Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Caesar had not slept entirely well. He often had trouble sleeping because he was afraid that he'd turn the wrong way and disintegrate his way through the planet. A curse, honestly. Of course, when he did finally get to sleep at around an hour to midnight, he slept like a log and barely moved. 

He woke up early with a cold sweat. He'd dreamt of falling forever, probably because of his understandable fear from last night; neither had been very pleasant for him. Getting up, he got out of his dark suit, placing it in the wash bin, and opened a suitcase from under his bed. From it, he took another identical suit, one that you would wear to a prom or something. "A tuxedo," Caesar thought idly. 

He laid it out on his bed and got dressed very carefully. Socks stayed on the entire time and were the last to be changed from a sitting position.  Thankfully, his power did come with a bright side despite how detrimental it was. Dirt and sweat or other smell or stain inducing things failed to stick to his body at all, although the same couldn't be said to his clothing. But it meant he had no need for showers or anything. Donning his gloves, he made his way over to the cafeteria for breakfast. 

Upon arrival, Caesar noticed two other students had just arrived there too through the corridor he was entering from, ahead of him. It looked like Fred and Ryujin from the training class before. Caesar went over to introduce himself, it was about time. 

"Hi, my name's Caesar. I'd shake your hand but that would be dangerous." He gave a nervous grin at the two, right as his stomach grumbled. 

@Dante Verren @Vaccum
Fley had awoken quite early in the morning to find herself on the floor underneath the bed. She remembered that she'd fought with Cody the night before. She must've fallen asleep beneath his bed. She scowled and didn't bother falling back asleep. She went to the washroom, brushed her teeth and showered quickly. She decided to skip breakfast, because she did not feel at all hungry. It was still so early and the sun had just barely risen. She had gone out to the hills to take a walk before school started when she heard her phone ring. She answered. "Hello? Who is it?" 

@Dante Verren @CERBERUS177
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Ryujin heard her answer right as he was about to hang up the phone. "Yo. I see you where worried about me". He heard someone new walk up to him and introduce himself as Caesar. He held up his hand and pointed at his phone to signal that he was busy at the moment.

@Destructus Kloud

Cody woke up with a yawn, mumbling something, he got up to see that Fley was gone, kinda sad...would have been nice to wake up to something. He went to the bathroom and saw that everything was still wet. He took a shower, got his brush from his bag, and brushed his teeth, before he even could brush, he dropped it and looked in the mirror with wide eyes, his teeth were still sharp. "Well...I might as well embrace it now." he said, brushing the large fangs them the rest of them. It was a pain. He got dressed and started to pack his books.
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A hand signalling him to wait. Of course the guy was turned around so the phone hadn't  been visible. "Off to a great start then." Caesar thought a little ruefully, turning his attention to Fred, "You doing anything right now too or can the pleasantries be dealt with sooner than later?" He asked, not impatiently, but more hopeful than anything else. He hadn't tried to socialise in a while since... That time. 

@Dante Verren @Vaccum
Lucas had been looking around rather ruefully as he ate his breakfast. He mostly saw moving blobs, but none of said misty blobs really looked terribly familiar to him. Great... Tons of people he hadn't taken the chance to get to know, already off and making friends. Meanwhile, he was by himself. He didn't... Dammit.

...Wait. Was that..? Thinking he caught someone familiar, Lucas squinted. Pink... Yeah, pink hair, he thought. Something that could be an uniform. He knew her! Well, they had only spoken once before, but that was better than never before!

"Hey! Sucy!" He waved, trying to get the attention of what he thought was the odd girl from yesterday. If he was mistaken and it wasn't her, well, then he had just made a fool out of himself, hadn't he?


"Italian? We're going to cook Italian pasta.....? How is that different from normal pasta?" she wasn't sure how that was going to change what it was. Pasta was pasta right? Just like how blue is blue and frozen is frozen. Apparently people were much more particular about what there food was. Where were they going to get pasta from Italy though?  Italy was nowhere close so how were they going to do this? Maybe he had a secret stash somewhere.

@kenchin (I was offline for a little bt.)

The short girl was curled up under her covers. She shook her head lightly as the sunlight peered though the cracks of her blanket. To bright!! She quickly covered herself more and growled as she couldn't handle it anymore. "Go away sun!" She girl said a bit loud and flew the blankets off her. Her white hair shimmered in the sunlight and her blanket plopped on the bed. She looked around the room and stretched out her arms, yawning lightly. Her eyes cleared as they settled on the boy across the room. She jumped lightly, before she remembered she was sharing a room with a guy. Anyways! The girl got up and slipped on her sweats, not a care in the world if there was a boy in the room, he was sleeping. She pushed a hoodie over her head and slipped her arms through the sleeves before stretching and yawning more. She slowly shuffled along the cold floor and shivered lightly. "Foooooodddd!! I need food!!" She said quietly, but also a bit loud, not wanting to wake Sleeping Beauty. 


Dalilia put her hair up into a messy bun and shook her head, making sure it was tight before she looked in the mirror. "Dang... Someone messed up your face..." She said, not really liking the way she looked, but no matter! It didn't matter!! She looked pout the window and was blinded, "Go away sun! I don't like you!!" She hissed and then continued to move around the room. She didn't know what to do, but also didn't wanna wake up the boy so she just sat on her bed and began to draw something. She thought about drawing the sun, but remembered she hated it, so drew last night. The room, the two boys that were hugging and crying... all in her point of view. She continued to think, trying not to forget what everything looked like. She placed it all when the door had slammed shut, right before she bowed. 

