Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Ryujin dropped his arms and ran to over to fley sliding the last few feet so that he was kneeling next to her. "Mr instructor we need to get the nurse quickly or one of the pink flies she has immediately!"


Emma went over and knelt next to the wolf now human girl. Soft snow appeared in her hand and she held it to the girl. "Put it on your face..."

Fley was unable to identify the voices, but she knew they were trying to help. She moved towards the girl's hands and nuzzled them with her bloody snout, only to find a cold sensation flow throughout it. Thankful, Fley opened her eyes to see the person who'd helped her and who she was now in debt of, but her sight was still temporarily weakened. She just let a sad sound escape her as she waited for help. Her ears perked up as she suddenly recognized a voice after replaying it a couple of times in her head. That was Ryujin.

@Dante Verren @Enmyira
Logan laughs, grabbing her ankle and pulling it, yanking her to the ground. "I should say the same of you." He says as he stands and brushes himself off, again holding out his hand. @Kisaki

"It might be for the better. I wouldn't want to hurt you too bad..." she smirked on the inside. That was her being cocky and he could probably sense it if he was what he said he was.  She dodged his attacks easily being that they were pretty simple This might be easier than I expected. she thought to herself. Kori backed up when she didn't see any openings. She would attack when she found the perfect time to but currently she was just dodging him. 

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Auriel Dwelle

"Could you wait here for a while?, I promise I'll be back soon." Auriel said to the small girl as she went towards the combat field, the first thing she noticed was a crowd of students seemingly staring at something, "Move!" she said when she saw what it was, it was a girl's body, "A few wounds covering all of her body, main wound was the nose, but some magic healed it, Abraham, help me carry her to the infirmary, one of you students, help carry that student to the infirmary aswell." she pointed at a student who was bleeding from his thighs.

@Dante Verren @Deucalion @Fazy @Enmyira @Kisaki @Olivia Acerbi
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Axel smiled at her reaction and said simply " if your going to try to read me do it while you attack or else you will fall because of your own pride " he said while he switched to muay Thai so she would be of guard from two completely diffrent style's that he showed her and he then looked at the event that happened over with the wolf girl and simply said " this is why i hate it when they make us spar with different experienced people hope fully she will get better soon " said axel while getting a bit distracted "

Iroh snaps out of it when a mouse lands on him and looks at it, it didn't smell like a mouse but it looked like one so Iroh grabbed it by the tail and stuck the mouse in his mouth eating it.  'Maybe it's the mice here that taste different?' Iroh said chewing on the mouse.

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Iroh snaps out of it when a mouse lands on him and looks at it, it didn't smell like a mouse but it looked like one so Iroh grabbed it by the tail and stuck the mouse in his mouth eating it.  'Maybe it's the mice here that taste different?' Iroh said chewing on the mouse.

Kahe just stared with his jaw dropped "uhh..." 

At this very moment,Aurelion face palm his face looking back at Kahe,his face showing a funny expression "But...But...Is there is only you and i who are not a freaking weirdo here ?! "
Fley heard a loud, commanding voice. Okay, something was happening. She was going to be moved somewhere. And according to Ryujin, a person of whom she trusted to a certain extent, she was going to be okay. Fley sniffed the air - damn, the scent of fresh blood filled her nostrils. She was tempted to go and catch the prey that had left that smell, but realized it was only her own blood before letting out a sad little moan again. She thought back to what had just happened. What had really happened? She was just messing around, fighting with Usagi, right? So why was she bleeding now?

@Kisaki @Deucalion @Dante Verren @Lucremoirre

She  stayed quiet and gave no verbal response to his comment about what happened. She simply attacked right then. She aimed her kick towards his head in a attempt to end this quickly. She had went up to him quickly and almost silently. She knew this probably wouldn't be as effective as it usually was when she combined it with her powers but it would be effective enough for her. I think you should be focusing on me right now." she said calmly while she attacked. This could of been a trap but she wasn't worried about that.

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"Bloody hell... Got it." Abraham moved his hand around, refocusing the application of power. The chords melted together and formed a glowing platform which slowly lifted into the air, carefully lifting the wounded student. He turned from one student to another as he did.

"Jack, I know that she attacked first. Good job on holding her back without causing damage." Moving on to Ryujin, he instead scowled. "Ryu, I understand your reaction, but do not join in a fight if one breaks out like that. Call for a teacher, especially if we are close to hands like this."

With that, Abraham looked up and called out to the masses. "Training is adjorned for a bit, everyone! I'll be bringing her to the nurse's. Just take it easy for a bit, we'll be right back."
Axel saw the kick and simply simled he didn't show any hesitation and went foward and took the kick in his forhead but at that moment he kicked Kori at her other leg and then he used the momentom of her falling to grab her leg in a leg Lock and simply while his head was bleeding a bit he said to her " i am sorry i have that problem of worrying about others and should we call this a draw i don't want to get hurt anymore it hurt alot " he said smiling at kori kindly"

Are the combat grounds far?

Jayden asked, glancing up at Uni.

You don't look heavy at all. I imagine I could carry you quite easily...that is, if it is a far distance... only if you want to that is.

His back was, after all, nearly as broad as a small horse's and padded with thick gray fur.
Are the combat grounds far?

Jayden asked, glancing up at Uni.

You don't look heavy at all. I imagine I could carry you quite easily...that is, if it is a far distance... only if you want to that is.

His back was, after all, nearly as broad as a small horse's and padded with thick gray fur.
Logan laughs, grabbing her ankle and pulling it, yanking her to the ground. "I should say the same of you." He says as he stands and brushes himself off, again holding out his hand. @Kisaki

Izona floated up from the ground and stood back up," Looks like training is stopped for now. Some kids got hurt"she said looking at him. "That's too bad. I was ready to fight more"

Sythnar Dochrohen

"O-Okay! I w-will try!" Seth telepathically said with a new-found determined tone, he then marched towards the main group of students, only to find a bloody corpse on the middle of the crowd, he then ran back to the teacher, "M-Maybe not!!!" He telepathically said to the teacher with a skittish tone as he arrived near her, panting with a scared expression etched on his face.


Auriel Dwelle

"Let's go." Auriel said with a commanding tone towards Abraham, she then went to the infirmary, expecting Abraham to follow her, "Place her on the bed next of the small girl's bed" she commanded Abraham to do it with a stern expression on her face.


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