Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

After the young man had left, grasping a wet-cloth, and some soap between her fingers. She began to wash every inch of her body until she was clean. Not a single speck of ash, or soot could be found even remotely near her. Thinking of the previous encounter made her happy, she had never really been good with friends before. Mainly keeping to herself, a shut-in.

As about twenty minutes had past, she climbed out of the water, dried and clothed herself. Sporting her usual attire, her black-robes, and her Witches Hat. Walking out of the rest room, scanning the hall-way she looked for the boy she had just met. She had faith he wouldn’t just leave her like that. After all she was excited to get something from the cafeteria. “Where did you go, Brain Boy…”

It only took Lucas a few moments to find a janitor. The school was huge and strikingly well-staffed. He had only needed to explain himself shortly before he got to lead the janitor to the washroom in question. 

"Yes, this is it. I-I'm really sorry, sir. It really wasn't my intention, I'm doing my best to get this under control..." Lucas' explanation was long-winded and it didn't take long before he was shushed by the adult, who instead walked inside to get to work. Okay, good. That's one problem solved. Taking a deep breath, Lucas looked around, noting Sucy looking around not far from there. 

"I-I'm over here!" He called out, waving a bit as he walked over. "Sorry for leaving like that, I just got someone to fix the mess I made inside. I felt that was... Appropriate." He scratched his neck some, thinking of what to say next. Come on Lucas, come up with something to say...

"So, uh, you're feeling better now that you got rid of all the dirt and ash and everything?" Good job.
Fley stared at him before nodding slowly. Sure he could hug her. But why? After all of the insults she'd thrown at her face. Fley was going to scowl, but thought better of it. She smiled a little - well, her mouth turned up at the ends. And that was good enough for her. Fley 'smiled' a bit more and moved closer to Cody, nuzzling his neck as a sign of approval.

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(I wonder how this is going to go. Luxor might go full mode archangel on A' when he figures this out she messing with him)

@Olivia Acerbi

(Well, A was a Seraphim and fell before Luxor. and is a principality of Hell and known to some as a Pagan God. If he does, he'll just annihilate A's vessel and force it back out of the mortal plane or whatever. Speaking of which, how does Luxor physically manifest?,,,,,isn't he fallen? I'm not questioning you, I just feel like its actually kinda pertinent to your question of how this is gonna play out.) 
It only took Lucas a few moments to find a janitor. The school was huge and strikingly well-staffed. He had only needed to explain himself shortly before he got to lead the janitor to the washroom in question. 

"Yes, this is it. I-I'm really sorry, sir. It really wasn't my intention, I'm doing my best to get this under control..." Lucas' explanation was long-winded and it didn't take long before he was shushed by the adult, who instead walked inside to get to work. Okay, good. That's one problem solved. Taking a deep breath, Lucas looked around, noting Sucy looking around not far from there. 

"I-I'm over here!" He called out, waving a bit as he walked over. "Sorry for leaving like that, I just got someone to fix the mess I made inside. I felt that was... Appropriate." He scratched his neck some, thinking of what to say next. Come on Lucas, come up with something to say...

"So, uh, you're feeling better now that you got rid of all the dirt and ash and everything?" Good job.

Giving the Janitor a quick nod, she would also nod once more in agreement with the male. Parting her hair away from her face, she spoke “Yes, I feel much better now. Still pretty hungry however…” She wasn’t very modest for being a girl, when she was hungry she said so, tired, angry, slothful she simply just admitted it. “Still want to get some Coffee and Cakes?” Raising her finger, pointing down the hall-way in the direction of the mess-hall.
A remembered the dipsy nurse she poked fun at during the ceremony. "She seemed like a good time. Naive, innocent, sharp as a 2x4, it'll be a fun ruining her day.", she said walking up to a random door. As she grabbed the handle her eyes glowed again, when the door opened instead of leading to a dorm room it led to the hallway where the infirmary was located. She walked up just before the door and then changed her appearance to seem injured, she then stumbled in and fell onto the ground. 

Auriel Dwelle

After Fred left, Auriel heard something on the front door of the infirmary, she went to check the noise, apparently it was a small girl, crying as she gripped on her left leg, "Bruise on the left leg, no other external wounds of notice, could you tell me what happened?" she muttered to herself and asked the girl as she carried her to and carefully placed the girl on a nearby hospital bed.

@Olivia Acerbi (I'll edit the post if this isn't the illusion A made.)
While on her little adventure Uni was bumped into by somebody else. "Eh! I-It's my fault! So it's fine... " she said quickly. Soon she realized this was a potential friend and started to get a little excited. She had to ace this first meeting and try to not act like a awkward mess.

