Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(Awesome, I'll go then)

Alice stopped in front of her dorm room. She twisted the doorknob, not really expecting it to be open, but it was. She let the door swing and entered her dorm. A huge monster like guy with 4 drums sitting in a bed greeted her. She stepped back. "Who.. what are you?" 

@Dante Verren
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Fred burst out laughing "Hahaha that was great!" Scared but delighted glee came to his face "but they can still hear us so we should run". Fred pulled her by their joined hands away from the Ice sculpture.

She let him lead her away. "Yea.. that was fun." She faintly smiled then sighed. "Aren't we suppose to be on a monster hunt or something soon?"
Ryujin looked up as the girl entered. He did not know her but she smelled familiar. Itlmthe smell was already in the room so he asumed she was his roommate. "I am Ryujin. Grandson of the great thunder God Rajin. I am an Oni. A monster of darkness. Eater of children. Lurker of storms. Do you get the point or do I need to go on?"


"Hmmm I'm having deja vu." spoke to herself.  She looked back up at Cody."The student store which Is basically a mall behind the school sells clothes like that."  

He smiled, "Guess I'll head there later, I'd like to see your brothers face when he see's you...he doesn't know you're here huh?" he asked with a devious smile, knowing full well that he can help plan a surprise. Though, it may be a very evil way...

"Wow okay." Alice stepped in, closing the door behind her. "I quite get that my roommate is a monster and eats children." He was too big she can barely see his aura and she couldn't read it.

"And plays drums too." She said, eyeing those drums. 

@Dante Verren
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She let him lead her away. "Yea.. that was fun." She faintly smiled then sighed. "Aren't we suppose to be on a monster hunt or something soon?"

"They took care of that already it seems. It's a little odd that the teachers didn't coordinate it, but it seems like they took care of it." Frank came back to his senses. This made him realize he was still holding this girl's hand. His hand quickly shot back to his side much more awkwardly than he probably should have. "Uhhhhhhhh, yeah. SOooooo I guess we missed it. Well, uh it was uh, nice hanging out with you... uhhhh." Fred's eyes darted around a little. "So what are you getting up to now do you think?" He said scratching then back of his head and inwardly thinking of how terribly he executed his last few seconds of life.
"He will totally freak out " she said with a smirk. She started to walk ,"I haven't seen him for a long time. My modeling and singing career kept me busy."

"They took care of that already it seems. It's a little odd that the teachers didn't coordinate it, but it seems like they took care of it." Frank came back to his senses. This made him realize he was still holding this girl's hand. His hand quickly shot back to his side much more awkwardly than he probably should have. "Uhhhhhhhh, yeah. SOooooo I guess we missed it. Well, uh it was uh, nice hanging out with you... uhhhh." Fred's eyes darted around a little. "So what are you getting up to now do you think?" He said scratching then back of his head and inwardly thinking of how terribly he executed his last few seconds of life.

She noted that he was a bit nervous but decided to ignore it for his benefit. "Oh um. Probably just going to go in search of photo opportunities around the campus." She shrugged then titled her head. "I was a bit nervous about bringing my good camera out, so I just planned to use my phone camera.. I mean- my phone has a good camera too... but its not near as good as my.. good camera..." She mumbled the last bit. "Sorry. People just.. usually don't share my enthusiasm for photography."
Ryujin flicked his hand and the drums diaoeared in a sizzle of lightning "they are thunder drums that bend the sky's to its weilders will depending on how hard and what pattern you beat the drums. Weapons unique only to Rajin and his decedants. I take it you are Either overly brave or a complete fool. Any sane person would cower and fear 1st the sight of me or at least 31st the mention of mine and my grandfather's names."

Luxor clicked his fingers together causing a barrier to appear around the area to keep anyone from leaving.

"I'm honestly disappointed by you. Such great power, but used to cause chaos."

No one could leave now. Not until he got answers. 

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi

"Oh , don't give me that righteous bull, alright Luxor. What do you want? An apology? You and I both know I'm not sorry. Hell, I'd do it again." , A's shadow collapsed into the floor and took form beneath her again. A sat on Auriel's desk and crossed her legs. "So go on, do it. Act like the divine asshole you parade yourself around to be and kill me. It didn't stop me the first time you all turned on me, it won't stop me now, nothing will." 
She noted that he was a bit nervous but decided to ignore it for his benefit. "Oh um. Probably just going to go in search of photo opportunities around the campus." She shrugged then titled her head. "I was a bit nervous about bringing my good camera out, so I just planned to use my phone camera.. I mean- my phone has a good camera too... but its not near as good as my.. good camera..." She mumbled the last bit. "Sorry. People just.. usually don't share my enthusiasm for photography."

