Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Axel came back with nothing but a sweatsuit and looked all the Student's well the Headmaster said he would have a room for me later but whats with this Training day or something i have no idea he just told me to come to the feild with everyone else " said Axel kinda annoyed so who am i going to train with then

ooc: so whats going on please someone tell me is it a lesson or just a training day to test the student's lol

"What?!" Aurelion sigh as he throw away his sword,fading away into golden dust.He then do some push-up on the grounds " I can't believe it ! We are on a school for mastering our powers,not simple hand to hand fight!" he say after grumbling,doing some stretches.It was almost funny to see Aurelion in this state.

Kahe giggled at Auri. "so... think you can beat me?..."
Ryujin turned around and wacthed as people paired up. he wondered if Emma had a partner yet so he decided to go see if she did. It took him a minute to find her but eventually he did. "Hey Emma. Do you have a partner yet?"

Caesar leaned back, dodging the foot and launching an open palm strike at the girl. Without thinking, he had already aimed for her face, only realising just as he was about to hit her. Honestly, what was he doing right now? He knew this was just the warm ups, but a magic school should teach magic. That's not even to mention the fact that hand to hand combat was pointless if they were fighting monsters and could use their powers. Perhaps it was a test. If so, then Caesar was ready, he was more than adept already at fighting like a regular human. 

Aurelion sigh before forcing a smile looking at Kahe "Huh...Enjoy your victory early." He say before getting up again,waiting for Kahe to move first.

kahe smirked, walking a distance from Auri. he waited a second before turning around and running full charge at Auri, yelling with his fists clenched.
Ryujin turned around and wacthed as people paired up. he wondered if Emma had a partner yet so he decided to go see if she did. It took him a minute to find her but eventually he did. "Hey Emma. Do you have a partner yet?"


"U--uh! I.. is this.. not with powers? Like... what is it called.. hand to hand?" She looked a wee bit frightened. She knew nothing about it. 
Fley licked Usagi's face, indicating that he did not need to do that and that she was fine. She'd get used to it. She realized his eyes were kind of pretty once she got a closer look. Morphing, she looked up at him. She was just a little bit shorter than him, even when she tried to be taller. "Mm, you're not that scary. But you are a bit," she admitted, laughing. Could she make Usagi another one of her... "acquaintances"? Maybe.

kahe smirked, walking a distance from Auri. he waited a second before turning around and running full charge at Auri, yelling with his fists clenched.

Since Kahe surprise Aurelion,he put his right arms in front of him to defend himself from the punch.His right arms quite suffer,Aurelion focus to grab Kahe left arms,aiming to project him on the ground.
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Ryujin nodded. "yep hand to hand. I can try to teach you but I doubt I'm a very good teacher."

He gave her a reassuring smile. He didn't want to hurt anyone so if she really didn't known any thing about hand to hand combat it would be easy  to avoid hurting her.

Ryujin nodded. "yep hand to hand. I can try to teach you but I doubt I'm a very good teacher."

He gave her a reassuring smile. He didn't want to hurt anyone so if she really didn't known any thing about hand to hand combat it would be easy  to avoid hurting her.


She nodded and looked around uneasily. "Y..yea.. that would be... appreciated. Some knowledge is better than none, right?"
Since Kahe surprise Aurelion,he put his right arms in front of him to defend himself from the punch.His right arms quite suffer,Aurelion focus on Kahe left arms,aiming to project him on the ground.

Before making contact, Kahe quickly slides to his back, aiming for between Auri's legs. He plants to grab his ankles and bring him down.
Isibéal lowered her outstretched hand with a puff of her cheeks, all her joyous momentum falling somewhat flat at being completely ignored by her colleague. Was it something she said? Did the meaning of grúpa change over the years? What if she just accidentally insulted her co-worker and-Oh god, what if it was the hangover? It couldn't have been that visible, could it? Her breath was aright (As far as she could tell). Maybe it was just the height. She's used to it, easy to miss. Used to be a hell of an advantage, but not when you actually want to be noticed.

