Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Cody got up from reading his book and made his way to the garden, to enjoy the free time. Alone as always, he tried to catch more blossoms, each one burning as they neared his palm. He sang, "One day the shadows will surround me... Someday, the days will come to end...sometimes I'll have to face the real me, some how, I'll have to face the real me...Somehow I'll have to learn to bend...And now I see clearly! All these, I simply stepped aside!" he sang softly.

(Anyone? ;-;)
Cody got up from reading his book and made his way to the garden, to enjoy the free time. Alone as always, he tried to catch more blossoms, each one burning as they neared his palm. He sang, "One day the shadows will surround me... Someday, the days will come to end...sometimes I'll have to face the real me, some how, I'll have to face the real me...Somehow I'll have to learn to bend...And now I see clearly! All these, I simply stepped aside!" he sang softly.

(Anyone? ;-;)

You can meet Kagami again.

"Oh....Alright...Just family."  she could live with that but she wondered how she was going to tell her mom about her new 'brother' person.....Did they even get to make phone calls home here? She would have to ask somebody who was part of the staff about that.

" can't be that bad. We'll find your room then...." she didn't know what they would after. Find were she was rooming maybe? She didn't really care honestly.

Seeing that no one was taking interest in Caesar, he glumly walked over and got some food, then sitting down near the back by the far wall. As he was eating, he noticed a girl that looked rather odd, perhaps a hybrid of some sort, walking by his table. Caesar tried to shake himself out of his mood by calling over a greeting, standing up, "Hey, the food here is pretty good. You should get some. My name's Caesar by the way." He smiled in hopes that the girl wouldn't just blank him or something. Goodness knows that had already happened enough to him.

Axel was looking at her confused " you know your Aura is acting up a bit your warm heart is trying to burt out of the Blizzard that is surrounding it but then it cools down hmm is it alright if balance out your emotion's a bit sorry Kori but it's not good to hold in your emotion's okay " Axel's Hand started to Glow a beautiful Orange flame it was not hot but warm and claming like the Clear Beautiful sky in a nice brezze day axel then whent over and patted Kori's Head with the flame hoping it would help her Frozen emotion's to melt a bit atleast " feel a bit better Kori sorry i just wanted to help "

@TaraSobiki @Kisaki

ooc: cool i am down for it 
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(I 'm just  waiting on CERBERUS177  to reply.)

Axel was looking at her confused " you know your Aura is acting up a bit your warm heart is trying to burt out of the Blizzard that is surrounding it but then it cools down hmm is it alright if balance out your emotion's a bit sorry Kori but it's not good to hold in your emotion's okay " Axel's Hand started to Glow a beautiful Orange flame it was not hot but warm and claming like the Clear Beautiful sky in a nice brezze day axel then whent over and patted Kori's Head with the flame hoping it would help her Frozen emotion's to melt a bit atleast " feel a bit better Kori sorry i just wanted to help "

@TaraSobiki @Kisaki

ooc: cool i am down for it 
Lydia quickly gave a sharp glare at Honey who landed on her shoulder as if spoken to. "Hush Honey, we don't exactly want the whole room looking at us." whispered Lydia to him, glancing around to see if anyone was coming. Instead she was startled with a call that seemed to be aimed at her. Turning around the half-human saw a guy in a tuxedo who seemed to be smiling at her. How could someone do that? She was horrible, some sort of monster. He was probably calling over to someone who was more human, yeah that was probably it. Still, Lydia scuttled over to the white-haired teenager and replied "Uhm, are you talking to me?" . Honey started to buzz once more, bothering Lydia a bit.

@Destructus Kloud
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(sorry for the late reply im at work So my replies are going to be really slow.)

Ryujin's face went grim when she mentioned controlling his oni. " me and my oni are in a constant state of war for control. Even now he is trying to resurface. " He pointed to the heaphines he had plugged into the war faceing away from Fley. " I use these headphones to keep a constant stream of loud background noise to keep me relaxed so I can keep a better hold on my oni."  they finally arrived at the caffiteria.

Ryujin picked up enough food to feed at least three normal people and looked around the caffiteria. "Where do you want to sit?"

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(RPN:Oh you're typing something? Here let me shut down for an hour)

Cody heard Kagami speak, he instantly stopped, "O-Oh! Hey, Kagami..." he said, embarrassed, "H-How long have you been standing there?" he asked her. Scared that she might say something about the song.

"Well, yeah. I am." He looked at her in slightly confused manner. Sure she looked weird, but looks were not nearly as off-putting as someone who was seriously dangerous, like him. Caesar was sure that if he was someone else and knew what he could do, he'd stay as far away from that person for as long as possible. Still, he'd learnt to accept people more since arriving at the school, it wasn't so bad. Aside from the random misdirected destruction or the casual sort-of-rape-not-really events, it was nice here with a diverse community. At least Caesar thought so, "Anyway, you should try omelettes, they're pretty good." He'd gotten halfway through his already, with a can of cola unopened next to it. It was only after he'd spoken that'd Caesar noticed he rather large bee on her shoulder, "Err, is that thing tamed?"

