Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Licking his fingers off the last strains of chocolate, he took a deep breath of relief. He looked back up at the man they call 'Seth' now that he was done. But what he saw was a face of disappointment and utter slight anger. Miko had no clue as to why. Then it hit him. Miko made a face of realization. He had not even said thanks to his savior.

"T-Thank you, sir!" hastily bowing in gratitude.

"So sorry for causing you all this trouble! I hope to find it in your heart to forgive me and my ignorance!"

(My character is an asshole... Check!)

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hell yes im sure about that

(okay e.e)

(My post was responding to that confused me for a sec. Auriel must be fast af, we need her on track and field. Anyway
Fley whirled around quickly and faced Cody, yanking his tail before grabbing her own to protect it from him. "YOU! Just remember not to touch me and you'll be safe. All right, sweetie?" She patted him on the head and smiled jokingly. "Well, we certainly do have a bad history. You and I, you know?" 

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki
Fley decided to leave Ryujin a note for when he woke up. It said something about contacting her, and she left her number for him to call her after he woke up, just to check if he was okay. She left it clenched in his fist so that he wouldn't miss it. She exited the dorm room and headed for the library to see if she could find any books on the school's history in relation to the subjects they taught. This was not regular math and English class, this was serious. She wanted to research more about monster-hunting and the likes of it so that she wouldn't be such a coward in the next few classes. Fley entered the library and spotted Cody and Kagami. Why was she running into them everywhere? She thought back to what Kagami had said about Usagi being her brother. Just then, she spotted Usagi. "Usagi!" she called, running up to him. 

@Kisaki @Dante Verren @CERBERUS177

Cody nodded then saw Fley run over to Jack, "Well then there's this one!" he said as she sped past him. Surprised at how fast and happy she was to see him.

@Kisaki @Fazy

(having problems rpnation. I cant go back and delete things.)
" seem well."He seems to be running into the same people today. Kagami walked over to Fley and greeted her,"Hey !"

She felt at peace as she wandered around the garden, all of the greenery and smells helped cool Lydia's nerves. That plus the monotone humming of Honey made Lydia take the time to stop in front of a marble fountain spewing out fresh water. Lydia almost forgot where she was, feeling so calm where she was. Remembering that magic and monsters exist made her heart race again, would they accept her here? She took the moment in front of the fountain to view her body, one of a navy spider body. It still amazed Lydia how easily someone could be changed, if she had listened to her parents this would have never happened... Quickly shaking off the sad memory Lydia turned to face Honey, who was similarly staring back at her. Making small talk to the green-winged wasp, Lydia mumbled "It feels good to be outside, don't you think so too Honey?". The wasp replied by landing on the ground and laying next to her, fluttering his translucent wings.
"Oh. YOU again. Not that I have a problem with that," Fley said. She didn't want to be hostile to the girl. In fact, being friends would be nice. She seemed cheery and quite fun to be around... but Fley didn't want to make friends. She decided that she'd make a small team of acquaintances; the people she couldn't get rid of, but didn't want to get rid of. She stared at Kagami. "Hey." She attempted to smile, but it looked rather unnatural and forced. She then looked back at Usagi, and walked over to him. "I-I really, honestly don't know what happened earlier. I really don't. I swear to God, if I did anything to you, I'd kill myself. Tell me I didn't do anything wrong," she half-begged.

Cody fell to the ground when she grabbed his tail, "Grr!" he growled, tackling Fley and yanking her tail and doing what she did to him. "You little pup!" he said, pulling her one of her ears too,

@Kisaki @Fazy
Fley squealed and snarled at him, but she was off-guard and trapped beneath him. "DEMON! DEMON!" she screamed, helpless. Her soft tail ached and she regretted her decision. "Nghhh," she moaned, clutching it as he yanked her ears. "Stoooop." 


She shook her head slowly "I thought you did.....We'll  look for it then....I don't really have anything better to do....right now." she honestly didn't. Would that make her a 'loser' as they say? Well she was new so that was to be expected "I don't really have anything specific.....I'm not a picky person..." when she was home she only ate the life force of frozen humans who the other members of her village brought back. That sort of dulled her taste a bit.



