Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Red grabs her staff out of her room after breakfast and leaves the dorm. Once out side, she was greeted with a gust of wind that made the chime on the end of her staff sing a happy little tune. Turning towards the combat field, Red decides to fit in some practice time before anything else.

@Kisaki(sorry for being very late)
His roommate's sigh could be heard all across the room. Miko could tell he was not wanting to get involved in the first place. But he knew this guy was going to be a pest about it unless he did something about it. Growling, he shot the covers off of him, sending it flying to the side of his bed. Gradually sitting up straight, he took both hands and wiped his eyes with them. Opening them, he looked around the room to get himself more accustomed to its inner layout. When he first entered that one late night, he had no recollection of anything inside. Scanning his eyes he looked to the right of him where his roommate sat on the chair near the kitchen table glaring at him sternly. Miko's mood was nowhere close to being appropriate. Rather, he sat with an emotionless expression, staring right back at him. After a second of hollow staring, he turned to the side of the bed lifting himself apart, stepping over his covers that had been previously thrown.

"Good morning." he said in a monotone tone.

He headed straight for the nearby bathroom to clean himself up a bit before going on the day's adventure.


Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth listened as she spoke, feeling a bit proud of himself for guessing right, "O-Oh, my power?, I mean, aside from my telepathy, My scream can daze giants, thanks to this..."  Seth telepathically said to the girl as he carefully adjusted his gas mask, "S-So, you like drawing?"  he said, remembering that she was drawing when he woke up as they stepped out of the dorm to the outside.

(@Storm Guardian I mean, you can always join us in the combat fields? I think we're about to do some mock fights or attack the monsters or something.)

Caesar tensed for a moment, shocked. He stepped away from the demon girl, "That was pretty cool, I won't lie, but please be careful when touching me. One false move and..." He mimed the action of blowing dust into the wind. 

"Wait, what about Lydia?" Caesar asked. He was sure she wouldn't be happy to find out they went on ahead like this.

"Oh, and it's mango-scented with a grapefruit infusion. Bought a few of the spray versions before I came." He seemed to take pride in that when he said it, oddly enough. 

@Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi
Kagami released her fangs from his skin and wiped her mouth. "Your blood taste good! Its spicy but not overpowering." Her eyes slightly glowed ,"  Now I'm sounding like a blood conisuer

He wrapped his arm up with his shirt, now just wearing his black undershirt, the overshirt was black with a red and blue skull. Though the decal was uncomfortable on his arm , he was just making sure it would heal quickly and scab over without making a mess. "Glad to hear that... I guess... " he said smiling, 'So I taste good... That's something I thought I would never hear. ' he thought, "And your fine. I don't mind it... Just, if you get addicted... Let me know before you get me. " he said jokingly. 
Equipped with his falchion, Roy wandered the school grounds. Like each super-power academy like Skyline and Lone Tree, Roy knew this school should have something resembling an arena, and Roy by chance after a while of wandering stumbled upon it. It seemed there was more than one person there already, so not to be rude, Roy spectates at the side.

@Destructus Kloud  @Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi
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@Dante Verren (Sorry, I was just eating.) 

Fley got up from her seat. "Oh. I'll skip out. I think I have to talk to Cody about somethin-" She stopped when she noticed Cody sitting with Kagami. "On second thought, I guess I'll come with you. I think he's busy with someone." She grinned in Cody's direction and gave a slight wave, pointing to Kagami and making a heart sign.

Seeing the newcomer to the field, Caesar waved at him cheerfully. He wouldn't mind if the guy came over, the more the merrier, but he was fine if the guy just wanted to watch. Besides, he was out of hearing distance anyway so he couldn't call him over, they were on opposites sides of the field after all. 

@Storm Guardian
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Lucas was still doing hos best to recover from the flight, only glancing downwards once he felt his feet touching the rooftop. Okay. Good. Solid ground. He quickly got off once he could, visibly stumbling with his first step. Everything was so... He had never been on a ship before, but he imagined this is what it would be like. To think that you could lose your balance after only a few minutes of flight...

Slowly, he got back to his feet and turned back towards Sucy. "So uh, thanks for the lift..?" He wasn't really sure how to put it. Flight was... Different. It scared the hell out of him, but it also felt really free in its own right. "I'm sure that stuff can be really fun once you get used to it."