"Yeah, I'll just, be over here then. Alright." she muttered quietly, taking a seat as she prepared to watch the ensuing spree of sparring. With mild anticipation overcoming her glum mood, she kicked her legs about and casually recited The Taking of the Síd-Mound to lift her spirits, bobbing about energetically in her seat as her anticipation gave way to complete excitement at the sight of the sparring.
[Female-  Yana] and [Jonetsu]

"Yes sir. I'll make sure of it." she glanced at Yana. "You heard him. Go socialize with the students or whatever." Yana sighed before manifesting two pistols. "Fine. I hope this ends soon...." she grumbled before her stomach growled "I'm  fighting on a empty stomach.....Great." Jonetsu really didn't care about her complaints. She could complain all she wanted as long as she did her job it was fine.

(Anybody opened?)


When she had arrived at the combat field she noticed that everybody there were doing their own things. She looked around casually for another person to mingle with but couldn't spot anybody. She decided to just lurk for the time being until somebody interesting  came along. Who knew how long that would take though. She sat down and watched the other students from afar.

(Open for interaction.)
Before making contact, Kahe quickly slides to his back, aiming for between Auri's legs. He plants to grab his ankles and bring him down.

Aurelion was now more focus on the battle and less distract by the trick of Kahe,he decide to do a front flip  before aiming a fast kick at Kahe chest in mid air.

Ryujin nodded backing up a bit to give her space. "First off you want to find a stance that is comfortable for you." Ryujin readied himself spacing his feet a bit and putting his left foot a bit ahead of his right one. he raised his arms in the same fashion." Try moving your body around to find one that feels right." 



Yinqi wasn't a big fan of combat so instead of joining in she merely watched from the safety of a a branch in a nearby tree. She swung her feet back and  forth as she watched from under the hood of her cloak. She saw some students arriving late and realized it might be some common trend for this school.
Aurelion was now more focus on the battle and less distract by the trick of Kahe,he decide to do a front flip  before aiming a fast kick at Kahe chest in mid air.

Kahe's eyes went wide before the kick left him in a big wheeze. The kick made him flip and roll slightly, ending on his knees and elbows, holding his ribs. "fuck..." was aired out.
Axel looking kinda annoyed he went towards some student's and he noticed everyone was kinda disappointed and fustated and he then sat down next too kori " hey sorry but do you want to train with me " said Axel 


Ryujin nodded backing up a bit to give her space. "First off you want to find a stance that is comfortable for you." Ryujin readied himself spacing his feet a bit and putting his left foot a bit ahead of his right one. he raised his arms in the same fashion." Try moving your body around to find one that feels right." 



Yinqi wasn't a big fan of combat so instead of joining in she merely watched from the safety of a a branch in a nearby tree. She swung her feet back and  forth as she watched from under the hood of her cloak. She saw some students arriving late and realized it might be some common trend for this school.

Her eyebrows rose. Stance... okay. She'd seen plenty of movies that had fighting.. She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment before relaxing. She let her knees unlock and her shoulders slightly droop. Her feet spread a little, but not much. She just looked like she was standing normally, though one shoulder was farther back than the other, and was one foot. So, it just looked like she turned herself slightly sideways. "O..Okay.."

Auriel Dwelle

Before Auriel could get the girl's response, she went to the intercom "Infirmary update! One wounded unknown female child, Four hospital beds still available!"  she said in the intercom, as it echoed in the combat training field and in the faculty room, she then returned to the little girl, waiting for her response.

@Olivia Acerbi

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth stopped at the entrance of the school to see the large building, It was a quite intimidating one for sure, as he nervously entered the building, he seemingly missed the opening ceremony, he then heard noises on the side of the infirmary, he went to investigate the noise, as he slowly opened the door, he discovered various students fighting with each other, he then awkwardly made his way to a nearby chair which had a female student sitting down on it,"U-Um excuse me, C-Could you tell me what's happening at the moment?" , he nervously sended telepathic waves to the female student as he faced her, hopefully she had somekind of sixth sense or something, Seth wished.

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Jack wiped his face from his slobber. He never understood the dogs way of showing happiness.

He smiled at Fley ," I'm glad that I don't seem least."

Kahe's eyes went wide before the kick left him in a big wheeze. The kick made him flip and roll slightly, ending on his knees and elbows, holding his ribs. "fuck..." was aired out.

Aurelion softly get on back on the ground,shaking his legs hurting from the impact "God...I did never kick someone in my life!" he say before handing his arms at Kahe to help him to get up "Sorry for that,i guess it was the instinct."

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