Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Fley backed up just a little, watching him transform was scary and it absolutely terrified her. "Y-you know, I'm not afraid of you," she said to him, putting on a false, twitchy smile. She decided to help fight the monsters, though in this form, she wasn't her strongest. She kept the bottle held tightly between her strong teeth - tight enough to hold, but not enough to break. She morphed into wolf and barked at Ryujin. 'I'm helping you.' 

@Dante Verren
(K) Logan hears a ringing and answers it, "Hello? Who is this?" "Hey Logan!" He hears Ashley's voice from the helmet, and he smiles, he walks to a different and less busy part of the field, "Hey Ash, whats up?" He asks, "Well I found out I'm going to be teaching at Luxor soon! We get to see each other again!" She squeals over the speaker, and he winces a bit. "Thats awesome Sis, congrats, when will you be coming?" "I don't know exactly when, maybe a few days from now." She says, "Well bye Logan, love ya." "Love you too Ash, bye." Logan says as the call ends.
"It's fine. " she said after getting off the floor. She leaned in a little closer to the boy and sniffed him, "Hmm half blood."



You don't have to for now. 

Cody nodded, "Yeah... I'm sure the eyes kinda give it away don't they? " he said, "I'm planning on getting color contacts for them... People get scared of me and... I don't like being seen as scary... " he said sadly. 
He looked back at Red for a moment.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to go for a rest. I-It's been a long day anyway." 

Standing he turned to leave out the door. As he was walking out the door, he glanced back one last look.

"I'll see you around." giving one final smile.

Miko walked until he faded out of distance.

(Sorry, today has been one a hell of a day for me to endure.)


Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth was taken aback when the hornets started to attack the teacher, "QUICK, DUCK!"  He telepathically screamed to the teacher as a hornet charged into him, his eyes widened, Seth didn't even notice the guy transforming as he continued to help the teacher.

@Deucalion @Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren @Fazy

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was woken up by someone saying 'Much better', she had accidentaly slept on the table, and thus Auriel looked nervously around the infirmary, to see no-one had entered the infirmary, "You said something?" she asked the small girl on the bed.

@Olivia Acerbi
"So who's getting iced" Fred said while looking around at the commotion "It doesn't exactly seem like the best time, but I doubt a few bugs will overcome any of the people here."

"Scared of you ? But your such a cutie."she looked at him with disbelief. "I think your eyes are cool. I have red eyes  which are unnatural for the human race , but I'm proud of them."

Ryujin's transformation continued. His shoulder width and muscles doubled the size easily tearing apart his shirt and jacket. he grew tell he stood at seven feet tall. his face changed colors again becoming a ghostly white as his ears became longer, his hair blacked, and his eyes changed to thundering gold. The sky grew dark as massive clouds gathered and four small drums appeared around him. he opened his hands and drumsticks where created from electricity that his body was giving off. 

A low deep laugh emitted from his mouth as he looked over his shoulder at Fley. "You say you do not fear me wolf pup yet you stand their shaking. Now stand their and watch in amazement as I make the sky itself dance to my drums." he turned his attention back to the monsters with another laugh. He raised his drum sticks above his head and brought them down on two of the drums. *BUM**BUM*. Lightning answered the call as two mighty bolts shot down from the sky and slammed into the insect farthest away from anyone reducing it into pieces of char.


@Olivia Acerbi


"Scared of you ? But your such a cutie."she looked at him with disbelief. "I think your eyes are cool. I have red eyes  which are unnatural for the human race , but I'm proud of them."


Cody blushed when she called him cute, "T - thanks... " he said, "I'm Cody... You already know what I am... Mind if I get yours? " he asked her, she was cute too in a way. 

(Mind if I ask a character reference? I can't find her CS)
Fley gulped as she stared at Ryujin in shock. He had gotten taller, and changed from his blood-red skin tone to a white so pale she'd have thought it was paper. His blonde-gold hair turned black. And the scariest part? His eyes, changing to gold. She couldn't say that she liked him as much this way. She whimpered and sniffed the air. Rain. No, this was not rain... it was lightening. Then a thunder bolt struck an insect far off from her. She shivered and took a few more steps back. She made a note-to-self: 

Maybe rule Ryujin out as an acquaintance. Or a friend.

Still clutching the vial between her teeth, she backed away a lot more. She was horrified and was not afraid to admit it. She howled at the sky, loudly. A cry for help.

@Dante Verren
Fley gulped as she stared at Ryujin in shock. He had gotten taller, and changed from his blood-red skin tone to a white so pale she'd have thought it was paper. His blonde-gold hair turned black. And the scariest part? His eyes, changing to gold. She couldn't say that she liked him as much this way. She whimpered and sniffed the air. Rain. No, this was not rain... it was lightening. Then a thunder bolt struck an insect far off from her. She shivered and took a few more steps back. She made a note-to-self: 

Maybe rule Ryujin out as an acquaintance. Or a friend.

Still clutching the vial between her teeth, she backed away a lot more. She was horrified and was not afraid to admit it. She howled at the sky, loudly. A cry for help.