"Oh my gosh! You look super adorable!" Tami exclaimed in delight
(Having problems with rpnation.Sorry for late replies)

(Well, A was a Seraphim and fell before Luxor. and is a principality of Hell and known to some as a Pagan God. If he does, he'll just annihilate A's vessel and force it back out of the mortal plane or whatever. Speaking of which, how does Luxor physically manifest?,,,,,isn't he fallen? I'm not questioning you, I just feel like its actually kinda pertinent to your question of how this is gonna play out.) 

Technicaly no and yes. He was banished for some reasons , but continued to follow the laws of Heaven.
Logan walked off to the combat field, keeping a note of the path there, taking in the surroundings, hands resting comfortably on his gun holsters.
Giving the Janitor a quick nod, she would also nod once more in agreement with the male. Parting her hair away from her face, she spoke “Yes, I feel much better now. Still pretty hungry however…” She wasn’t very modest for being a girl, when she was hungry she said so, tired, angry, slothful she simply just admitted it. “Still want to get some Coffee and Cakes?” Raising her finger, pointing down the hall-way in the direction of the mess-hall.

Some coffee sounded great right now. Offering a smile, Lucas was just about to reply. "Sure! It'd be fun to-"

He couldn't get further however before he was interrupted by the mechanical screech of the loudspeakers, followed by the announcement to all students. Hoo boy... Combat training. He never looked forward to these courses, if only because they forced him to push his powers as far as he was able.

"...Oh. It seems we'll have to wait with that, then." His tone of voice was clearly disappointed, but he didn't do too much with it. Instead, he opted to turn back to Sucy, smiling still.

"Well! Want to tag along to the combat field instead, then? We all have to attend anyway, I mean..."
@TaraSobiki @Deucalion 

(You wanna meet the teachers up in the combat field? )

Luxor arrived at the combat area. He was in a black suit with a light blue tie. Izona was behind him twirling as usual.

"Ready to fight some monsters! They been really active lately."

Luxor nodded ,"Unusual high activity. However we can keep the humans safe with our students".
The moment Red placed her fingers onto his head, he felt suddenly at ease. Her fingers moved swiftly between his hair ruffling it up as she went. His thoughts of embarrassment had vanished instantly the moment she comforted him. It was a strange power. Initially, Miko thought it was a type of black magic. To his surprise, it was not. He lifted his chin up to look at her face. She just. Smiled. Unexpectedly, he thought she would at least have a bit of a laugh from it. But no. She then told a story very similar to his current situation a while back. By the end of it, Miko was at a lost for words. What some sort of monster was she?! Who in their right mind finishes two packs of beers in a few measly hours and does not notice it?! Much less you would think that after the first pack something would seem absolutely wrong. Hopefully, she would not make the same mistake twice. He REALLY hoped for it. He shortly followed her in. Taking a single step into the building an announcement had taken up the airspace. Once the announcement finished Miko fell onto his knees and arms, depressed. He could not believe. After all this effort, he never had a chance to have a bite of something. Fate had cruelly beaten him to death this time.


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Fley stared at him before nodding slowly. Sure he could hug her. But why? After all of the insults she'd thrown at her face. Fley was going to scowl, but thought better of it. She smiled a little - well, her mouth turned up at the ends. And that was good enough for her. Fley 'smiled' a bit more and moved closer to Cody, nuzzling his neck as a sign of approval.


Cody hugged her softly, rubbing her back nicely, he saw his dog Kiya when she was in that form, sadly he couldn't hold the real Kiya anymore... He let her go, "Thank you for letting me do that... You just remind me of her... " he said sadly. "So, hunting, are you up for that?" he asked her remembering the announcement. 
Logan glanced and saw a man and woman, he walked over, hands in pockets. "Hello, this,is the combat field, correct?" He asked either of the two. He rolls his shoulders, his R5 banging against his shoulder blades and back. He fiddles with the strap a bit, making sure it wont loosen.
Fley licked Cody's face, smiling a little. To be honest, she felt kind of sorry for the guy. After all, he didn't have his dog. The least she could do was be his source of comfort. She licked his face again and sniffed him. Perhaps they could be f-

No. Fley forbade herself to befriend anyone. No, no one except Ryujin. He was... just different from everyone else. He didn't see someone else in her when he looked at her. Ryujin saw her for her. That's why she liked him, she reminded herself strictly.

@CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren
[Female- Yana] and [Jonetsu]

"I guess we're starting. I hope I'm ready to go through absolute hell." she groaned in annoyance and started to trudge to her own hell sullenly with her head hung. She sort of looked like one of those lost souls but less opaque looking. She grumbled to herself while she made her way  there and was thinking of just possessing one of the students for fun.....No. She would get in trouble for that.

