Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

She quickly realized she slipped up on her words, saying that it was obvious to her instead of for her. Hoping Caesar still understood her after the little slip up Lydia replied "Well why did you come to this school? You look like a normal person to me. Do you have any sort of powers?" . Lydia felt a bit silly asking if someone had powers even though magic does exist. She was still getting used to the fact that fantasies are reality. Soon enough they were joined by yet another person. Backing off a bit, Lydia replied "Uhm, yeah sure." . Now she just felt plain uncomfortable, and Honey can't help her. Sensing Lydia's distress, the green-winged wasp took off and hovered next to her. She kept the plates on the table as she started to edge away from the two, feeling as if they would prefer each other. 

@Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi 
(Sorry again, I was then sent off shopping xD  lol)

"Well, it's more a curse than anything. Everything I touch kinda just low-key disintegrates. It's actually really life-destroying if you think about it but I've grown used to it. Although I used to be a regular human until not too long ago, when I got the curse." He looked her up and down, "I'm assuming it would be silly of me to ask what's special about you?" He smiled again then noticed her movement, "Hey don't go anywhere, we've just been joined by someone else; the perfect opportunity to increase your friend pool right?"

Then the other girl spoke and Caesar turned back to her, "Yeah, sure. I haven't met many people either and I've just said hello Lydia here as well." He gestured to the bug-girl at the mention of her name. Taking a sip of cola he asked, "I seem to recall hearing something big happen lately, apparently it violated some school rules. You hear about that?"

@Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi
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Cody blushed when she said that, "We should go speak with the principle! I'd love to cook my spicy steaks!" he said, though only he is used to the spice, hence his fire powers and stuff. "Should we go and ask right now? Or should we wait later?" he asked her.

"The principle seems busy , but we can go ask the counseler. I think she's in her office right now." she smiled. She grabbed a lollipop from her pocket and put in her mouth.

"No need to apologize. Like I said last night. If you need, I can put in a request to change roo-..." Dalilia was in the middle of speaking as she stood up and turned around, looking at what he was wearing. It wasn't that it was fancy or anything, cause it really wasn't... that was the reason, so many guys put their time into making themselves look good it was kinda different to see one with a normal, casual outfit on. She looked away for a moment and then began to make her bed. "Y-you're welcome f-for bringing your s-stuff to you... b-but um.. I'm k-kinda hungry, and I-I don't know wh-where a-anything in this place i-is... so I should u-um... head o-on out... Y-yeah..." She stuttered and grabbed her notebook, looking at him before walking past him, her notebook tight in her hands as she made her way to the door. 

(Sorry again, I was then sent off shopping xD  lol)

"Yeah, sure. I haven't met many people either and I've just said hello Lydia here as well." He gestured to the bug-girl at the mention of her name. Taking a sip of cola he asked, "I seem to recall hearing something big happen lately, apparently it violated some school rules. You hear about that?"

"Oh, you know. Now that I think about it, I did hear something about that.", A said as she sat down. "Something about an attack on a nurse and then there was an insect fiasco in the combat zone? This school sure is high speed!", A smiled. 

"Nice to meet you. You can call me A, everyone does.", she said holding her hand out in greeting. 
(Sorry again, I was then sent off shopping xD  lol)

"Yeah, sure. I haven't met many people either and I've just said hello Lydia here as well." He gestured to the bug-girl at the mention of her name. Taking a sip of cola he asked, "I seem to recall hearing something big happen lately, apparently it violated some school rules. You hear about that?"

"Oh, you know. Now that I think about it, I did hear something about that.", A said as she sat down. "Something about an attack on a nurse and then there was an insect fiasco in the combat zone? This school sure is high speed!", A smiled. 

"Nice to meet you. You can call me A, everyone does.", she said holding her hand out in greeting. 
"I exsist to be a human form for my oni. An oni can live without its human form but The human form can not live with out its oni to give it energy. Also The only people who cared for me abandoned me when my oni surfaced. Grandfather could care less if I'm human or I'm oni and if me and my oni could come to a compromise we might just be able to live together in peace." He gave Fley a small smile." though I will admit it is nice to have a friend."


