Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Understood sir." he silently followed after Abraham and the nurse. He needed to get away from the training zone so that his blood would stop burnig. If he stayed the longer wait until the hunts started would drive him overboard and he would surely lose control. This way he could keep an eye on Fley and ensure the safety of the other students. When they reached the nurses office he stood by and watched from the doorway. His oni still hadn't called down and his skin had pailed considerably



Auriel Dwelle

"Could you wait here for a while?, I promise I'll be back soon." Auriel said to the small girl as she went towards the combat field, the first thing she noticed was a crowd of students seemingly staring at something, "Move!" she said when she saw what it was, it was a girl's body, "A few wounds covering all of her body, main wound was the nose, but some magic healed it, Abraham, help me carry her to the infirmary, one of you students, help carry that student to the infirmary aswell." she pointed at a student who was bleeding from his thighs.

@Dante Verren @Deucalion @Fazy @Enmyira @Kisaki @Olivia Acerbi

A, watery-eyed nodded to Auriel. As soon as she had left the room A dropped the act. "Damn, if I didn't know any better I'd say this place is plenty chaotic even without my presence.", she hopped off the bed and walked around the room. Bolts loosening themselves and labels switching around as she did. "Sounds like the party is outside.", she peered out into the hallway. "I guess I better get eyes on the situation.", she made a fist and then opened it to reveal 5 red wasps. They collectively flew away, down the hall to the combat zone. She hastefully ran back to the bed when she saw Auriel coming back to the infirmary.
Fley felt herself being lifted up into the air. She flailed a little, panicking. No, no, no, where was she going? This was not a human. Well, technically, she wasn't human either- wait, that wasn't the point. Where was she going? Why? Her nose pulsed and throbbed erratically as she struggled, so she stopped moving.

@Dante Verren @Deucalion @Lucremoirre
"Whatever' mumbled under his breath.  The wounds on his thighs were almost done healing unlike Fley's. He definitely needed to cool down for a while since he started to overheat. His eye's were still pitch black while his irises still glowed a light blue. "I'll be going "he said while starting to walk off.

@Fazy @Deucalion @Lucremoirre @Dante Verren
Isibéal winced at the sight, quickly trying to regain an air of mirth despite the situation. "Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be fine. Don't blame you for wanting to skimp out after that mess, though." she said, rubbing the back of her head with an almost guilty look about her. Did these kids even know the meaning of sparring? If they're going to lose control and almost kill eachother during practice of all things, they'd be far too much of a risk for an actual fight. Worst of all, she simply couldn't think of a single way to deal with this.

She was a teacher, right? Teachers were supposed to have ways to curb this behaviour, and Isibéal was certain that a swift headbutt to the gut likely wouldn't make the best impression on anything but her target. Standing up with a sheepish look that looked mildly disappointed at nobody but herself, she turned to Seth. "Sorry for trying to get you into that, Seth." she said in a compassionate tone. "Didn't realize some of the other kids would get way, way too rowdy for a training session. You aright? Can't have been a pretty sight."
"Whatever' mumbled under his breath.  The wounds on his thighs were almost done healing unlike Fley's. He definitely needed to cool down for a while since he started to overheat. His eye's were still pitch black while his irises still glowed a light blue. "I'll be going "he said while starting to walk off.

@Fazy @Deucalion @Lucremoirre @Dante Verren

One of A's wasps buzzed around him as he did. 

"Looks like the mad hatter got a whoop-ass canister opened up on him.", A thought.

Her other wasps circled and buzzed around the crowd. 
"Whatever' mumbled under his breath.  The wounds on his thighs were almost done healing unlike Fley's. He definitely needed to cool down for a while since he started to overheat. His eye's were still pitch black while his irises still glowed a light blue. "I'll be going "he said while starting to walk off.

@Fazy @Deucalion @Lucremoirre @Dante Verren

One of A's wasps buzzed around him as he did. 

"Looks like the mad hatter got a whoop-ass canister opened up on him.", A thought.

Her other wasps circled and buzzed around the crowd. 
Kahe grew a slight blush as he laughed "ok ok! i won't die!..."

Aurelion sigh and stop holding Kahe "Alright.Let me count.One weirdo,one Demonic girls and one scary girl." Aurelion place his hand on his chin with a smirk "This school will be definitely surprising." Aurelion decide to walk over to the guys who eat the fake mouse waving his hand at Kahe,in a sign to come "Hey...What are you reading?" Aurelion say with a force smile at him.

Abraham decided to lower the student down as soon as they reached the infirmary. The platform slowly broke up and made way for an actual mattress. There. That was all he could probably do. "You'll be alright, girl. The nurse knows what she's doing."

Nodding towards Auriel, he turned to make his leave. "I need to be back at the students for. I trust you know what you're doing, 'Riel."

