Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

It actually took Lucas a moment to realize that the girl was, in fact, in a state of undress. The soot and ash coupled with his natural worry had taken priority in his mind and he audibly gasped when he caught his own mistake, bringing a hand to his mouth and looking away. "O-Oh, I'm sorry, I- uh... I didn't realize. Sorry."

As she went on, he began to understand more. This didn't do much to ease his worry. Enough, in fact, for him to glance at her again before quickly looking away again. "A-Alchemy? Are you sure you're okay?"

She would inch her way towards the edge of the bathroom, sitting down on the edge of the hot-pool of water. Placing the end of her foot into the hot-water, a shiver was sent down her spine. Slowly taking her towel off, she fully submerged herself into the pool. The soot and ash rising to the top of the water, as she broke through the water at the other end of the pool. “Y-Yes, I’m fine… Just a few burns…” The dark shade of pink in her hair, once again became vibrant; as it was quickly knotted into a pony-tail. “I feel more relaxed in the water… My name is Sucy by the way..~” A slight giggle escaping her lips, as she introduced herself
Jayden was seriously having an extremely difficult time not dissolving into hopeless laughter.

Then he finally composed himself and managed to wipe the stupid grin off his face, adopting a completely innocent face.

" you're saying I wasn't cute as a dog?" 

He managed to maintain a straight, imploring face jsut long enoiugh to see/hear her reaction. Then he couldn't help it anymore and his face broke into a wide, good-natured grin again. "I'm totally kidding with you! Don't feel bad! t's werd, I know."

Isibéal crashed through the halls with all the agile grace of a wrecking ball, loudly mumbling to herself on every single step; If there was ever a time for a full force panicked sprint, bystanders be damned, it was this. She may have been a fair bit late and she might have spent most of last night drinking and partying till the sun came up but maybe, just maybe, she wasn't too late. Her hangover pulsed through her whenever she passed one of the brightly illuminated windows in the hallway, her mutterings giving way to spiteful, colourful insults tossed towards that fiery orb in the sky.

Catching sight of Luxor's office, she gulped as her worst fears flashed through her mind. What if she lost this job? She sure was hell wasn't going to work somewhere in fast food; the sweet allure of the veritable feast before her would be a temptation too great to resist, and she'd probably end up smacking her manager in the gob. Slowing her stride with a nimble little skid, her musing head rolled off her shoulders, narrowly caught with a few flailing, grasping hands. Affixing it back and adjusting the collar of her coat with a nervous chuckle, she opened the door and gave a frankly pitiful attempt at a nonchalant smile.

"Heeeeey!~ Sorry I'm late! T-Traffic, am I right?", she all but spat out as her frayed, aching nerves hit her almost as hard as the brutal, drink-induced headache.
Fred glanced at the time and figured he should head to the cafeteria early on the off chance they ate dinner earlier then he expected. He changed into a decent t-shirt and pants and locked thedoor on his way out.

He mumbled some complaints about his day and how is roomate hasn't even come to the room once yet and walked towards the cafeteria to sit down for a bit.

"Maybe I should learn magic or something" he thought to himself as he pushed open the doors to the cafeteria. There weren't many people there so Fred figured dinner was stil a ways off. He sat down and hung around looking at the wierd students all around him. "Well I guess I'm pretty normal compared to "everyone else" he thought.
Dara was still in the library, reading. She had gotten through over half of the stack of books in a short amount of time. The shapeshifter did love reading. She had heard chatter about dorm assignments but shrugged it off for now. She would meet her roommate soon enough. Dara just wanted to read for now. She tucked her feet under herself and continued to read.
"Hangover if I'm correct miss Isibéal."he said looking up. He could tell if someone was lying or not. "I suggest you should lay off the alcohol beverages before working. It would do you a greater good."said the archangel.

