Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Cody...Would say local half demon but...I'm pretty sure I'm no longer alone in that case..." he said, "So...I kinda hope the rooms have a kitchen, I love cooking..." he said, his flame powers can kinda explain it. "Nice to meet you too..." he said, looking toward the new girl, realizing that he didn't know her name. He knew Usagi(Spelled right?) and Ryujin.

@Fazy @Kisaki @Dante Verren
Wide eyed, Kahe just stood there "umm... hi, do you know where the dorms are?..." he quietly but swiftly asked looking up at the tall man, trying not to make eye contact.,

The knight shook his head no and shrugged. He walked up to the assistant and waved. He was a mute but knew sign language and telepathy. 'Excuse me miss?' He said to the sucubus in sign language.

"Are we suppose to reveal what we are as well. I mean I can kinda get an idea what you three are since you have non human features but as for me my body is the perfect resemblance of a human." He gestured to himself to show that he looked completely normal.



"well shit..." Kahe mumbled to himself as he walked off. He thought to himself 'ok... i'm sure there has to be signs or something... and this school should be enough distance to keep me from that red girl... fuck, I hope my other suitcase ships in tonight...'

From her spot behind the tree she saw that another man was walking towards the garden. She cursed her bad luck and wrapped the cloak around her tighter still. She would have to wait for him to pass before she could make a run for it. she didn't like talking  with people unless she had to.

"Well, unless you don't have eyes, you'd be able to see that I'm a hybrid," Fley said, in a way that made her feel ashamed. "But I'm Fley Sanders," she said to the three. "Sorry for getting off to a shitty start. I'm just... not in a good mood," she lied. To be honest, it was just her wolf like nature coming out. She knew if she had not been stopped, she'd most likely have ripped out Usagi's eye. "Sorry," she said to him. 

@Kisaki @CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren 
"Well! Other than being a bunny I'm a prince....supposedly  ."he said to the  boy. "I sincerely hope you other demons don't just attacking people for no Damns reason. You should save that for Combat and Monster hunting class."  @Dante Verren @Fazy @CERBERUS177
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He thought for a little. He realized this BITH was crazy and he needed out "right ok..." He quickly melted his form and seeped under the door crack, reforming on the other side. He started walking in the direction of the knight, trying to slip by unnoticed. 

A sensed a shift in the boys behaviour but decided to give him the benefit of doubt. "That's a neat trick.", she murmered as she peaked out the door. 

"What the-?", she wondered seeing him shift back into a solid state and walk up to the armored guy, she could faintly hear his question before he starts to leave. "Aw, what? You little b*tch- If you want something done right..", A said to herself as her eyes began to glow again. Her shadow became a deep black and she began to sink down into it. 

"Kids these days, they're all a bunch of-", she submerged into the blackness of the shadow. She exited the room from beneath the door and moved across the hall using shadows to maneuver to Luxor's office door. A small piece of the shadow shot off the mass and followed Kahe. 

Ryujin struggled to hold back a laugh. "Your a bunny prince?" As soon as the words left his mouth he knew he wound't be able to hold it in and he began to laugh. "That is the greatest thing I've heard all day."



"Prince?" Fley suppressed a laugh. "Don't expect us to treat you like royalty. I'm sure I won't, sorry." She looked over at Ryujin. "What's up with you? You a... a dragon god, like the myth or something?" 

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki @Dante Verren
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due to being complete shit at following directions and reading signs, Kahe ended up speeding in the direction of the gardens. Out behind a building he discovered what looked like a little girl curled up behind a tree. "hmm.." he silently walked up behind her.

@Dante Verren
" I like to be referred as a demon ,not bunny. "he face became a little flustered. When people think of bunny they usually think of weak animals who cant defend for themselves. Usagimimis were totally different from that.

@CERBERUS177 @Fazy @Dante Verren
"Prince?" Fley suppressed a laugh. "Don't expect us to treat you like royalty. I'm sure I won't, sorry." She looked over at Ryujin. "What's up with you? You a... a dragon god, like the myth or something?" 

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki @Dante Verren

" I wasn't expecting you to. I don't even know half of my story "he frowned. Most memories before he was sent away were gone or only had bits and pieces floating around his head.

From her spot behind the tree she saw that another man was walking towards the garden. She cursed her bad luck and wrapped the cloak around her tighter still. She would have to wait for him to pass before she could make a run for it. she didn't like talking  with people unless she had to.


Aurelion eyes wide open as he notice someone not too far.It won't be a problem unless this person seems to wait for him to pass on...A golden gate appear behind Aurelion as he point a Axe trough the gate trough the unknown person and think *Not the first time someone try to kill me.I can't let my guard down,not even in a school...*
"What, so you can defend yourself, stupid bunny?" Fley laughed. A cold shiver passed over her, though she said nothing. Usagi was more than just a stupid bunny, she was almost sure of that. As for Ryujin, she thought she'd never find out. And the guy with the fire books? Well... he had mentioned being a half-demon. Best to stay far away from him, or at least keep a distance.

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki @Dante Verren

Ryujin suppressed his laugh enough to answer fley's question." No I'm  not that important. My grandfather is Rajin the god of thunder so I am an oni. Though I guess i am technically a god sense my blood is pure. Either way I'm not that important."





Yunqi was to focused on watching the other people that she had no clue someone was sneaking up on her. She just simply kept her cloak around her and looked for an opening.


Jack sighed at the girl's comment. He should just save his energy for later. " Why be at this school if your a God.?You probably could just learn more from your grandfather."he asked Ryujin.

@Dante Verren @Fazy @CERBERUS177
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Aurelion quickly grab his axe rushing at the two aiming a strike before he realise it was a mistake "Crap!" he yell before throwing the axe away as it fade away,he stare at the two forcing a smile "My apologies.But those day we are never safe"

@Dante Verren@nfounder

Out of nowhere she heard a whisper right behind her and she freaked. "EEP!" with her scream she lunged forward as fast as could knocking over the guy behind her and accidentally launching herself head first into the blonde guy after his ax had disappeared knocking them both to the ground.


"...Do I really look in human?" he asked Ryujin, holding back the emotion in his voice. Being called 'demon' or something like that didn't make him made, just sad, he didn't want to be like his father, who was full demon.

@Fazy @Dante Verren @Kisaki

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