"Well, I'm glad I didn't scare you that badly this time." She hopped off her own broom-stick, and kick-flipped it into her wand. She landed her own two feet on the roof, and walked towards the door. She opened it and held it open for him. "It's like riding a bike, you never forget." The thought of eating breakfast with  a boy. She did'nt even know how to react. This was only something she had ever read about, or even wrote about in the fan-fictions. Now she might get real life experience.
(@Storm Guardian I mean, you can always join us in the combat fields? I think we're about to do some mock fights or attack the monsters or something.)

Caesar tensed for a moment, shocked. He stepped away from the demon girl, "That was pretty cool, I won't lie, but please be careful when touching me. One false move and..." He mimed the action of blowing dust into the wind. 

"Wait, what about Lydia?" Caesar asked. He was sure she wouldn't be happy to find out they went on ahead like this.

"Oh, and it's mango-scented with a grapefruit infusion. Bought a few of the spray versions before I came." He seemed to take pride in that when he said it, oddly enough. 

@Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi

"And what? You'll disintegrate me?", A laughed. "Relax, you're not the first 'volatile when touched' being I've come across. I'll be just fine." she said nudging him.

"Who cares? She'll be here soon, I'm sure.", A said spotting the other student entering the combat zone. "Friend of yours?", she asks Caesar. 

Ryujin followed her hand motions and saw Cody and an unknown girl. Ryujin caught the faint smell of blood and turned up the dial in his headphone siding more noise to the background. "Well let's go then." Ryujin then left the cafiterria heading in a random direction."



Yinqi sat on one of the branches in the trees overlooking the garden. She was wearing her usual cloak that wrapped around her and hid the upper half of her face. She swung her legs back and forth as she let the noise of the peaceful morning wash over her.

(open for interaction) 
Red grabs her staff out of her room after breakfast and leaves the dorm. Once out side, she was greeted with a gust of wind that made the chime on the end of her staff sing a happy little tune. Turning towards the combat field, Red decides to fit in some practice time before anything else.

@Kisaki(sorry for being very late)

(I've been so busy so it's okay)

Izo skips around the combat field. Izona blabber about resting for a while , so he guess he was in charge. He carried a cat plushies around him as he walked.
"Well, I'm glad I didn't scare you that badly this time." She hopped off her own broom-stick, and kick-flipped it into her wand. She landed her own two feet on the roof, and walked towards the door. She opened it and held it open for him. "It's like riding a bike, you never forget." The thought of eating breakfast with  a boy. She did'nt even know how to react. This was only something she had ever read about, or even wrote about in the fan-fictions. Now she might get real life experience.

Lucas laughed a bit at her comment, rubbing his neck a bit. "Well, you know, I wasn't actually used to that stuff..." He was a wimp and he knew it, but there wasn't really too much that he could do about that. Instead he opted to head with his new friend, entering the door down as she opened it for him with a quick "Thank you."

As the two begun to make their way down, Lucas actually took the chance to check himself, now that he was awake proper. Baggy shirt, trousers, bedhead... Man, he looked like an utter mess. Nobody really seemed to mind, though.

"Any thoughts on what you're getting?" He asked, just trying to get a conversation going. "I reccomend the baguettes myself. A lot of food for your money and they're not half-bad either."
He wrapped his arm up with his shirt, now just wearing his black undershirt, the overshirt was black with a red and blue skull. Though the decal was uncomfortable on his arm , he was just making sure it would heal quickly and scab over without making a mess. "Glad to hear that... I guess... " he said smiling, 'So I taste good... That's something I thought I would never hear. ' he thought, "And your fine. I don't mind it... Just, if you get addicted... Let me know before you get me. " he said jokingly. 

"I can control myself. It does taste good,  but I can't have myself gorging on it." Kagami fangs slowly  return back to their normal size. Her fangs were slightly small , but still pointy as needle. "I didn't take much blood so you should be fine. Also vampire bites don't scar so no marks." 
"All right," Fley said, walking behind him. "Where are you going?" she asks. "You know, Ryujin, you're not half as bad as I thought you were." Fley looked around as she said this. "Um, so... you know your oni? If you can't control him, what do you use to fight with?" 

@Dante Verren
"Uh, no. Just being friendly is all. So... What now? The idea of the combat fields is combat, so what are we combatting, as one would say." He looked back to A questioningly. From a around the school, Caesar thought he could make out Lydia coming toward them, "Speak of the devil," but then he realised the irony in saying that he laughed, "I suppose I already am speaking to one right? Well, a demon anyway."

@Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi
Lucas laughed a bit at her comment, rubbing his neck a bit. "Well, you know, I wasn't actually used to that stuff..." He was a wimp and he knew it, but there wasn't really too much that he could do about that. Instead he opted to head with his new friend, entering the door down as she opened it for him with a quick "Thank you."

As the two begun to make their way down, Lucas actually took the chance to check himself, now that he was awake proper. Baggy shirt, trousers, bedhead... Man, he looked like an utter mess. Nobody really seemed to mind, though.

"Any thoughts on what you're getting?" He asked, just trying to get a conversation going. "I reccomend the baguettes myself. A lot of food for your money and they're not half-bad either."

Thinking about his suggestion on the Baguettes, and replied "Bread makes you fat..." She then pondered for a moment s for what she should get. Bacon, and Dragon Eggs? Perhaps something less greasy. An omelet? Or perhaps a Belgian Waffle. Yes, sweets for breakfast Sucy, that's totally what you should get.
"I think I'm probably going to get some Bacon or Scrapple, both come from Hog. And probably a order of Hashbrowns." She reached into her satchel, digging around her wallet. "I'll pay this time around, and you get the next one." She didn't even give the male a chance to say anything. She wasn't asking him. She told him how it was going to work.

Upon reaching the doors to the mess-hall she held them open for him once more. "After you."
"I can control myself. It does taste good,  but I can't have myself gorging on it." Kagami fangs slowly  return back to their normal size. Her fangs were slightly small , but still pointy as needle. "I didn't take much blood so you should be fine. Also vampire bites don't scar so no marks." 

"Interesting... Always thought that the bits stay as indication of how they were bitten... But I thought wrong. " he said, he saw Fley make a heart and point at Kagami, he smiled at her, doing the same towards Ryujin. "I'm planning on getting my horns soon. But I need to get mad again... But I'm with you so it's kinda impossible. You make me feel calm and happy... I don't know why, I'm guessing it's just the fact that, you're the only person who hasn't said anything bad about me, and has actually spent some kind of time with me. " he said rubbing his shoulder. 
"if you mean how do I fight external enemies I'm not totally helpless." He held out his hands as tiny bolts of electricity danced between his finger tips. "I can still use minor electricity and I known some hand to hand combat." As for where we are going I have no clue. I just wanted to walk to try and shake of this tired feeling I have." He continued walking and avoided part of her comment for as long as he could before he broke. "So I'm not as bad as you thought. What did you think of me?"

Thinking about his suggestion on the Baguettes, and replied "Bread makes you fat..." She then pondered for a moment s for what she should get. Bacon, and Dragon Eggs? Perhaps something less greasy. An omelet? Or perhaps a Belgian Waffle. Yes, sweets for breakfast Sucy, that's totally what you should get.
"I think I'm probably going to get some Bacon or Scrapple, both come from Hog. And probably a order of Hashbrowns." She reached into her satchel, digging around her wallet. "I'll pay this time around, and you get the next one." She didn't even give the male a chance to say anything. She wasn't asking him. She told him how it was going to work.

Upon reaching the doors to the mess-hall she held them open for him once more. "After you."

"Bread doesn't make you fat." Lucas laughed again. "I've always been eating me and look at this, scrawnier than most sticks." He made a motion at his own, lanky frame. "Bacon and scrapple sounds good, though, but I think I'll stick to-"

Lucas blinked at the rest of her comment. "What? Hey, you don't need to pay for me, I can..." He hesitated. She had sounded rather confident in what she said and rejecting a gift like that was pretty rude.

"Well, I mean, if you want." He caved in, entering the cafeteria when prompted to. Man, he really was a doormat.
"Well, don't take this the wrong way, but I mean... I thought you were like... weird. I mean, not weird. Just, you know, when you said oni, I was like, oh shit, this guy's a scary ass and I should stay away. But I guess you're pretty nice and stuff. And kind of cute in that attractive way, ya know? But I didn't see that in you until recently, so that's what I meant." Fley bit her lip. Did that come out the way she wanted it to? She shrugged and continued walking. "I know what can make you less tired." She smiled slyly. "If you want me to make you less tired, I know a surefire way to do it." 

@Dante Verren

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