Isibéal crashed through the halls with all the agile grace of a wrecking ball, loudly mumbling to herself on every single step; If there was ever a time for a full force panicked sprint, bystanders be damned, it was this. She may have been a fair bit late and she might have spent most of last night drinking and partying till the sun came up but maybe, just maybe, she wasn't too late. Her hangover pulsed through her whenever she passed one of the brightly illuminated windows in the hallway, her mutterings giving way to spiteful, colourful insults tossed towards that fiery orb in the sky.

Catching sight of Luxor's office, she gulped as her worst fears flashed through her mind. What if she lost this job? She sure was hell wasn't going to work somewhere in fast food; the sweet allure of the veritable feast before her would be a temptation too great to resist, and she'd probably end up smacking her manager in the gob. Slowing her stride with a nimble little skid, her musing head rolled off her shoulders, narrowly caught with a few flailing, grasping hands. Affixing it back and adjusting the collar of her coat with a nervous chuckle, she opened the door and gave a frankly pitiful attempt at a nonchalant smile.

"Heeeeey!~ Sorry I'm late! T-Traffic, am I right?", she all but spat out as her frayed, aching nerves hit her almost as hard as the brutal, drink-induced headache.
She would inch her way towards the edge of the bathroom, sitting down on the edge of the hot-pool of water. Placing the end of her foot into the hot-water, a shiver was sent down her spine. Slowly taking her towel off, she fully submerged herself into the pool. The soot and ash rising to the top of the water, as she broke through the water at the other end of the pool. “Y-Yes, I’m fine… Just a few burns…” The dark shade of pink in her hair, once again became vibrant; as it was quickly knotted into a pony-tail. “I feel more relaxed in the water… My name is Sucy by the way..~” A slight giggle escaping her lips, as she introduced herself

Ah, dear lord... Lucas continued to look away, a blush slowly crawling up his neck and face. This wasn't good at all... A full year here already and he still hadn't gotten used to girls in the communal washroom... He was pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. As his flustered state grew, small sparks of psionic energy bounced off of Lucas' body, making the nearby mirrors rattle in place. Why was he always like this with girl his own age?

"It's...I-I'm Lucas." He finally managed to push out. "L-Look, uh, this really isn't appropriate, could we... Talk after you've bathed, maybe?"
Iroh made his way off of the roof and eventually found his dorm, Iroh walked into the dorm and noticed that there were small ash marks on the ground and on the doorknob. Iroh walked over to the empty bed and threw his small bag down on it and pulled out an old rugged book, Iroh then sat down on the floor leaning on the bed and started reading waiting to meet his roommate. 
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"You're a demon? I didn't know demons had no control over their powers." she only ever heard about demons in books and the descriptions about them were extremely vague. "You go on a killing spree if you don't control them?" she could imagine something like that happening. Tons of blood and stuff. The smell of blood was terrible.


She paused and shook her head quickly "N-no! You were a adorable dog! If you actually were one I would of adopted you!" that was weird to say to some about the same age as you but it was true. She considered taking him into her dorm room and keeping him as a pet and she would of if she didn't think he had a owner. She was a little surprised when he went back to a smile "Hehe....I guess I was just a little surprised....." she still was a little embarrassed but was calmer now that he reassured her that he wasn't upset or anything.

@Scarlet Wyvern
"Yeaaaaah, see, you're technically correct, but I only drank the day before working and-I'm just digging myself deeper, aren't I."

She took a deep breath, twiddling her thumbs as she tried to change the topic, her throbbing headache not doing her much favours. On the upside, he at least got the name right. Small mercies for a small lady, and all that. "So, did I miss anything neat? Any students try to kill eachother yet, or are we lucky on that front?" 

She motioned towards an empty chair, awkwardly standing as stiff as a board as she averts her eyes from what she perceives as a piercing, judging gaze. At the very least, she hasn't been fired yet. More silver lining for the pockets, hopefully.

"You're a demon? I didn't know demons had no control over their powers." she only ever heard about demons in books and the descriptions about them were extremely vague. "You go on a killing spree if you don't control them?" she could imagine something like that happening. Tons of blood and stuff. The smell of blood was terrible.


