Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

She shrugged. "Not sure really. My parents got the letter and then decided it was best to send me here. I have no qualms."

"Damn that sounds way too much like why I'm here." Said Fred. Then it came to him. "I guess I want to learn how to use my power better though. It's pretty useless right now, haha."
"Oh this isn't blood it's the natural skin color of my oni form." more sparks emitted from his hand and the color started to expand up his arm. He winced in pain as it spread. "The curse of being a decent of Rajin". He saw the Small girls eyes flash colors and he nodded at her. He didn't know what she was planning but he woudnt say anything for now.



@Olivia Acerbi
"Damn that sounds way too much like why I'm here." Said Fred. Then it came to him. "I guess I want to learn how to use my power better though. It's pretty useless right now, haha."

"Oh?" She questioned. "What is your power- if you don't mind me askin?"
(I was gone for a short while, can I get a run down on what occurred these past few pages, please?)

Auriel Dwelle

"No problem! I just did what a nurse has to do, as for him..." she proudly said as she went towards a cabinet, seeing a flask named 'Calming Solution', it's liquid colored in cobalt, she remembered that the 'Frostbite Concussion' was in the same place as this potion was, so she looked for a flask named 'Frostbite Concussion', she found it, it's contains colored white, she picked up the potion, "He just needs this potion, don't mind the label, I think someone switched the labels of the potions here, I suggest he drinks this potion alone in his dorm, since this potion can cause instant sleepiness" she completed the sentence as she handed the potion the male student, she then went into another cabinet, picking up a 'Liquid Pain Alliviator', forgetting on what was at the cabinet, she decided to go for her luck and give the small girl the potion, "Here you go!" Auriel said to the girl, handing the potion.

@Dante Verren @Fazy @Olivia Acerbi
"Oh?" She questioned. "What is your power- if you don't mind me askin?"

"Oh, uhh." Fred preferred to give a demonstration of his power, but always felt wierd asking the first question especially when it was a girl. "Just grab onto my hand for a sec." Fred found after a while that grab onto was a much more tactful substitute for hold in most situations.
"Oh?" She questioned. "What is your power- if you don't mind me askin?"

"Oh, uhh." Fred preferred to give a demonstration of his power, but always felt wierd asking the first question especially when it was a girl. "Just grab onto my hand for a sec." Fred found after a while that grab onto was a much more tactful substitute for hold in most situations.
With a nod, Abraham made his way back outside to the training field, nodding to Ryujin on his way by. "You're still expected outside, Ryujin." He commented to the student before he moved on out to the combat field, watching the remaining, confused students.

"Alright!" He called out, grinning widely. "Class is still in session! Sorry about that, folks. Everything is fine now. So! Where were we? Your abilities seemed fine enough, but still need some finetuning." Abraham was doing his absolute best to keep a grin on his face, gathering the students' attention one more.

@Anyone still at the combat field or who wants to continue with the class I guess.
"Oh, uhh." Fred preferred to give a demonstration of his power, but always felt wierd asking the first question especially when it was a girl. "Just grab onto my hand for a sec." Fred found after a while that grab onto was a much more tactful substitute for hold in most situations.

Her eye brows quirked up a bit but then she lightly grabbed his hand as ordered.
Her eye brows quirked up a bit but then she lightly grabbed his hand as ordered.

Fred cleared his throat and said "Now I know this sounds stupid, but we're invisible now. We could sit here and nobody could see our physical forms and might trip over us so be careful. You could go wave your hand in someone's face and they wouldn't notice" Fred was acutely aware of the physical contact and hoped she didn't feel wierd about the whole thing.
Fred cleared his throat and said "Now I know this sounds stupid, but we're invisible now. We could sit here and nobody could see our physical forms and might trip over us so be careful. You could go wave your hand in someone's face and they wouldn't notice" Fred was acutely aware of the physical contact and hoped she didn't feel wierd about the whole thing.

"You.. make people invisible?" She questioned curiously.
"Well yeah, basically." Fred explained "Except only when holding hands with someone. They also stay invisible after I let go for 1/10th the amount of time they held my hand for." Fred found it very hard to keep eye contact while holding her hand, as if she could tell his heart had quickened a bit by looking into his eyes. "Uhhhhh, so do you want to test it out?"
"Well yeah, basically." Fred explained "Except only when holding hands with someone. They also stay invisible after I let go for 1/10th the amount of time they held my hand for." Fred found it very hard to keep eye contact while holding her hand, as if she could tell his heart had quickened a bit by looking into his eyes. "Uhhhhh, so do you want to test it out?"
"Thank you mrs. Nurse. I suppose. I should head back to the field. Mr.instructor will probably get mad at me if I don't show up." He out the vial inside his jacket and bowed in thanks while holding his left arm with his right arm. His left arm was almost all red now. He turned and left the nurses office heading off to the field. 