Of course she ran off. I can't take my eyes off  her for a few seconds!  Jonetsu was noticeably irritated about Yana escaping like that. It didn't really matter but she really disliked the thought of her getting off easy.  She was going to search for her but it seemed Luxor needed her for something "She escapes for now...." she mumbled to herself. Jonetsu flew off to where he was located as quickly as she could at that moment. She knocked on his office door to signal her arrival and walked in "Yes? You called me for something?" there was a million things that this could be about but she didn't want to make any assumptions.


"Can you make sure the teachers come to the meeting room in a hour. I have to discuss some important bussiness. "
Cody ignored the name calling, getting quite used to it, "Are you going to do that to me again?" he asked her, yanking on the other ear. "Because I'll follow up with the same tactics!" he said.

@Fazy @Kisaki
"Oh. YOU again. Not that I have a problem with that," Fley said. She didn't want to be hostile to the girl. In fact, being friends would be nice. She seemed cheery and quite fun to be around... but Fley didn't want to make friends. She decided that she'd make a small team of acquaintances; the people she couldn't get rid of, but didn't want to get rid of. She stared at Kagami. "Hey." She attempted to smile, but it looked rather unnatural and forced. She then looked back at Usagi, and walked over to him. "I-I really, honestly don't know what happened earlier. I really don't. I swear to God, if I did anything to you, I'd kill myself. Tell me I didn't do anything wrong," she half-begged.


"You need some practice for smiling " commented Kagami.

"It's fine. You just gave me a little scratch , but I'm already healed."he said.

Fley moaned again and clawed at him, though uselessly. "N-no, I'm sorry!" she said. "Don't rape me," she murmured, eyes wide in terror. "I'm a virgin and I'm not ready for this! I'm only in high school, please..." She curled up into a tiny ball and shielded her ears with her arms.


Sythnar Dochrohen

"W-Well you are welcome, I-It's fine.... A-And you were alone i-in the middle of n-nowhere! No one would c-come to h-help you!, You w-were lucky I came along! What w-were you thinking in s-sulking in f-faraway places!"  Seth telepathically scolded the young boy, slightly sulking himself after he was compared to a older man.... kind of.

(Quick! Tell him he's becoming a douche!.... get it cuz of the TELL THEM NAEGI whole thing okay...)

Fley moaned again and clawed at him, though uselessly. "N-no, I'm sorry!" she said. "Don't rape me," she murmured, eyes wide in terror. "I'm a virgin and I'm not ready for this! I'm only in high school, please..." She curled up into a tiny ball and shielded her ears with her arms.


(*Holds arms up and backs away* I dropped my taco when I was reading that)

Cody let her go, with a blank face, "Why would you say that? I may be a demon, but I'm not an EVIL one..." he said, 'Why did she go out there with herself?! Normal teasing went from that to 'Don't rape me!'' he thought, laughing inside.

@TaraSobiki @Kisaki @Tazmodo @Fazy @LinkyGirl @CERBERUS177 @LoneSniper87 @hprincess01 @Ellieroan @Dante Verren @Fuzziestudios @Angelostar4 @NickTonCutter @Tsukihi @Navitic @Olivia Acerbi @Nenma Takashi @Nathan22 @Temmeh @nfounder @Tamamo-no-Bae @Ravensmikey @TheCoffeeToy @Luminsanity @xXRassBerriXx @Obsessed@Os1r1s @Lucremoirre @SoulGalaxyWolf @Vaccum @Seraph @Enmyira @Scarlet Wyvern @Sizniche @MyriadMalady @LilyannaGaming @Storm Guardian @PixieDusts @tealevergood @kenchin @Destructus Kloud @TheGrimPickler @Cheryl (Whew, that was some work! I hope it's okay to do this, just trying to get things a bit more organized)


Slowly but surely, the sun sets over Luxor Academy. All daytime RP that you guys got going, please wrap them up as soon as you are able, and we'll proceed to all characters heading for their dorms and getting some sleep. Or not. What matters is that we have a timeskip here, to begin structuring everything up and avoid further chaos. Sorry for the inconvenience, but just so that everyone can keep up, this will prove useful.

