Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth was waiting for the young male to leave, however, a small slam near the door made him look at the entrance and saw a girl bowing her head at the floor, he guessed it was this Dalilia girl, the person whom he was rooming with, "U-Um it's not what you think it i-is happening!"  Seth telepathically said with a tone of neuroticism, with a awkward expression on his eyes.

@Navitic @PixieDusts
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"I-I'm sorry!!" The girl said once more smiled ever so awkwardly, at the ground. "I didn't m-mean to y-you know..." She mumbled, not realizing the boy hadn't said it, but told her telepathically. She didn't lift her head, which was still pointed at the ground, so she didn't see him mouth move. She didn't notice that he was also looking at her as well. She then lifted her head slowly and gripped onto her bags tightly. There wasn't much she could say. "I-I'm Dalilia. I'm p-pretty sure... I-I'm your r-roommate..." She stuttered, just something she did, not to be weird, but she tried not to shift in front of them... something she did when she got really scared, or excited... Kinda happens on it's own, and can control her. So the girl tried to calm herself down, not helping much since she was shaking. She didn't know how to share a room with a guy, always had her own room since she was the only girl, besides her step-mom that was at home. 

@Lucremoirre @Navitic
As Miko was leaving out the door he heard a noise coming from the door. Turning investigate the noise he found himself looking at a young girl nervously looking at the two. She seemed like his age. Long blue and black hair and etc. He would have to introduce himself later. He overstayed his welcome in the meantime. She had bowed all the way to ground asking for his forgiveness. He simply walked passed her turning to the right of the hallway without saying a word to the two. A good night's sleep was all he cared about. While walking down the hallway, he glanced each of the doors both left and right figuring out which one of them was his. Eventually, he found his room at the end of the hallway. Looking at the door he saw his name and another. A roommate. A yawn had came to pass. He also would introduce himself in the morning, he was too tired to deal with it. Shoving his hand into his front pocket he took out his room key. The key lingered on a small key chain with a small key decoration hanging with it. He soon unlocked the door and shut it behind him. The room sat in complete darkness. But there was enough light to guide his way through it. Walking to his side of the room he quickly undressed into his pajamas and leaped into his bed. Rolling around with his cover, he managed to wrap himself into a small burrito and became fast asleep sealing the day's work.  

(Alright, I think I'm just going to 'wrap' things up here. fufufufu You guys made me rewrite 5 times already. >_<)




Sythnar Dochrohen

"W-Well, hi D-Dalilia! M-My name's S-Seth, i-it's nice to m-meet you!"  Seth telepathically spoke to Dalilia breathing heavily in through his gas mask as the younger male left the room, "A-And it's fine! I-I forgive you! Y-You didn't really know what was happening in this room so d-don't blame y-yourself!"  he telepathically said to her as he sat in his bed, "I-I'll explain what happened here t-tommorow okay!, l-let's sleep for n-now!"   Seth telepathically said with an awkward tone, as he swiftly covered himself and placed his head in the pillow on his bed, immediately closing his eyes, forcing himself to sleep.

@Navitic @PixieDusts
Once the boy had left, the short girl walked to the other bed, you know. The one without the stuff by it and stuff. The girl shook her head and smiled, placing her things on her bed and slowly began to put them away, make her bed, and then shook her head, looking out the window next to her bed as her eyes shifted to the boy."U-um... If you want... I can ask to switch rooms s-so that y-you don't have to sh-share with a g-girl... If y-you want." She said with a nervous smile as she finished her bed making and stared into his eyes, her own eyes reflecting the moonlight. She sighed lightly, not knowing what to say, what to do, so she just threw that out there, hoping he would give her an honest answer. She smiled though, a sweet smile, like her voice. Well, that was when she was happy, not really sweet when she's mad or upset. She then noticed that the boy had been talking telepathically, as well noticing his mask. She just smiled and nodded. "Sorry..." She whispered and then laid in her own bed, closing her eyes as she tried to fall asleep. 


{Fixed version.}
"Um, EXCUSE ME?! You JUMPED on me!" Fley screeched, in a very accusatory voice. "Anyways, I can't room with a rapist," she muttered. "I-I'll ask to switch out tomorrow." Fley didn't bother going into the washroom to change into her pajamas, and did so without a care in the world right in front of him. She crawled into her bed, but slept facing Cody since she was comfortable that way. "Better not try and rape me," she mumbled, beginning to doze off.


