Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Fangs don't count as powers," Fley decided aloud. She bowed, but did not wait for Usagi to respond. The swiftness and stamina she'd built up over the years had proved to be of some use to her when it came to hand-to-hand combat, which she was very good at. Long-range? Well, let's just say there's a reason for why she likes her opponents front and center. 

Fley curled her fingers into fists, and unblinkingly threw a strong punch to Usagi's gut, a menacing and bloodthirsty look entering her eyes - it was serious, and she looked strangely different from how she looked before.

( thats fine. Watch from 1:05-1:45. she is the girl with the water arms. )

"fine... you already know about my liquidation too, huh..." he pondered about his other abilities but decided to keep them a secret for now. he just sat there smirking. "well... do you want to ask any of the other teams here if they might want to do a team spar?"

Aurelion smile at Kahe "That's a good idea.Other then the weird girl and the demons,i doesn't know a lot of people in this school.I'm up for this!"
Izona did not fall from the hits. She looked over to see Logan was out of breath. " I see , but your aren't preserving your energy correctly. You don't to be tired while fighting "she said.

Ryujin let out a sigh of relief and held out his hand to Emma to help her get back up. "That was pretty good. If you didn't trip yourself that would have been a great move."

anyone who had any basic abiliity of aura seeing would be able to detect Ryujin's aura. The fact that his oni blood was kicking in only made it more prominent as the air around the training feild began to grow more humid signally the comeing of a massive storm.



Fred tried to get a partner. That was good enough he thought. Well fighting wasn't something he wanted to do anyway. Fred thought he might be able to glean some small piece of combat knowledge from watching Ryujin fight so he sat down and watched.

@Dante Verren


Seems like he was fighting someone without much combat experience so that wasn't going to help Fred much. Emma was it? Fred wondered what kind of powers she might have.

Fred decided the best thing for him to do was concentrate on this "aura" thing evertone was yammering on about. So Fred meditated on it and tried squinting. Maybe eventually...

(Everything is happening while I'm at work haha)

Emma slightly sighed and nodded. "Sorry.. I just.. my parents never though that I would need to know hand to hand combat with my powers.. they kinda do as they please.." she mumbled. "It's hard to not let them just do their thing right now.." her aura would probably be light.  Tinged with dark and frosty blue. 
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Aurelion smile at Kahe "That's a good idea.Other then the weird girl and the demons,i doesn't know a lot of people in this school.I'm up for this!"

"hmm... neither do I... lets see... do any of them look good to you?..." Kahe asked, scanning the fighting people.

(are any of you guys up to team fight us?)

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth slightly recoiled at the mention of 'crushing skulls', thanks to the massacre of his own race, "I-I suppose I s-should..." he telepathically said to the teacher with a meek tone, he was still hesitant in sparing with someone, but the teacher's speech was enough to improve his mood..... kind of, he also felt the air was bizzarely....humid, for some reason, but he didn't press on it for any minute longer.

Devin walked in the academy obviously nervous.His book again was big and bulky clearly diluted with things.The only thing he had in his hand was his book,the salamondra.He walked through the empty halls not having a clue on where he was going but he still waked as if he knew where he was going.
Devin walked in the academy obviously nervous.His book again was big and bulky clearly diluted with things.The only thing he had in his hand was his book,the salamondra.He walked through the empty halls not having a clue on where he was going but he still waked as if he knew where he was going.
Devin walked in the academy obviously nervous.His book again was big and bulky clearly diluted with things.The only thing he had in his hand was his book,the salamondra.He walked through the empty halls not having a clue on where he was going but he still waked as if he knew where he was going.
Jack  responded with kick after being punched in the gut. He looked at Fley , she her eyes looked bloodthirsty. "You should calm down , this is a spare" he said.

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Fley took the kick and stumbled backwards a bit - she couldn't hear anything. All she knew was that she had to kill this little bunny and eat it. Recovering from the kick, she quickly retaliated, faking a kick in the same place he'd aimed for, but then throwing another punch at his face, claws unsheathed and sharp.

Fred squinted a bit and adjusted his glasses. "Is she in touch with her aura or powers right now? Because I think I c-" Fred's eyes opened a bit "I see something!". For just a moment Fred saw light with blue fringes eminating from Emma and a slight yellow from Ryugin. These quickly faded as Fred lost concentration. He was visably startled with his mouth slightly agape.


@Dante Verren
"hmm... neither do I... lets see... do any of them look good to you?..." Kahe asked, scanning the fighting people.

(are any of you guys up to team fight us?)

"Honestly...That's up to you" Aurelion say looking around "Maybe let's find somebody alone?I'm sure some people didn't get pair."

"Friends?" after only a minute of talking she had made a friend. She must of been charismatic without knowing it or something. It's not like she never had a friend before...Axel was just the only friend  she had made here so far. He was nice enough and nothing seemed to be wrong with him as far as she could tell. Kori stood up and nodded "I won't....Promise.....I'll give you a lollipop if  you win....What are you by the way?" she wanted to know that before hand. 

He took the hit to the face. He was glad to have his mask to protect him from this. It was obvious that this girl couldn't hear him. Her instincts most of gotten the better of her.

Usagi tackled Fley down to the ground , shaking her. "Snap out of it".

Axel smiled and simply smiled " I am just a Human with the ability to Manipulate Aura's and sensing them but my family aka the Mafia we call them " Dying will Flame's " he said smiling at Kori and he responded her lollipop coment with a smile " i promise to give you cake if you win okay " he said smiling at Kori while taking a chinese kung fu stance " i will not hold back okay " 

Fley snarled at Usagi and almost bit his mask, but she was not able to reach it since her head was pinned down. Feeling weak and desperate, Fley morphed into her wolf form, enabling her to escape his clutches. She slipped out from under him and pounced on him, trying to claw at his mask to get it off in an attempt to rip his face apart.

"No worries. Though it would be best if you tried not to have your powers be the only care up your Sleeve." he gave her a smile though this one seemed more forced. "Damnit Damnit dammit " he thought to himself. He heard what wounded like an unusal commotion off to the side and saw what looked like to be a rabbit fighting a wolf and it looked like the wolf was out to kill "Damnit Fley." 



"You got it boss!" He yelled at her as he walked toward her, breaking into a jog then full on sprintm he raises a fist and then vanishes when he is very close to her, he moves out of her way to avoid ramming her and puts her in a chokehold, unvanishing and dropping her go the ground along with himself. "Checkmate Izona. So what do i win?" He says as he lets her go.

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