@Cheryl (Site crashed for me. o-O Crazy stuff, lost a whole reply worth of words on another rp too. ;-;)
Fley picked up a giant steak, deciding to give into her wolf instincts. She sat down at a table not far from Cody's, though she hadn't noticed him yet. "Isn't there anything I can do to help?" she asked, between mouthfuls of steak she'd been eating with her hands. She realized she was being kind of sloppy and retrieved a knife and fork from the cafeteria table. "Like, to control your oni?" She looked around the cafeteria and spotted Cody, who she waved to.

@CERBERUS177 @Dante Verren
"Not that I know of.the potion the nurse gave me seemed to work but beyond that I don't know what anyone can do to help. My oni is very dangerous. You're actually the first person who has seen me in the form and wanted to help rather then avoid me afterwords." he started eating his food. Damn was he hungrey.

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Lydia felt uncomfortable yet welcomed at the same time. Perhaps some stuff goes down here to make people be normal around her. After the guy, Caesar as he said, talked about the omelettes Lydia's mouth started to water a bit as she imagined biting into a soft and warm meal. Her eyes zoned out as she thought about the food before they snapped back onto Caesar. Hearing his question about Honey Lydia's face lit up to see someone curious about him. "This little bug? He's Honey, such a cutie too. Don't worry, he won't sting anyone unless I say so." answered Lydia as Honey crawled down her arm. She extended her arm out towards Caesar, not close enough for Honey to be straight up in his face though.

@Destructus Kloud

(I just remembered it's easier for people to read my writing if it's in colour)
( RPN is always crashing after the update) @CERBERUS177

"Only for a little while. I really like your have talent." she smiled.
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Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth woke up by the blazing and fiery sun being hit right on his face, yawning and streching his arms widely as his eyes dropped from a lazy aura into an annoyed expression, reminding to himself that he hates mornings as he sat on his bed, wiping his eyes with his hands, he then noticed a girl sitting on the bed opposite of his, Seth then remembered the last night, "E-Erm....g-good morning..." Seth telepathically said to Dalilia, remembering her name, as he went into the bathroom to wash his face.


Cody waved to Fley, "T-Thanks...I guess..." he said blushing. "I sing when I'm simply alone or was both." he said. He was singing towards the small pond that was in the garden, throwing fingers and bouncing slightly, though he started under a cherry tree. He made it to another far off the path. He must have disturbed her while she was doing something. "Sorry if I...disturbed you." he said, holding his hands together.

"Oh, okay. Well please don't tell him to sting me." He laughed lightly, although he wasn't exactly joking. He looked at the proffered hand for a moment, hesitating, before extending his own hand and shaking it quickly. He then let go looking slightly triumphant for some reason. "Right, well, you should get some food then. I'll wait here, if you want?"

@Cheryl (Yeah it helps. I've been having trouble with bb codes so I'm staying away from them.)
Fley continued to eat her steak and was done in a few minutes. She hastily wiped her mouth and hands on a napkin and tossed it aside. "So you can't do anything except take the medicine? What if your oni takes over and you can't get back out? I'm assuming he's stronger than you." 

@Dante Verren
" I happened to come across when I heard you singing. I think its wonderful , so don't feel ashamed."

A blossom landed on her head  and she picked it off her head ," I'm about to go to the cafeteria....wanna come along ?" she asked.

"S-Sure!" he said, he had a few petals on his head, touching them made them turn to ash, so he tried to shake them off, as beautiful as they were, he didn't want to have anyone see that part of him anymore. "So how was the rest of your day?" he asked her, interested in what happened after she left. Course, his was...interesting in a very strange way.


The girl jumped as she accidentally made a mark, that wasn't supposed to be there, on her drawing. She sat her pencil down and heard the boy's voice. Which also made her jump. "O-oh... Morning." She said looking up form her drawing and just smiled as he went to the bathroom to do whatever he needed to do, it was none of her business. The girl smiled at her drawing as she erased the mark and sat her notebook to the side, standing up. The girl stood about 4'4, which was very very short for her age. She smiled at the sun and then frowned, 'I thought I told you to go away!' She thought to the sun and sighed, rubbing the back of her head. She walked to the door and opened it, not knowing if people were gonna be there, oh well. Anyways! There wasn't a reason she opened the door, was just bored out of her mind. So she closed the door and then walked to her cloths. She sighed and then spoke out loud, "Don't come out! I'm changing..." She told the boy and then grabbed an outfit. 


The outfit wasn't anything fancy. It was just something to throw on. She wasn't proud of it, but it was the first thing she grabbed out. With that the girl took of her tank-top and slipped off her sweat pants. She slipped on her white and black stripped shirt. The sleeves were place, and long. She slipped on a pair of shorts, followed by a maroon skirt that sat perfectly on her love handles. Even though the skirt was short, she didn't care what others would think. With that the girl put her converse on and smiled in the mirror, the body mirror she had hanging up on the wall. Anyways! The girl grabbed two necklaces... both were her mother's. With that thought the girl frowned and slowly placed them on her neck, sighing lightly as she turned around and placed her other clothing in the hamper. "Okay. I'm done!" 




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