Additionally, since the teacher's meeting will be closed with only a set number of roleplayers, let's make a set topic for it! You can find that here:

@Kisaki @TaraSobiki @Lucremoirre @Any other school staff I might've missed :P
Fley stood back up and brushed herself off. She noticed that the sky outside was getting darker. She decided to get back upstairs to her dorm instead of staying with Cody the Rapist. "I'm going back to my dorm room! I'm sure Izo is already there. And I'm sorry for anything I may have done to you, whether or not you were injured, Usagi." She nodded to Kagami as a sign of goodbye, but didn't even bother saying anything to Cody. Her face had gone slightly red from the awkward encounter. She began to head back to her dorm room.

@CERBERUS177 @Kisaki
Miko did not why he needed a scolding from this guy. Who did he think he was? His dad? He really wanted to tell Seth he was becoming a douc-. No. He could not bring himself to do that. After all, he did save his life. This went on for what seemed like hours. Miko endured it the best he could. But he didn't like being scolded like a five-year-old. By the end of it, he just sat in silence, looking down to the ground as if he had nothing to say to Seth. Miko then raised his head only to have tears streaming down his face.


(Done.... sort of.)

The sun set letting the lights turn on and light up the garden, fireflies came out of their hidey-holes to set a beautiful scene for Lydia to enjoy. She wondered if she missed anything as she spent a couple hours just enjoying the outside, not wanting to enter a building in fear of being rejected. Taking the cobblestone path she skittered down with Honey once again flying above her head. Lydia was nervous if she was going to the right building to rest in. Entering the dormitory, bending her head over to fit through the door, she was greeted by a lovely receptionist.

Nervously Lydia asked where she was, and was surprised to hear a welcoming voice saying that she was at the 'dormitories'. Shortly after that Lydia was given a key for her room and she quickly scuttled away, amazed that she wasn't flipped out immediately for what she was. With Honey buzzing next to her she was worried if she was disturbing anybody's sleep. Surely people could hear her pet humming loudly down the corridors. Soon enough, Lydia came upon her room and entered it, worried of what she will find there. Luckily for her no one was in the room apart from her, so Lydia took the time to consider what to do as she locked the door behind her. Perhaps sleeping was the best option.

"Yes. Of course." she nodded and went off to do what she was told. Everyone else was pretty easy but she would have to find Yana and drag her all the way there by her collar. This would be pain and she knew it.

(*Holds arms up and backs away* I dropped my taco when I was reading that)

Cody let her go, with a blank face, "Why would you say that? I may be a demon, but I'm not an EVIL one..." he said, 'Why did she go out there with herself?! Normal teasing went from that to 'Don't rape me!'' he thought, laughing inside.


Jack stared with open eyes and looked at Fley as she ran away," Its getting late...I guess I should be going..."Jack got up to leave until Kagami stopped him.

"You have to make me dinner. I'm starving after watching your friends molest each other.."


Sythnar Dochrohen

"U-Um...I-I'm r-really s-sorry.....u-um...."  Seth telepathically said with an apologetic tone, as shyly fidgeted his hands, his eyes were watering up aswell, he never made someone cry, was he becoming more ruthless like his parents?, Seth then began to cry thanks to the thought, "I'M VERY SORRY! I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU CRY! NEITHER TO HURT YOU!"  Seth telepathically said to the young boy as he cried aswell, hugging the boy in the progress.

(Our characters are such man-babies,  AND I LUV IT)

"Ah, do you miss her?" Fred asked. It seemed like that was what the sigh was for, but it was always good to make sure in his books.

She nodded. "I do... though- I did bring a few pictures from home, so its not all bad." She shrugged and smiled. "Eventually, I hope to fill a wall with my edited photos... To make a type of collage I guess?"

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