Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(I meant about me disintegrating people. :P  Even for a power, that's pretty nuts but you're just like, oh by the way he can do that. :D  )
Lydia flinched at seeing the little creations disintegrate and reduce into little more than ash. At first she started feeling pity, feeling for them as burning is not a nice way to go. But after seeing A step closer to her and dare taunt at her Lydia's mood quickly swung from being uncomfortable to feeling rather malicious herself. If people didn't mind monsters and fire in the school, surely a quick insult would be fine. "Perhaps if you weren't so daft you would've figured it out yourself." retorted Lydia, lightly smiling herself. There weren't any rules saying that she couldn't insult someone. Honey quickly flew back onto Lydia's shoulder after being satisfied with his meal, whereas Lydia hasn't even managed to touch her own breakfast yet.

@Olivia Acerbi
( feedin off Jack ain't you? XD)

Cody shrugged, "I get a craving for meat when I smell blood, but I've never tried to drink it..." he said, " there a specific flavor with blood?" he asked, curious of what the difference between the bloods origin.


"It depends on type of person or species I'm drinking from.  Sometimes it's sweet or has a little spice to it. It's really hard to explain though..."

"It depends on type of person or species I'm drinking from.  Sometimes it's sweet or has a little spice to it. It's really hard to explain though..."


"Have you ever had demon blood?" he asked, 'Why did I ask that question!?', he thought, feeling stupid now. But since he was asking that, "If you it hot? Because I'm thinking that demon blood is like, bitter or spicy, and...I guess if possible, angel blood is sweet and...I guess that's it!" he said, though, a very interesting question now that he thinks about it.
A silver 2014 Toyota Camry pulled into the parking lot of Luxor academy. Inside was two people, a certain Roy Drake and the Aasimar Wulf Griffith. After a few moments of finding a spot to park the car, Roy carefully backed the car into the parking space, the gentleness due to the fact this wasn't his car... it was his friend's. As soon as Roy unlocked the door, Wulf opened the door and hopped energetically out. Roy left the Camry slightly slower than Wulf, closing the door behind him and locking it. They both take their luggage, hauling it towards the new school they were going to attend.


 Darek's Camry

Lydia flinched at seeing the little creations disintegrate and reduce into little more than ash. At first she started feeling pity, feeling for them as burning is not a nice way to go. But after seeing A step closer to her and dare taunt at her Lydia's mood quickly swung from being uncomfortable to feeling rather malicious herself. If people didn't mind monsters and fire in the school, surely a quick insult would be fine. "Perhaps if you weren't so daft you would've figured it out yourself." retorted Lydia, lightly smiling herself. There weren't any rules saying that she couldn't insult someone. Honey quickly flew back onto Lydia's shoulder after being satisfied with his meal, whereas Lydia hasn't even managed to touch her own breakfast yet.

@Olivia Acerbi


"Perhaps....", A said, her expression unchanged if not more sinister. "You could say I'm not as.......preeminent, as I once was. I didn't know being an disgusting, overgrown insect constituted as a power. You'll have to forgive me for my ignorance.", she said caustically, her tail swaying behind her.

"Have you ever had demon blood?" he asked, 'Why did I ask that question!?', he thought, feeling stupid now. But since he was asking that, "If you it hot? Because I'm thinking that demon blood is like, bitter or spicy, and...I guess if possible, angel blood is sweet and...I guess that's it!" he said, though, a very interesting question now that he thinks about it.

"In matter in fact I did have some. It was sweet , but his blood was cold like ice cream."

She hasn't been drinking much blood lately  and it was rare for her to drink demon blood.

"I never had hot blood before. Fire elementalist usually have....well that's what I heard.
Logan sat in his dorm, having nothing really planned for the day, he was reading and studying for a few of his classes. (Open for interaction, ill make Ashley's cs in a bit, like tonight or tomorrow)
Ryujin nodded "Well if you don't want me to call you a friend I guess aquaintence will work for now. Though I will be holding you to your word on helping me with my oni." he gave Fley a playful smile. "That is if you don't get scared of course."

(and I'm home from work So I will be able to respond faster now)

Fley nodded. "You can call me a friend if you want, but I can't necessarily say the same. Acquaintance is fine for me. For now, at least." She cleared her throat. "And you know I'm not afraid of your stupid oni! He's such an idiot!" she retorted, glaring at him and crossing her arms over her chest. 

@Dante Verren (Cool!)
"In matter in fact I did have some. It was sweet , but his blood was cold like ice cream."

She hasn't been drinking much blood lately  and it was rare for her to drink demon blood.

"I never had hot blood before. Fire elementalist usually have....well that's what I heard.