@Dante Verren

That in general for anyone to come help or...? Just asking :3)
(If you want! @CERBERUS177 :P

(ENOSHIMA JUNKO omg asdfjkl; @Kisaki)

"My name is Kagami Enoshima. A vampire if you didn't know ."

(I posted it)


Cody nodded, then heard a howl from a wolf, "Fley? " he said, looking around, "I have to go help someone... I'm sorry. Come if you want! " he said, drawing his sword and running toward the sound. Fley, though not his friend, he still couldn't live with himself if she was hurt, he'd do the same for everyone there... 

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth was taken aback when the hornets started to attack the teacher, "QUICK, DUCK!"  He telepathically screamed to the teacher as a hornet charged into him, his eyes widened, Seth didn't even notice the guy transforming as he continued to help the teacher.

@Deucalion @Olivia Acerbi @Dante Verren @Fazy

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was woken up by someone saying 'Much better', she had accidentaly slept on the table, and thus Auriel looked nervously around the infirmary, to see no-one had entered the infirmary, "You said something?" she asked the small girl on the bed.

@Olivia Acerbi

Done sitting around A decided to get add a more personal touch to her antics. A looked down and started to giggle quietly, getting progressively louder. The room grew darker the louder she got. Her orange eyes lit up like lanterns as she slowly turned towards Auriel. She began to shift back into her normal form. "Hey, doc", she hisses and is directly in front of Auriel in an instant. "I have this itch..", she grabbed Auriel and held her against the wall. A began closing in on Auriel but stopped when she felt Ryujin destroy her insect. ( @Dante Verren)

"Looks like there's a crisis in the combat zone.", she grins. 

A's shadow rises out of the ground, a clearly visible figure even in the darkened room. It becomes engulfed in flames, as the fire subsides a perfect replica of A reveals itself from beneath them. 

"This looks like a job for me.", the other A says before phoenix-porting (yeah that's right. I just coined a term for teleporting by turning to combusting into ash as reappearing somewhere else. call me Shakespeare) to the combat zone.
Fley shivered in fear. Panicking, she felt a few people's presence. One... that was awfully close to her. Another, familiar. She smelled the air and tried to pinpoint the location of these new and strange smells. She barked in Logan's direction, but she could not see him. There was someone there, there had to be! Was she becoming delusional? She didn't know. She circled around and around, unsure of what to do. She tried to identify the second smell. That was definitely Cody. Half-demon. He was not her friend. Could he be coming to attack? She didn't know. 

@LoneSniper87 @CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren
"I guess I'll come " she said running after him. She was getting a scent of wolf blood from the place she was running at. "So! Your friend is like a wolf or something"

@CERBERUS177 @Fazy (I might just change her appearance to that. I'll do it!)

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Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth was pushed out of his connection to the teacher in the dome, thanks to a loud howl, that's when he noticed the large demonic being facing menancingly to a lone wolf and two other students, his instincts kicked him and then Seth used his scream, a loud shriek then was to echo within the academy.

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel was then held down with ease to the wall, how could this girl be so strong?, she then saw a glimpse of the 'Liquid Pain Alliviator' right behind her through the clone's fire, maybe there was a reason that she didn't want to take that potion?, Auriel wandered as she stood helplessly, hearing a scream within the combat zone, she wondered what is happening in there, but for now, she had to wait for the girl's next move.

@Dante Verren @Fazy @Olivia Acerbi @Deucalion @CERBERUS177 @Kisaki
Ryujin's laugh carried through out the field as he saw A in her demon form. His voice was amplified so that it sounded as loud as the thunder itself. "Demon you have guts to stand before me. Now let are dance shake this world to the very core." He had his back to Fley and the other students who where going to help her. His mind was filled with one thought. Destroying the powerful for who stood before him.

@Olivia Acerbi
Fley heard a scream. She gave out another howl up at the sky. She heard Ryujin's thundering voice. Somehow, the vial had still not dropped, even with her howling. She ran in circles and smelled another new scent behind Cody. Strangers. No more strangers, she didn't like strangers. She didn't like strangers, screaming, demons, people... and she especially didn't like being scared. Fley ran down a hill aimlessly. Where should she go? Dorms was her first thought. 

@Dante Verren @Lucremoirre @LoneSniper87 @CERBERUS177 @Kisaki
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Luxor's office shook from the screams.He made sure catch any falling objects from his desk. Unfortunately his framed photo cracked. "I must not .. I really shouldn't see the mess they made. I 'll just leave it up to my colleagues. 
Ryujin's ears picked up the noise of Fley's pawprints running down the hill. Away from the monster that he had been to weak to contain. A light sad chuckle. He thought to himself "So in the end she ran like all the rest. It seems grandfather was right. Oni are truelly alone." 

Fley stopped in her tracks, forcing the guy to bump into her in the process. She morphed into human, vial still held between her teeth. She removed the bottle from her bloody mouth. She had fallen and gotten hurt along the way.  "Shit," she said, muttering a few curses and obscenities shortly afterwards. She looked up at him, cautious and still on guard. "Who are you?" She reminded herself to give Ryujin the vial of medicine in a while. If he got back to normal. No, when he got back to normal. She eyed the boy suspiciously. "Answer me." 

@LoneSniper87 @Dante Verren @CERBERUS177 @Kisaki
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