Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Banzai!" with his mighty yell he should up into the sky as a bolt of lightning. He noticed a boy who was frozen in terror not to far off. "You the young man frozen in fear. Run while you still can." he then turned back to face A. "That was a good move now it is my turn." he struck his drums once again but this time with light impacts and at a fast tempo. *Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum*. The sky awnswred his call as bolts of lightning rained from the sky honeing in on A.


@Olivia Acerbi

She looked up, welcoming the incoming lightning bolts with open arms. They slammed into her making a small crater. A's shadow slowly got back to her feet and seemed distorted for a moment. She stared intensely at Ryujin. "You know, you're really going about this all wrong.", she said a hellish grin smeared across her face. 

She holds her hand up and an incredibly fierce fire explodes out of it and into the sky like a flame thrower. A raging wind storm erupts in the now red-orange sky. 

A's shadow compacts the fire into a small dense flame and launches it at the ground in front of Ryujin, causing an impressive explosion. 
Cody wanted to bar his teeth, but the way Kagami called him handsome kept him from doing so, "Cody." he said, though his teeth were probably showing as he spoke, "That doesn't faze me by the way..." he said, he was sure that if he ever fought anyone here, he'd go full demon...he might not come back from that state...

@Kisaki @Fazy @LoneSniper87

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth then ran away as fast as he could from the monsters, he was extremetly terrified for his life, he didn't even look to were he sprinted, he just ran, until he faceplanted straight into a tree, still shaking from the incident, he seemed to be at the end of a forest, he then saw the body of a small male boy faceplanted into the grass, "Hey...W-Wake up..."  he skittishly telepathically said to the boy while pulling his arm.

Auriel Dwelle

"N-No...I d-don't want to..." Auriel said, desperately trying to get out of the girl's lustful grasp, she felt a new feeling she had never felt in her entire years at the forest and as a human, the feeling of being used, as some would say, was she too pure for this cruel and selfish world?

@Navitic @Olivia Acerbi
(I mean, that was kind of fast. Unless I'm misunderstanding, did she just kick me over and then, supposing I've fallen over, planted a foot in my back? Or was that last part just another kick in general? The fight could have probably gone on for longer anyway, but okay.)

Caesar tapped out on the floor, "Alright, I guess you got me. I never felt right about fighting girls in that way anyway." He got up. Luckily she had hit him in places where he was clothed, if she had kicked him in the face, well, she would have lost her foot. Dusting himself off,  he nodded to her, "Good fight." He said, still retaining his good sportsmanship. Looking around, Caesar noticed some others had finished and some were still continuing. It seemed to him that there was at least a whole class or two here already, which led him to wonder where the rest of the school was. Normally schools had about a thousand students. Then he remember this was a 'special school', so maybe it wasn't so unlikely there would be less students. 


(Im sorry lmao, im not so good with rp combat. And I was expecting you to do with her foot or something lol)
"Nice to meet the both of ya. And im a half-vampire, since you're so curious." He told Fley. "Well if you need me ill either be somewhere around here or my dorm, bye!" He said as he walked back up the hill. @Fazy @CERBERUS177 
Fley waved towards the guy. Seemed a bit cool. She admired how chill he was about the whole situation in comparison to her. Fley waved at his back, though he could not see her. "Bye!" she called. She turned back to Cody. "All right, buddy, seems like you got off to a rough start with Logan. And me. Don't have such a good reputation here, do we?" she said, smirking at him.

@LoneSniper87 @CERBERUS177 @Kisaki
"I'm sure his dorm is in the second housing unit...Since the first one is pretty packed..." he said, walking towards Kagami, "I'm sorry about that introduction! Kinda unexpected..." he said, then looking to Fley, "Unless you want to come with me while I show Kagami around...?" he said.

@Fazy @LoneSniper87 @Kisaki
"I like it , but it seems you have a something against me."she smirked. She turned to Cody , " Okay hand- I mean Cody. Ripping that guys head off won't solve your problems."

@CERBERUS177 @Fazy
When Logan made it up the hill he jogged toward his dorm, listening to Heathens, he slows down and walks into his dorm, taking his helmet off his belt and tosses it onto his bed, he walks over to a chair and picks up a book, starting to read it.
"Oh, I'd rather not be the third wheel with your girlfriend," Fley answered, tasting blood in her mouth. She licked her teeth. "You two can go on, I'll be fine. And I said show me, not TELL me! I'm pretty sure you've got ears," she complained. She looked over at Kagami as she said this. Okay, she admitted Kagami was a little bit pretty. Cody had good reason to like her, but liking someone for how they looked on the outside was not the best idea. 

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki

[Fack I love that song!! I've been listening to it constantly since its release. @LoneSniper87]
When Logan made it up the hill he jogged toward his dorm, listening to Heathens, he slows down and walks into his dorm, taking his helmet off his belt and tosses it onto his bed, he walks over to a chair and picks up a book, starting to read it.

I love that group along with young giants and tøp.
Ryujin's laugh filled the air once again as the dust cleared. Ryujin was unharmed and a demonic smile covered his face. He raised his sticks to hit the drums again but this time a flash of lightning louder and more mighty then the others split the sky and Ryujin's skin became even pailed then it was. "It seems are fun had came to a close. Untill are next encounter demonic one." once he had finished his sentence he kept kept into the sky in the form of a lightning bolt.

