Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Bye kid " Usagi said. Now he'll go to the dorms and go to his room for a while.He had enough of demons and Wolves for the day. He sipped the water from bottle.
Even if she was still not looking at them,Aurelion was atleast satisfy to know her name.He close his eyes before turning back ahead,walking again at the dorm "So this is it.The dorm." he say looking at the place,a little bit upset about the design as he scratch his hair "I guess our room should not be too far.I wonder how dorm system works?..."

@Dante Verren@nfounder
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Fley smiled, baring her fangs in a friendly way as she licked Ryujin a little happily. She ran after the stick he'd thrown and brought it back for some more petting. Her skin morphed into more gray-black fur, until she was a complete wolf. 

@Dante Verren
Even if she was still not looking at them,Aurelion was atleast satisfy to know her name.He close his eyes before turning back ahead,walking again at the dorm "So this is it.The dorm." he say looking at the place,a little bit upset about the design."I guess our room should not be too far.I wonder how dorm system works?..."

@Dante Verren@nfounder

"I have no idea..." Kaye said as he marveled the building "I wonder who I'm rooming with..." He muttered to himself.

Jonetsu sighed as somebody who was obviously younger than her came up to her. They weren't talking either and had made hand signs. She knew what it was immediately and glanced at the student to try to translate "Yes? Can I help you?" 

Cody found Ryujin, and a wolf, he didn't know why there was a wolf, might be another pet on campus, "Hey Ryu...Have you seen Fley? I...want to apologize to her, that wasn't me and...I just feel bad." he said.

@Fazy @Dante Verren
Fley could barely hear anything anyone was saying to her. She pounced on the half-demon and snarled ferociously as she scratched at his face to no avail.

@Dante Verren
Emma St. Ives glanced up at the building she'd been rooted in front of for the last ten minutes. This was the dorms.. but was it the right one? She'd never been to a school like this before. In fact, she'd only gone to a charter school, and even then it was only for half a day. She'd had private tutors as well.. "at least it's a good picture." She mumbled to herself and lifted the expert looking camera that hung from her neck. She peered into it, adjusted the focus a few times, and snapped the perfect picture.

Jonetsu sighed as somebody who was obviously younger than her came up to her. They weren't talking either and had made hand signs. She knew what it was immediately and glanced at the student to try to translate "Yes? Can I help you?" 


"Sorry to bother you but" he smirks under his helmet. "I was attracted by your incomprehensible beauty." He bows and hands you a rose. His armor was softly clanking together.
Cody laughed, petting the wolf, knowing full well that they sometimes do that to him, he knew where their itchy spots were, and grabbed both ears and rubbed them with his thumbs, and scratched under it's neck on the sides. "Easy girl." he said.


@Dante Verren
"I have no idea..." Kaye said as he marveled the building "I wonder who I'm rooming with..." He muttered to himself.

Aurelion sigh before turning back at the two "I Did never share the place i sleep with someone.That will be a pain to bear i guess." Gilgamesh glance towards a student taking a picture not too far before turning back at the two "So...Are you gonna go at your apartment now?"

@Dante Verren
Fley looked up at Ryujin, panting as she pawed at his face, licking it some more. This implied that she liked him a lot. She sniffed Cody slightly but said nothing, even after he'd rubbed her ears. She felt regretful that she'd insulted him, but it was for good reason. So she could protect him. 

@CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren
(Already edited my post. sorry about that my computer doesnt like the new update to the site so all of my stuff loads really slow,)

She sighed again before responding in a monotone voice "It's a part of my species. Do you need something or did you just want to comment on my appearance?" she turned around fully to face him.

He stopped laughing and stayed a little lower than the wolfs head, knowing that they don't like beings larger than them, and will treat them as a threat or be scared when they're an unknown person, he gently petted her, resisting a hug. "I'm fine, this tends to happen because of the way I am..." he said, smiling happily at the wolf, he liked wolves, they symbolized family and peace...sometimes. "Where's Fley?" he asked, looking up to Ryujin.


@Dante Verren
Aurelion sigh before turning back at the two "I Did never share the place i sleep with someone.That will be a pain to bear i guess." Gilgamesh glance towards a student taking a picture not too far before turning back at the two "So...Are you gonna go at your apartment now?"

@Dante Verren

"Dorm, and yes... See you later?" Kahe said with a question, moving to the side of him, ready to walk.
Fley looked up at the half-demon as he petted her. She didn't want to tell him that it was her. She didn't want him to be hostile, not when she really liked the feel of how he was petting her. She licked his face reluctantly and sniffed him some more, licking his hands to show him that he was fine. She nodded at Ryujin and started to walk away from them while testing out her legs in the large span of grass. She ran so fast she was almost a blur, forgetting about all the events of the day as she cleared her mind.

@CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren
"Would you have a problem if I was just here to admire your being? Personality and all? If not" he gets up and bows respectively "then I'm sorry. " He stops bowing and you can see his glowing red eyes.

"Dorm, and yes... See you later?" Kahe said with a question, moving to the side of him, ready to walk.

Aurelion look at the door of his dorm open "Honestly,i guess i will go at my dorm only when i need to sleep.I can't stand inside a tiny room like that..." Aurelion turn back at Kahe "I guess i will explore deeper the school.They are maybe cool secrets out there..." Aurelion smirk for a short moment  "Up for this?"
Aurelion look at the door of his dorm open "Honestly,i guess i will go at my dorm only when i need to sleep.I can't stand inside a tiny room like that..." Aurelion turn back at Kahe "I guess i will explore deeper the school.They are maybe cool secrets out there..." Aurelion smirk for a short moment  "Up for this?"

"Ehh..." Kahe thought for a second "here... Help me find my room and I'll go with you... Deal?"

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