"Oh ya, no, makes sense" Fred heaved out with a sigh of relief. He was glad she seemed to ignore his bumbling about. "Well I'll leave you alone to your camerawork then, I'm sure I'd just get in the way." Fred then had the best worst idea. "Hey, uhhhhhhh if you ever need any candid stuff I'd be pretty useful for that." PANICPANIC "I-I-I-I MEAN LIKE BIRDS AND ANIMALS, not like people! That would be creepy right? Totally not creepy here, I just mean I lend well to the snea-sneaking uh yeah so...." Another fumble. Great. Well maybe she would ignore that one too.
"Eh not really fond of gods and goddesses." Alice walked towards her bed, the bed across Ryujin that was still neat and tidy. And as she was told earlier, her luggage stood beside her bedside table. Alice sat on the edge of her bed, away from the Oni as possible. "And thunders for that matter." 

She looked around the dorm, "Are you my roommate or did you eat my should-be roommate?"

@Dante Verren
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Cody could understand modeling but, singing,? Isn't one cool job good enough? " live a very interesting life Kagami. I was...a homeless kid most of my life so... You beat me by a landslide." he said. Keeping a smile, trying to not make the mood sad. "Alright, should we scare him...or just go meet him? I'm sure he's in the library or something..." he said, remembering that he left that 'Control your inner demon' book under the tree, he didn't care how he ended up anymore, whatever happened...happened.

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"Oh ya, no, makes sense" Fred heaved out with a sigh of relief. He was glad she seemed to ignore his bumbling about. "Well I'll leave you alone to your camerawork then, I'm sure I'd just get in the way." Fred then had the best worst idea. "Hey, uhhhhhhh if you ever need any candid stuff I'd be pretty useful for that." PANICPANIC "I-I-I-I MEAN LIKE BIRDS AND ANIMALS, not like people! That would be creepy right? Totally not creepy here, I just mean I lend well to the snea-sneaking uh yeah so...." Another fumble. Great. Well maybe she would ignore that one too.

"Oh- wow I hadn't thought of that! That's a great idea!" She grinned. "You can... tag along if you have nothing else to do.. I mean.. I'll probably just blabber about light and what not the whole time." She shrugged.
"I have nothing to due with your banishment as I Luxor was banished too. However I don't hold a grudge  against anyone unlike you.

The archangel raised an brow, "What good does it to use your free will for bad things. Is it a sinful pleasure of yours?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre
"Oh yeah sure, sure. I don't really know what comes next in the day so why not?" He took a couple deep breaths in his mind and calmed down. "What do you prefer to take pictures of? Or is that just everything? Just give me a rundown of why you like photography and what you like about it and all that." Fred was the kinda guy who enjoyed listening to other people talk about what they liked, especially if they were passionate about it.
"So you do fear me? I can feel it. Your just bold enough not to flee. I comend you for that." Ryujin reached over to the table besides his bed where his grandfather had stored his Ryujin's prized treasures. One was a coin. Ryujin picked up this coin tossed it to the girl. "Your roommate and I are like this coin. We share one body, one name, and one origin but are two completely different sides of the coin." the coin he tossed looked to be a standard quater with one side being a normal head side while the tails side was different. The tails side was a standard head side but dyed red and the head was the face of a monster.


(last post of the night.)
"Fear yea.." Alice said. "But my weariness is taking over so not much fear." She laid down on the bed though made sure she was still inches away from Ryujin. "So is my roommate a girl?" 

(Good night! See you later :D
Cody could understand modeling but, singing,? Isn't one cool job good enough? " live a very interesting life Kagami. I was...a homeless kid most of my life so... You beat me by a landslide." he said. Keeping a smile, trying to not make the mood sad. "Alright, should we scare him...or just go meet him? I'm sure he's in the library or something..." he said, remembering that he left that 'Control your inner demon' book under the tree, he didn't care how he ended up anymore, whatever happened...happened.


"You probably have a more interesting life than me"

Kagami then nodded.

"His scent is leading me to the libary , so we can go there."

She really didn't think that was fair but nodded anyway. "I'll still give you a lollipop...." she got up after a few seconds and dusted off her clothes even if they really didn't have much of it on her clothing. "It was nice sparing with you...I think we can be friends..." she wasn't sure before but she decided it was alright. 

@kenchin (It's fine. No reason to apologize.)

@Fazy (Um...Why are you mentioning me? I'm a little confused right now....)

Axel smiled and said " thanks but i have to give you a home made meal aswell i promised didn't i so " he wobbles towards Kori and smile's" lets be partners for the hunt okay together" said axel while he sat down " man that kick was hard hahaha but i am kinda suprised you where not suprised about the decision i made " said axel while looking at kori


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