Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

@Cheryl @Destructus Kloud

A ignores Caesar. "What? You have horns too!", A exclaims, pointing at Lydia's head. "At least I actually have a ******.", she says pointing at Lydia's abdomen. "What the hell are you supposed to do with that?"

"Besides, that's a lot of talk from someone who spends all her time playing with bugs.", A says getting in Lydia's face.

(fite me)
"Your logic has one large flaw in it. I haven't even held a conversation with her yet so their is no way we could be dating. The conversation My oni had with her doesn't count by the way. If I followed your logic then you and Cody would be married by now. What do you think of that." Ryujin leaned back a bit in his spot to stretch his back. "Plus you are totally the physical type. Do I need to remind you how cuddly you where yesterday in your wolf form?"


Slowly, the gaze of the older, grizzled man wrapping up his lard-covered sandwich slid over to the brewing fight. Teenagers... Of course it wasn't just mortals, this kind of people were all over the world and had always been. He'd know. Well... Even if he didn't care too much in one way or another, it was his duty as a teacher to break up this kind of rubbish.

"Hey! Cut it out!" He barked at the two without leaving his position. "We don't need no fighting. Especially you, red!" He scoffed at the demonic member of the little group. "If my ears ain't failing me I'm pretty sure you already got trouble to go around."

@Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl @Destructus Kloud
"Hey now, there's no need for this. Can't we go do all that with the monsters or something? Please?" Caesar pleaded. He didn't realise exactly how troublesome making friends was going to be but it seems a new rumour of a fight could break out at any moment now.

"Sorry sir," Caesar replied to the teacher, "we'll stop now. Right you two?" He had started making placating gestures with his hands, like he was trying to pat out a fire, which wasn't that unrelated if one thought about it. He hadn't realised the teacher sitting there and he hoped he hadn't heard about their 'extra homework' he'd mentioned with the monsters.

He then turned to A fully, "Wait, what kind of trouble is he talking about? What else has happened?"

@Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi @Deucalion
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Fley knew she could not protest. She pouted but said nothing. "Well, I didn't know that you didn't know her before. I just assumed you knew each other from before or something," she lied. "I still don't think I'm a physical person though," she muttered. "And don't even talk to me about marriage, please. Firstly, I'm not getting married, and secondly, I'm especially not getting married to anyone like... like this. Not that there's a problem with this. I'm just... I kind of can't. And besides, if I get married, I probably have to have kids, and I can't let my kids go through what I went through." 

@Dante Verren
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Cecil stared at him for a few seconds and sighed. So he's gonna be that way. this was already too much to be doing in the morning. So he has learned that this guy wasn't  much of a morning person...Not that he cared, just a small note. "Y'know this is no way to make friends." he said and really didn't care if he responded.  What was this guy attempting to accomplish anyway? If he wanted he could maybe drag the blanket off of him so what was him covering himself actually going to do? It wasn't like Cecil was afraid of covers...

@Navitic (It's fine!)
"Oh. Alright." he said, holding his arm out, hoping that is where they take the blood, though, he was sure they were like doctors taking blood, they just need a visible vein. 'I haven't seen how large her fangs I hope they were small.' he said. He looked at her and waited for this 'pain' she spoke of...


"I'm only going to take  a little."

She leans in and pulls up arm toward her mouth then bites.
"Well thanks for joining me for breakfast it was fun." His expression changed to a very serious one. "Do you know if the principal is out of his meeting yet?" He pulled the coin out of his pocket and twirled it around his fingers as he waited for Fley's response. 

Cody felt the fangs go in, and then the strange feeling of sucking in his arm, very strange feeling. "That feels so weird..." he said, seeing his own blood drip from the under bite, must have gotten free from her jaws.

"Caesar that's probably against the school rules you know, I don't even know how to fight properly." hissed Lydia, slightly hinting that he should probably be quiet for the while. She turned back to face A who was practically touching nose to nose with her. Lydia stepped back a bit so some space was created between them.

"Pah! You would think that someone who shows off their body would actually have good breath. Even if I enjoy playing with my little followers I have a fresh smelling breath." Taunted Lydia. She almost laughed at A's insult to her body, Lydia wasn't even interested with doing anything sexual anytime soon. She'll worry about her lack of it another time. Her eyes glared at A, hating the crimson devil even more.

@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud (I'll be going for the night now, I may be able to post some stuff if it's going to be yet another night where I fall asleep at flipping 3 am)
Fley shrugged. "Not a clue." She snorted. "What, you're talking about that 'fallen archangel' Luxor, right? He's so overrated." She picked at her cuticles. "Why? You got an issue with him? And yeah, breakfast today was way funner than I usually have it." 