It did not take long for Yana to reach the combat field and he instantly went over to Luxor and Izona who was in her adult form. She was incredibly grateful that Luxor didn't pull anything but was still annoyed. "Izona! Great to see you in that form!" she smiled brightly then her look changed when she looked over to Luxor "Luxor. Still look the same as usual." she folded her arms and glared at him silently. 

She would of continued if it wasn't for a rather annoying voice came a long "Hmm? Why's Yana here? I was sure she wouldn't be showing up. Seeing how much she dislikes children." Jonetsu landed on the ground as she said this and Yana ignored the succubus woman completely.



Uni turned in surprise and her face turned completely red. Nobody had ever called her cute before....It was the other way around usually. It was actually pretty embarrassing being called that "N-no! Not really! I'm....normal!....Don't get me wrong! I-I'm grateful! Th-thank you very much!" she was starting to feel lightheaded. "H-Hunting!! Let's hunt!" she was kind of desperate to change the subject. She had a hard time calling something that wasn't a animal cute so she couldn't return her compliment.

@theManCalledSting  @Scarlet Wyvern
Some coffee sounded great right now. Offering a smile, Lucas was just about to reply. "Sure! It'd be fun to-"

He couldn't get further however before he was interrupted by the mechanical screech of the loudspeakers, followed by the announcement to all students. Hoo boy... Combat training. He never looked forward to these courses, if only because they forced him to push his powers as far as he was able.

"...Oh. It seems we'll have to wait with that, then." His tone of voice was clearly disappointed, but he didn't do too much with it. Instead, he opted to turn back to Sucy, smiling still.

"Well! Want to tag along to the combat field instead, then? We all have to attend anyway, I mean..."

Snapping her fingers in a “damn it” like manner, she grasped her wand in her left hand, twirling it about, as with a flash of light it turned into a broom-stick. Hovering ever so slightly off of the ground. She rested upon the side of her broom-stick, and offered her palm to the male. “I guess it can’t be helped here, hop on…"
Uni turned in surprise and her face turned completely red. Nobody had ever called her cute before....It was the other way around usually. It was actually pretty embarrassing being called that "N-no! Not really! I'm....normal!....Don't get me wrong! I-I'm grateful! Th-thank you very much!" she was starting to feel lightheaded. "H-Hunting!! Let's hunt!" she was kind of desperate to change the subject. She had a hard time calling something that wasn't a animal cute so she couldn't return her compliment.

"Oh no, you are adorable! You're so adorable I wanna just squeeze you!" Tami said, "Oh! I just forgot... I'm Tami, Nice to meet ya!"
Fred's eyebrows furrowed. "We are actually hunting monsters" his mind raced. "I'm not prepared; shouldn't they teach us something first; who should I stay beside?". "Ok, let's calm down a bit" Fred murmured to himself taking a few deep breaths. He glanced around the field to see people with guns and other weapons standing around. It made Fred feel horribly out of place. 
Snapping her fingers in a “damn it” like manner, she grasped her wand in her left hand, twirling it about, as with a flash of light it turned into a broom-stick. Hovering ever so slightly off of the ground. She rested upon the side of her broom-stick, and offered her palm to the male. “I guess it can’t be helped here, hop on…"

Lucas Riksmond

Huh? A broomstick? "Oh, you're a... Witch?" Lucas pondered, but he didn't waste any time to grab the other student's hand and get up on the broom in question. "This is my first time meeting one, actually." He hesitated for a moment before adding. "Y-You're sure that flying like this is safe with two people, right?" With a bit of a nervous laugh. He trusted her, but he had never really tried this before.

"Oh and it's not that big a deal, right? I mean, we can catch a bite to eat after class, that won't be a problem, probably."

Abraham Chester

With his usual carefree mannerisms, Abraham met up with the rest of the teachers on the combat field. As always, the gaze behind his eyes was lazy, his hands were shoved deeply into his coat pockets and a coy smile was on his lips.

"Hey there." He called out to Yana and Izona in particular, but he did speak to all of his colleagues. "Sorry for the wait, I got caught up with another student. Didn't miss anythin, did I?"

@TaraSobiki @Kisaki
"Nice to see ya "Izona smiled and Luxor responded to Yana's comment with only 'hmm' and with his usual glare'.

Luxor was glad that his assistant was here. At least she had common sense and could work with the children. "This is Yana's punishment for being late for the ceremony like always"he said to Jonestu.

"Blatantly ignored as usual..." He mutters to himself, listening to the teachers talk. "Wonder when ill be noticed..."  He says with a smirk.

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