Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Looks like you need to get control of your powers. Rage usually comes with being a demon and it's normal.'Jack sighed. 

He looked to Jack, "I...didn't want to say that, I wanted to be nice and...y'know...Try to be a friend for her but..." he stopped and looked out at the area, "That wasn't me either, I don't do that kind of stuff..." he said looking up at him.
After everything had calmed down Iroh leapt into the air changing into his owl dragon form and slowly flew up to the roof changing back. After Iroh had gotten onto the roof he sat there with his legs hanging off the side of the roof looking at random things.
"Looks like you need to get control of your powers. Rage usually comes with being a demon and it's normal.'Jack sighed. 

"I do my best, but lately it's been coming out, I am a nice person...I think I should apologize to her." he said, "But she could be anywhere now... Don't say I shouldn't. I just don't want to have someone who hates me." he said, "But they are under control, just my anger isn't." he said, he almost caught a blossom leaf, but stopped when he remembered what happens.

Ryujin glanced over at her. "If you really believe you didn't do anything wrong then there is no point in me arguing against it and I'm sure that if you know you did something wrong then your beating your slef up enough already. " he felt his foot scrape against something. it was a stick. he smirked and held up the stick. "So does the wolf wanna play fetch?" it was obvious he was trying to lighten the mood but he may have been doing a poor job.



She hated to admit it but she had no clue where the dorms where. she followed them but stayed a little ways behind the tow.


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Fley scowled again and looked up at him from her position on the floor, where she was licking her paws. "Sure," she laughed, panting with her tongue out playfully. She cocked her head to the side and waited for him to throw the stick, positioning herself to run. 

@Dante Verren
"I know some fire and healing magic, so I'm hoping that I can expand my knowledge." Red says it with a straight face. She was telling half of the truth, not willing to share to much information on her past with  him just yet.


(Sorry for the late reresponse)
Fley scowled again and looked up at him from her position on the floor, where she was licking her paws. "Sure," she laughed, panting with her tongue out playfully. She cocked her head to the side and waited for him to throw the stick, positioning herself to run. 

@Dante Verren

That's so cute! XD)
"Plenty of people hate me and I don't mind. It's normal and life and you'll have to deal with. You shouldn't apologize to people who were rude."The boy's ears twitch. He was trying to save this kid some trouble. Fley seemed like a girl who would insult for everything you got.


Ryujin was caught off guard by her reaction. He expected her to yell at him or something but not actually go with it. He shrugged and tossed the stick into field. "Alright go get it. I guess".

"Plenty of people hate me and I don't mind. It's normal and life and you'll have to deal with. You shouldn't apologize to people who were rude."The boy's ears twitch. He was trying to save this kid some trouble. Fley seemed like a girl who would insult for everything you got.


Cody shook his head, "I don't care right now, like I said, I'm not that kind of person to hate someone for what they are and how they act, I'm sure she will do it again, but atleast I was the bigger person." he said, going into his bag and taking out a can of iced tea, "I have a spare water, do you want it?" he offered him.
Fley growled so loudly, in a voice that seemed... well, in her terms, inhumane. Her body sort of morphed and was covered by grayish black mixed with patches of white as she tore after the stick. She brought it back in about less than 20 seconds flat, dropping the stick at Ryujin's feet.

@Dante Verren
Kahe followed the taller boy closely "my name is Kahe!" 

Aurelion smile as he keep looking forward "My name is Aurelion." Aurelion wasn't sure if he should ask the young girl but he decide to do it with and idea as he put his left arm around Kahe neck and turn back at her smirking "As and excuse for before lady,with my new friends Kahe we want your name !" Aurelion wasn't sure why this girl was so discret.

@Dante Verren
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Ryujin's face was a mix of awe and confusion. 'holy crap. I have to hand it to you,that was pretty cool." He picked up the stick again and this time through it twice as hard doubling the distance it had gone the first time.



she stopped walking once they turned around. She stayed silent for a moment before answering. "Yunqi. My name is Yunqi". she still refuse to make Eye contact with the, by tilting her head downwards so that the hood hid her eyes.


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"Your too kind for your own good " the boy sighed. He hoped this Cody guy will toughen up later on this year. The boy nodded to the offer for water ,"Sure " he said.

"So the same as everybody else. For me, I was forced to transfer here with or without my will. My parents wanted to see me succeed the family name one day and carry the torch, so to speak."

A face of uncertainty dawned upon him. He let out a deep breath releasing the stress from his body. Reorganizing his thoughts he spoke more.

"There're too few necromancers in the world which is the main source of their worries. If anything were to happen, there would be no more of us. Who could blame them? Though I wish sometimes that I could lead my own future rather than following one laid out for me." he added.

(That's fine, I don't mind it.)

Fley grinned and moved her head in towards him, looking up at him expectantly. Where was her treat? Where was her praise? Why didn't he give her so much as a pat on the head? She barked at him and panted angrily. She made a small whimper and lay at his feet, refusing to go anywhere.

@Dante Verren

Ryujin was confused at first. he never petted a dog let alone a wolf before so he didn't really known what she wanted. He knelt down next to her and ran his hand down through her fur on her back. it was surprising soft. the closest thing to an animal he had ever petted was a thunder beast. "Good girl. Is that what your suppose to say? It think thats what your suppose to say." he moved his hand up to her head and scratched behind her ear. he did that with Rajiu and he seemed to like it so he figured he try it."

Feng had woken up a little late but he wasn't surprised. This happened a lot so he got ready and started heading to the new school. He started off walking but then started floating and inch off the ground. His progress was slow but it was still progress. He eventually made it to the front gate and then started walking again. He looked around the campus and then for his dorm so he can drop off the back pack he had been carrying.

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