@Lucremoirre @Fazy
Once out of the crowds way and from the prying eyes he slumped against the building's wall.  His body felt it was being teared apart from his soul. He winced in pain and closed his eyes. He took short breaths and changed back to his regular form. The whites of his eye turns from black back to white. His yes also stopped glowing.

"gah"he moaned in pain , clenching area where his heart was. The pain started to slowly go away and he was finally was able to get up ," I overworked myself"

@Olivia Acerbi

"It would of knocked you out if I used my powers...."  she said then nodded slowly. "If you want to....I think you won though." she was fine with losing. She did get a little over confident so  her loss was partially her own fault. "Next time when we get the chance I'll be using my powers." she felt that she would do better using them and he would get the chance to feel the wrath of a yuki-onna.



"Thanks for the compliment!" she assumed his comment about her appearance was a compliment. "I-I don't think it's far but.....wouldn't it be...awkward..." she looked at the ground awkwardly and continued "I-I am grateful but.....I'm a girl....It might just be me being thinking about it too much! I-I'll take you up on your offer...." she was getting embarrassed for no reason....He was okay with it so it probably wasn't something embarassing...

@Scarlet Wyvern

"It would of knocked you out if I used my powers...."  she said then nodded slowly. "If you want to....I think you won though." she was fine with losing. She did get a little over confident so  her loss was partially her own fault. "Next time when we get the chance I'll be using my powers." she felt that she would do better using them and he would get the chance to feel the wrath of a yuki-onna.



"Thanks for the compliment!" she assumed his comment about her appearance was a compliment. "I-I don't think it's far but.....wouldn't it be...awkward..." she looked at the ground awkwardly and continued "I-I am grateful but.....I'm a girl....It might just be me being thinking about it too much! I-I'll take you up on your offer...." she was getting embarrassed for no reason....He was okay with it so it probably wasn't something embarassing...

@Scarlet Wyvern
Fley lay in wait. She heard a male voice repeat what Ryujin said. Yeah, she was going to be fine, she knew, but she certainly did not feel that way. The mattress she lay on felt comfortable. She didn't move - she was a completely stationary being, waiting for the nurse to work her magic.

@Lucremoirre @Deucalion
Iroh looked up at the person who asked him what he was reading, Iroh looked at the book and smiled saying "How to fly for dummies." Iroh then laughed and went back to reading his book. The book wasn't really a how-to book but it was a old family tree book listing out the names of all of Iroh's ancestors. 

Aurelion sigh and stop holding Kahe "Alright.Let me count.One weirdo,one Demonic girls and one scary girl." Aurelion place his hand on his chin with a smirk "This school will be definitely surprising." Aurelion decide to walk over to the guys who eat the fake mouse waving his hand at Kahe,in a sign to come "Hey...What are you reading?" Aurelion say with a force smile at him.


Kahe runs over, stopping next to Auri ,and putting his hands in his pockets.
Aurelion sigh and stop holding Kahe "Alright.Let me count.One weirdo,one Demonic girls and one scary girl." Aurelion place his hand on his chin with a smirk "This school will be definitely surprising." Aurelion decide to walk over to the guys who eat the fake mouse waving his hand at Kahe,in a sign to come "Hey...What are you reading?" Aurelion say with a force smile at him.


Kahe runs over, stopping next to Auri ,and putting his hands in his pockets.
Iroh looked up at the person who asked him what he was reading, Iroh looked at the book and smiled saying "How to fly for dummies." Iroh then laughed and went back to reading his book. The book wasn't really a how-to book but it was a old family tree book listing out the names of all of Iroh's ancestors. 


A smirk appear on Aurelion face "How...To...Fly..." Aurelion shrug "Why are you not training by the way?"

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Iroh shrugged while putting the book up, "Why aren't you reading?" Iroh said he wasn't good at combat but he could hold his own against some street thugs. Then again that was years ago when he was younger Iroh isn't much of a fighter when in his human form.

Iroh shrugged while putting the book up, "Why aren't you reading?" Iroh said he wasn't good at combat but he could hold his own against some street thugs. Then again that was years ago when he was younger Iroh isn't much of a fighter when in his human form.


"... because we don't have books... and because this area is for sparing..." Kahe said, witch a confused look on his face.
Axel smiled at kori " a tie i would have lost if you had used your powers so a tie and " axel lets go and wobbles a bit " i was just faking i had not strengh left " said axel while luaghing "

Ooc: gtg i have work sorry

Iroh shrugged while putting the book up, "Why aren't you reading?" Iroh said he wasn't good at combat but he could hold his own against some street thugs. Then again that was years ago when he was younger Iroh isn't much of a fighter when in his human form.


Aurelion stay speechless for several seconds before talking back scratching the back of his neck "Huh...Because we are suppose to train before going on your first mission as a student?"


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