@Dante Verren
(Lol, same, I'm usually up till then too. Also, are you two either going to fight, heed the teachers warning or head off to fight monsters anytime soon? Because I think you're about to land us in some right trouble with @Deucalion. xD  I mean, if you two starting fighting, I can't exactly have Caesar use his powers to break up the fight, you know? :P @Cheryl)
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@Destructus Kloud @Cheryl @Deucalion

"My breath smells fantastic, it must be your upper lip, maybe if you shaved that mustache of yours." A noticed the old man was about to blow her cover when Caesar questions what trouble he's referring to. She turns to the old man, eyes lit bright orange as if on fire, ready to incinerate him but stops herself. He's right, she's on thin ice as it is and this was not the place. It'd benefit her to hold off on agitating Lydia until later. 

Not used to having to restrain herself, it took all her might to submit tp their rules, for now.  

"Sorry, I guess I'm just on edge. I'll behave.", she says through forced smile and clenched teeth. 
Lucas visibly hesitated, giving a bit of a nervous smile. It wasn't that he wasn't willing to fly, he just... Well, he had nearly panicked last time and god knows what that would do. He couldn't really afford to lose control and lash out now that he finally had made a friend. Then again, he didn't want to seem like a wimp either, that wasn't... Hrm...

"Are you... Are you sure?" He was still smiling, but his hesitation was obvious. "I mean, uh... If we don't race like that then, maybe..."

"Oh come on! Don't be a wimp!" She grabbed his hand, and tossed him onto the Broomstick. Lightly picking up speed, she looked back towards the male. "Hold on tight." The awkward thought of a boy, with his arms around her waistline was enough to make her go red in the face. "Hurry, I'm Hungry!" As a slight giggle escaped her lips. Perhaps she could write home this night, that she had made a friend.
"I need to apologize to him for yesterdays events. Also I would be careful if I where you. I'm not sure even my oni form at full power would be able to hold its ground against him." He stopped twirling the coin and nodded his head. "Hopefully you would like to jon me for breakfast again sometime." 

"Oh come on! Don't be a wimp!" She grabbed his hand, and tossed him onto the Broomstick. Lightly picking up speed, she looked back towards the male. "Hold on tight." The awkward thought of a boy, with his arms around her waistline was enough to make her go red in the face. "Hurry, I'm Hungry!" As a slight giggle escaped her lips. Perhaps she could write home this night, that she had made a friend.

Lucas staggered when pulled on. He wasn't exactly famous for his feats of great physical strength and he hadn't expect that. Before he really could protest, they were off and soared through the air. "Whoa..!" He did his best to keep his balance, he eventually did fall forward and wrap his arms around the young witch's waist. Dear lord this was incredibly awkward. In no time, they had lifted off. Alright... This was good. It wasn't going quite as fast as last time. He could deal with this. For now, Lucas just flew along in silence, doing his absolute best to not look down.


Samuel's cold, indifferent gaze remained fixed on A for a few seconds. The light in her eyes was unmistakable, she was building up magic. Demons tended to be overconfident like that, thinking they ruled all there ever was. Come on, girl... Give him an excuse...

Her compliance broke the tension and Samuel looked away again with a low shrug, taking in the last of his breakfast. Without another word, he rose, taking his emptied cans with him and throwing them into the nearest trashcan on his way by. He had better things to do than this.

@Olivia Acerbi
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The young girl just nodded and smiled. She looked down, with ever step came a small noise. Her notebook was as well held tightly in her hands. She looked over at the boy and then down. She didn't wanna ask him about the mask. She didn't wanna be rude. So the young girl smiled brightly and just laughed a little. For that she looked up at him and shrugged. "The thing about my power... is people mix it up. I'm not a Shapeshifter. I am a Shifter. People always call me Shapeshifter, I don't turn into shapes!! You're like one of the first people to call me a Shifter, that is as soon as you saw my power... I can turn into any animal you can think of. Yet my power has it's limits... like any other power. My question for you, is... What's your power?" she smiled lightly, hoping not to intrude in his business. 

"There you go!" Caesar smiled, glad that at least one of them had seen some sense, "if we're done here then I'd say we should leave all this negativity behind and go somewhere else. Maybe the combat field...?" He hinted, anxious to do something else other than let the two hot-blooded females stew in front of the teachers.

"I mean, unless there's something else you two want to do?" He wasn't going to force them into anything, of course, but he didn't exactly want to just go their separate ways; that'd mean making more new friends and it'd already proved hard enough to do so here. Still, anyone could do whatever, he wasn't one to judge.

