Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Fred squinted a bit and adjusted his glasses. "Is she in touch with her aura or powers right now? Because I think I c-" Fred's eyes opened a bit "I see something!". For just a moment Fred saw light with blue fringes eminating from Emma and a slight yellow from Ryugin. These quickly faded as Fred lost concentration. He was visably startled with his mouth slightly agape.


@Dante Verren

"No worries. Though it would be best if you tried not to have your powers be the only care up your Sleeve." he gave her a smile though this one seemed more forced. "Damnit Damnit dammit " he thought to himself. He heard what wounded like an unusal commotion off to the side and saw what looked like to be a rabbit fighting a wolf and it looked like the wolf was out to kill "Damnit Fley." 




She blinked. "I thought no powers..."
Iroh had his old rugged book in his lap and got tired of watching people spar so he started to read some, he had read this book so much he had memorized most of it but it was still fun to read in his opinion.
Isibéal sat back down with a little kick of her feet, confident that she'd made a good impression on someone, at least. "Come on, they won't bite. Besides, you might get a solid whack in, show 'em whats-for." She said as a small part of her wished she was in the midst of the cacophony before her.

"And if you're really that worried about being hit? Well, consider learning how not to get hit. Only way is practice. Or, could always learn how to take a solid punch as well, stamina and endurance's half the battle and all that naff. Me, I got by pretty well just swigging down a drink and headbutting someone till they stopped groaning." she said to him with a nostalgic sigh.
"Okay , I'll have to do it with some force. "he punched the sensitive part of her body, the nose. He learned this during classes for survival skills. He jumped up pulled out his fan. "If you come any closer I wont be the one who is blown away. "he said pointing his fan at the wolf.

@Dante Verren @Fazy
"I didn't say It was over. "she was already behind him. She grabbed his arm and flipped his whole body to the ground. She then dusted her clothes off and looked down.

"You always must be aware of his surroundings"

Fley let out a whimpering moan of pain and a short squeak before clutching her furry snout. Blood. She growled viciously as she examined her attacker. Legs. Yes, if she disabled his legs, then he couldn't move properly, or run away. Fley jumped again and clawed at his thighs, leaving painful and deep gashes. 


"I don't expect you to. I'm actually pretty skilled at these type of things." she probably shouldn't of warned him about her skill but in her mind it didn't really matter at all. That didn't mean she was getting cocky but that's what it might of looked like "Well....I'll have to hold back a little bit....No powers." she was a little excited to be honest but it didn't show. She was waiting for him first because she was trying to be 'polite'.

He felt the pain blossoming on his thighs. Fortunately,  he had fast healing powers. He used his fan and a large gust of cold air blew over students and Fley , making them fall."

Ryujin remained still silently watching and waiting. His hands where clenched into fist and his eyes where dead serious. Once the blast of wind hit the field Ryujin made his move. he launched himself forward his speed rivaling that of lightning itself. his foot swerved as he planted himself firmly between fley and Jack with his arms spread out in front of him. 




Ryujin remained still silently watching and waiting. His hands where clenched into fist and his eyes where dead serious. Once the blast of wind hit the field Ryujin made his move. he launched himself forward his speed rivaling that of lightning itself. his foot swerved as he planted himself firmly between fley and Jack with his arms spread out in front of him. 




What in the world..? Abraham snapped to attention at the sound of commotion. Ah, dammit, someone seems to have lost control..!

The teacher vaulted forward, letting psionic energy spark around his hands. In just a few seconds, thin, shimmering threads let themselves loose from his hands, made of solid, malleable light by the looks of it, numbering in the thirties-forties. In just a moment, he lashed them forward, aiming to coil them around bunny and wolf both, pulling them apart.

"Break it up now, kids!"

@Kisaki @Fazy
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Ryujin remained still silently watching and waiting. His hands where clenched into fist and his eyes where dead serious. Once the blast of wind hit the field Ryujin made his move. he launched himself forward his speed rivaling that of lightning itself. his foot swerved as he planted himself firmly between fley and Jack with his arms spread out in front of him. 




Ryujin remained still silently watching and waiting. His hands where clenched into fist and his eyes where dead serious. Once the blast of wind hit the field Ryujin made his move. he launched himself forward his speed rivaling that of lightning itself. his foot swerved as he planted himself firmly between fley and Jack with his arms spread out in front of him. 




Axel simple breath in and out and he threw some simple and basic movements but he didn't have any opening's while he aimed at Kori's body trying to hit her presure points " i would be kinda sad if you held back but you will decided while we spar okay " said axel while keeping her on guard because of his attacks

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Fley fell over with her bleeding snout throbbing terribly. Shit, things were starting to fade. A thin coil wrapped around her and she was pulled back by a force she did not know and could not see. She fell on the floor, the odd coil still surrounding her. She noticed Ryujin standing between her. She could hear Usagi yelling... Blood clouded her vision and went into her eyes, making them sting. She closed them to prevent any more pain. The blow had hit her quite roughly. She managed to morph into human, which made it clear that the damage was quite serious.

@Kisaki @Dante Verren @Deucalion

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