His grandfather ordered him to stop fighting and return to his dorm. He did not know why but it was important. He landed with a thundering blast just outside the dorm still in his oni form. He slowly lumbered his way to his dorm gently easing the door open. He sucked his head under the door and made his way through it seemed his grandfather had already arranged for his stuff to he brought here.

@Olivia Acerbi
Luxor sighed and brought his hands up to his face. He never thought so much chaos would be outside around this time. Training shouldn't take this long. Luxor also sensed distress from one of the teachers mainly the nurse.

He started to walk to the infirmary to check up on her ,checking to see his colleague is alright. 
"She's not my...Alright let's just...Come on, might as well show her the dorms too..." he said, his face red from embarrassment, Kagami wasn't that bad looking, he knida know's what her personality is...he guessed cheerful and, something else with the way she acted at the moment, his teeth now were normal, eyes back to a nice red. His tail? He tried to move, and it slightly did so, 'Well, I guess that's permanent.' he thought, pulling his shirt lower past his belt area.

@Fazy @Kisaki

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth then ran away as fast as he could from the monsters, he was extremetly terrified for his life, he didn't even look to were he sprinted, he just ran, until he faceplanted straight into a tree, still shaking from the incident, he seemed to be at the end of a forest, he then saw the body of a small male boy faceplanted into the grass, "Hey...W-Wake up..."  he skittishly telepathically said to the boy while pulling his arm.

Auriel Dwelle

"N-No...I d-don't want to..." Auriel said, desperately trying to get out of the girl's lustful grasp, she felt a new feeling she had never felt in her entire years at the forest and as a human, the feeling of being used, as some would say, was she too pure for this cruel and selfish world?

@Navitic @Olivia Acerbi

"You'll come around. You just need a little convincing.", A made the wall close in on the door of the room locking them in and let go of Auriel. "You know, I was once like you. Naive, innocent......pure", she said sizing her up. "But, I learned through observation, and then through practice, that purity isn't a virtue, its a curse. It shackles your will, it's.....inhuman. All these rules and trials are soul cancer.", she leaned up against the wall next to Auriel. "I believe free-will is a gift and is meant to be used, not suppressed in some misguided attempt to impress a bunch of Holy Asshats.", she said leaning into Auriel. "I can make you feel good...I can give you anything you want. All you have to do is take it from me." 
"Hey, nice butt accessory," Fley laughed, pulling up Cody's shirt and tugging on his tail. She hated it when people did that to her. She followed him to the dorms, walking over another hill. "Hey, tail-dude, can't we go any faster? I mean, I know demons might be a little lazy, but wolves aren't!" she said, narrowing her eyes at him. She held the vial, examining it closely. This was good for Ryujin. It would be good for him, and she needed to get it to him fast.

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki 
Logan sets down the book, gets out of his armor, setting the rifle under the bed and his armor in a closet, he goes to take a shower, coming out in a grey long sleeve and black pants, he sits back down and keeps reading.
Cody yelped when she grabbed his tail, "Don't do that!" he said, it felt really weird, he grabbed it and held it in front of him, "D-Don't do that! I d-didn't do it to y-you!" he said.
"I'm  not dating him. My love and devotion goes to my little rabbit ."she said looking at Fley.

Kagami looked down at Cody's tail. "So cute! "

@Fazy @CERBERUS177
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Red quietly watches Miko leave, and then she turns around to go back into the cafeteria. She grabs a cheeseburger and a couple chocolate bars. Even thought she was half wolf demon, her human half allowed her to eat chocolate foods without getting terribly sick. Sitting next to the window, she takes In the view of the school as she eats. Finishing, she sits quietly, still looking out the window.

(Open to interaction)

@Navitic (that's ok)
"You're dating him? You call him cute? Aww, what a damned cute couple." Fley rolled her eyes as she approached the dorm. "OK, anyone know which one is Ryujin's?" she groaned. She headed straight for the registration desk and requested for Ryujin's dorm, Cody and Kagami shortly behind her. She looked back at Cody while the registration office called Ryujin's room to confirm that she was a friend. She'd said that, not because she was a friend, but because she wanted Ryujin to know it was... her. She didn't know how that would help explain things, but maybe it'd work. "Cody, you like your tail being tugged?" She forced it from the front and pulled on it hard. 

@Kisaki @CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren
Ryujin's laugh filled the air once again as the dust cleared. Ryujin was unharmed and a demonic smile covered his face. He raised his sticks to hit the drums again but this time a flash of lightning louder and more mighty then the others split the sky and Ryujin's skin became even pailed then it was. "It seems are fun had came to a close. Untill are next encounter demonic one." once he had finished his sentence he kept kept into the sky in the form of a lightning bolt.

His grandfather ordered him to stop fighting and return to his dorm. He did not know why but it was important. He landed with a thundering blast just outside the dorm still in his oni form. He slowly lumbered his way to his dorm gently easing the door open. He sucked his head under the door and made his way through it seemed his grandfather had already arranged for his stuff to he brought here.

@Olivia Acerbi

"You pansy! Get back here and fight me like a man!", A's shadow shouted as Ryujin left. 

Her shoulders slumped dissappointedly. "Boring.....". Both A and her shadow's eyes widened in shock at what she saw through one of the last 2 of her wasps.

"Luxor...", they both said quietly. "This is probably isn't good."

A's shadow rocketed back into the building trying to intercept Luxor before he got to physical A in the infirmary. 


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