Seeing the teacher leave, Caesar felt a little relieved. No reprimand at least.
"Oh, I'd come everyday if you wanted me to!" Fley said, smiling. "And I don't give a crap about Luxor. Seriously, I'm not even joking. I've heard rumors about the guy. Probably spread by his own employees also known as teachers to give himself a name." 

@Dante Verren
Lucas staggered when pulled on. He wasn't exactly famous for his feats of great physical strength and he hadn't expect that. Before he really could protest, they were off and soared through the air. "Whoa..!" He did his best to keep his balance, he eventually did fall forward and wrap his arms around the young witch's waist. Dear lord this was incredibly awkward. In no time, they had lifted off. Alright... This was good. It wasn't going quite as fast as last time. He could deal with this. For now, Lucas just flew along in silence, doing his absolute best to not look down.


Samuel's cold, indifferent gaze remained fixed on A for a few seconds. The light in her eyes was unmistakable, she was building up magic. Demons tended to be overconfident like that, thinking they ruled all there ever was. Come on, girl... Give him an excuse...

Her compliance broke the tension and Samuel looked away again with a low shrug, taking in the last of his breakfast. Without another word, he rose, taking his emptied cans with him and throwing them into the nearest trashcan on his way by. He had better things to do than this.

@Olivia Acerbi

The cool wind whipped through both of their hair, the long pink locks brushing past his face. Leaning herself forward, was her way of directing the broom-stick. After the span of about ten minutes or so, they had come to the top of the building which held the mess-hall.  Her face was still ever so pink, she was like a freshly bloomed rose. "Be careful getting off..." She continued to lower the broom, until the roof-top was able to catch the male safely.
Before Lydia had a chance to say anything to the adult that helpfully interrupted them, he had already sulked off. What was his problem? Turning to face Caesar Lydia agreed "Yeah, the combat field sounds good. I want to let out some of this energy inside of me." she glanced at A "Not that you made me mad or anything.".

Before A or Caesar could answer, the arachnid had already stormed off muttering insults under her breath. 

@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud
"There you go!" Caesar smiled, glad that at least one of them had seen some sense, "if we're done here then I'd say we should leave all this negativity behind and go somewhere else. Maybe the combat field...?" He hinted, anxious to do something else other than let the two hot-blooded females stew in front of the teachers.

"I mean, unless there's something else you two want to do?" He wasn't going to force them into anything, of course, but he didn't exactly want to just go their separate ways; that'd mean making more new friends and it'd already proved hard enough to do so here. Still, anyone could do whatever, he wasn't one to judge.

Seeing the teacher leave, Caesar felt a little relieved. No reprimand at least.

"I'd love to.", A responds to Caesar to spite Lydia, grabbing hold of him and flame-teleporting them to the combat fields. 

"You smell nice.", A says backing off of him, and holding her hands behind her back. 
Ryujin returned the smile. "Alright then I would be glad to have your company." He stood  up with a deep yawn. "Damn that potion was really strong. I still feel tired after drinking it." He picked up his garbage and through it away in a nearby trash bin. "i'm going to go for a walk before classes start. You're welcome to come with me if you want but if you don't I will see you later." 

Cody felt the fangs go in, and then the strange feeling of sucking in his arm, very strange feeling. "That feels so weird..." he said, seeing his own blood drip from the under bite, must have gotten free from her jaws.


Kagami released her fangs from his skin and wiped her mouth. "Your blood taste good! Its spicy but not overpowering." Her eyes slightly glowed ,"  Now I'm sounding like a blood conisuer
The cool wind whipped through both of their hair, the long pink locks brushing past his face. Leaning herself forward, was her way of directing the broom-stick. After the span of about ten minutes or so, they had come to the top of the building which held the mess-hall.  Her face was still ever so pink, she was like a freshly bloomed rose. "Be careful getting off..." She continued to lower the broom, until the roof-top was able to catch the male safely.

Lucas was still doing hos best to recover from the flight, only glancing downwards once he felt his feet touching the rooftop. Okay. Good. Solid ground. He quickly got off once he could, visibly stumbling with his first step. Everything was so... He had never been on a ship before, but he imagined this is what it would be like. To think that you could lose your balance after only a few minutes of flight...

Slowly, he got back to his feet and turned back towards Sucy. "So uh, thanks for the lift..?" He wasn't really sure how to put it. Flight was... Different. It scared the hell out of him, but it also felt really free in its own right. "I'm sure that stuff can be really fun once you get used to it."

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