Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"I would like to ask if I could go start the hunt earlier. I can upset up the monsters and make the hunt easier for the other teams. It would also be safer for other members so that I don't miss fire and hit another student. Think of it as a support role." The look in his eyes showed he wasn't kidding as his face was more serious then it had been the entire time at school. 

He heard a barking noise and turned to see Fley who he waved at and gave a smile.


Luxor sighed ,"It's just one night. I'm sure you can survive." Izona  clapped her hands together,"Alrighty,  it's offical. " @TaraSobiki

Izona walked over to  Chesterfield who was doing warm ups. "Hey fella. I'll be helping out."

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Fley was kind of disappointed that Ryujin had not taken much notice of her. She managed to wave a paw at him, but did not approach him. Maybe he had other plans, or had already decided on a partner. He was speaking to a teacher. Perhaps he was asking to be excused from class. Enough about Ryujin. Fley wandered around and noticed a couple other people of interest, like a water elemental who looked fairly decent. He seemed to have a partner though, so she didn't bother him. Fley sat in the corner and waited to be assigned to someone. She was sure that would happen. Even if her partner was lousy, well... she wouldn't care. Fley couldn't wait for the monster hunting to start.

@Dante Verren @nfounder 
Jack was already at meet up. The students seem to be warming up with there new found partners. Jack was in his demon fighting form. His mask covered most of his face except for his mouth.  His icy blue eyes glowed and could be seen through the eye part of the mask. His skin was paler and had a slight grayish-blue hint to it .

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(Clothing should be white and light baby blue. Mask is also white.)

(Anyone free to interact ?)
Ah, now the questions were just pouring in. Fantastic. That's usually how it was, it only took one student asking questions for all of them to figure out that asking was, in fact, safe.

First, he answered Ryujin's questions. "You're getting a bit ahead of yourself there. We will be talking about tactical setups later. Great initiative though."

After that, he turned to Ceasar. "The hunt is simple. What we easily refer to as 'monster' is actually a grossly simplified term, covering a multitude of different supernatural entities of various kinds and origins. What they have in common is that they're hostile to common folks, often dangerous and as the "Elite", it falls to us who can match them to take them out. This first class will be a simple trip outside, to deal with some weak and largely safe monsters. Practice for the lot of you. Of course, it will all be supervised by this teaching group, who will intervene if something goes wrong."

Abe began walking about, giving Izona and appreciative nod as he did. "But no. Nobody goes alone, you have your set teams. How you want to act within that team, however, is all up to you. How well you adapt to one another and learn to cooperate is one of the key features that will be graded today. But! Before we do that, square up with your decided partner. For this first bit of training, no powers are allowed."

He turned to Izona. "Hey, Iz, could you help me out here? I kind of need a partner of my own to show how this will work."

((So how will we deal with pairs? Will everyone pair up by themselves our should we assign people to people?))

@Dante Verren @Kisaki @Destructus Kloud
@Kisaki me))

Then Alice saw something behind Fred, a guy with a bunny mask and Japanese attire. His aura is so big and so colorful, it made her crazy. Different moods, personalities, so much energy. "What a weird looking guy." Alice murmured.
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Jayden padded along at an easy pace so Uni could keep up with no problem.

Do you know where we are going? Or what we're hunting?

He glanced at her carrying the fox. She looked normal enough--not to say she wasn't pretty of course--but she didn't seem strange like some of these other people.

"Ehhh, wait so if we're here to deal with these 'monsters' or whatever, then how are we supposed to do that without our powers?" Caesar asked again. This was all very overwhelming for him as he'd only just discovered powers such as these existed in this world. To think real life monsters were here and they caused trouble for people was just a gigantic step back from the norm for Caesar. Also, he didn't know anyone here. He hadn't spoken to anyone when he first arrived so he stood there even more awkwardly, "So... Who should I pair with?"

(Putting people together would speed things up, but some people want the freedom of choice I guess. I'm fine either way, there's no one in particular I'd choose, everyone seems pretty cool. :P )

(They can pair themselves up. We probably have to organize the teams though...)

"Sure thing!"she responded. Izona took off her fur scarf and wrapped it around her hips.

Jack's ears twitch at the sound of someone calling him weird. He turned around and looked at the  girl ,"I'm not weird " he muttered.

