Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"See! She's dating someone else." he said, though that wouldn't be a surprise, she was a joy to be around, when they got to the desk Cody got his key and began walking with the girls, then Fley...began to be Fley. "Stoooop!" he said, trying to get the tail back and failing. Then he grabbed her's and did the same.

@Fazy @Kisaki
Ryujin plopped down in front of his bed with a deep sigh. He closed his eyes and began to him and old folk song his adopted parents taught him before they abandoned him. The humming was deep and loud. Not thunder loud but loud enough that the sound moved through the halls. Its slow and sad tune could stir the emotions of anything realitivly human.
"DON'T TOUCH ME, ASSHOLE!" Fley screeched, still waiting for the registration office to let her go to see Ryujin. Fley pulled her tail away from Cody and stroked it protectively. The registration office called Ryujin again.

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki @Dante Verren 
(Assuming combat stuff is done and classes are done...?) 

Alice walked towards her dorm. She still felt overwhelmed. So many people, so many supernatural creatures. All her life, she was mostly surrounded by Aurae and humans, until now. She have studied different kinds of creatures yes, but now, she thought she was so oblivious of the world. So many things she doesn't know. And it made her confidence waver, as if it wasn't already at the brink of the cliff.

Everyone seemed to get along and already made friends, probably most of them are returnees. At first she thought she would immediately make a lot of friends in the first day. Unfortunately, she didn't, unless you count the three interaction she had at combat class, which she don't. 

Alice have arrived at the dormitory, now she needs to find her dorm number. She felt weak. Probably from combat? Which wasn't much. But then it has been days since she used her ability. She sighed.

(who wants to interact. I'm currently roaming around the dormitory)
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She shrugged and slowly pointed at a random person. She then slightly crouched down and put her hand on the ground. Ice spread from her hand in a thin trail and grew around the person's feet until it was the size of a mini cooper car.

Fred burst out laughing "Hahaha that was great!" Scared but delighted glee came to his face "but they can still hear us so we should run". Fred pulled her by their joined hands away from the Ice sculpture.
Cody could now move his tail like everyone else who had one, he smacked Fley with it very softly, almost like an accident. "Huh...I can move it now, thank's Fley!" he said, standing up, and holding it tightly, it was kinda leathery, it looked like black and redish leather...Guess that's cool. " Isn't Jack a Rabbit and you're...?" he said, not remembering what she was.

@Fazy @Kisaki
Auriel was relieved when the headmaster barged in the infirmary, "Well... to put it more simply... I kind of was almost raped by her..." Auriel nervously said to Luxor stepping away from the girl towards him.
"Wait. Jack is your... brother? BROTHER?!" Fley's jaw dropped. Kagami? Jack's sister? But Jack was cool and this - this girl was... she had to take her anger out on someone, something. This was too confusing for her brain to take. Adoptive or not, this was insane. She stared at the registration woman who had been ringing for Ryujin. "OK, miss, I'm sure Ryujin isn't going to die anytime soon. He has powers of his own. Besides, I said I'm a friend! OH COME ON, HE'S A LIGHTENING GOD, NONE OF US CAN BEAT HIM!" she exclaimed, shouting loudly. The registration woman finally sighed and gave her Ryujin's dorm number. She stormed upstairs without another word to Cody or Kagami.

@Kisaki @Dante Verren @CERBERUS177

*Going to sleep. See y'all in the morning.
Red quietly watches Miko leave, and then she turns around to go back into the cafeteria. She grabs a cheeseburger and a couple chocolate bars. Even thought she was half wolf demon, her human half allowed her to eat chocolate foods without getting terribly sick. Sitting next to the window, she takes In the view of the school as she eats. Finishing, she sits quietly, still looking out the window.

(Open to interaction)

@Navitic (that's ok)

I'm open for One More person.
Cody smiled, "I have fangs...I don't think I can suck blood...But, I don't plan on trying anytime soon." he said, he felt kinda upset that he didn't have a sister or brother, he was an only child. After he saw Fley leave, "Um...alright..." he said, kinda scared that he has to sleep with that woman. " you know where yours is?" he asked Kagami. Now wondering, how he's going to get his clothes to work with his tail.

@Lucremoirre  @Olivia Acerbi

Luxor hands clenched together. He had to keep his anger in before this infirmary and the people around them will be no more.

"You have anything to say A' ? I noticed your little shadow also and your scent from my office." His eyes turned to a honey gold.
He laid there for what seemed like minutes, maybe hours, or even days. It didn't matter to him. All of them suggest the same to him. His body didn't bother to respond. Not even the slightest inch of movement.

'Might as well be in a coma.' he thought uncaringly.

It would at least spare him the ability to suffer anymore than he would have to. He wanted to cry, badly. But even that was difficult. More time passed until he heard something from a distance. Opening his eyes slightly he could barely tell what caused the noise. Everything seemed too blurry to see properly. Was it help? He hoped it was. His eyes shut for it was no use. The noise drew closer and closer. The sounds of grass could be heard as whoever it was moving towards him. The sounds halted. All that could be heard was the sound of the blowing gust of wind. An immediate tug on his arm could be felt. Then, a voice. Initially, it was unrecognizable. He had no idea who it was, but he cared less about it. He only wanted to ask for some assistance. Moving his mouth he tried to make voice with the stranger. 

"Need....... help....." asking with great difficulty.

It was all he could say, before blacking out.

(you can interact with Ryujin though he may be a bit of an ass since he is in Oni form. We are dorm mates after all @Obsessed)

Ryujin sighed happily when the annoying ringing had stopped. And he happily continued his humming.
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@Kisaki @Lucremoirre

A's shadow barged into the room. "Luxor is-!", she cut herself off seeing Luxor standing in front of A and Auriel. "Uh, wrong room.", she tries to play off and begins walking away. 

"It..wasn't me?", A said nervously.
(Good times, good times)

"Sure! Sounds great!" he said, his pants are very uncomfortable now, his tail is irritating, "Do you know of any stores that sell tail friendly clothes?" he asked her. His tail peeking behind his left shoulder.

Luxor clicked his fingers together causing a barrier to appear around the area to keep anyone from leaving.

"I'm honestly disappointed by you. Such great power, but used to cause chaos."

No one could leave now. Not until he got answers. 

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi
(Awesome, I'll go then)

Alice stopped in front of her dorm room. She twisted the doorknob, not really expecting it to be open, but it was. She let the door swing and entered her dorm. A huge monster like guy with 4 drums around him welcomed her. She stepped back. "Who.. what are you?" 

@Dante Verren

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