She could't understand what her brother was doing but didn't feel at all threatened so she let him pat her head. "Brother.....What is this doing? It's very....odd..." for whatever reason she felt  It was sort of weird but not in a terrible way. She was curious about what this was supposed to do because she had no clue on what he meant.

@kenchin (I was out! Sorry!)


Cecil woke up at some random time and when he saw the area around him he smiled. He was actually free and last night wasn't a dream. He wasn't  a constellation or statue . Cecil was happy about all that but this human body would take some getting used to. The ground was farther away than it was when he was a fox so that made him a little uncomfortable.

That was just one of the many other things he would have to get used to but after he did everything would be smooth from there. He looked at this other person who had been there and he still wasn't gone. He kind of expected him to be for whatever reason but he was still there. "Hey! How long are you planning to stay?" he asked him.


Sythnar Dochrohen

"O-Of course not!, y-you can stay i-if you want!"  Seth telepathically said to Dalilia as he picked up his own notebook from his nightstand desk, "O-Oh the cafeteria?, I-I heard it w-was on the s-second floor.... I-I think...., I c-can bring you t-there if you w-want!"  he telepathically said to the cobalt haired girl with a nervous tone to his telepathic wave as he opened the door for her.

"Yeah, crazy stuff. Just goes to show what to expect from here, huh? I mean, it could be us involved in all that next, you never know." Once again, he shook the hand lightly and quickly, trying to avoid contact for long and looking pleased afterwards. It did make for an odd series of expressions, one of anxiety, then concentration and then joy, but then that was just the way he lived his life. 

"Caesar. It's a pleasure, A." He smiled at her, "You getting anything to eat? All I can recommend is the omelette and the cola which are both delicious, although I don't suspect the cola was made by the school." He grinned at her, taking another sip of his drink.

@Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl
Skittering back closer after being caught trying to slip away, Lydia shook the hand of the girl. "Well I'm Lydia, and this is Honey." she gestured to the white hornet hovering next to her. She nabbed the plates back, one with a leg, and started to feed the hornet that landed on the table with the sausages and bacon strips she got from the kitchen. Honey happily nipped at each piece of meat Lydia gave him, devouring each slice with glee. "Wait, what happened? People get attacked here? What sort of school is this?" asked Lydia while she fed Honey.

@Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi
"The principle seems busy , but we can go ask the counseler. I think she's in her office right now." she smiled. She grabbed a lollipop from her pocket and put in her mouth.

Cody nodded, "Alright let's go." he said, finishing the burrito. "So,'d that happen? Born with it or...?" he asked, though he knew the 'must be pure' thing with girls...and maybe boys, to be vampires. If it's a weird topic to speak of then he wouldn't mind if she didn't want to talk about it.
"Well, apparently there was some kind of assault in the infirmary on one of the nurses, supposedly by another student. I'm not sure who it was though, but that's because I don't really know anyone." He laughed a little self-deprecatingly before continuing, "And there was a serious fight during the training period before the monster hunting class, which got cancelled I think, between two other students. Apparently things got really violent." He finished off his drink, "I'm just gonna go put this in the bin, be right back." He got up and left the table in search of the bin.

@Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi

Dalilia laughed lightly as he opened the door for her. "That's very sweet. Thank you very much." She said with another giggle and smiled. It was a sweet smile, hopfully would let the nervous tone the boy had fade a little. She didn't want it to be weird between them so she just smiled. She felt a sneeze though... one of those sneezes you can't make go away. It started to rise as she covered her nose and bam! out came a squeak. The girl wasn't there anymore, in her place was a cloud of smoke. As soon as the smoke cleared, a small creature was in her place, red and black, with white. A panda? Wait! A red panda! It looked up at the boy, the same eyes color as Dalilia had. It shook it's head and smiled lightly as it looked down, trying to calm itself slowly. It just sat there, breathing heavily, yet softly until the same smoke appeared, and Dalilia was there in the Red Panda's place. She smiled nervously and rubbed the back of her head. "S-Sorry about that..." She mumbled and walked out the door. 

