Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Cody waved goodbye to Jack and Kagami, and made his way to his dorm. Taking a short cut to the dorms, and reaching them. He went in and was handed a duffle bag of his things, and given a room. He went to the room and walked in. Seeing that his roommate was not there, he tossed the bag on the bed to the right wall. Then took a book out and began to read while sitting on the bed.

( @Fazy, you remember right? Just wondering! :3)
Cody waved goodbye to Jack and Kagami, and made his way to his dorm. Taking a short cut to the dorms, and reaching them. He went in and was handed a duffle bag of his things, and given a room. He went to the room and walked in. Seeing that his roommate was not there, he tossed the bag on the bed to the right wall. Then took a book out and began to read while sitting on the bed.

( @Fazy, you remember right? Just wondering! :3)
(Where the heck is my roommate? I think it was Teal?)

Caesar had been wandering around the school, just exploring, but when it grew dark he began to head back to his room. He checked the number on the piece of paper he scrawled on; it matched the door now in front of him. He opened the door and entered. It seemed there were two beds with some other furniture and decoration. A window and a door to a bathroom were much appreciated and Caesar went to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. He looked tired. Sleep would probably help, as it should. He went back and got into one of the beds without changing clothes.

(I have no idea where my roommate is so no tags for now. Also, idk which bed is mine so I didn't specify. :/ )
Fley arrived in her dorm room to find Cody the Rapist sitting on the bed opposite from hers. All of Izo's possessions had disappeared, leaving Fley to lead to the only possible conclusion...


@CERBERUS177 *How could I forget?!
Cody threw his book in the air when he heard Fley shrike, 'I'm dormed with her?!' "I was given the key for here!" he shouted at her. "Why would you call me a rapist?! If anything you should be called one because you keep grabbing my tail!" he said, holding his tail tightly, even that felt weird.

@Fazy(God that lag spike!)
The two of them cried like real men. Seth had hugged him unexpectedly. As Miko was being hugged, he slugged into Seth's chest hugging him back. They developed an emotional bond that two men could never have. Outside, the sun had started to fall leaving its light from this world. He knew it was time for him to go back to his dorm. Finishing up his little hysterical breakdown, he pulled away from Seth's tightening grip. Miko stood up and wiped the tears off his eyes using his sleeve.

"I-I need to go back to my room. Its getting late for me." sniffling.


Cody threw his book in the air when he heard Fley shrike, 'I'm dormed with her?!' "I was given the key for here!" he shouted at her. "Why would you call me a rapist?! If anything you should be called one because you keep grabbing my tail!" he said, holding his tail tightly, even that felt weird.

@Fazy(God that lag spike!)
"Um, EXCUSE ME?! You JUMPED on me!" Fley screeched, in a very accusatory voice. "Anyways, I can't room with a rapist," she muttered. "I-I'll ask to switch out tomorrow." Fley didn't bother going into the washroom to change into her pajamas, and did so without a care in the world right in front of him. She crawled into her bed, but slept facing Cody since she was comfortable that way. "Better not try and rape me," she mumbled, beginning to doze off.

Before Lydia went to sleep she had noticed there were two beds, is there supposed to be someone else with her? If so, they sure aren't here. "So Honey, want to take the left bed? It seems free and, well, I can't really sleep in it too comfortably." suggested Lydia to Honey, with the wasp automatically flying over to the soft bed and resting due to Lydia's commands. Sure enough, the monster quickly fell asleep as Lydia noticed his wings stopped fluttering every now and again. Wondering what to do, as she couldn't fit into the bed with her body and wings, Lydia paced around the room pondering the best way to go to bed. Back in the forest Lydia would climb a tree to rest, as for some reason she couldn't produce silk like most spiders could. Perhaps her body is still adjusting to this new change. 

After some time Lydia decided to grab the duvet from the right bed and wrapped it around her as she laid down onto the floor onto a pillow she took from the same bed. It was the most comfortable way for her to fall asleep, since her legs would be hanging off the bed if she laid there. So Lydia slowly went to sleep, hoping that no one would come in and need the bed Honey was resting in.

