Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Ehh..." Kahe thought for a second "here... Help me find my room and I'll go with you... Deal?"

Aurelion smirk closing his eyes "Of course,i shall accept this." he say looking at the hallways "This should be not too far." Aurelion turn back at Kahe "Anyways,let's find your room." Aurelion say ready to walk.
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"It wouldn't be a problem, as long as you don't do anything crazy." he didn't look like he would do anything stupid so it was fine. "Who are you anyway? I have to know that much." there were a lot of students so she could't automatically figure it out.

Aurelion smirk closing his eyes "Of course,i shall accept this." he say looking at the hallways "This should be not too far." Aurelion turn back at Kahe "I hope you are not scare by crossing some teachers,because i'm sure if they caught us we will take some punishment.Anyways,let's find your room." Aurelion say ready to walk.

(Wait, why would we get in trouble?)
Cody looked out to the plains, 'That was cool...' he said, "Guess I'll have to tell her next time I see her. Now that I know what she looks like, he can talk to her next time. Her wolf form was cute, even when mad. 'Her human form was cute, but when she was mad she looked adorable.' he thought. "Guess I'll head to my dorm. I'll talk to you layer Ryu." he said, walking off.


@Dante Verren
Emma St. Ives glanced up at the building she'd been rooted in front of for the last ten minutes. This was the dorms.. but was it the right one? She'd never been to a school like this before. In fact, she'd only gone to a charter school, and even then it was only for half a day. She'd had private tutors as well.. "at least it's a good picture." She mumbled to herself and lifted the expert looking camera that hung from her neck. She peered into it, adjusted the focus a few times, and snapped the perfect picture.
Once Cody had left, Fley returned within a few seconds. She transformed back to her regular state, to reveal that she was sweating buckets. Feeling disgusted with herself, she thought back to Cody's comment from earlier. She waved goodbye to Ryujin with a quick flick of her hand, transformed back to her wolf state and licked his face before bounding off in the direction of the dorms. 

@CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren

@Kisaki (If Izo isn't busy, you should bring him to the dorms :P)
It had been some time past, and Jayden had spent most of it poking around the grounds of the school, either in dog form or boy form, but trying to avoid attention.

Presently, he recognized one of the girls talking to another. It was the girl he'd met in dog form. Now in human form, he came along nonchalantly and offered a wave to Uni and her friend whom he had not met.

"Hi! Uh, I was just wondering...are we supposed to go somewhere for a meeting or something? I'm new...I guess I don't really know what's going on yet." 

He allowed his head and shoulders to communicate shy humility.

Jack arrived at his dorm and looked at the papers that hanged on it ,"Lucas is my roommate...I hope he isn't a slob " he muttered. He entered in the room and looked with astonishment.  The place was really big. It had a large kitchen, living room with a flat screen, and Two large bedrooms on each across the room. "Luxor must be rich."
Once Cody had left, Fley returned within a few seconds. She transformed back to her regular state, to reveal that she was sweating buckets. Feeling disgusted with herself, she thought back to Cody's comment from earlier. She waved goodbye to Ryujin with a quick flick of her hand, transformed back to her wolf state and licked his face before bounding off in the direction of the dorms. 

@CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren

@Kisaki (If Izo isn't busy, you should bring him to the dorms :P)

(Izo and her can meet up. Let me make his post.)
Aurelion smirk closing his eyes "Of course,i shall accept this." he say looking at the hallways "This should be not too far." Aurelion turn back at Kahe "Anyways,let's find your room." Aurelion say ready to walk.

The blush stays "ok cool... let's see, the numbers look like they go down this way soo... Here, just follow me..." Kahe says, as he walks off towards his dorm, not even noticing if Auri (he calls you that now) was following.
Izona had changed into Izo. Izo noticed he was in an unfamiliar place . "This is a school dorm.Wha!I have to do Highschool again " he whined. He flopped onto the catch and hugged a pillow close to his body. "At least I get a comfy room."
The blush stays "ok cool... let's see, the numbers look like they go down this way soo... Here, just follow me..." Kahe says, as he walks off towards his dorm, not even noticing if Auri (he calls you that now) was following.