Panda her!! 
Fley smiled. "Well, I mean... I wouldn't call myself a friend, but... I mean, of course I'm your - I just-" Fley awkwardly face-palmed and tried to hide herself. "God, I really do have bad people skills," she joked. "But I do care about you," she said, quite seriously. "And I'm not going to let you lose to that oni." 

@Dante Verren
@Cheryl @Destructus Kloud 

"No thanks, I'm good, I ate already. I was just hoping to make some friends and figured the cafeteria would be a good place to start.", A said looking around.

"Yea!", A exclaims in agreement to Caesar's comment on the day before. "Sounds exciting, huh?". She leans towards Lydia.

A looks up at Caesar as he gets up, then makes serious eye contact with Lydia, then examines Honey. 

"That's a cute bug you have there.", she remarks. "I have a few of my own..", A makes a fist and opens it, revealing red hornets. "Maybe they can play together?", she says as one of the hornets spits flames at the table. 
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Cody nodded, "Alright let's go." he said, finishing the burrito. "So,'d that happen? Born with it or...?" he asked, though he knew the 'must be pure' thing with girls...and maybe boys, to be vampires. If it's a weird topic to speak of then he wouldn't mind if she didn't want to talk about it.

"I'm born with it. I'm a hybrid though....."she started to walk.

"I'm can walk in the sun , but I do get sun burns easily. For blood, not necessary,  but a great power booster for me. I do get cravings for it..."

She would occasionally drink blood but from a donated blood bag from the hospital. She would drink animal blood also , but she preferred rabbit blood than any other animal.
"Sorry, but I don't play with fire. Too dangerous." remarked Lydia as Honey crawled along the table away from A's hand. She started to twitch nervously as she watched the red hornets crawl around breathing fire. Lydia didn't want to seem scared but if you looked into her eyes you could tell from the way they're flicking around. Perhaps those bugs would listen to her as well? Seeing if she could do so, she told them to all jump onto the table off of A's scarlet hand in her mind. Now she just needed to wait to see what the red insects will do, listen to Lydia or to A? "So, A, is your power summoning little creatures? It seems like it. Caesar's is to apparently disintegrate people. This world sure is strange." said Lydia while she watched the hornets. Honey had crawled over to the plate with meat and was gorging himself on bacon. 

@Olivia Acerbi
"Sorry, but I don't play with fire. Too dangerous." remarked Lydia as Honey crawled along the table away from A's hand. She started to twitch nervously as she watched the red hornets crawl around breathing fire. Lydia didn't want to seem scared but if you looked into her eyes you could tell from the way they're flicking around. Perhaps those bugs would listen to her as well? Seeing if she could do so, she told them to all jump onto the table off of A's scarlet hand in her mind. Now she just needed to wait to see what the red insects will do, listen to Lydia or to A? "So, A, is your power summoning little creatures? It seems like it. Caesar's is to apparently disintegrate people. This world sure is strange." said Lydia while she watched the hornets. Honey had crawled over to the plate with meat and was gorging himself on bacon. 

@Olivia Acerbi

Sythnar Dochrohen

"You're welcome!"  Seth telepathically said with a small happy expression on his eyes, the girl would have seen his smile if it wasn't covered by his gas mask, he was going to say something, but the sound of Dalilia sneezing interrupted him, he turned around, only to see a small red panda on her place, he was about to scream, but stopped once he realized it had Dalilia's eyes, 'This must be her power...' Seth thought, he then watched as the red panda transmitted a mist, as the mist dissapeared, the girl reappeared in the panda's place, "S-So that's your p-power....shifter I-I'm guessing..."  he telepathically said to Dalilia as he closed the door when she stepped foot outside, "S-So!, Let's go then?"  Seth telepathically said to the girl, tightly holding his notebook.

