass and he looked at Ryujin and smiled " he isn't gone he is sleeping like in a coma and ryujin if its the feelings for Fley she feels the same but that hatered in it will only make it dangerss" Axel then relised something important and He grabed Kori and simply held her and kissed her cheek " hhehe you made me remember that love is better than hatered" He said looking at Ryujin " so i know it's stupid but will you join me in my mission please and become my family

@Dante Verren



Sorry i was in a job interview
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Auriel Dwelle

Auriel looked in worry towards Ryujin as he said that his other part dissapeared, wondering who was the guy who attacked Ryujin and how did he manage to do this, "What are you going to do then?" She said to Ryujin with small tears coming for her eyes, while Auriel wasn't scared for her own demise, she was scared for other people's demise, she didn't want to see somebody else die, especially someone who helped her in carrying back runaway patients and other wounded people, she refused to see somebody else die.

At:  Luxor Academy Infirmary

With:  Ryujin (@Dante Verren), Hiraku (@Dante Verren), Axel Hazaki (@kenchin), Kori Shimo (@TaraSobiki)

Mentions:  Misogi Kumagawa (@kenchin)
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(I feel like everyone started getting all lovey-dovey after Caesar and Arian did. :P  Love must be infectious. :D )
"Smoke, I-" Fley was speechless. Where was this coming from? How had this happened? Her face red, she thought about what had just happened, and shot upright into a sitting position upon his release. She was about to say something but had no words left. The warmth from his lips lingered, but she didn't know if she wanted more or less of that. What about her feelings for Smoke? Hadn't she just met him hours ago? She didn't even know if they were friend yet... She bit her lower lip. Did she have to respond? Fley curled herself up, her face covered by her knees, but her eyes just barely visible. Her mind was blanking out as every second passed.

(Is there an underlying message in that? xD  Unfortunately Caesar is not like Ryo, threesomes or moresomes are not his dealio, probably much to whoever would be going out with him's pleasure.   xD  lol jk jk, I wasn't inferring about anything. *innocent whistle* @Cheryl)
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Ryujin looked over at axel deciding to ignore the love comment. "I will tell you the smae thing My oni did. I will not join your family. However I will help you if it means getting payback on that creepy guy." He looked over at the nurse and saw the formation of tears. " I'm going to give that creepy bastard everything I have." Hearing this Hikaru immediately jumped into the conversation. "But master if you do that with out your oni your body could-" Hikaru was interrupted by Ryujin. "I know Hikaru. Besides what other choice do I have?" The little fox remained silent after this. Ryujin winced as a small ball of electricity formed then dispersed in his hand.

@Lucremoirre @kenchin

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth only watched as the hornet ate the ladybug, quickly bringing up his pen and scribbling thing on his notebook, Insects continued to fascinate him even more, what do they think on that tiny little brain of those, an instinctive brain, or an intellectual's mind?, he continued to wonder as he proceeded to write down the hornet's behavior on the ladybug whose remains are now down under the gigantic hornet's stomach, if it has one.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:  Honey (@Cheryl)
Axel walked over to him and simply handed a Ring it had a emerald on it and it looked Expensive and he looked at Ryujin and then punched him in the face " Hatered it feeds him Darkness Feed's him and if you want to defeat him then you have to learn to accept others in your heart i lost that because i lost the people i loved and my Twin sister who gave him a chance but then he killed her " Axel looked at Ryujin and simply said " i will teach you how to control your Inner Aura the Dying Will of Ligthing

@Dante Verren




(Setsuna Hayate)
After hearing Ryo’s compliments directed towards her Setsuna immediately had an extensive grin across her face. She couldn’t believe what he said to her and that he actually cared about her, Setsuna had never met anyone that gave her as much praise as him, well someone that she’d truly defend. She then catches his momentum with all nine of her uncoiled tails which quickly wraps around him in a protective manner once A shoved him straight into her.“Thank you, Ryo. Even though we had a brief introduction with each other… My connection with you is very strong and although i’d still like to slap you across the face at times. I don’t know if I could, I think all I could do is.. Well.. Let me show you.” Setsuna replies very anxiously with her cheeks being filled with emotion. Without warning she leans her face in towards and presses her soft lips against his and kisses him passionately. Setsuna couldn’t believe what she was doing! Falling for such a person especially after what Daji instructed her to do before arrived at the school, although the only thing she could focus on was him. She then arches back her head taking her mouth off of his and takes a menacing glare at A then cautiously unwraps her tails off of Ryo's body.

