Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


She turned in the direction of somebody elses voice. She was greeted by a boy and then hot a weird sense of dejavu. For whatever reason she felt like she met this guy before. She realized she was staring and she looked away "N-not sure....I'm new myself! Sorry I can't help!" she saw a chance to make some more friends. "I-I'm Universe! Pleased to meet you!" she bowed deeply. She kept doing this for no reason. It wasn't even her custom.

@Scarlet Wyvern

"Jonetsu Yokubo but to others it's Ms. Yokubo." she stuck out her hand in greeting.

"And archangel who can only be killed by God or Death himself is pretty powerful. I'm sure he can do anything."The boy stood up from the couch. "A weak demon like you wouldn't understand and you should respect your elders.", he turned around with a wide grin.

"Hungry..." Aurelian scratch his chin before looking back at Kahe "Fine.Maybe we could meet up some people at the restaurant...Even if i don't know if there is one there." Aurelian say walking at the door,leaning at the wall on the hallways "Let's go."

He follows Auri

His head turned as he heard a girl yell. He snapped his fingers and the storm disappeared. "Are you alright miss?"


Emma looked up and nodded. She swallowed and slowly the ice on the ground started to recede with cracking groaning protests. "Y.. yes, quite alright sir, thank you." She feebly smiled. She had a slight english accent from having lived in England for the greater part of her life. "Sorry- just the thunder. Gave me a fright." 

@Dante Verren
Fley rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, archangel yadda yadda. Luxor is just a show-off who probably can't do anything for all he's worth," she yelled, grabbing her towel and wrapping it around herself again before walking off to her room with her bags. She quickly set up her room which turned out to be... black. Everything in there was black - every single one of her possessions excluding her clothing was black, either painted or originally black. Fley exited the dorm room, but not before she tossed one last glare in Izo's direction. She definitely did not like her new dorm mate. Fley decided to search the campus for Ryujin again. Her furry body almost engulfed her as she took off, sprinting down a hill and up another until she reached the grassy yard where Ryujin was. But he was with another girl. Deciding to give them some privacy, Fley backed off and just watched them from the side, though her presence had already been made clear.

@Kisaki @Dante Verren @Enmyira
Aurelion turn back from the women crossing his arms his smile even more force "There is no way i shall speak anymore to a Demons.And if this is not your dorms,why are you even here!" Aurelion turn back at Kahe "Do you even know her?"

"Know who?..." He asks, walking up to Auri
"Looks like someone isn't reading her books " he chuckled. He watched her exit the room. "I guess I need to report to bossy pants."he said getting up and walking out the door.  @Fazy

Ryujin bowed quickly to the girl. "I'm very sorry for frightning you. I was just haveing a talk with my grandfather when no one was around so I thought it was fine."

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The sound of an explosion echoed down the Academy hallway. Most of the student’s fled the room, as they were quickly engulfed by a Black-Smoke. Shortly dispersing afterwards. Each of them coughing and shielding their eyes. Yet one student happened to stand there among the previous carnage. Covered in ash and soot nobody would be able to recognize her, however they certainly recognized her handy-work. It was Sucy, only she would attempt something so bold, and dangerous by adding her own ingredients to a concoction. She giggled for a moment before she let out a small laugh.

“I knew I shouldn’t have added the crow’s feet…” She spoke softly as she grabbed her Satchel and chalked this up to be a failure. Walking out of the room, she left a trail of black soot behind her. Leading all the way down to her dorm-room. Knocking on the door to be polite, she had no idea if her room-mate had shown up yet. However she needed to shower. Seeing her room empty, she grabbed a towel, and an extra change of clothes. As she headed off to the showers, to clean herself of the dust.

-Open to whomever, just quote my message to respond.-

She passed a few students on her way to the showers. A few of the students had given the girl a weird look, of course she was covered in dust and wasn’t sure exactly what to tell them. She simply glared at them as she continued to walk. Leaving a foot-print of dust and other ash behind her with each step. Accidently bumping into another student she looked away from them, and downwards.

