Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)


Luxor appeared back to his office. He'll have to see the up a meeting to discuss the matters of some individuals. 

His eyes weren't back to his natural blue. He still pretty upset about the recent experience.  He called for his assistant. 

"I am the great Ryujin I can not be told what to-" His self rightous monolaogue was interupted as Fley poured the vial down his throat. Ryujin coughed violently as the option went to work. His coughing fit shook the room as he fell to his knees.

His skin and hair started to return to normal color as his body shrunk back down to its human form. His eyes where the last thing to change as they went from thunder gold back to their normal color. Finally human Ryujin sat their on his knees breathing heavily wearing only pants witch suprising where undamged through both transformations. 


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Lydia was wandering around the courtyard, taking in the lush scenery. She went out of the shade as there seemed to be no one around, and she needed to explore the school grounds anyway. The sun felt good on her skin, not too hot either. Honey was happily buzzing from flower to flower, even if he did seem like a monster he kept some of his instincts to simply pollinate. Following the pavement, Lydia spent her time walking around the area to find out where everything is, with Honey humming nearby. She was surprised to find that there was no one roaming around like her, but Lydia didn't mind. The company of the wasp was good enough, but the humming sound did seem to scare off the birds. 
" At least you didn't try to kill him."she replied. She looked up at the big building . It was really big , but it wasn't large as the libary that they had back in the village. "Luxor must be rich

." They entered into the libary.

Jack stared blankly at his book. He was reading about some ice magic that he could during battles. Usagi looked up to see Kagami and Cody,"Gods...why are you here with my sister. "

Kagami ran over him and gave him an hug,"I'll be attending this school silly. I'll also making sure that there isn't any girls preying on my poor little brother." 

(I feel the same way. I keep losing the stuff I write when they do that.)


Cody laughed, "And before you ask, yeah I purposely brought her to you!" he said, then getting serious, "Look Jack, I'm sorry about the little incident we had in the hallway earlier..." he said, holding back a laugh about a question he was probably going to be asked later. 
"I won't be tempted by you like the others."he stared blankly at her. His eyes were still golden from anger.

Luxor turns around,"Your punishment will be decided by the Elites. Don't get carried away or your punishment will be become much more severe then it is now." The barrier disappeared as well as Luxor.

@Olivia Acerbi

"*pfffft* 'Your punishment will be decided by the Elites.' What-the f*ck-ever, a bunch of reclusive douches don't scare me.", A said crossing her arms. "Ugh, that killed my flow.", she said looking around. 

"Oh yeah sure, sure. I don't really know what comes next in the day so why not?" He took a couple deep breaths in his mind and calmed down. "What do you prefer to take pictures of? Or is that just everything? Just give me a rundown of why you like photography and what you like about it and all that." Fred was the kinda guy who enjoyed listening to other people talk about what they liked, especially if they were passionate about it.

((Idk whats been going on since i was asleep. Should we just.. time skip to catch up?))
Fley pitied Ryujin. He looked almost confused. She knew he was going to fall asleep in a matter of minutes, so she helped him onto his bed. "You're gonna fall asleep soon," she said, gruffly, as if she didn't care too much about him. "So you might as well get some rest. You're girlfriend'll watch over you, I trust," she says, looking pointedly at the girl.

@Obsessed @Dante Verren

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel has sneaked away from the two while they were fighting, she went to the combat field, she wanted to know what had happened in there while she was being..... 'interrogated', she then approached a student, "Um... Do you know what went down in here?", she asked the blond student with a pleasant tone.

@Destructus Kloud

She shook her head slowly "I thought you did.....We'll  look for it then....I don't really have anything better to do....right now." she honestly didn't. Would that make her a 'loser' as they say? Well she was new so that was to be expected "I don't really have anything specific.....I'm not a picky person..." when she was home she only ate the life force of frozen humans who the other members of her village brought back. That sort of dulled her taste a bit.



Of course she ran off. I can't take my eyes off  her for a few seconds!  Jonetsu was noticeably irritated about Yana escaping like that. It didn't really matter but she really disliked the thought of her getting off easy.  She was going to search for her but it seemed Luxor needed her for something "She escapes for now...." she mumbled to herself. Jonetsu flew off to where he was located as quickly as she could at that moment. She knocked on his office door to signal her arrival and walked in "Yes? You called me for something?" there was a million things that this could be about but she didn't want to make any assumptions.


Auriel Dwelle

Auriel has sneaked away from the two while they were fighting, she went to the combat field, she wanted to know what had happened in there while she was being..... 'interrogated', she then approached a student, "Um... Do you know what went down in here?", she asked the blond student with a pleasant tone.

@Destructus Kloud

Luxor clicked his fingers together causing a barrier to appear around the area to keep anyone from leaving.

"I'm honestly disappointed by you. Such great power, but used to cause chaos."

No one could leave now. Not until he got answers. 

@Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi

(lol, jk. I'll find some other people to annoy ( ゚ヮ゚))
His face soured. True. The stranger words were reasonable to hear. He would've not ended up in this mess if he had simply taken the time to eat. He laid there motionless, grumbling to himself in objection. That changed when he heard the wrapping of tin foil being rummaged around. The back of his hair stood up.

'Could it be?' he thought in disbelief.

He had to see for himself. Turning his body to face the stranger he saw a man standing before him wearing mostly black and white clothing and a.... gas mask? That alone took him off guard. The stranger had extended his arm out holding a milk chocolate bar with a bare sad look in his eyes.

'Why was he so sad?' now confused.

He didn't bother asking questions. Sitting up straight, Miko swiped the bar out of the stranger's hand and started to munch on it enthusiastically.

'Oh, Cadbury, how I have missed you dearly.' happily eating with no patients to stop.


Ryujin's eyes began to blur and his body felt heavy. "She's not my girl*Yawn*friend just my Room*Yawn*mate." he shook his head to try and stay awake but he wound't last long. He gave Fley a small smile."Thanks and I'm sorry...for everything...". Once his sentance was finished he was out. The way he was sitting caused him to fall forward landing his head landing on Fley's shoulder.


((glob I have no idea x _ x))

(alright I'll try)

Fred had a good time wandering around the campus with Emma learning about photography. She seemed to be wrapping up with her picture taking when Fred asked "Have you mer your roomate yet?"
Fley tentatively put her arm around his shoulder and ruffled his hair lightly. She sighed and looked at the girl. Just roommates, huh? She wondered how long that'd last. She remembered Ryujin's last words before he'd fallen asleep: Sorry for everything? But technically, he'd done nothing... it was his oni. Fley didn't want to leave Ryujin alone just yet - more for her sake than his. She lay him down on his bed and pulled the blanket over him so he slept snugly. Fley sat on the side of his bed and just watched him awhile. 

@Dante Verren
(alright I'll try)

Fred had a good time wandering around the campus with Emma learning about photography. She seemed to be wrapping up with her picture taking when Fred asked "Have you mer your roomate yet?"

She slightly frowned. "I don't think I have one yet?" She shrugged and kept walking. "There was only my name on the door.."

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth was surprised as the young boy sat straight up and swiftly took the chocolate from his hand and started eating it, "U-Um... My name's Seth are in Luxor Academy at the moment.... My dorm room to be m-more specific..."  Seth telepathically said with a slightly annoyed expression on his eyes, I mean, you would also be irritaded if a child just bursted in your room and ate your own chocolate in front of you.... the young boy didn't burst in the room, yes, but the point still stands!

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She slightly frowned. "I don't think I have one yet?" She shrugged and kept walking. "There was only my name on the door.."

"Oh, that kinda sucks, or do you prefer living alone?" Fred thought of his own situation. "I basically don't have a roomate. I waited in that room a while and he didn't show up at all, not even to put his stuff on his bed or anything."
She slightly frowned. "I don't think I have one yet?" She shrugged and kept walking. "There was only my name on the door.."

"Oh, that kinda sucks, or do you prefer living alone?" Fred thought of his own situation. "I basically don't have a roomate. I waited in that room a while and he didn't show up at all, not even to put his stuff on his bed or anything."
Fley decided to leave Ryujin a note for when he woke up. It said something about contacting her, and she left her number for him to call her after he woke up, just to check if he was okay. She left it clenched in his fist so that he wouldn't miss it. She exited the dorm room and headed for the library to see if she could find any books on the school's history in relation to the subjects they taught. This was not regular math and English class, this was serious. She wanted to research more about monster-hunting and the likes of it so that she wouldn't be such a coward in the next few classes. Fley entered the library and spotted Cody and Kagami. Why was she running into them everywhere? She thought back to what Kagami had said about Usagi being her brother. Just then, she spotted Usagi. "Usagi!" she called, running up to him. 

@Kisaki @Dante Verren @CERBERUS177
"I won't be tempted by you like the others."he stared blankly at her. His eyes were still golden from anger.

Luxor turns around,"Your punishment will be decided by the Elites. Don't get carried away or your punishment will be become much more severe then it is now." The barrier dissapeared as well as Luxor.

@Olivia Acerbi

(lol, jk. I'll find some other people to annoy ( ???))


hell yes im sure about that

(okay e.e)
"Oh, that kinda sucks, or do you prefer living alone?" Fred thought of his own situation. "I basically don't have a roomate. I waited in that room a while and he didn't show up at all, not even to put his stuff on his bed or anything."

"I dont mind people. I have a sister- we're best friends.." She smiled and sighed. 
Cody laughed, "And before you ask, yeah I purposely brought her to you!" he said, then getting serious, "Look Jack, I'm sorry about the little incident we had in the hallway earlier..." he said, holding back a laugh about a question he was probably going to be asked later. 

"Its will take me much more to make me mad" he replied. Kagami ggrabbed one of his book," Instead of re
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