Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Don't reply until you wake up :3)

Codys heart melted, and he smiled with wide eyes, "That was beautiful! Rock? I wouldn't mind hearing that, I'm a rock kind of person, but I enjoy all music if I can't do anything to ignore it, or I'm being respectful... It mostly ends up with me liking the music. " he said, she was an amazing singer, her voice was also very peaceful... Even if she was singing, he felt calm when she spoke to him. 

(I was kinda expecting a vocaloid... But that gave me a little more to go with what she sounds like. Also... My dog farted very loudly... Well I have to sleep with the stinky dog. G'Night!)

"Thanks! I'm able to change my voice to soprano to alto. That's why I do different genres of music."she smiled. 

"I have one more song , but honestly I thinks it's weird. My contractors wanted me to do this rock/metal song."She then clicked a video on her phone.

(I guess I choosed something more realistic sounding to get a better view of here voices....

Lol )
"Thanks! I'm able to change my voice to soprano to alto. That's why I do different genres of music."she smiled. 

"I have one more song , but honestly I thinks it's weird. My contractors wanted me to do this rock/metal song."She then clicked a video on her phone.

(I guess I choosed something more realistic sounding to get a better view of here voices....

Lol )

You made me like this band .-.)

"The video, I can take it or leave it...But, sounds like a anime intro, a fighting're amazing! This is my type of rock and metal..." he said, making a mental note of her bands. She was very good at what she does, even though she's half Slipknot. Well, the guys playing the guitars and drums... "Any plans on any other genres?" he asked her, curious of what she might play next. "If you have something on hand, save it, I don't want to see any spoils." he said, smiling a little. 'She's a metal chick, that's so cool!' he thought.

(Like...The players looked like they came from Slipknot XD)
"I've never had to try to scare someone before. sounds like an interesting challenge." He slowly stood to his full height and opened his eyes. His eyes where different this time. The iris was still golden while his pupils where still black. However the rest of his eyes which where normally white where now black with on and off streaks of gold connecting to the iris. Sparks of electricity sprang from his body and the nails on his large hands turned to claws. He opened his mouth large enough to reveal rows upon rows of fang like teeth double the amount of a normal humans. The small nubs on his head that acted as small horns grew larger. When he spoke his voice was the same deep pitch but now it was full of malice. "What do you think weird one? Are you scarred enough now." As he spoke all the electronics in the room went haywire as if the were either rushed with extra or robbed of their electricity. 

(It's called Babymetal and they're awesome.)

"I'm so glad you like it. I don't know what other genres  I'm going to do , but I am doing some collabs with this boy. "

She placed her phone in her bag. "I could always give you sample of my new work , but I won't be working for a while. I'm taking a break from my career."

(They kind of do look like it..)


"Ah....Back home.....If you don't mind me asking.....What is your life back home....Axel?" she mustered up a small smile which was basically the only facial expression she made while there.  "Old person? Died?" she was especially confused abut the part about him dying. She wasn't sure if he meant  figuratively or literally. It was sort of confusing to her. 

Since the other weird student doesn't respond,Aurelion turn back at Kahe "Well.We should go eat something,since like something bad happens otherwise the training could start." Aurelion say ready to go at the restaurant in the direction of Kahe.

Axel looked at her and simply smiled a sad smile " lets just say the Human world its a beutiful lie but i lived in the Shadow's where the Ugly truth was always presented i was told sense i was young i would take over the family's name and change the world to be better but their are plenty of evil people that don't want that to happen and want to change My Family's way of doing things and well i had my Home Tutor teach me how to survive even if i had to hurt myself to do so but he always said " Axel smiled at Kori " Just dont let any of our family die even if costs me my Life and well i didn't know what it meant untill a few years back but " eh touched Kori where he hit her and grabled her and started to heal her wounds " thats just a part of my past i want to earse thats all " he said smiling his kind smile while he took the lollipop and started to eat it " so whats the plan " he said while looking around the Training Ground

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"I have nothing to due with your banishment as I Luxor was banished too. However I don't hold a grudge  against anyone unlike you.

The archangel raised an brow, "What good does it to use your free will for bad things. Is it a sinful pleasure of yours?"

@Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre

(Soo sorry, I thought I responded to this...)

"Nothing.....that's the whole point, "free will" isn't "free" if you use it to follow rules." A hopped off the desk. "Good and bad are subjective........I thought you of all people would understand that.", she said getting in Luxor's face. "I know what you want most.....", she says quietly. "I can give you what you couldn't give yourself."