Aurelion walk following Kahe,looking around his hands in his pocket before arriving at Kahe position "So...This is it.Shall we visit it?"
Fley transformed back into her regular state once more. She entered her room after getting a key from the registration office, and saw a boy sitting on her dorm couch. She almost screamed, then realized that the dorm pairings are unisexual. She narrowed her eyes and just stormed off to the shower, not even bothering to lock the door. 

Red watches Miko quitely as she listened to him. As he finishes she asks "have you tried to lead your own life?" Lucky for her, she didn't have problems like this. Her only problem is that she's all alone, with no real family.

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Aurelion walk following Kahe,looking around his hands in his pocket before arriving at Kahe position "So...This is it.Shall we visit it?"

"Yeh.." Kahe mumbles as he entered the room. There are two beds, 2 desks, a small bathroom with one sink and one toilet, no shower. There is also a mini fridge and a small dresser for each bed. "Well... This looks depressing." He laughs as he turns back to Auri "so, now that I know where I live... Want to look around?..."

Ryujin waved his goodbyes and waited tell they where both gone. He then fell into his back laying the grass. "Are you happy now grandfather. I have no idea what to do."  he closed his eyes and thunder filled the sky covering the field as lightning lit up sky.
"Yeh.." Kahe mumbles as he entered the room. There are two beds, 2 desks, a small bathroom with one sink and one toilet, no shower. There is also a mini fridge and a small dresser for each bed. "Well... This looks depressing." He laughs as he turns back to Auri "so, now that I know where I live... Want to look around?..."

Aurelion look in the room "Like i said,it's so tiny...Yeah i could go anywhere." Aurelion turn back at Kahe "Any preference ? Should we find students,explore deeper,getting along with teachers..." he smirk "That's totally up to you.So,what should we do?"
After putting her things in her room and hanging up some photos she'd brought with her, she decided to go see the grounds a bit. Her long-sleeve white sweater hid her tattoo. She still had her camera hung around her neck. She hesitated a bit before settling the camera on her bed and digging out her phone instead. She made sure it was still on airplane mode before sliding it into her back pocket and heading outside. Her phone had an excellent camera on it as well. "Hopefully I can get some more good shots." She mumbled to herself as she walked back outside.

(( @Dante Verren char meet up??))
Izo peeked over the couch to see a woman. She stormed off into the bathroom. "No introductions ? and you forgot to lock the bathroom door."he yelled.

A's shadow slid under the door and she resurfaced from it to look around the room. "Hmm, if I were still an ardent prig....where would I hide information about "my beloved"?", she said sarcastically, faking swooning. 

A taps her left ear; the tip is missing. She had split that small bit of shadow into many pieces to track Kahe and the others ( @nfounder , @Dante Verren , etc). "Looks like smurfboy and Thor's more awkward cousin are mingling with the fauna. I'm gonna have to do something about that one, he's got my number, if he goes to Luxor I'm royally f*cked."

A walks forward towards the desk. "Better make this quick.". Her eyes glow again and a horde of pitch black tendrils appear from behind her soon completely engulfing the room. After a short moment of total darkness they retract and reveal A holding a small diary. "Yea, this looks right.", she smirked, opening it up. As she did a picture of a woman fell out from between the pages. "Wow, how convenient. This is probably'd be a good idea to read through the diary to make sure.......but who has the time?", she threw the diary to the side and picked up the picture to study it. " Whoa! Well done, Luxor! This girl was a dime!...I guess I'd be pretty broken up about her too. Well that's all I came for. Better put this back before someone suspects something."

With that, A jumped out the window, falling through the ground leaving a burn spot, and surfacing in front the dorms. "Recon complete, time to spread more mayhem.", A said looking through that last bit of shadow patrolling the dorms. "If he thought he could be rid of me that easy, he's f*cked up.", she said seeing Kahe and Aurelion."

She turns to ash and re-materializes outside their door. She knocks.
"I don't care!" Fley called back, stripping down and climbing into the shower. After a while, she stepped out of the washroom wrapped in a towel. "Fley Sanders," she murmured.


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