@Olivia Acerbi
"Well yeah, basically." Fred explained "Except only when holding hands with someone. They also stay invisible after I let go for 1/10th the amount of time they held my hand for." Fred found it very hard to keep eye contact while holding her hand, as if she could tell his heart had quickened a bit by looking into his eyes. "Uhhhhh, so do you want to test it out?"

"Sure... if we can use it to maybe.. play a little prank?" She asked.

Auriel Dwelle

"No problem! I just did what a nurse has to do, as for him..." she proudly said as she went towards a cabinet, seeing a flask named 'Calming Solution', it's liquid colored in cobalt, she remembered that the 'Frostbite Concussion' was in the same place as this potion was, so she looked for a flask named 'Frostbite Concussion', she found it, it's contains colored white, she picked up the potion, "He just needs this potion, don't mind the label, I think someone switched the labels of the potions here, I suggest he drinks this potion alone in his dorm, since this potion can cause instant sleepiness" she completed the sentence as she handed the potion the male student, she then went into another cabinet, picking up a 'Liquid Pain Alliviator', forgetting on what was at the cabinet, she decided to go for her luck and give the small girl the potion, "Here you go!" Auriel said to the girl, handing the potion.

@Dante Verren @Fazy @Olivia Acerbi

A looked at the potion with a concerned look. "Um, no thank you.", she said knowing full well that container had "Liquid Hellfire" in it. "I actually feel a lot better. I just wanna lay down." 
With a nod, Abraham made his way back outside to the training field, nodding to Ryujin on his way by. "You're still expected outside, Ryujin." He commented to the student before he moved on out to the combat field, watching the remaining, confused students.

"Alright!" He called out, grinning widely. "Class is still in session! Sorry about that, folks. Everything is fine now. So! Where were we? Your abilities seemed fine enough, but still need some finetuning." Abraham was doing his absolute best to keep a grin on his face, gathering the students' attention one more.

@Anyone still at the combat field or who wants to continue with the class I guess.

One of A's wasps flew around Abraham as he addressed the class. "This guy is such a tool.", she thought. "I've got your 'fine-tuning' right here."

As she said this, the wasp exploded in size right next to Abraham spewing fire from its mouth in all directions. Two other wasps nearby did the same.
Fley followed Ryujin after thanking the nurse again for her kindness and for "fixing" her nose. She tapped him on his right shoulder, wondering if his left hurt him. "R-Ryujin?" she started. "I'm sorry if I did something wrong. Um, whose your partner for that whole... physical combat thing? And- and do you mind telling me where Usagi is?" 

@Dante Verren

Auriel Dwelle

"Oh...Okay then..." Auriel said with a apologetic expression, still a little suspicious of her, "What happened for you to get injured anyway? and what's your name?" she asked her as Auriel placed the 'Liquid Pain Alliviator' on a nearby cabinet, she also noticed that the two students left the infirmary, 'I wonder where they went...and Abraham as well...' she wondered to herself with a thoughtful expression while she sat on the metallic chair in front of the table.

@Olivia Acerbi
"Bloody hell..!" Abraham lept back in surprise as three humongous insects bursted out from seemingly nowhere. A monster attack..?! Those rarely if ever occured on actual schol ground. Well, okay. He could manage. Standard procedure. First, damage control.

With a thought, a thin bubble formed around Abraham and the three wasps, a forcefield of psionic energy keeping them away from the other students. Perfect. Next was neutralization. Abraham was hopping from side to side to avoid the flames, generating a small plethora of energy spheres around him. Sorry fellas, this is what he had been doing and teaching for the last thirteen years.

With a spark, the spheres launched at high speed, turning into fast psionic bolts homing in towards their flying, fire-spewing targets.

@Olivia Acerbi
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nimona parked her bike in front of the school "were here ally" she said to ally as they walked through the school gates


ally landed besides nimona. as they walked through the school gates she replied "wow...".


teal was amazed at the amount of care put into the school gardens and after a few minutes she walked to the main building to check in with the principle


neo ran through the school gates for his life as the gangsters shot at him.


slasla gave up running, turned and started attacking the bandits.

there all open for interaction

nimona parked her bike in front of the school "were here ally" she said to ally as they walked through the school gates


ally landed besides nimona. as they walked through the school gates she replied "wow...".


teal was amazed at the amount of care put into the school gardens and after a few minutes she walked to the main building to check in with the principle


neo ran through the school gates for his life as the gangsters shot at him.


slasla gave up running, turned and started attacking the bandits.

there all open for interaction
((Cerberus: A monster hunting class started and was paused when two students got into an actual violent fight during a sparring exercise. It's kicking back up again, or was about to until A started causing mayhem, as made obvious here))

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