Cody got a whiff of Fleys breathe and it smelled...not as bad as he thought it would, a hint of blood was there, which made him hungry for meat. When she bit down, it felt strange, but looked cute, the way she fell after was adorable. He kinda wished she stayed in her bed. And stayed out from under his bed. But it was whatever to him. He rolled over and closed his eyes. 
"Um, EXCUSE ME?! You JUMPED on me!" Fley screeched, in a very accusatory voice. "Anyways, I can't room with a rapist," she muttered. "I-I'll ask to switch out tomorrow." Fley didn't bother going into the washroom to change into her pajamas, and did so without a care in the world right in front of him. She crawled into her bed, but slept facing Cody since she was comfortable that way. "Better not try and rape me," she mumbled, beginning to doze off.


Cody got a whiff of Fleys breathe and it smelled...not as bad as he thought it would, a hint of blood was there, which made him hungry for meat. When she bit down, it felt strange, but looked cute, the way she fell after was adorable. He kinda wished she stayed in her bed. And stayed out from under his bed. But it was whatever to him. He rolled over and closed his eyes. 
@TaraSobiki @Kisaki @Tazmodo @Fazy @LinkyGirl @CERBERUS177 @LoneSniper87 @hprincess01 @Ellieroan @Dante Verren @Fuzziestudios @Angelostar4 @NickTonCutter @Tsukihi @Navitic @Olivia Acerbi @Nenma Takashi @Nathan22 @Temmeh @nfounder @Tamamo-no-Bae @Ravensmikey @TheCoffeeToy @Luminsanity @xXRassBerriXx @Obsessed @Os1r1s @Lucremoirre @SoulGalaxyWolf @Vaccum @Seraph @Enmyira @Scarlet Wyvern @Sizniche @MyriadMalady @LilyannaGaming @Storm Guardian @PixieDust @tealevergood @kenchin @Destructus Kloud @TheGrimPickler @Cheryl

~ ~ Morning of Day 2 ~ ~

The second day of the semester at Luxor Academy was coming heralded by the rising sun. It was still early, very much so, but it was ample time for the early birds to get up and at 'em. Changes were to be made. For one, everyone could find a letter noting their proper class, who they will study with during the coming years. Breakfast was being offered at the cafeteria, at a low price.

((I will note that though your characters know their groups, we are still working on that. Please do wait on that one.))
"Aannnddd everyone is gone again.", A says to herself in the empty infirmary. "I must be losing my touch,", she mutters, feeling defeated. "This damned's throttling my power. If I was in my true form this place would be in ruins by now." She walks out into the hall beginning to make her way towards the center of campus. 

"Aaah! Nothing makes any sense around here! All these super-powered freaks running around, this place should be perpetually on the brink of calamity!", A exclaims, pulling her hair. "WHY IS EVERYONE SO PASSIVE!?"

She sighs, walking slumped over. "I'm gonna have to switch up my game, this is a completely different league compared to Humanity."

A reaches the courtyard and lays down on a patch of grass, looking up at the darkened sky. "I bet those d*cks are having a good laugh at my expense.", she smiles. 

Though A is a Fallen, her vessel is still human and as a result is subject to bodily needs. 

Hungry, thirsty, and lonely, A transports herself to her dorm. 

"Wow, this really is underwhelming.", she states looking at the single room, 1 bathroom dorm. "I can feel the depression setting in. Let's spruce this place up."

She places her hand on the wall to her left and the room folds into itself. Changing lay out and expanding into something like a two bedroom condo. 


"Yup, much more cozy.", a smirks. She spends the rest of the night stuffing her face and relieving her stress. 
"Aannnddd everyone is gone again.", A says to herself in the empty infirmary. "I must be losing my touch,", she mutters, feeling defeated. "This damned's throttling my power. If I was in my true form this place would be in ruins by now." She walks out into the hall beginning to make her way towards the center of campus. 

"Aaah! Nothing makes any sense around here! All these super-powered freaks running around, this place should be perpetually on the brink of calamity!", A exclaims, pulling her hair. "WHY IS EVERYONE SO PASSIVE!?"

She sighs, walking slumped over. "I'm gonna have to switch up my game, this is a completely different league compared to Humanity."

A reaches the courtyard and lays down on a patch of grass, looking up at the darkened sky. "I bet those d*cks are having a good laugh at my expense.", she smiles. 

Though A is a Fallen, her vessel is still human and as a result is subject to bodily needs. 

Hungry, thirsty, and lonely, A transports herself to her dorm. 

"Wow, this really is underwhelming.", she states looking at the single room, 1 bathroom dorm. "I can feel the depression setting in. Let's spruce this place up."

She places her hand on the wall to her left and the room folds into itself. Changing lay out and expanding into something like a two bedroom condo. 