She paused and shook her head quickly "N-no! You were a adorable dog! If you actually were one I would of adopted you!" that was weird to say to some about the same age as you but it was true. She considered taking him into her dorm room and keeping him as a pet and she would of if she didn't think he had a owner. She was a little surprised when he went back to a smile "Hehe....I guess I was just a little surprised....." she still was a little embarrassed but was calmer now that he reassured her that he wasn't upset or anything.

@Scarlet Wyvern

Cody stopped mid turn, holding back some tears, "I'm... Not a full demon..." he said sadly, "But at the rate I'm going, I might as well be..." he said, starting to give up on trying to be normal, and might just let himself slip, and hop into the abyss of darkness, hopefully he will still have his sameness. 
"Nothing that I haven't heard of. I usually deal with discipline then breaking up fights."he said placing his papers on the table and getting up from his chair. "Monster hunting class is about to start. Make sure meet me and the other teachers at the combat feild."he said. He walked to the door and opened it ,"Also welcome to the Academy " he aid before leaving.

"Yeaaaaah, see, you're technically correct, but I only drank the day before working and-I'm just digging myself deeper, aren't I."

She took a deep breath, twiddling her thumbs as she tried to change the topic, her throbbing headache not doing her much favours. On the upside, he at least got the name right. Small mercies for a small lady, and all that. "So, did I miss anything neat? Any students try to kill eachother yet, or are we lucky on that front?" 

She motioned towards an empty chair, awkwardly standing as stiff as a board as she averts her eyes from what she perceives as a piercing, judging gaze. At the very least, she hasn't been fired yet. More silver lining for the pockets, hopefully.
Fley stared at Ryujin for a minute, almost frozen. A few seconds later, she could feel herself heating up. She quickly gave Ryujin a lick without meeting his eyes, nodded in the girl's direction, and then turned back to Ryujin. She couldn't face him. She looked down at the ground, refusing to look at his face. Feelings, you can't do this. Please, no. She couldn't hurt anyone again, including herself. Besides, Ryujin wouldn't even consider her a friend, much less a boyfriend. She shook her head. No one liked wolves. Fley stayed for a moment longer before tearing off to... somewhere. She didn't know where exactly, but it didn't matter. There were no tears in her eyes, but she felt like she was crying. Why? She could never know for sure. Finally, she sniffed the air. She saw something. She identified them as people, and sniffed the air, staring at the two. A sudden anger filled her up. Half-demon, her brain registered.

@CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren @Enmyira @TaraSobiki
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"Not a full demon? So your half something then? What's the other half that isn't demon? Human?" he didn't seem to like his demon side all that much.He seemed to be sort of depressed about it actually. Should she of switched to a different subject? To prevent it from getting him down or say something encouraging maybe. She was at a complete loss on what to do right now to make him less depressed. She decided to use her own method that worked for her "You want a lollipop?" it seemed sort of random to anybody else but not to her.

Fley stared at Ryujin for a minute, almost frozen. A few seconds later, she could feel herself heating up. She quickly gave Ryujin a lick without meeting his eyes, nodded in the girl's direction, and then turned back to Ryujin. She couldn't face him. She looked down at the ground, refusing to look at his face. Feelings, you can't do this. Please, no. She couldn't hurt anyone again, including herself. Besides, Ryujin wouldn't even consider her a friend, much less a boyfriend. She shook her head. No one liked wolves. Fley stayed for a moment longer before tearing off to... somewhere. She didn't know where exactly, but it didn't matter. There were no tears in her eyes, but she felt like she was crying. Why? She could never know for sure. Finally, she sniffed the air. She saw something. She identified them as people, and sniffed the air, staring at the two. A sudden anger filled her up. Half-demon, her brain registered.

@CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren @Enmyira @TaraSobiki

"B..bye.." Emma called after the wolf as it ran. She slightly frowned and tilted her head to the side. It seemed upset. She glanced back at the guy that was left and gave him a smile again. "Well.. I guess I'll see you later.."

