Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Axel looked at both student's and smiled " i just need to know where the office is located and thats good i don't need another inciden't with ghost's and passing them on it took me nearly a year last time i talk to one and i am Axel Hazaki sorry for bothering you if you can't help 

@Dante Verren
(I believe people are getting ready for the monster hunt. @Enmyira)

"You do realise this is the combat field right? You must have gotten pretty lost to end up here. Hey fred mind giving him the directions." if he was being honest the only location he knew how to get to was that grassy field. He don't know Why but he felt that it called to him and he could feel where it was no matter where he went.


Emma setteled down to the grass and looked around. Okay.. a monster hunt. Was this... for fun? She saw some people stretching, and others were... well, it looked like they were getting ready. She frowned and just sat.. waiting for further instructions. She had yet to make a.. friend so to say. There was some interaction, but not much. So much for the Charter School teaching public skills... 
Axel didn't buged and smiled  " ohhh well i just fallowed your Aura's thats all and your aura stands out thats all it feels like you have lighting around you all the time " said axel while getting his bag " well i might aswell go explore some more then sorry to disturbe your training"

@Dante Verren
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"Well my aura is bound to be a bit of considering I'm technicly a God. Though a very very very new and unimportant one. I'm the grandson of Rajin who is you don't known happens to be the japense God of thunder. Also good luck with your exploration hope it goes well." Ryujin looked around at the assembled students when he spotted emma. The girl who had taken his picture ealier. He waved at her trying to get her attention.



"Well my aura is bound to be a bit of considering I'm technicly a God. Though a very very very new and unimportant one. I'm the grandson of Rajin who is you don't known happens to be the japense God of thunder. Also good luck with your exploration hope it goes well." Ryujin looked around at the assembled students when he spotted emma. The girl who had taken his picture ealier. He waved at her trying to get her attention.




After she took a second look around, motion caught her eye. She gave a small smile and a wave back in turn to the... being who she'd taken a picture of earlier.

@Dante Verren
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"Wow, so I was holding a god's hand. That's pretty messed up." Fred had thought he'd seen it all with the thunder and the raining bugs, but he kept on getting suprised by theze new findings. "I guess you sensed his aura as two dude, because I don't think I'd have an aura of any kind, not that I know what that is anyway". Fred kinda hoped he could learn how to hide aura, whatever the he'll it was. If he didn't his power might be even less useful then he thought.

@Dante Verren


(Going to bed, if it's still this scene I'll reply in the morning.)
"Wow, so I was holding a god's hand. That's pretty messed up." Fred had thought he'd seen it all with the thunder and the raining bugs, but he kept on getting suprised by theze new findings. "I guess you sensed his aura as two dude, because I don't think I'd have an aura of any kind, not that I know what that is anyway". Fred kinda hoped he could learn how to hide aura, whatever the he'll it was. If he didn't his power might be even less useful then he thought.

@Dante Verren


(Going to bed, if it's still this scene I'll reply in the morning.)
He motioned with his hand for her to come over and join them. After all the more the merrier. 




She blinked in slight surprise. No one had ever asked her why she took pictures before.. "Umm. Well. I like taking pictures and some times editing them.. If I was able to choose a career, it would defiantly be photography. A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words after all...." She slightly smiled and slowly hugged her arms to herself.
"Well that just means you do what you love. That's quite admirable." talking to people had managed to calm his oni blood down a bit but he could still feel it wanting to be released. "I would like it if you could show me some of your photos sometime. I do enjoy looking at art and you seem to know what your doing when it comes to photography."

"Well that just means you do what you love. That's quite admirable." talking to people had managed to calm his oni blood down a bit but he could still feel it wanting to be released. "I would like it if you could show me some of your photos sometime. I do enjoy looking at art and you seem to know what your doing when it comes to photography."


She smiled. "I.. have my phone with me.. Just some raw shots that have yet to be edited... but this place has good light- so.. they aren't all bad bad." She shrugged.
"Cool. Got any really good ones?" he asked while moving to stand next to her so he could look while she searched through to find the pictures. 


"Of course." She smiled and went to the best looking one she'd taken of him and the wolfe. She held out her phone so he could get a better look.
Abraham Chester

As the teachers prepared and the students chattered, Abraham decided to speak, doing what he was told to do by Izona.

"Alright, kids!" He called out, doing his best to overvoice all the babble. "In a course like this, it's a must to know who can and who cannot defend themselves. Anyone that lacks combat experience, hands up. There's no shame in admitting that you can't do something. Lying and then messing up is a lot worse."

