Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Red leaves the cafeteria, throwing her wrappers away as she went past the door. When she walks outside she take a deep breath, enjoying the fresh air. Turning she heads to the garden to walk around for a while, she loved seeing cherry blossoms and flowers that never bloomed near her village. After she finished her walk, she decides to wonder around the school grounds to make a mental map, instead of always asking for what building is where. Red stumbles upon the combat field and smiles "I'm glad I found out where this place is. The only problem would be finding a sparing partner." She speaks to herself while looking around the field and noticed that there was some else there, what looked to be a young boy. Walking over to him, she gives him a small wave to get his attention, "hello" she says when she got closer.

"You probably have a more interesting life than me"

Kagami then nodded.

"His scent is leading me to the libary , so we can go there."

"Yeah... Interesting... " he said, "So, can I hear something from you? If you don't mind that is... " he said, interested in what she sounds like when she sings. (I'm more awake now as I typed this, I'm on my phone so... A link or name of a song will do if you want to post one! )
Izo looked up and down at the girl. "Who are you " he asked.

He lifted his stuffed toy and looked at it. "I wonder if she's nice Mister fluffiton."


" I'm could show you one of my old songs. I also do rock if you want hear later"she pulled out her phone and displayed the video.


(II was about to sleep..II guess I can do 1 more post)
Izo looked up and down at the girl. "Who are you " he asked.

He lifted his stuffed toy and looked at it. "I wonder if she's nice Mister fluffiton."


" I'm could show you one of my old songs. I also do rock if you want hear later"she pulled out her phone and displayed the video.


(II was about to sleep..II guess I can do 1 more post)

Don't reply until you wake up :3)

Codys heart melted, and he smiled with wide eyes, "That was beautiful! Rock? I wouldn't mind hearing that, I'm a rock kind of person, but I enjoy all music if I can't do anything to ignore it, or I'm being respectful... It mostly ends up with me liking the music. " he said, she was an amazing singer, her voice was also very peaceful... Even if she was singing, he felt calm when she spoke to him. 

(I was kinda expecting a vocaloid... But that gave me a little more to go with what she sounds like. Also... My dog farted very loudly... Well I have to sleep with the stinky dog. G'Night!)

She nodded  a little "Yeah....We'll be partners."  she might actually start  to want to go on this hunting thing. "Sorry....I was aiming to injure you seriously...." she had felt slightly guilty about hurting the person who meant something to her. "I guess....I saw it coming....That's probably why I wasn't surprised.....Oh, before I forget." she reached in her pocket and took out three different ones. "Choose. The left one is sour apple, the right one is grape and the middle one is peach. II'll take the ones you don't pick....Unless you choose all of them then that's fine to. I have more...." she kept quite a few on hand just in case she needed it for something.

@kenchin (Wasn't online. Sorry for the wait!)
(I have no idea. I think a serious fight broke out, and something about wasps happened, a prank I think. After that, idk.)
Alice sat up, "What?!" She exclaimed, "But I'm a girl! And you-" she raised a finger towards him, "You- you're a boy? Isn't that a very big no no in Rules and Regulations?"

@Destructus Kloud
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"Yeah..." Alice eyed him cautiously. "I'm a girl. It doesn't matter if "we" don't partake on sexual activities." She felt her cheeks become red. "Ugh. I wish we don't have to share the same bathroom." She muttered. Alice slumped back on the bed again. "God this is so exhausting. Could you change your appearance or something? Because we surely don't need thunder here." 

@Dante Verren

(omg sorry i tagged a wrong person)
Lydia entered the academy grounds after about a week of travelling. She felt uncomfortable being out in human company again, she has no idea how people will react to her. The sight of her and a pretty large wasp buzzing next to her didn't really help either. The arachnid has only encountered one other group of humans and it did not go well for either of them. At the moment she couldn't see anyone outside at the entrance, so Lydia quickly skittered over to the shadows of the building hoping that she won't be noticed. Unfortunately Honey, her bone white wasp, was making a rather loud humming sound which would probably get a couple people over here if they heard him.  Lydia had no idea where to go, she has never been here before so how could she? She sat there with her violet wings glistening slightly as she wondered what to do.

(Where should I be going right now? Everyone is all over the place >> )
"I can assure you my human counterpart will do all that he can to make sharing this space as least awkward as possible. The fool is stupidly kind." he chuckled again and the room shook. "There will be no thunder unless I desire there to be thunder. I will remain in this form until my blood is satisfied or I lose control to him. It is a constant war t osee who is in control and for now I am winning that war."

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"Oh, I somehow want to help your human side as I feel weary right now." But even if she could (which she can't since she can barely see his aura to his size and also the aura's size), she wouldn't want to be zapping thunders randomly and change into a 7 feet monster. "So um, are you just going to sit there and wait for what... Lose?"

