Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


"Hmm? Y-You shouldn't change yourself for me!" she was going to stop her from doing it but she already did. She stared at Tami who was now a fox and her previous feelings seemed to disappear "A-A fox! You can change into that whenever? I wish I could!" subconsciously she picked up Tami, noticeably gaining her previous 'composure' back. "Y-You look so endearing right now!" 

@theManCalledSting @Scarlet Wyvern

[Female- Yana] and [Jonetsu]

"He just hates my guts. He has a doll of me that he hurts to feel better." she commented even though she had zero idea if that was the least bit true. Jonetsu turned to Yana with a irritated look on "He doesn't hate your guts. If you take your job seriously then these things would't happen that often." Yana was honestly one of the most annoying people she had ever met before in her long life.

@Kisaki  @Deucalion

"Hmm? Y-You shouldn't change yourself for me!" she was going to stop her from doing it but she already did. She stared at Tami who was now a fox and her previous feelings seemed to disappear "A-A fox! You can change into that whenever? I wish I could!" subconsciously she picked up Tami, noticeably gaining her previous 'composure' back. "Y-You look so endearing right now!" 

@theManCalledSting @Scarlet Wyvern

[Female- Yana] and [Jonetsu]

"He just hates my guts. He has a doll of me that he hurts to feel better." she commented even though she had zero idea if that was the least bit true. Jonetsu turned to Yana with a irritated look on "He doesn't hate your guts. If you take your job seriously then these things would't happen that often." Yana was honestly one of the most annoying people she had ever met before in her long life.

@Kisaki  @Deucalion
"It will be certainly intresting this year " Luxor replied. He was glad that some students were enthusiastic about the class. Most students were hesitant about their powers.

Jayden gave a smile...a little embarrassed, but purely genuine. "I--well, thanks." His normally quick wit didn't have anything for him to say right away and he missed a beatm. "It's...nice to know that at least someone thinks I'm worth keeping here at school." He said slowly, appreciatively.

At the word hunt, he suddenly perked up with a start. "Hunt? What are we hunting?" He hesitated for a moment, then said to Uni, "might want to look away for a moment." 

Then, with a seemingly mangled twisting of his body and a brief glimpse of his slim yet hardened physique, a hulking gray wolf stood where Jaydenn was.
Ryujin grew even more impatient as his blood continued to boil and his oni formed rampaged to escape. He quickly turned the dial on his headphones all the way up so that the blasting of his music would drown out the roaring in the back of his head. However with the excitement of the up coming hunt his body was moving on his home as his foot tapped to the beat of his music.  that in itself was not ad normal however sparks of electricity erupted from under his foot every time it tapped the ground.

(Open for interaction).
Ryujin grew even more impatient as his blood continued to boil and his oni formed rampaged to escape. He quickly turned the dial on his headphones all the way up so that the blasting of his music would drown out the roaring in the back of his head. However with the excitement of the up coming hunt his body was moving on his home as his foot tapped to the beat of his music.  that in itself was not ad normal however sparks of electricity erupted from under his foot every time it tapped the ground.

(Open for interaction).

"Heeeeey, so uhhhh" Fred slowly approached the blond guy with the headphones on "Can you hear me?" Fred was wraught with fright, but that was probably a pretty good indicator of getting on this guy's good side.
[Female- Yana] and [Jonetsu]

"I keep saying it's not my fault! I can't make a good entrance and be on time! You are asking the impossible Luxor!" Jonetsu continued to look at Yana but looked away a few seconds after Yana stopped talking "Izona is completely right. If he hated you do you think you would still be around?" what she was implying could of been interpreted in a few different ways but wasn't completely clear.

@Kisaki  @Deucalion


"I do think that! You are a friend of mine now!" she said it with no hesitation and thought but freezed when it actually reached her ears. F-Friends. I'm  sure we are now......Really good acquaintances maybe! she looked away as soon as she was warned by Jayden but was kind of confused on why. She waited a few seconds before asking if it was okay to look. She didn't want to look too soon.

@Scarlet Wyvern
Ryujin grew even more impatient as his blood continued to boil and his oni formed rampaged to escape. He quickly turned the dial on his headphones all the way up so that the blasting of his music would drown out the roaring in the back of his head. However with the excitement of the up coming hunt his body was moving on his home as his foot tapped to the beat of his music.  that in itself was not ad normal however sparks of electricity erupted from under his foot every time it tapped the ground.