“Oh, I’m sorry…”

“Watch where you’re going you freak!” The male student had shouted back at the girl, in anger that he had gotten ash over his uniform. She would nod once more in respect as she bowed her head in sorrow. Getting down onto her knee’s she continue to ask for sovereignty from the student. After all she did wrong him. “Next time you do this, I swear I’ll get you expelled!”

“I’m sorry again I did not mean it…” She replied softly, it was clear she was not liked by most students. A lot of them calling her creepy, or even sadistic. As the male walked away, she stood back up grasping her towel, finally entering the wash-room. “Remind me to turn him into a rat later…” She thought to herself, before she began to remove her attire one piece at a time.

-Open to all responses.-
Jayden grinned and attempted to returned the bow as best he could. "Nice to meet you! My name's Jayden." He stuck out his hand to both girls and shrugged lightly.

"Well, I guess we can figure it out together, yeah?" He glanced at Uni's eyes for a moment. He though he sensed a slight glimmer of recognition on her face. He hoped that maybe looking into his odd greenish eyes would complete her memory of the peculiar dog.
Aurelion turn back from the women crossing his arms his smile even more force "There is no way i shall speak anymore to a Demons.And if this is not your dorms,why are you even here!" Aurelion turn back at Kahe "Do you even know her?"

As Aurelion looked back at Kahe A's smile turned into a grimace as she stared down Kahe. She pointed at the ceiling. 'Say anything and I'll skin you alive and staple your skin back on inside out.' was written in what looked like blood. Her smile returned when Aurelion looked back at her. "Hostility...I expected as much from your kind.", A commented keeping the smile on her face. "Step aside if you know what's good for you.", A said before shifting her gaze to Kahe. "I need to have a word with you."

(lol np @nfounder)
"Know who?..." He asks, walking up to Auri

As Aurelion looked back at Kahe A's smile turned into a grimace as she stared down Kahe. She pointed at the ceiling. 'Say anything and I'll skin you alive and staple your skin back on inside out.' was written in what looked like blood. Her smile returned when Aurelion looked back at her. "Hostility...I expected as much from your kind.", A commented keeping the smile on her face. "Step aside if you know what's good for you.", A said before shifting her gaze to Kahe. "I need to have a word with you."

(lol np @nfounder)

"I see now." Aurelion laugh closing his eyes before turning back at Kahe "I understand it.You already develop a Harem with some women,aren't you?Well,i guess i won't interfere with your lovely plan." Aurelion walk trough the couch laying down on it "You can talk with Kahe now,and i don't understand what do you mean by What's good for you,young women.Behaved as if i was not there!"
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Ryujin bowed quickly to the girl. "I'm very sorry for frightning you. I was just haveing a talk with my grandfather when no one was around so I thought it was fine."


Fley rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, archangel yadda yadda. Luxor is just a show-off who probably can't do anything for all he's worth," she yelled, grabbing her towel and wrapping it around herself again before walking off to her room with her bags. She quickly set up her room which turned out to be... black. Everything in there was black - every single one of her possessions excluding her clothing was black, either painted or originally black. Fley exited the dorm room, but not before she tossed one last glare in Izo's direction. She definitely did not like her new dorm mate. Fley decided to search the campus for Ryujin again. Her furry body almost engulfed her as she took off, sprinting down a hill and up another until she reached the grassy yard where Ryujin was. But he was with another girl. Deciding to give them some privacy, Fley backed off and just watched them from the side, though her presence had already been made clear.

@Kisaki @Dante Verren @Enmyira

Emma gave a smile and shook her head. "It is alright- I should have known better than to go toward loud noises to begin with." She then glanced over at... a wolfe? Her eyebrows rose in confusion. She knew there were other beings of power- that was what this school was about- but she would have never guessed how diverse they'd be.