Fley looked around to see if she could spot any other familiar faces. Oh, there he was - Mr. Jack Rabbit Usagi-chan. But he looked agreeably cooler than he'd been before. Fley couldn't imagine this guy as a prince, strangely enough. The aura he gave off was much different than earlier. She leaped over to him and landed at his feet, barking.

Alice saw the change on his mood, though the colorful stuff is still there, it was now mixed with a faint grey. He was annoyed. Somehow he heard her, she grinned.

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Ryujin sighed. "Damnit that means i have to pair up." He held his chin in thought wondering who he should team up with. He didn't think he knew anyone who would want to team up with him. "Why did this have to be a team activity" he muttered to himself.
Abraham laughed a bit. Had he been that unclear? "No, no. You can use your powers later. Just refrain from using them while warming up with your set partner. We don't want anyone blowing up or something, lord knows that would be a nightmare for the nurse to deal with."  He laughed again, making it exceedingly unclear if he was joking or not.

As he laughed, he turned to Izona, taking off his glasses and putting them aside. "Now. This first exercise  will be an easy contest between you and your partner. You will attempt to surprise your opponent and knock them to the floor, like I'm sure Izona will do to me in just a minute." He laughed. "Open-palmed strikes if you take that route, please! We don't want any actual fistfights here."

With a smile, he turned back towards Izona. "Go ahead, knock me flat on my ass. Show these kids how it's done, eh?"

Jack was about say something to the girl who called him weird until a wold appeared by his feet .He bent down to the wolf's level ,"Are you the same girl I meet a few hours ago?"he asked. 

@Obsessed @Fazy
Fley nodded, but decided not to say anything mean. Maybe he didn't have a partner yet, and she would have a chance. Besides, she had not seen Usagi's powers yet, and he looked like he had more potential than just being a regular bunny. She stared for a minute at him and awaited his response. 

"If you say so " she chuckled.

She was going to use one of her old martial arts technics. She ran over to Abraham and used her right leg to sweep his legs from under his feet. She also had her arm placed on his chest to push him down.

Yep, as expected. Abraham didn't have a chance. Before he could blink, he was thrown down and crashed into the ground on his back. Making a low groan as he did. A mutter of "It's called bloody "trainin"..." Got him back to his feet. Okay, he could feel something coming. Slowly, he brought his inhalator from his coat pocket and took a puff, before turning back to the student body.

"And that's how it's done! No powers, just do what you need to in order to get the other party on the ground. Me and Izona will be walking around and giving pointers where we see them. The point of this exercise is to finetune combat reflexes. To teach you how to react to an incoming threat. We'll be doing it at the start of evey hunting class. Don't worry, sooner or later you'll get it."
He and the dog girl seem to communicate with each other. She left them behind and turned her back, walking towards the instructor. Alice saw a girl had arrived and tackling the instructor. She watched, she wanted to get started and run wild and free. She didn't know how many students attend this school, or in fact, this class. The auras and chatter is making her dizzy. She haven't been out in a very crowded place for a while without guards around her and rushing to catch something.

Alice then noticed a guy beside her, silently watching the two instructors tackle each other. He had blonde hair and seemed to dress from neck to toe. "Hey, are you not feeling hot?"

@Destructus Kloud
He and the dog girl seem to communicate with each other. She left them behind and turned her back, walking towards the instructor. Alice saw a girl had arrived and tackling the instructor. She watched, she wanted to get started and run wild and free. She didn't know how many students attend this school, or in fact, this class. The auras and chatter is making her dizzy. She haven't been out in a very crowded place for a while without guards around her and rushing to catch something.

Alice then noticed a guy beside her, silently watching the two instructors tackle each other. He had blonde hair and he seemed to be wrapped from neck to toe. "Hey, are you not feeling hot?"

@Destructus Kloud
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"I see. Your definitely nicer in this form."he said as he patted her head. He backed up and lift his mask up ,"This is my true  demon form also ,but  I always preferred to be in my other form " he said. Lifting up his masked revealed his glowing blue eyes. His whites of his eyes were now black and surronded his iris. Adding to his pale completion and white hair he seemed to be looking more demonic than usual.

@Obsessed @Fazy
Ryujin watched in fascination as the fight between the teachers ended almost instantly. "So cool." He then looked around at the gathered people and saw pairs forming. "Mr. instructor I have another question. What do we do if we don't have a partner?"


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