@Dante Verren

(am i  been tagging the wrong person since last night?)
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"I do not known why I sit here. I was in the middle of an exciting battle. One that satisfied my hunger for war and yet me grandfather ordered me to return to here , so I did. Now I sit here waiting for an unknown reason." 

(i think there is only one Dante Verren so I'm pretty sure you have been tagging me.)

(I was the guy you sparred with last night, @Obsessed. I have no idea what's happened though or where anything is anymore.)
@Destructus Kloud Yea, i accidentally tagged you in one of my posts that doesn't concern your character. When I logged in, people were already doing their own stuff, combat class apparently ended.))

"Wow, how obedient of you." Alice stared at the plain white ceiling. "So did your human side had a separate life back then before you both were like," she raised her two hands and clapped it once.

@Dante Verren
"Do not think of me as some loyal mutt. I simply obey my grandfather out of respect and graittitude." he chuckled again causing the room to shake for a third time. "The tale of my counterparts life is long and annoying. I may be a monster but I will not bother you with a boreing story."


Sythnar Dochrohen

After the unknown person requested his assistance, Seth, with some trouble, lifted the male into his back, the momentum of the male sended Seth's legs staggering, as he recovered himself, he looked back to see his options on where to go, a clear, long path of dirt, or the forest, Seth chose the path of dirt, holding on to the boy's arms over his shoulder, like a backpack, and thus Seth started to walk very slowly, thanks to the weight on his back, after walking in what seemed like hours, Seth saw a small hill, after passing it, he saw two buildings, which seemed like the academy dorms, after thanking the gods, Seth walked down the hill towards the closest dorm, after entering the dorm, he asked the receptionist the key for his dorm, she gave him the key, but she didn't really know where was his dorm, as she was a newbie, he then went to find his room, after going to room to room, he saw his own full first name in a nameplate with another name, 'Sythnar and Dalilia ', he had no time to wonder as he opened the door with the key on his pocket given by the receptionist, he then saw a fairly large room with a bunk bed and a nightstand standing next to it, a couch facing a flat TV, a small kitchen right next to two cupboards, he then slowly walked right next to the couch, he 'placed' the young boy on the couch, and by placed, I mean Seth threw the young boy into the couch, Seth then sat on the end of the couch, feeling a large pain on his back and small rumbles of his stomach, the thunders from earlier made him hungry, but eating wouldn't be a problem, he could easily feed from the TV, he then patted the boy's head slowly, to see if he was awake.

(I may or may have not forgotten to sign off.)

"How nice of you." Alice murmured. She felt her eyelids drooping. She can't sleep. Aside from the fact that a monster is sitting inches away from her, sleeping would weaken her more. "What does it feel being supernatural, to have an appearance that is very different from the people around you?"

@Dante Verren
"I do not know anything to compare it with. Oni are always alone. You can feel the fear that being in my presence stirs within you. Yet for some reason you do not run. You are the first non oni that I personally have ever held a conversation with. What is your name weird one?

Lydia entered the academy grounds after about a week of travelling. She felt uncomfortable being out in human company again, she has no idea how people will react to her. The sight of her and a pretty large wasp buzzing next to her didn't really help either. The arachnid has only encountered one other group of humans and it did not go well for either of them. At the moment she couldn't see anyone outside at the entrance, so Lydia quickly skittered over to the shadows of the building hoping that she won't be noticed. Unfortunately Honey, her bone white wasp, was making a rather loud humming sound which would probably get a couple people over here if they heard him.  Lydia had no idea where to go, she has never been here before so how could she? She sat there with her violet wings glistening slightly as she wondered what to do.

(Where should I be going right now? Everyone is all over the place >> )

Everyone is at different places. Some at the dorms or others at the combat field. 
"Alice." She said, realizing she hadn't introduced herself. "And I would have run really, if I didn't feel tired. Don't worry, when I regain my strength, I will run from you." She glanced at Ryujin. She was never alone, guards and maids followed her everywhere yet she feels alone. It was kind of complicated.

@Dante Verren

She nodded  a little "Yeah....We'll be partners."  she might actually start  to want to go on this hunting thing. "Sorry....I was aiming to injure you seriously...." she had felt slightly guilty about hurting the person who meant something to her. "I guess....I saw it coming....That's probably why I wasn't surprised.....Oh, before I forget." she reached in her pocket and took out three different ones. "Choose. The left one is sour apple, the right one is grape and the middle one is peach. II'll take the ones you don't pick....Unless you choose all of them then that's fine to. I have more...." she kept quite a few on hand just in case she needed it for something.

@kenchin (Wasn't online. Sorry for the wait!)

Axel smiled and said while his hand started to glow with a bright yellow flame that looked like a small star it was sparkiling in motion never stoping Axel smiled and then he strated to heal his head and the he went towards Kori " i should heal you and ill take the sour apple okay also dont worry i usally always died when training with the old bastered back home " said Axel while smiling a bright smile


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