Cody looked at her, "...I'm a fire elemental...Do you want to give it a go?" he asked her, even he was now interested in this rumor of fire elementales have spiced blood. "I-I mean if you want to!" he said, embarrassed that he asked. 'I'm so stupid' was repeated in his head while he waited for a laugh or a 'weirdo' comment.
It was at this moment that Caesar decided to return to the two girls with some more drinks. He sat down cheerfully and offered each a drink, "Want one?" Completely failing to read the situation.

"I hope you two didn't get too close without me," he joked, "or you'll leave me behind as the social outcast." He gave his lopsided grin as he downed half the cola.

@Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi
"He is a bit of a pain to get used to. Either way enough about my oni. I assume You met your roommate yesterday. Are you in a all female dorm or do you have a guy as a roommate?" Ryujin was fiddling with his headphones as he spoke. adjusting the dial back and forth trying to find a comfortable point to leave it at.

"I was expecting you to ask that. If you want me to bite you ...I can." It was normal question for. Vampire enthusiasts are the ones want to experience being bitten. "It doesn't hurt. Maybe a little."

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"Oh. Alright." he said, holding his arm out, hoping that is where they take the blood, though, he was sure they were like doctors taking blood, they just need a visible vein. 'I haven't seen how large her fangs I hope they were small.' he said. He looked at her and waited for this 'pain' she spoke of...

"I have... Cody. You know, half demon?" she said, casually. She clenched her teeth at the thought of him. Boy, did he make her blood boil. She sighed a little. "You don't know how much of a pain he is. Maybe it's because I haven't gotten to know him properly. All the conversations we have end terribly." 

Mentioned: @CERBERUS177

@Dante Verren
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((I am open for interactions if anyone wants some. I'll assume that Wulf and Roy unpacked their stuff at their dorm (which I won't mention much about since they haven't been assigned one yet), and went their own separate ways to explore the school))
Sleep was both a beautiful, yet dreadful thing. He loved it as much as the next best thing. He had no difficulty in sleeping in for the entire day. Likewise, he spent the majority of the day's morning, laying on top of the bed curling up into a ball snoozing away without a care in the world. Yesterday had been a tough one. So many things happened that not even he could keep track of. A few winks of sleep should wash over it soon enough. That until his new roommate had called him out. He heard him plainly but pretended that he could not hear him. Miko felt no need in waking up. He was his own man, no one could tell him when and what he could and could not do. In retaliation, he took the covers over his head covering his body from head to toe, hiding from the outside world.

(Sorry for the wait, me and a couple of my buddies were hanging out together and stopped by the mall.)

(Back to mobile so no more fancy colours :( )

"Hey, at least I don't look like some girl who spent a little too long out in the sun." responded Lydia to the demon. She felt some sort of relief by insulting her, especially after A just made fun of her unfortunate state. Lydia did wince a bit at the reply.

Noticing Caesar returning, Lydia thought it might be a good idea to turn to him.

"Don't worry, if anyone is a loner, it's her." Lydia pointed at A with one finger. "I think that A could only make friends with a cow, seeing as they both have horns." Honey replied by putting two of his feet on his antennas and wiggling them around.

@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud (this is going to be fun xD)
Ryujin couldn't help himself as he burst out laughing. "You and cody are roommates. Now that is an entertaining pairing. Your conversations probably all end horribly because one of you loses patience and does something to the other. That or maybe you both are the more physical type and let your actions speak louder then your words." He tried to hold back another laugh at the thought but he let a another small one slip. "At least you already known him."

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"Wha- I, err, well that's not too nice, now is it? C'mon Lydia, making friends'll be hard if you're just insulting people." He smiled at A apologetically, "Sorry, I guess we're all just a bit tense after what's happened, you know?" He stood up again with a look of sudden inspiration, "I know! Classes don't start till a little later, how about we go do something? I'm assuming you two, "He looked at A in particular, "wouldn't mind a little excitement? How about we start some monster hunting training early?" It was probably against school rules but Caesar couldn't think of anything better to do. It's not like he knew this place well or what recreational activities there were. Besides, if they were caught it's not like they would kick them out or anything. Heck, they could claim they were doing homework if anything!

@Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl (Lol, gotta break you up now. How about we aim that energy into something more, stimulating and dangerous? xD  Time for a ride. ;) )
"Oh, you aren't one to talk when you've got your girlfriend for your roommate, so you're one lucky guy," Fley commented, lightly. She glared at him for a moment. "And I am so not the physical type! You know me well enough to know that. And I'm not impatient either. Maybe the tiniest bit stubborn, but nothing more and nothing less."

Mentioned: @CERBERUS177 @Obsessed

@Dante Verren
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