She backed away slightly. "Or you can punish me for my 'transgressions'. It's your choice, I'm done talking here."
Fley had taken almost forever to look for Ryujin's dorm. She'd wandered the hallways until she reached his dorm room number. Fley paused at the door. She heard his strong, loud voice behind the door. She clutched the vial tightly. Who could he be talking to? He was still in his oni form. Damn it, she really didn't want to face him this way, but she had to deliver this vial and leave. Maybe it was his dorm mate? No, wait, that was a female voice. Well, there are unisexual dorm partners. He could have a girl for one. Maybe it was his girlfr- What was with her and assuming people's relationship statuses? She'd been doing that recently, and all of the people she'd assumed were dating were actually not. Fley laughed at herself. She was so stupid. It was probably just a friend. Though Fley did not want to interrupt Ryujin's little conversation, she wanted to go to her dorm and crawl up on her bed and think about the events of the day. Or life, in general. 

Fley knocked at the door. "RYUJIN!! OPEN UP! IT'S ME!" 

@Dante Verren @Obsessed
"Alright, I can understand that!" he said, "Alright...So Jack...I've only met him a few times, last time was...kinda tensiony, but, I hope he isn't mad at me.." he said, if he was he'd apologize.

"No. I'm quite offended." Alice said, looking up at him, "You're just boasting how powerful you are." 

Suddenly she heard pounding on the door and someone yelling. Her gaze went to the door and back to Ryujin, "Your friend?"

@Dante Verren @Fazy

(It's like 12am here so if i dont reply anymore just go on without me.)
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"I won't be tempted by you like the others."he stared blankly at her. His eyes were still golden from anger.

Luxor turns around,"Your punishment will be decided by the Elites. Don't get carried away or your punishment will be become much more severe then it is now." The barrier disappeared as well as Luxor.

@Olivia Acerbi
It had been awhile before Miko would wake up again. Regaining his conscious he fell instantly asleep. The question that had raised was where did he fall asleep? Was he laying on the side of the grass? Couldn't be the grass since grass acted like miniature spiked needles, slowly poking into the skin irritating it. But this surface was warm and cushy. His two favorite things in the world. Bed? No, not that. The surface exhibit more like leather to him. Whatever. As long as its sleepable, he didn't care. Just as he was about to dream a wonderful dream a pat on the head demolished it. Another one. Another one. Over and over annoying his royal slumber. Miko slapped the hand away to put it at an end. He turned his body to get away from another patting while list getting more comfortable, wrapping around his plushie for companionship. No one was going to ruin this for him.

"mmmm, nooooo. I don't want to get up today. Come back tomorrow." he said in a childish tone.

(Lol, it's k fam. Btw, I like how your character was like 'Fuck it' and throws me across the room. XD)

"Fair enough. For the record Oni don't have friends". Dispute his words the features he amplified to show off his power returned to their normal Oni state so the fangs and claws where gone while the horns shrunk back down. "It's unlocked you may enter wolf pup." he turned to face the door. With out a battle to fight he was noticing the pull of his human counterpart. It was quite annoying.


"Alright, I can understand that!" he said, "Alright...So Jack...I've only met him a few times, last time was...kinda tensiony, but, I hope he isn't mad at me.." he said, if he was he'd apologize.


"I'm sure he isn't angry. He doesn't hold much of grudge for too long. So ....what did you do to him?"she asked..

"....I guess life at home isn't easy for some people..."  she had no idea what would be a proper response would be so she said something with nothing behind it using a monotone voice. She really hadn't thought pass fighting because she didn't really plan to be with him this long but she didn't want to run off just yet. She stared forward for a few minutes, obviously spaced out then said calmly "How about I get my meal now.....I gave you my lollipop so you give me the promised..." she wasn't hungry but food did sound nice. It was free and she didn't have to cook it so that made it all the more appetizing sounding,


[Female- Yana]  

After what had happened on the combat field Yana decided that it was best to run off while Ms. Succubus was distracted with other things. She would probably be mad but Yana was pretty much used to her being angry.  She had felt contaminated after being so close to them or something and decided to take a shower to cleanse herself. She spent way more time than needed in there. She enjoyed it a lot because she could actually relax for a few minutes and it's not like she could be blamed for anything because she was washing herself. It was too perfect in her mind. 
"OPEN THE DOOR! ARE YOU PEOPLE DEAF?!" Fley screamed, kicking at the door. She heard Ryujin's answer and she practically kicked open the door. Fley surveyed the girl and gave out a small chuckle, but said nothing more to her.  She was decently pretty, in her opinion, so she didn't mind her being with Ryujin. She handed him the vial and waited for him to take it. "I kept this for you," she said, looking him in the eye.