“Forgive me Ryo but it seems that I won’t be fighting you first, instead I have different plans with devil-bitch over here.” She tells him before approaching A quietly. Setsuna was shaking from the emotion overtaking her. She felt a mix of anger and fear as she experienced the incredible aura resonating off A yet she pushed through with all of her might and forcibly pressed her forehead against hers while making intense eye-contact with her. Setsuna understood that if she fought against her that she might infact become another one of her victims but the uncontrollable rage that was flowing through her veins made her forget that all she could focus on was a familiar bloodlust. “Don’t you ever threaten him.” She says snarling revealing an entirely different tone as if it was possessed by that of the nine-tailed beast itself. Setsuna’s eyes turn from their normal tone to a complete shade of white as she opens her trembling fist which causes an enormous amount of kinetic energy and aura to suction into her palm which resulting in gigantic sphere of blinding light to radiate in her grasp.

Even a portion of the academy shook from the convulsions of continuously binding kinetic friction she was producing in just the palm of her hand. “I’m going to enjoy watching you bleed.” Setsuna barked at her before taking one swift motion forward abruptly causing her energy to propel out from behind her causing the atmosphere to ripple gently. She then savagely thrusted the monumental sphere of energy onto the exterior of her chest which causes not only the encompassing corridor to shift back and forth almost as if there was an earthquake present but also resulting in the corridor being rendered of ambient sound.


@Olivia Acerbi @YungJazz (Let the battle commence B| ). 
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Arian's world spins slowly as they switch positions, her dress hem hiked up around her thighs, the tiniest sliver of white underwear showing. Slowly, she slides her hands under his shirt, her hands skimming his warm skin in response to his light touch, only to remove his shirt completely, revealing his well toned chest. Her golden hair shifts around her resembling a halo as she takes a more relaxed position, her piercing eyes giving him a sultry look. She shushes Caesar as he speaks, not wanting this moment to be ruined.


Her own hands retreat from his back, only to guide Caesar's hands to her hips, her skin screaming for his touch. Abandoning his hands, her own slip to his face, drawing him into another kiss. As she presses her body against him, the combined heat of their bodies causing her heart to be steadily faster. They seemed to fit perfectly together, like a puzzle. She could feel him, pressed against her, craving her as much as she craved him. Her body aching with desire, her fingers pull him closer by his belt loops. 


However, as much as she wanted to, she could feel her skin start to waver as his curse activated once again and she is forced to withdraw from him reluctantly. VERY reluctantly. 


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After the unfortunate ladybird had gone down his throat into the pile of other, digesting beetles down there, Honey paused to twitch his head from side to side and take in what has changed around him. The trees were still there, the flowers haven't died yet, but the boy had taken out some paper and a pen while staring at him. Perhaps it's another weapon? There were many strange people around here, surely a pen and paper could injure his queen as well.

So, Honey flew in front of the teenager while eyeing the paper, before grabbing the entire book and onto a nearby oak tree. He started to nibble on the sheets, not caring what was written on them.

(Holy hotdog this entering a whole new territory! xD  Oh, rip anyone that tries anything on Arian after this. Caesar'll totes disintegrate them a new arsehole soon enough. :P  Oh, and I completely forgot Caesar had a boxer's muscled body. Lucky you then :D )

Caesar didn't want to stop, but their time limit and come faster then he had hoped. One minute of heaven, glorious heaven. He promised himself he would get better at this, the time limit and everything. For now he rolled over onto the bed and slipped the gloves back on, threading his hand with hers, "I think it's safe to say: We're official." He said with a slight laugh in his tone. Glorious. His heart still hammered away, his eyesight fuzzy and so was his brain. But everything just made sense, right here in the moment. The temple of serenity was right here, in this room. 

"Oh, and you're totally moving in here with me by the way." Caesar told her, turning his head sideways so they were face to face, a smile playing on his lips. They were so close, yet so far; he could feel her breath on his face. It was fast and ragged, probably just like his. But still, in such a long time, Caesar had found true happiness again. 

@SolistheSun (well that was cool. Let's go do something with the others now, perhaps flaunt our relationship, idk :P )

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth suddenly saw that the hornet was coming straight towards him, he was going to dodge the incoming offensive, but an earthquake stopped him from doing that, falling to his knees as the hornet swiped the notebook from his hands,"N-No... A-Al my research o-on insects g-gone..."  He unknowingly telepathically said to the insect, as it started to eat away his notebook, luckily for him, he already had another one of those notebooks, full on information of insects, but that notebook had some fairly well achieved progress, as well as an extremely rare golden ant, however, he could only watch in hopelessness as it continued to munch on his paperwork.

At:  Luxor Academy Garden

With:  Honey (@Cheryl)

Mentions:  Setsuna Hayate (@Obsidian)

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