"Yup, much more cozy.", a smirks. She spends the rest of the night stuffing her face and relieving her stress. 
@TaraSobiki @Kisaki @Tazmodo @Fazy @LinkyGirl @CERBERUS177 @LoneSniper87 @hprincess01 @Ellieroan @Dante Verren @Fuzziestudios @Angelostar4 @NickTonCutter @Tsukihi @Navitic @Olivia Acerbi @Nenma Takashi @Nathan22 @Temmeh @nfounder @Tamamo-no-Bae @Ravensmikey @TheCoffeeToy @Luminsanity @xXRassBerriXx @Obsessed @Os1r1s @Lucremoirre @SoulGalaxyWolf @Vaccum @Seraph @Enmyira @Scarlet Wyvern @Sizniche @MyriadMalady @LilyannaGaming @Storm Guardian @PixieDust @tealevergood @kenchin @Destructus Kloud @TheGrimPickler @Cheryl

~ ~ Morning of Day 2 ~ ~

The second day of the semester at Luxor Academy was coming heralded by the rising sun. It was still early, very much so, but it was ample time for the early birds to get up and at 'em. Changes were to be made. For one, everyone could find a letter noting their proper class, who they will study with during the coming years. Breakfast was being offered at the cafeteria, at a low price.

((I will note that though your characters know their groups, we are still working on that. Please do wait on that one.))

Sucy yawned as the sunlight broke through her tent. The fresh scent of the morning dew, brought her to sense of relish and refreshment. Sitting up in her sleeping-bed, throwing both of her arms out to yawn. “Good morning Sucy.” She spoke to herself, standing up and grabbing her wand. Swaying her wand, and with a bright flash of purple her clothes had changed to her normal uniform. Peaking outside her tent, she looked around for other student. “Time to make breakfast."

@TaraSobiki @Kisaki @Tazmodo @Fazy @LinkyGirl @CERBERUS177 @LoneSniper87 @hprincess01 @Ellieroan @Dante Verren @Fuzziestudios @Angelostar4 @NickTonCutter @Tsukihi @Navitic @Olivia Acerbi @Nenma Takashi @Nathan22 @Temmeh @nfounder @Tamamo-no-Bae @Ravensmikey @TheCoffeeToy @Luminsanity @xXRassBerriXx @Obsessed @Os1r1s @Lucremoirre @SoulGalaxyWolf @Vaccum @Seraph @Enmyira @Scarlet Wyvern @Sizniche @MyriadMalady @LilyannaGaming @Storm Guardian @PixieDust @tealevergood @kenchin @Destructus Kloud @TheGrimPickler @Cheryl

~ ~ Morning of Day 2 ~ ~

The second day of the semester at Luxor Academy was coming heralded by the rising sun. It was still early, very much so, but it was ample time for the early birds to get up and at 'em. Changes were to be made. For one, everyone could find a letter noting their proper class, who they will study with during the coming years. Breakfast was being offered at the cafeteria, at a low price.

((I will note that though your characters know their groups, we are still working on that. Please do wait on that one.))

Sucy yawned as the sunlight broke through her tent. The fresh scent of the morning dew, brought her to sense of relish and refreshment. Sitting up in her sleeping-bed, throwing both of her arms out to yawn. “Good morning Sucy.” She spoke to herself, standing up and grabbing her wand. Swaying her wand, and with a bright flash of purple her clothes had changed to her normal uniform. Peaking outside her tent, she looked around for other student. “Time to make breakfast."

Fred's lovely and shameful dream of a first kiss was cut short as his self-set alarm went off. He showered and then quickly got dressed. He thought his roommate might actually be here finally. Unless he shacked up with another student with an absent roomate.

Fred saw his roommate was not up yet, but he figured they would wake up soon. Deciding not to wait for him Fred went down to the cafeteria to get some breakfast.
Fred's lovely and shameful dream of a first kiss was cut short as his self-set alarm went off. He showered and then quickly got dressed. He thought his roommate might actually be here finally. Unless he shacked up with another student with an absent roomate.

Fred saw his roommate was not up yet, but he figured they would wake up soon. Deciding not to wait for him Fred went down to the cafeteria to get some breakfast.
A ray of sunlight slipped through the crack in the curtains. Honey immediately woke up from the light shining on him, which in turn woke up Lydia from the breeze on her face from Honey's flicking wings. Lydia let out a silent yawn and stretched all ten of her limbs. She needed to find some better place to sleep, the floor was hard and uncomfortable, even with the pillow. "G'morning Honey..." grumbled Lydia, still feeling both unsure and nervous from last night. She was still surprised how she hasn't seen any students yet, but she has heard them. Looking over at the locked door the arachnid was surprised to find a note stuck to it saying who she'll be with in class for the next couplr years.