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth and the young male cried manly tears while hugging each other in Seth's dorm, as time passed, the sun took it's leave, taking it's place were the shining moon and the midnight sky, realizing that Seth and probaly the young male both needed to sleep, as Seth slowly stopped crying, leaving only small transparent little driblets, he cleaned them with his hands, "Y-Yeah you probaly s-should..."  Seth telepathically told the young male, with small tears still leaving his eyes.

(I hope I'm not the only one lagging)

Cody's face lit redder than red. "WHY WOULD YOU CHANGE IN FRONT OF ME LIKE THAT!?!" he shouted. "AND I'M NOT A RAPIST YOU ANNOYING CHIHUAHUA!" he shouted, knowing that those dogs aren't the most loved dogs in the chain of them, of course he had other names to call her if she kept going, but he also didn't want her to hate him even more. He laid down, kinda mad, his teeth grew again, and his eyes glowed, not caring anymore, he left them the way they were, and stayed mad.

Fley turned out to be really tired from the day's events. Her nose still felt sort of heavy, though her teeth had stopped bleeding. She was about to fall asleep instantly, if it weren't for Cody's insults. Now she had to get him back. Fley forced herself out of bed, yawning as she half-crawled over to his. She sank her fangs into his nose, but they barely made a dent. She fell asleep in the middle of the floor, one arm over Cody's left shoulder. She muttered something as she slept and rolled over under his bed. 


 There was a small figure that shifted to the side and looked up. Must have been maybe 11 years of age, well... That's what it looked like by their height. It wasn't of course. Anyways! It was just staring up at the academy, now their home for a while. It just stood there in the moonlight, not saying a word, just staring up. It let out a deep sigh and then moved forwards towards the door. Nothing more than that. It's eyes glowed as she opened it and the light shimmered off her black and blue hair. With that she stood there in the light of the academy and looked around, hoping someone would point her to her dorm. Well, with that she walked to a random teacher and began talking at the front desk, her voice was sweet and clam, trying not to jump and scare anyone. She was pointed in the direction of the dorms, and her own dorm room. She just continued to walk, her stuff with her before she came to the room. She was told that she had been sharing a room, was it with a girl? Maybe a boy? If it was with a boy it might be a little awkward, but anyways! She had walked to her room and opened the door, unlocking it with her key of course. She walked in and smiled at the room. Seemed cute, there were two beds on opposite sides of each other. 


Other than that it seemed like a perfectly normal room... That was until she heard crying and noticed two boys in her room. They were crying!? And hugging!? Slowly the girl backed up, backed up a little to much because the door was pushed back and closed with a creak, and somewhat of a slam. She squinted her eyes and looked at the two boys who had finished crying, one about to leave. "S-sorry to interrupt! I was t-told I-I was sharing a room, and I-I think this is i-it... I-I don't know. I-I'm s-sorry!!" She shivered lightly as she wasn't scared, but nervous, didn't wanna do anything stupid. She was in a bowing position, where her head was to the ground, and her body bent over. 

 @Lucremoirre @Navitic
She nodded. "I do... though- I did bring a few pictures from home, so its not all bad." She shrugged and smiled. "Eventually, I hope to fill a wall with my edited photos... To make a type of collage I guess?"

Fred smiled "Well you should send her a picture of it once your done. I'm sure she'd like it." Fred glanced at the darkening sky. "Well I don't know whether you are going to take some sunset photos or not, but we should head back to the dorm building soon." Fred wished he had a relationship like Emma had with her sister. It must be nice.

Somewhere in the garden area there was a male sitting there. He looked pretty confused and was looking around the extremely unfamiliar place  until it hit him "So he did end up releasing me......I really didn't expect him to do that because he got a message from some school....I'm not complaining though." he seemed to come to terms with what was happening pretty quickly. He collected all his thoughts and smirked a little bit. He got up off the ground and started stretching "I haven't been on earth for some time now! It feels good to be back!" until now he had been trapped and turned into a constellation in the sky but that night he had been released from that 'prison'. "It seems everybody is in their dens....Hmm...That must be it!" he looked at the dorm building and began making his way there. He only knew that because he could smell 'people' inside. 

He entered pretty nonchalantly and began looking for his 'den' . While he wandered inside blindly he kept smelling and hearing things which was pleasant since the sky  barely had any sounds or smells. He felt great!

 @Navitic (Cecil is Miko's roommate! Isn't that just peachy!?)

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