It was with a smile that he watched a fair number of students actually raise their hands. Greens... Well, it was going to work out.

"Well, don't worry about it. This is a monster hunting course. By the end of it, you'll all know what you're doing. But for now, some basics. Monsters aren't much different from you and I. If they get close and nobody is around to fend them off, stun them with a quick strike!" Abraham made a fast jab out in thin air to make an example. "In a weak spot. Often the throat or the eyes. Izona will be splitting all of you up into teams, but remember, more importantly than anything else;"

"Never panic. It's going to be okay. The teacher team will be watching your hunt from an overhead point, if things go out of control we'll intervene. You are safe." Abe's trademark smile showed up again. "During my thirteen years as a teacher, only one student has ever been seriously wounded in these courses, and they pulled through."

Abraham took a few seconds to let his words sink in before repeating his most important message to the children on the combat field. "You're safe. Do not panic. It will be fine, as long as you keep your wits to you and trust your fellow students and us teachers."
Isibéal shuffled next to the gaggle of teachers, casually humming a little tune to herself as she eyed the course and students both. Throwing a sideways glance towards her new colleagues, she seemed somewhat happy that she wasn't entirely late again. At the very least, she got herself a nice little impromptu tour of the academy in her rushjob to find the course, and the headache seemed to fade after that little "I haven't been fired" confidence boost (And a little dip of her head into a sink).

She rocked back and forth as she watched Abraham's little lecture, waiting for the man to finish before extending a hand upwards in a wide-smiling, enthusiastic greeting. "Name's Isibéal! I'm taking you're in charge of this little grúpa, eh?", she said as she pushed herself up onto her tiptoes, spare hand twisting her head around in an unnatural direction as she inspected the flock with a discerning eye.
She was so late. Very very late. She skipped her dorm, she was told her luggages (which was not much) is going to be delivered there. She ran all the way across to the combat field. When she knew the first class, hunting monsters, she kind of felt relieved. Well, she doesn't know any about hunting monsters. Aurae are not really particular with monsters and they don't meddle with supernatural affairs that much anymore but there are times monsters suddenly appear from time to time. They don't hunt them, kill them and dance around it though, Aurae only weakens them and send them back to their home domain. What made her relieved was that she gets to be under the sun. That long hour travel from India (business stuff) to America was exhausting: sitting, lying down, playing games and eating on their personal plane, it was agonizing. She definitely needs to run, roll and have fun. Yes, fun. It will be very fun.

Up ahead, she saw students gathered and a man telling them something, she couldn't hear much as she was still far away but she knew that it must be the instructor. She waved her hand. "Hi! Hello!" She shouted, running fast as she could, wind slapping against her face. She felt refreshed, adrenaline pumping into her, ready for anything.

She stopped near the instructor, barely panting. Her father trained everyone of his children to run in long distances. Basically, they can all join the olympics and probably win some gold medal. "Good morning sir. I'm so sorry I'm late. Am I still allowed to join this class?" She asked, grinning. Her was face red, sweat trickling down her temple. Her hair was messy as if she went to a fistfight first before coming here. 

(When Kahe is actually water so he never drinks it)

"bye!" He said without emotion, not even slightly meaning it. Kahe turned once again towards Blondie. "Sorry about that..."


Aurelion smirk before turning back at Kahe "It's ok.It was technically pretty funny to watch after all !" Aurelion get up before going on the door "Shall we go now?"
Abraham was just about to back off from the instructions when he was spoken to. Turning around, he noted another student, one who had seemingly sprinted here judging by her looks. Technically, this wasn't his class, but the hunting courses were handled by the entire teaching them, meaning he still had authority. 

"Good morning." He shot the girl a smile, though there was some obvious disapproval in his eyes behind that laid-back demeanor. "No harm done, we were just getting started. Though I would like to know how you managed to miss both the opening ceremony and the start of this class. Overslept?"

With a small chuckle, he made a wave towards the group of students watching them. "Go join the others, we were just about to split everyone up into hunting teams. I will expect proper punctuality in the future."

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Auriel Dwelle

After Fred left, Auriel heard something on the front door of the infirmary, she went to check the noise, apparently it was a small girl, crying as she gripped on her left leg, "Bruise on the left leg, no other external wounds of notice, could you tell me what happened?" she muttered to herself and asked the girl as she carried her to and carefully placed the girl on a nearby hospital bed.

@Olivia Acerbi (I'll edit the post if this isn't the illusion A made.)

(I'm really sorry, I fell asleep. I'm gonna be super busy with uni until like 3pm est so if you wanna just drop me and continue on doing something else I'd completely understand.)

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