(Open for interaction).

"Heeeeey, so uhhhh" Fred slowly approached the blond guy with the headphones on "Can you hear me?" Fred was wraught with fright, but that was probably a pretty good indicator of getting on this guy's good side.
Ryujin heard what he assumed to be someones voice and opened his eyes to see some one standing in front of him. he turned the volume Dial down enough to where he could here the man speak. "Sorry about that. Can you say that again? I wasn't able to hear you but I should be able to now."

"Yeah, hey. This might end up being wierd, but I was just wondering if you wanted to make use of my power?" Maybe this was the time and place to show it. "You see it isn't that useful to me" Finding it extremely hard to keep eye contact Fred let his eyes wander around to look at the rest of the people,

@Dante Verren
Ryujin was confused. He has never seen this guy before but he shrugged. Might as well find out what his power is. " Depends on what your power is. I can't make use of it if I don't know it."

Axel Arrived to the school grounds and he started to walk around while holding a bag and some paper's and he looked at the school and axel started to scan the area and smiled " Well at least i know it's going to be peace full from now on well i hope but i am not going to do this mission of Finding my Guardian's it's just simply annoying anyway's its not my style to get help from people" said axel while he talked to himself 

nimona drove her bike to this school for people like her. she hoped ally would make it as well.


ally flew in the air as she followed nimona on her bike, while she felt the wind flow through her hair and feathers


teal walked to the school through a tranquil forest until she reached the gates.


neo ran to the school with slasla while being chased by a bunch of gangsters


slasla followed neo as they ran for his life. slasla couldn't fight them because they didn't have time.
Jayden shook his heavy gray coat of fur and then padded past Uni on his large paws, nudging her hand as he went by.

Alright, let's go. 

In some of his animal forms in which he was very well engrained, he found that he had a limited ability to thought-speak to people and decided to try it on Uni--who, of course, didn't have to look away any longer.  Just didn't want to embarrass you, that's all.


(OOC I am tired, must sleep. Bye!)
"Well, the important thing right now is that you keep holding onto my hand." Said Fred, wondering how this would go. "Now, I know that you can see me and I can see you, and what I'm about to say sounds silly, but we're both invisible right now." This was the moment most people laughed or scoffed or let go. Fred was used to reactions like this and although potentially inturrupting someone was rude, this situation generally called for it. So, Fred quickly kept on "Just go wave your hand in front of somebody's face, or stand directly in front of them or something."

@Dante Verren
"If you at least try to be on time  you wouldn't of been punished " Luxor kept on a straight. His anger couldn't be regonizable by many unless you knew him well. Izona only look at Yana with slightly eyes," Yana , come on! You really should get to know Luxor. In fact I might set you guys up for dinner this week.".Luxor's eyes darted to Izona,"I don't think that will be necessary. "

@TaraSobiki (Night! See ya tomorrow )
"Wait really where invisible! That's freakin awesome! Oh man I have to try this!" Ryujin quickly turned and practicly dragged the man behind him as he went from random student to random student masking stupid faces and getting more excited as they cound't see him. Once he had his fun he turned to face the man. "Mister I have no idea who you are but you have one hell of a fun power. Oh by the way the names Ryujin. I'm the guy who caused the thunderstorm during the opening ceremony of you remember that."

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Axel started to walk around and he sensed two people around him and he looked around and saw no one " Hmm i am sure i feel two Aura's around me " said Axel while walking infront of two student's  and stoping " hmmm i don't know if your ghost but hello can you help me " said Axel while looking at the two people infront of him "

@Dante Verren

"Oh yeah that was pretty exiting stuff." Fred said amazed by the Ryujin's strength. "The only problem is that we are only invisible while we hold hands. After you let go you still get to stay invisible for a 10th of the time that we held hands for." Fred let out a little half-grin."Not super helpful, but if you ever need to use it just let me know. Oh, I'm Fred by the way."

@Dante Verren
"Pleasure to meet you fred." he let go of Fred's hand and returned to being visible to others. He noticed some one else aproach and he turned to face them. "Sorry where not ghost. Well at least I'm not a ghost. As for if I can help you or not that is Depends on what you need help with."



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