@Dante Verren
"I'll be attending to my office. If any needs me you can meet me there. "Luxor got up from his seat and walked out. He had a feeling that someone was in his office. He started to walk towards , passing the witch girl he meet earlier. Luxor arrived to the office and went inside. Something was off. He walked around his room and looked around. He found the diary that he kept was thrown in its unrightfully place. "A strong smell of a demon . "he muttered as he sniffed the air. It was similar to Izona's scent. He placed the diary back inside the drawer inside his desk and sat down.
She passed a few students on her way to the showers. A few of the students had given the girl a weird look, of course she was covered in dust and wasn’t sure exactly what to tell them. She simply glared at them as she continued to walk. Leaving a foot-print of dust and other ash behind her with each step. Accidently bumping into another student she looked away from them, and downwards.

“Oh, I’m sorry…”

“Watch where you’re going you freak!” The male student had shouted back at the girl, in anger that he had gotten ash over his uniform. She would nod once more in respect as she bowed her head in sorrow. Getting down onto her knee’s she continue to ask for sovereignty from the student. After all she did wrong him. “Next time you do this, I swear I’ll get you expelled!”

“I’m sorry again I did not mean it…” She replied softly, it was clear she was not liked by most students. A lot of them calling her creepy, or even sadistic. As the male walked away, she stood back up grasping her towel, finally entering the wash-room. “Remind me to turn him into a rat later…” She thought to herself, before she began to remove her attire one piece at a time.

-Open to all responses.-


Lucas Riksmond

Phew... Finally, he had gotten rid of any trace of what could have been a bug. With a content sigh, Lucas left the dorm shower, towel wrapped around him, his normally unruly blonde hair hanging closely against his head, dripping wet. He wasn't usually a fan of communal showers, but he actually felt content now that he knew for certain that he was clean. As he calmed down, he could even control his powers properly, leading to an even more relaxed state. Overall, Lucas felt... Happy.

Thrown out of his blissful ignorance, Lucas noted another individual in the washroom. One covered in... What seemed to be soot? Or maybe ash? Dear lord, what could possibly... Unable to keep quiet, he spoke out.

"Um, excuse me... What in the world happened to you? Are you okay?" He made a bit of a nervous smile. "Did your power misfire or something..? I hate when that happens, personally."

Kori had basically missed everything. Her home was quite a ways away from where this supernatural school was and she really didn't make a attempt to show up early. Immediately  upon arrival  she noticed this place was much warmer than her home was and much more sunny. She looked up at the sky, obviously taking interest in it for no reason. This might be interesting.....Where do I go? she had no idea and chose to just wander aimlessly. She basically spaced out and was staring blankly. She was looking forward but she wasn't really paying attention so everything was basically invisible to her.  Amist type thing was following her around like a shadow and the hall started to get noticeably colder.....To everybody else anyways. She didn't take notice of it at all. 


Uni glanced at him when he started talking himself and started staring again. Then out of seemingly nowhere she said "....You remind me of a dog." as soon as she said it her eyes widened and she started to panic "W-Wait! That came out wrong! I didn't mean it! You don't remind me of a dog! I didn't want to offend you! I'm so sorry!" she started to explain herself but she didn't make much sense when explaining. It was a mix of apologies too.

@Scarlet Wyvern


She nodded calmly but was honestly a little put off. "Kids truly are strange...." she mumbled under her breath. It seemed all kids weren't immature but all were odd in her opinion. Was this the reason Yana didn't like them?

@Nathan22 (I don't think were in the dorms.)

(Back on my laptop! Woohooo!)
Fley bounded towards Ryujin and licked him happily. Okay, she was starting to like this guy a lot more than she'd normally admit. She licked his face - that was wolf for a kiss, but no one knew that except her. She then looked at the girl and sniffed her suspiciously, sitting down by Ryujin's feet like a loyal dog. 

@Dante Verren @Enmyira (Sorry I had to go somewhere but I'm back)
"I see now." Aurelion laugh closing his eyes before turning back at Kahe "I understand it.You already develop a Harem with some women,aren't you?Well,i guess i won't interfere with your lovely plan." Aurelion walk trough the couch laying down on it "You can talk with Kahe now,and i don't understand what do you mean by What's good for you,young women.Behaved as if i was not there!"

"What's Ken going on about?", A asked, genuinely confused. 

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