Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Yes, of course you look inhumane. Just like the rest of us. Look at me. LOOK AT ME! No, seriously, do it, your eyes won't burn," she laughed. "I'm a beast," she said, sighing. There was a note of sadness in her voice. Her tone changed as she looked back at him. "But I'd say you're the worst, 'cause you're just a demon. An evil demon who will one day murder us all, but don't try, 'cause I'll kill you before you kill me."

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki @Dante Verren

Ryujin scratched his head."Well Grandfather thought it would be a good idea to have me socialize with other supernatural beings and try to make some friends." he then turned towards cody. "Does it really matter if you look like a demon or not. what maters what you choose to do with your demon blood."



Aurelion sol look around on the ground and look back at the girl a little surprise by her reaction "Hey hey ! That's how you react when you are scare by someone?" he say before getting up cleaning his clothes with his hands "Anyways,you seems to be some students,just like me."

@Dante Verren@nfounder
He looked to her, he felt the need to say something back, seeing red slightly, "Well at least I'm not a flee rotten mutt who looks like a MISTAKE!" he shouted, then realizing what he said, he looked surprised, and slowly backed up and ran off. 'Where did that come from?!' he yelled at himself in his head.

@Fazy @Kisaki @Dante Verren
"Your not making anything better kid. "he then looked over to Cody, "Its nothing wrong being a demon. Its who you who you are" he said crossing his arms. Jack could be violent as well when in fighting mode especially the other sides of him weren't so friendly as well,  Jack should keep them in check before battles.

@Fazy @CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren

Ryujin sighed as he watched Cody run away. He looked over at Fley. "Your people skills suck you know that right?". 





Yunqi sat up and rubbed her head. "Ow" Her hood had fallen off during the fall and her long jade green hair was flowing free. She quickly realized that her hair hood had come down and pulled it back up as fast as she could.Then the realization that she was sitting on the boy who had scared her kicked in and she bolted forward landing a few feet away from the two boys. She hoped she had her hood low enough to hide the fact that her face was red from embarrassment. 



Ryujin sighed as he watched Cody run away. He looked over at Fley. "Your people skills suck you know that right?". 





Yunqi sat up and rubbed her head. "Ow" Her hood had fallen off during the fall and her long jade green hair was flowing free. She quickly realized that her hair hood had come down and pulled it back up as fast as she could.Then the realization that she was sitting on the boy who had scared her kicked in and she bolted forward landing a few feet away from the two boys. She hoped she had her hood low enough to hide the fact that her face was red from embarrassment. 



"what the fuck..." kahe groaned, sitting up into a cross legged position, rubbing his forehead. 

Fred, after getting showered and dressed figured he would just stay in his dorm for the day. He didn't want to get caught up in any more insect storms. Past the storms and what he witnessed today Frederick was pretty sure he would need the rest for tomorrow.

Popping open his laptop on the table in the main room of the living space he started to browse online.

Fredrick also hoped he would get a good roommate. Or at least one that wasn't bad.
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"People skills? Am I supposed to have some?" Fley picked at her manicured black nails. "Well, I'm sorry if I can't please you, Thor's grandson," she chuckled. "So, let me guess. You're just one of those wanna-be demon gods. How am I the only animal except for rabbit royalty?" she muttered. "I thought there were going to be more like me around here. AND FYI, SORRY YOU CAN'T COME UP WITH ANY BETTER COMEBACKS, BECAUSE I TOOK A FUCKING SHOWER!" she screamed after Cody.

@Kisaki @Dante Verren @CERBERUS177
Cody reached the bathroom and looked into the mirror, seeing his eyes glowing red, and he opened his mouth to see some fangs growing, he closed his eyes and took deep breaths. Closing his eyes and trying to be calm. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes to see he was calm, eyes back to darkish red, and his teeth back to normal. He walked out of the bathroom and outside, going towards a cherry tree and sitting down under it and bringing his knees up. Only to lay his head into them.
'This lady must be bipolar or just an ass,he thought. "Excuse me , but I have more important bussiness than the likes off you " he glared at Foley and turned around to walk away.

@Fazy @Dante Verren
Aurelion laugh raising his head before looking glancing towards the girl "Why are you red like a tomato?Are you in love with this boys?" Aurelion say pointing the other boy smiling.

@Dante Verren@nfounder

Kahe smiled, sticking out his purple tongue, "good luck..." he joked with a slight laugh. (remeber he is blue) He hopped up and dusted himself off, inspecting for any dirt or tears. He was slightly taller than the girl but a good ammount shorter than the guy.

@Dante Verren

She shook her head no. "You can't be in love with someone you have never met before."  She quickly bowed. "I'm sorry for knocking both of you over".




"Alright see ya later jack. Make sure you take care of him". Ryujin waved as jack went after Cody and let out a sigh turning his attention to Fley. "I'm Rajin's grandson not thor's. Also I'm not a demon I'm an oni and nor am I a wannabe god." He began to continue his wandering before turning back around and looking at Fley. "You coming with me or are you going to go chase the local mail men?"



Fley scowled. She thought for a minute and then decided to follow Ryujin. She had nothing better to do, anyway. "I'll come with you, since I suppose you're better company than a rabbit who I think hates me and a half-demon who definitely hates me," she laughed, running after him. 

@Dante Verren @CERBERUS177 @Kisaki
Jack noticed Cody was by a cherry tree. 'I hope he isn't going to do this for the whole year',he thought. He walked toward and stood over the boy. "What's wrong with you? If it's about the mutt than you should forget about her."

Aurelion glare at the two and shrug "That's true.Love is something that doesn't matter anyways." he say before smirking and blinking one eyes "Then i shall be sorry to raise one of my treasures upon you.You don't have to bow for such things,we are just some fellow students..." 

@Dante Verren@nfounder
Kahe just looked up at the blond man in confusion. he leaned slightly towards the girl and whispered "what is he saying?..."

"It's your fault if they hate you. your tho one who kept picking on them." Hey walked through a few hallways before reaching an exit that led to a large grassy field. "It never fals to amaze me how large this place is."



"No I must apologize for my reaction that cause inconvenience for both of you." she kept her eyes pointed down and refused to look at either of them. as the blue man leaned towards she instinctively leaned the opposite way. 


Jack noticed Cody was by a cherry tree. 'I hope he isn't going to do this for the whole year',he thought. He walked toward and stood over the boy. "What's wrong with you? If it's about the mutt than you should forget about her."


He looked to Jack, "I...didn't want to say that, I wanted to be nice and...y'know...Try to be a friend for her but..." he stopped and looked out at the area, "That wasn't me either, I don't do that kind of stuff..." he said looking up at him.
"But I didn't even do anything!" Fley protested. Of course, that was a lie, but how else would she defend herself? Fley decided that she would make Ryujin an acquaintance for the time being, just because firstly, he seemed like a threat and an annoyance to deal with if it ever came to fighting, secondly, he wasn't stupid, and thirdly, if she wanted anyone to protect her if there ever came a time where she needed protection, it would be Ryujin. Despite these factors, Fley decided to keep away from him, or at least maintain a distance. She surveyed the field and nodded at his comment. This place certainly was big.

@Dante Verren

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