To be honest Lydia felt almost sick with nervousness. If she doesn't play this right, then she'll be stuck with people who hate her for the rest of her school years. She simply sat there thinking as Honey tried to pry the window open, to no success of course.

(I'll probably be going to sleep now, so don't expect any replies from me unless it's going to be one of THOSE nights where I can't fall asleep until 4 AM)
A ray of sunlight slipped through the crack in the curtains. Honey immediately woke up from the light shining on him, which in turn woke up Lydia from the breeze on her face from Honey's flicking wings. Lydia let out a silent yawn and stretched all ten of her limbs. She needed to find some better place to sleep, the floor was hard and uncomfortable, even with the pillow. "G'morning Honey..." grumbled Lydia, still feeling both unsure and nervous from last night. She was still surprised how she hasn't seen any students yet, but she has heard them. Looking over at the locked door the arachnid was surprised to find a note stuck to it saying who she'll be with in class for the next couplr years.

To be honest Lydia felt almost sick with nervousness. If she doesn't play this right, then she'll be stuck with people who hate her for the rest of her school years. She simply sat there thinking as Honey tried to pry the window open, to no success of course.

(I'll probably be going to sleep now, so don't expect any replies from me unless it's going to be one of THOSE nights where I can't fall asleep until 4 AM)
Ryujin eyes open and he bolted up right into a sitting position. he looked around but didn't recognize his surroundings. there was another bed in the room with someone in it. He went through a mental crisis when he realized it was a girl before the memories of the day before came drifting back to him. he felt something in his right hand and when saw that it was a note. he quickly read the note. apparently fley wanted him to call her when he woke up but it could wait first he need a shower. He grabbed a change of clothes from his dresser and took a quick shower. 

Once he finished his shower he through his dirty clothes in a hamper hat was set up in the room. He made his way over to his nightstand and quietly opened it revealing several identical sets of headphones. He also noticed that one of his coins was sitting on his roommates nightstand. Ryujin grabbed the coin a set of headphones and headed off to the cafeteria. Using his phone to call the number that was written on the paper.

Ryujin eyes open and he bolted up right into a sitting position. he looked around but didn't recognize his surroundings. there was another bed in the room with someone in it. He went through a mental crisis when he realized it was a girl before the memories of the day before came drifting back to him. he felt something in his right hand and when saw that it was a note. he quickly read the note. apparently fley wanted him to call her when he woke up but it could wait first he need a shower. He grabbed a change of clothes from his dresser and took a quick shower. 

Once he finished his shower he through his dirty clothes in a hamper hat was set up in the room. He made his way over to his nightstand and quietly opened it revealing several identical sets of headphones. He also noticed that one of his coins was sitting on his roommates nightstand. Ryujin grabbed the coin a set of headphones and headed off to the cafeteria. Using his phone to call the number that was written on the paper.

Lucas Riksmond

With everything that had happened since the entrance ceremony, Lucas couldbe forgiven for sleeping in some. Alas, he was a person who stuck to his schedules. As such, it was with a low groan that he pulled himself out of bed when his alarm went off. A quick shower and some clothes and he was off to get his serving of breakfast.

It was a messy Lucas that emerged to the cafeteria. His hair was still a barely controlled bedhead, his shoulders slouched and he had just pulled on some loose trousers and a too-large white t-shirt. He was still not completely awake and he squinted a lot, as he hadn't had the energy to bother with his contacts before breakfast. Oh well. He could still see if he squinted and got close to miscellaneous text. In these conditions, it's quite likely that he missed things and even people, but what can you do?

"Can you make sure the teachers come to the meeting room in a hour. I have to discuss some important bussiness. "

Axel noticed that it was getting late and he simply smiled " i have no room yet and i am getting hungry so " he looked at his phone and he got direction's instantly " i hate using my family's connection's but now i know where to go follow me please " said Axel while he grabed Kori's hand leading both of them to the Cafetiaria " okay so i will decided that today we will have itallian pasta's for dinner what do you say Kori"

"Can you make sure the teachers come to the meeting room in a hour. I have to discuss some important bussiness. "

Axel noticed that it was getting late and he simply smiled " i have no room yet and i am getting hungry so " he looked at his phone and he got direction's instantly " i hate using my family's connection's but now i know where to go follow me please " said Axel while he grabed Kori's hand leading both of them to the Cafetiaria " okay so i will decided that today we will have itallian pasta's for dinner what do you say Kori"


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