@Dante Verren @Obsessed
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Sythnar Dochrohen

"W-Well... At least eat s-something before y-you go t-to sleep!"  Seth telepathically said with a commanding tone to the lazy male as his hand was slapped away, he was relieved for the male to be seemingly fine, but he was also a bit irritated with the boy, after all, he carried the boy from the middle of nowhere, to Seth's room, he could be a little more grateful at least!, he then went to get some food from the refrigerator, the school couldn't possibly leave him without anything to eat right?, however, his back thought otherwise, a current of pain went through his body once he stepped feet on the floor, Seth visibly flinched, it took all his mental might to not scream, he then looked through his pocket, to find a bar of chocolate in his pocket, his neighbours, who were a middle-aged couple, gave it to him as a parting gift before he left, according to his parents, they had a daughter who dissapeared after going in a simple jog, he lied to the couple about his status, saying that his gas mask was because of a rare disease, Seth was used to lying about his gas mask, he then gave the chocolate bar to the young boy with a sad expression on his eyes, knowing fully well he can't eat it.

(Thanks! , technically he was next to the couch but.... I prefer that situation e.e, also, MMMMM that parallel to Auriel tho)

"I'm sure he isn't angry. He doesn't hold much of grudge for too long. So ....what did you do to him?"she asked..

"I kinda made a threatening move towards him, and I think he was made after the fact. I don't really know, but I want to apologize to him. " he said looking a little upset, "Theres the library! " he pointed at the large building, "If he's not there, than he's in the garden area. " he said gesturing in the direction of the garden. 

(They need to warn us of shut downs. .-.)
Ryujin held up the vial to his nose and sniffed it. He coughed from the horrid smell of the vial. "What is this. some sort of controlling medicine and what do you mean you held on to it for me." The realization clicked in his brain. "Ahh so my counter part must have given it to you fro safe keeping. " he stared at it for a minute longer before holding it back out to her. "Take it back. I do not want it. I see no benefit for me if I am to drink it."


Fley sat down beside him. "You're drinking it. I'm making you drink it, because you have to," she insisted. "I don't care if you're some... crazy person with multiple personality disorder or whatnot, you're drinking whatever the hell this is." She uncapped the vial and tried to force it into his mouth.

@Dante Verren @Obsessed
" At least you didn't try to kill him."she replied. She looked up at the big building . It was really big , but it wasn't large as the libary that they had back in the village. "Luxor must be rich

." They entered into the libary.

Jack stared blankly at his book. He was reading about some ice magic that he could during battles. Usagi looked up to see Kagami and Cody,"Gods...why are you here with my sister. "

Kagami ran over him and gave him an hug,"I'll be attending this school silly. I'll also making sure that there isn't any girls preying on my poor little brother." 

(I feel the same way. I keep losing the stuff I write when they do that.)


"....I guess life at home isn't easy for some people..."  she had no idea what would be a proper response would be so she said something with nothing behind it using a monotone voice. She really hadn't thought pass fighting because she didn't really plan to be with him this long but she didn't want to run off just yet. She stared forward for a few minutes, obviously spaced out then said calmly "How about I get my meal now.....I gave you my lollipop so you give me the promised..." she wasn't hungry but food did sound nice. It was free and she didn't have to cook it so that made it all the more appetizing sounding,


[Female- Yana]  

After what had happened on the combat field Yana decided that it was best to run off while Ms. Succubus was distracted with other things. She would probably be mad but Yana was pretty much used to her being angry.  She had felt contaminated after being so close to them or something and decided to take a shower to cleanse herself. She spent way more time than needed in there. She enjoyed it a lot because she could actually relax for a few minutes and it's not like she could be blamed for anything because she was washing herself. It was too perfect in her mind. 

Axel smiled "well if you want to eat i am down to cooking us a meal so what would you like to eat" said axel while heading to the main building then he stoped " ahhh do you know where the kitchen in this place is located at " said axel looking at the buildings"

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