"I-I wasn't worried," Fley protested. "I just... wanted to see how you were? You okay? Hang in there with your... um, other self." She didn't want to say oni, for some reason. She treated the word almost as if it was a trigger. "Anyways, where are you? Thought we could... um, hang out before class started. Or something." 

@Dante Verren

@CERBERUS177 (I'm outside the dorm.) 
Red opens her eyes to a blank ceiling, rolling over she looks at the clock on the table next to her bed. Looking at the time, she sighs and sits up, running a hand through her hair and over her ears. After taking a shower and puts on fresh clothes on, Red walks out of her room and into the small kitchen.

@Olivia Acerbi (Sorry for the wait, my internet went down)
Axel arriving in the Kitchen he looked at the cabinets and found everything he needed and smiled " yes their is normal pasta but their is also italian style pasta dishes hmm maybe ill show you instead it will change your world " he said smiling and started to look for all the ingridents he started cook some Fediginy pasta and then started to make the white cream with the tomato and cilantro and then axel started to cook shirp with olive oil and lime juice and he just strated to do amzing cooking display's after a few minutes of cooking and tasting his creation he set a plate in front of himself and Kori " dig in okay Kori after we finish if we are still hungry we can have desert okay " said axel smiling at her "


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(Oh... Okay, edited)

"I-I wasn't worried," Fley protested. "I just... wanted to see how you were? You okay? Hang in there with your... um, other self." She didn't want to say oni, for some reason. She treated the word almost as if it was a trigger. "Anyways, where are you? Thought we could... um, hang out before class started. Or something." 

@Dante Verren

@CERBERUS177 (I'm outside the dorm.) 
"Sounds to me like your still worried about me but that makes me happy. Thanks for your help with stopping my oni. " He smiled as he was talking to her. "I was just about to eat breakfest. Care to join me for a bite to eat?"

"That would be cool!" Fley said, a little too enthusiastically for her liking. She didn't bother to cover up for it though. "Where are you? I'll be there in a second if you'd hurry and tell me." Fley was almost positioned to morph to wolf. She knew she was being kind of stupid, but she couldn't help it. She hadn't gone anywhere with anyone apart from her parents for a very long time. 

@Dante Verren
Cody got his books packed, he looked at a pair of contacts, blue and green. He picked them up, looking at them, then at himself. He threw the cases at the wall. Knowing full well that he can't look normal anymore. He slung his bag behind him and walked out, Fley was on the phone, probably speaking to Ryujin with a face redder than a tomato. Then he heard her desperate cry, 'Never mind then...' he thought, and began to walk toward the cafeteria.


(Should have put this in the edit, sorry)
Red opens her eyes to a blank ceiling, rolling over she looks at the clock on the table next to her bed. Looking at the time, she sighs and sits up, running a hand through her hair and over her ears. After taking a shower and puts on fresh clothes on, Red walks out of her room and into the small kitchen.

@Olivia Acerbi (Sorry for the wait, my internet went down)

A is still up, severely under-dressed and sitting upside down on the couch watching re-runs of Bill Nye the Science Guy, eating sour cream with a spoon. She notices Red enter the room and looks in her direction, waving her spoon at her. Food containers, cups, bags and articles of clothes of all sorts litter the ground and just about everywhere else. 

"What's up?", she says, greeting her new roommate. 

(eh, no prob. I'm gonna be heading out for the night soon so I'm gonna have to use my phone to post. Bare with me.)
"I'll see you in a second," she answered, cutting him off mid-sentence and disconnecting the call. She morphed and turned in the direction of the dorms, spotting Cody. She barked at him and put up a paw - waving hello. He looked upset, but she was in too much of a hurry to care about anything. She gave him a genuine smile before practically shooting to the dorms. She was going faster than she probably had ever gone. It took a second for her to spot Ryujin before she barked at him and morphed again. She adjusted her hair and gulped - did she look okay? Eh, she'd taken a shower, she'd look decent in the least. She put on a calm face before walking over to him, though her blood was boiling with excitement. "Hi!" 

@Dante Verren @CERBERUS177
Cody was going to say something, but was too late and Fley was gone. He dropped his hand loosely and kept walking, reaching the cafeteria and taking a breakfast burrito and found a empty table, away from everyone, he didn't know those people. So really, it wouldn't matter, as he sat there he felt a feeling that he has been trying to keep away for a long time...loneliness. He didn't care much, he's always said 'Loneliness is always there for you, unlike everyone else'. He finished his food and started to read, on how to control his fire a bit better.

"Morning. Your full of energy today. Before we go I have something I need to say." he quickly bowed to her. " I'm sorry for everything that happened yesterday. I'm sorry I scarred you and I'm sorry I was such a jerk when my oni was in control."

Fley lifted his head with one hand. "Don't be, you didn't do anything wrong. And-and I wasn't SCARED!" she exclaimed, her lower lip jutting out to form a tiny pout. "As far as I'm concerned, though you and your oni share the same body, you aren't the same person. And let me tell you, I like Ryujin and not Oni." She stared at his eyes. "But I gotta say, your oni's eyes are freaking hell, dude." She paused. "Can you fly something? Fly us to the cafeteria if you can. Or get one of your thunderclouds to fly us there. Or you can ride me."

@Dante Verren
Ryujin stood back up. "Thank you Fley. That means a lot. Why don't we just walk normally to the caffiteria. I mean if your in that big of a hurry to get rid of me we can use powers but this way we can chat as we walk."



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