"I'm born with it. I'm a hybrid though....."she started to walk.

"I'm can walk in the sun , but I do get sun burns easily. For blood, not necessary,  but a great power booster for me. I do get cravings for it..."

She would occasionally drink blood but from a donated blood bag from the hospital. She would drink animal blood also , but she preferred rabbit blood than any other animal.

( feedin off Jack ain't you? XD)

Cody shrugged, "I get a craving for meat when I smell blood, but I've never tried to drink it..." he said, " there a specific flavor with blood?" he asked, curious of what the difference between the bloods origin.
"Sorry, but I don't play with fire. Too dangerous." remarked Lydia as Honey crawled along the table away from A's hand. She started to twitch nervously as she watched the red hornets crawl around breathing fire. Lydia didn't want to seem scared but if you looked into her eyes you could tell from the way they're flicking around. Perhaps those bugs would listen to her as well? Seeing if she could do so, she told them to all jump onto the table off of A's scarlet hand in her mind. Now she just needed to wait to see what the red insects will do, listen to Lydia or to A? "So, A, is your power summoning little creatures? It seems like it. Caesar's is to apparently disintegrate people. This world sure is strange." said Lydia while she watched the hornets. Honey had crawled over to the plate with meat and was gorging himself on bacon. 

@Olivia Acerbi

(Lmao, you say it so casually as well xD  @Cheryl)
"Sorry, but I don't play with fire. Too dangerous." remarked Lydia as Honey crawled along the table away from A's hand. She started to twitch nervously as she watched the red hornets crawl around breathing fire. Lydia didn't want to seem scared but if you looked into her eyes you could tell from the way they're flicking around. Perhaps those bugs would listen to her as well? Seeing if she could do so, she told them to all jump onto the table off of A's scarlet hand in her mind. Now she just needed to wait to see what the red insects will do, listen to Lydia or to A? "So, A, is your power summoning little creatures? It seems like it. Caesar's is to apparently disintegrate people. This world sure is strange." said Lydia while she watched the hornets. Honey had crawled over to the plate with meat and was gorging himself on bacon. 

@Olivia Acerbi

(woah there, take it easy XD)

The hornets weren't actually hornets at all but creatures born of A's essence, effectively making them extensions of herself. As a result, they ignored Lydia's commands. 

A's eons of social experience led her to be able to read the uncomfortable look on Lydia's face. "Don't worry.", she says making the hornets die and turn to ash. "They're harmless....mostly." 

A villainous smile creeps across A's face. "I can do all kinds of things..", she says inching over closer to Lydia. "What's your power? Social awkwardness?", she joked.
"Sorry, but I don't play with fire. Too dangerous." remarked Lydia as Honey crawled along the table away from A's hand. She started to twitch nervously as she watched the red hornets crawl around breathing fire. Lydia didn't want to seem scared but if you looked into her eyes you could tell from the way they're flicking around. Perhaps those bugs would listen to her as well? Seeing if she could do so, she told them to all jump onto the table off of A's scarlet hand in her mind. Now she just needed to wait to see what the red insects will do, listen to Lydia or to A? "So, A, is your power summoning little creatures? It seems like it. Caesar's is to apparently disintegrate people. This world sure is strange." said Lydia while she watched the hornets. Honey had crawled over to the plate with meat and was gorging himself on bacon. 

@Olivia Acerbi

(woah there, take it easy XD)

The hornets weren't actually hornets at all but creatures born of A's essence, effectively making them extensions of herself. As a result, they ignored Lydia's commands. 

A's eons of social experience led her to be able to read the uncomfortable look on Lydia's face. "Don't worry.", she says making the hornets die and turn to ash. "They're harmless....mostly." 

A villainous smile creeps across A's face. "I can do all kinds of things..", she says inching over closer to Lydia. "What's your power? Social awkwardness?", she joked.

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