Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Kahe's eyes went wide before the kick left him in a big wheeze. The kick made him flip and roll slightly, ending on his knees and elbows, holding his ribs. "fuck..." was aired out.

Aurelion softly get up back on the ground,shaking his legs hurting from the impact "God...I did never kick someone in my life!" he say before handing his arms at Kahe to help him to get up "Sorry for that,i guess it was the instinct."
"Alright now try attacking me." Ryujin knew he was a terrible teacher but this was beyond bad. he knew what to do but couldn't explain it very well. "Don't be scarred I promise I wont hurt you."

"Alright now try attacking me." Ryujin knew he was a terrible teacher but this was beyond bad. he knew what to do but couldn't explain it very well. "Don't be scarred I promise I wont hurt you."


She hesitated. Attack him? But how? "Attack? Like... like in the movies how people attack?" She asked. She sighed and just ran at him, trying for a weak tackle.
Aurelion softly get up back on the ground,shaking his legs hurting from the impact "God...I did never kick someone in my life!" he say before handing his arms at Kahe to help him to get up "Sorry for that,i guess it was the instinct."

Kahe camly grabbed his hand, but without warning dragged him down, kneeing him in his stomach. He just began to laugh.

Kori glanced in the direction of a male that sat next to her "Train? I guess so..." she shrugged. She decided that she should introduce herself first because she didn't want to be given a weird nickname "Kori.....I'm Kori. " 

Kahe camly grabbed his hand, but without warning dragged him down, kneeing him in his stomach. He just began to laugh.

To reduce the momentum of the strike,Aurelion put both of his arms in order to defend himself.It's still hurt his arms as he project away Kahe sighing "Done?We shouldn't get exhaust before the real exercise start."
Ryujin sidestepped the tackle and grabbed her arm to keep her from failing. "Sorry I really am a horrible teacher. The way I fight works of of instinct not thought. I don't know if it will work for you but just try clearing your mind and let your muscles take over and move for you." He let her go once he was sure she wound't fall. 

To reduce the momentum of the strike,Aurelion put both of his arms in order to defend himself.It's still hurt his arms as he project away Kahe sighing "Done?We shouldn't get exhaust before the real exercise start."

"hmm... true.." Kahe stands up all the way and dusts himself off, ignoring the slight pain in his chest.
The small girl jumped a bit at the sudden buzzing in her ears, scratching at them lightly with a little growl. Turning around for whatever might have caused it, her mild, confused annoyance faded into a cheerful smile at the sight of the student near her perch. Standing up with a proud smile and a stance that would look almost authoritarian if it weren't for the child-sized coat, she looked up to the late student and politely, quietly coughed before giving way to an almost boisterous yell.

"Heyo! As far as I can tell, little bit of sparring. Thats, uh. Kind of all I know. I missed the staff meeting, I'm about as lost as you are."
The small girl jumped a bit at the sudden buzzing in her ears, scratching at them lightly with a little growl. Turning around for whatever might have caused it, her mild, confused annoyance faded into a cheerful smile at the sight of the student near her perch. Standing up with a proud smile and a stance that would look almost authoritarian if it weren't for the child-sized coat, she looked up to the late student and politely, quietly coughed before giving way to an almost boisterous yell.

"Heyo! As far as I can tell, little bit of sparring. Thats, uh. Kind of all I know. I missed the staff meeting, I'm about as lost as you are."
Axel smiled " Hello Kori i am Axel Hazaki " said Axel standing up and kissed her hand and said " Pleasure to meet you Kori so before training i would like to know abit more about you" said axel while letting Kori's hand go "

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Ryujin sidestepped the tackle and grabbed her arm to keep her from failing. "Sorry I really am a horrible teacher. The way I fight works of of instinct not thought. I don't know if it will work for you but just try clearing your mind and let your muscles take over and move for you." He let her go once he was sure she wound't fall. 


She slightly nodded and walked back to where she originally stood. "So.. wait.. are we monster hunting.. or fighting eachother?" She asked and tilted her head, her body lightly turning again in her odd sideways stance.
The small girl jumped a bit at the sudden buzzing in her ears, scratching at them lightly with a little growl. Turning around for whatever might have caused it, her mild, confused annoyance faded into a cheerful smile at the sight of the student near her perch. Standing up with a proud smile and a stance that would look almost authoritarian if it weren't for the child-sized coat, she looked up to the late student and politely, quietly coughed before giving way to an almost boisterous yell.

"Heyo! As far as I can tell, little bit of sparring. Thats, uh. Kind of all I know. I missed the staff meeting, I'm about as lost as you are."

Sythnar Dochrohen

"O-Oh I see...Wait, staff meeting?, You're a teacher?"  Seth sended a telepathic wave to the teacher with a surprised tone, "B-By the way, my name's Seth.... My real name's kind of a mouthful honestly...." he sent yet another telepathic wave to the apparent teacher, shyly fidgeting his hands.

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Kori stared at her hand for a minute before carrying on like nothing happened "Okay. What would you like to know?" she asked passively. She didn't know why he would want to learn about her but she decided it would be fun.


Kori stared at her hand for a minute before carrying on like nothing happened "Okay. What would you like to know?" she asked passively. She didn't know why he would want to learn about her but she decided it would be fun.

(I mean, that was kind of fast. Unless I'm misunderstanding, did she just kick me over and then, supposing I've fallen over, planted a foot in my back? Or was that last part just another kick in general? The fight could have probably gone on for longer anyway, but okay.)

Caesar tapped out on the floor, "Alright, I guess you got me. I never felt right about fighting girls in that way anyway." He got up. Luckily she had hit him in places where he was clothed, if she had kicked him in the face, well, she would have lost her foot. Dusting himself off,  he nodded to her, "Good fight." He said, still retaining his good sportsmanship. Looking around, Caesar noticed some others had finished and some were still continuing. It seemed to him that there was at least a whole class or two here already, which led him to wonder where the rest of the school was. Normally schools had about a thousand students. Then he remember this was a 'special school', so maybe it wasn't so unlikely there would be less students. 

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"For now we are sparring. right now they are waiting to start the monster hunt." He swallowed hard. Even though he was just sparring his blood was burning more then ever. one way or another his oni form was going to make an appearance and he hoped the monster hunting started soon.

Isibéal nodded at his question, extending a thumbs up with an absolutely beaming smile. Sure, he might have sounded surprised, but at least there weren't any small comments; she could handle a little bit of mistaken age. 

"Yep, I'm the P.E Instructor. Nice to meet you, Seth!" she said, still idly scratching her ears as she tried to get used to the odd way of communication. "So, you gonna join, or are you sitting this one out? Pretty sure there's a few kiddos out there without a training partner." she said with a casual motion to the main group of students, holding back a little cheer at the decisive booting from one of the sparring matches.

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