@Dante Verren

Fley stared at Ryujin for a minute, almost frozen. A few seconds later, she could feel herself heating up. She quickly gave Ryujin a lick without meeting his eyes, nodded in the girl's direction, and then turned back to Ryujin. She couldn't face him. She looked down at the ground, refusing to look at his face. Feelings, you can't do this. Please, no. She couldn't hurt anyone again, including herself. Besides, Ryujin wouldn't even consider her a friend, much less a boyfriend. She shook her head. No one liked wolves. Fley stayed for a moment longer before tearing off to... somewhere. She didn't know where exactly, but it didn't matter. There were no tears in her eyes, but she felt like she was crying. Why? She could never know for sure. Finally, she sniffed the air. She saw something. She identified them as people, and sniffed the air, staring at the two. A sudden anger filled her up. Half-demon, her brain registered.

@CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren @Enmyira @TaraSobiki

"B..bye.." Emma called after the wolf as it ran. She slightly frowned and tilted her head to the side. It seemed upset. She glanced back at the guy that was left and gave him a smile again. "Well.. I guess I'll see you later.."

@Dante Verren

Ah, dear lord... Lucas continued to look away, a blush slowly crawling up his neck and face. This wasn't good at all... A full year here already and he still hadn't gotten used to girls in the communal washroom... He was pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. As his flustered state grew, small sparks of psionic energy bounced off of Lucas' body, making the nearby mirrors rattle in place. Why was he always like this with girl his own age?

"It's...I-I'm Lucas." He finally managed to push out. "L-Look, uh, this really isn't appropriate, could we... Talk after you've bathed, maybe?"

“Oh… Yes of course.” She nodded to the male, as another giggle escaped her lips. The male’s embarrassment was enough to make her feel rather good inside. Someone found her to be somewhat attractive. Diving her body into the heated pool once more, she came up and leaned over the side of the pool. Resting her head upon the concrete she thought for a moment. “Before you go, would you be interested in getting something from the Café?” She blushed for a moment before realizing what she had just asked him. “Oh I mean as students! I wouldn’t ask something of you like that…”
"Touch me and drown" he say directly after you finish.

"You misunderstand me. I mean you no harm but I can't have you sticking your head around things you don't understand. I just came to take back the information I gave you.", she said holding her hand out in truce. "It's for your own good, otherwise I'd have to destroy you." 
"You misunderstand me. I mean you no harm but I can't have you sticking your head around things you don't understand. I just came to take back the information I gave you.", she said holding her hand out in truce. "It's for your own good, otherwise I'd have to destroy you." 

"Or, I can keep the information which btw, it has LITTERALY no meaning to me, and we can just not speak about this?" Kahe says, full eye contact "and please know... I would never say anything..."
Cody put the book on the ground, "Human... And sure! I'll have one if you're offering. " he said politely, smiling happily now, starting to get used to be called demon, since it obviously wasn't going to stop. 



"Not a full demon? So your half something then? What's the other half that isn't demon? Human?" he didn't seem to like his demon side all that much.He seemed to be sort of depressed about it actually. Should she of switched to a different subject? To prevent it from getting him down or say something encouraging maybe. She was at a complete loss on what to do right now to make him less depressed. She decided to use her own method that worked for her "You want a lollipop?" it seemed sort of random to anybody else but not to her.


(I HATE my phone I could only tag 1)
Jayden raised an eyebrow, as if everything thus far he had expected or was used to, but suddenly this was not. "Aw, really? I...actually never had anyone like my dog that much before. Or...or me either."

He immediately seemed embarrased after he said if he had overstepped his carefully measured emotional boundaries and hadn't meant to. He glanced away, uncomforatble, worried that he'd just messed up his chance at making a ncie friend.

Fley sat down nearby the half-demon whose name she had still not managed to catch. She growled - Fley was just in his earshot and could clearly be seen. She pretended not to notice him as she 'groomed' herself, patting her sleek, soft fur down with her paws. There was another girl with him. Girlfriend? She didn't know, nor did she care.

@CERBERUS177 @TaraSobiki

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