Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Axel smiled while looking at her " it's your Aura i can feel it around you like a Blizzarad that will not rest for years but their is a small strong flame in the middel of that Blizzard its like a villiage protecting its people " he said while streching his hands and his legs " so i wanted to know are you a snow princess or something " he said smiling " at Kori

"For now we are sparring. right now they are waiting to start the monster hunt." He swallowed hard. Even though he was just sparring his blood was burning more then ever. one way or another his oni form was going to make an appearance and he hoped the monster hunting started soon.


She nodded and then tried running at him again, but this time ducked away and... feigned a light punch to his side.
Logan sidesteps the attack,  placing a palm on Izona's back and using her momentum against her, causing her to stumble and hit the ground. He walks over, "I honestly wasn't expecting that, i thought you would mix it up." He says with a laugh, he extends a hand to help her up. ( @Kisaki sorry for the delay)

Sythnar Dochrohen

"W-Well hi there t-teacher.." Seth telepathically said with a apologetic tone as the teacher scratched her ear, he was slightly intimidated by the teacher's optimism, "O-Oh if I'm joining them?.... Probaly n-not...I'm not really strong anyways, I'd probaly lose at the first attack...", He telepathically said with a pessimistic tone as he meekly looked at the ground with a depressed expression on his eyes.

" I'm impressed . However , I really didn't use much of my force against you " she took his hand and stood up.

"do you want to go for another attack. I promise to go a little harder on you" (that's fine. @LoneSniper87)

She blinked a few times, going through his words one more time. Was snow princess her new nickname? She could of been called something worse so it wasn't that bad. She shook her head after a long pause "No. I'm a normal Yuki-onna. I live in a village somewhere on a snowy mountain where nothing but my own kind can survive." she explained. 

Ryujin wasn't expecting the punch to the left so his reaction was slow. He moved to block the left punch but in the process he left his eightside completely open for an atack.

"Id appreciate the challenge." He says, getting back into a fighting stance. "It's easy to counter something you've seen more than once, and ive seen that trick more then just your example." @Kisaki
Ryujin wasn't expecting the punch to the left so his reaction was slow. He moved to block the left punch but in the process he left his eightside completely open for an atack.


She tried to correct herself for the now seemingly obvious opening, but ended up getting tangled over her two feet and toppeled to the grass.
Axel looked at her and smiled " ahh i met today a Thunder Demi god and now a Yuki onna " axel then stood infront of Kori and smiled " so you are a snow princess after all in legends were i came from they say that yuki onna's are the most beautiful people you will meet but they will drag you to their home and freeze you but some say they do it out of love others just fear that you eat our soul's but ' Axel took a stance and smiled " i would just like to be friends and you tell me the truth please kori oh and don't hold back on me okay " said axel while smiling his kind smile"

Fley shrugged and positioned herself to fight. "Be my partner, would you? I'll make it up to you later." She looked around and noticed everyone else fighting. They needed to get a move on or else they'd get in trouble. She stared at Usagi and waited for his response.

Fred tried to get a partner. That was good enough he thought. Well fighting wasn't something he wanted to do anyway. Fred thought he might be able to glean some small piece of combat knowledge from watching Ryujin fight so he sat down and watched.

@Dante Verren


Seems like he was fighting someone without much combat experience so that wasn't going to help Fred much. Emma was it? Fred wondered what kind of powers she might have.

Fred decided the best thing for him to do was concentrate on this "aura" thing evertone was yammering on about. So Fred meditated on it and tried squinting. Maybe eventually...

(Everything is happening while I'm at work haha)
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"Aww, come on, just look at me. I don't look like the most pristine fighter out there, but that didn't stop me from crashing skulls together and being a one-woman butcher of the battlefield. Decapitation did." said Isibéal with an optimistic, enthusiastic flair that was oddly worrying coming from someone who looks like she still struggles with her times table.

"Besides, its just sparring. Doesn't matter if you win or lose as long as you learn from it. Who knows, might make a friend." she said with a cheerful hop, hoping her ceaseless energy would rub off on the dour young man.
" I do have some more tricks up my sleeves. "she chuckled. She ran after him but disappeared from thin air. She then reappeared from the back and kicked him from the back.

"hmm... no answer... well then... want to show eachother out powers?..." he waited, arms crossed.

(btw, his fighting style is somewhat like that of Ming Hua from Te Legend of Korra.)

(I never watch Legend of Korra :(  )

Aurelion scratch his chin blinking one eye,smiling "That won't be fun if we show all of our powers right now." he then raised his hand as he summon a dagger in his right hand,Golden and shining with fire "Plus you should already know about my summoning weapons ability,hehe..."
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Iroh sat down towards the edge of the training field watching everyone spar with each over, Iroh had never been in a fight before with the exceptions of his hunting when he was younger but that was always fighting as animals. Iroh laughed as he watched some of the sparing matches play out.
Logan stumbled forward but didnt fall, he quckly turned and did the same, "Hmph. You and me can both vanish, how ironic!" He said as he charged her, kicking her in the side, then palming her in the stomach as he unvanished, he took a few steps back and caught his breath. @Kisaki
" Fine , I will be your partner." Usagi  said  then bowed. " I won't use any of my powers since this is hand to hand combat"

(I never watch Legend of Korra :(  )

Aurelion scratch his chin blinking one eyes,smiling "That won't be fun if we show all of our powers right now." he then raised his hands as he take summons a dagger in his right hands,Golden and shining with fire "Plus you should already know about my summoning weapons ability,hehe..."

( thats fine. Watch from 1:05-1:45. she is the girl with the water arms. )

"fine... you already know about my liquidation too, huh..." he pondered about his other abilities but decided to keep them a secret for now. he just sat there smirking. "well... do you want to ask any of the other teams here if they might want to do a team spar?"
Ryujin let out a sigh of relief and held out his hand to Emma to help her get back up. "That was pretty good. If you didn't trip yourself that would have been a great move."

anyone who had any basic abiliity of aura seeing would be able to detect Ryujin's aura. The fact that his oni blood was kicking in only made it more prominent as the air around the training feild began to grow more humid signally the comeing of a massive storm.



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