Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

"Interesting... Always thought that the bits stay as indication of how they were bitten... But I thought wrong. " he said, he saw Fley make a heart and point at Kagami, he smiled at her, doing the same towards Ryujin. "I'm planning on getting my horns soon. But I need to get mad again... But I'm with you so it's kinda impossible. You make me feel calm and happy... I don't know why, I'm guessing it's just the fact that, you're the only person who hasn't said anything bad about me, and has actually spent some kind of time with me. " he said rubbing his shoulder. 

" You think I'm a nice person. I'm flattered . " she smiled at Cody.  " So why did you have to get angry? Is it how your true demon form appears ?" she asked.

Kagami could tell Cody is a hald blood. Any anger could let his demon blood go wild. She's seen half-bloods slaughter a whole village because they lost control.

Maybe he can control it. I mean he seems like a nice guy, she thought.
"Well, don't take this the wrong way, but I mean... I thought you were like... weird. I mean, not weird. Just, you know, when you said oni, I was like, oh shit, this guy's a scary ass and I should stay away. But I guess you're pretty nice and stuff. And kind of cute in that attractive way, ya know? But I didn't see that in you until recently, so that's what I meant." Fley bit her lip. Did that come out the way she wanted it to? She shrugged and continued walking. "I know what can make you less tired." She smiled slyly. "If you want me to make you less tired, I know a surefire way to do it." 

@Dante Verren

(Kick him in the pants! That'll wake em up)
"I'm cute huh?  Well I guess your quite adorable as well." Ryujin saw the smile she was giving him and his better judgement told him not to . However his chest felt strangely weird. It wasn't a bad feeling it actually felt kinda of good. "You know common sense is telling me I shouldn't however How can I resist that smile. Alright I'm trusting you. make me less tired."

"I'm not adorable," Fley murmured. Then she grinned again. She kneed him in his crotch first, but she didn't give him any time to recover from that attack. She tackled him before he can properly react, and started to tickle him, laughing as she rolled over a hill. She was still on top of him when she grinned. "You awake now?" she said, giggling like she never had before.

@Dante Verren
He could of at least tried to sound a little more enthusiastic. Oh well...he was talking to him for the first time since they properly met. "Morning. You aren't very social, are you?" maybe he was only like this because he just woke up. He might of become more sociable once he got himself together...Hopefully. If not then this was going to be very annoying on both ends. Cause he could be pretty persistent when needed and if his roommate was asocial all the time that could and probably would irritate him...He would just have to live with it because he wasn't going to change his attitude in the slightest for this guy.

@Navitic (Sorry! I had to eat!)
" You think I'm a nice person. I'm flattered . " she smiled at Cody.  " So why did you have to get angry? Is it how your true demon form appears ?" she asked.

Kagami could tell Cody is a hald blood. Any anger could let his demon blood go wild. She's seen half-bloods slaughter a whole village because they lost control.

Maybe he can control it. I mean he seems like a nice guy, she thought.

"Yes... But since my tail showed up, I haven't been able to get rid of my demonic look. I just.... " he stopped, thinking of himself becoming his dad, "I just need that extra push now... I'm standing at the edge... Just need a push. " he said sadly, "But... I don't know what will happen when I do it... I'm scared, I don't want to hurt anyone. " he said, he opened his mouth and touched one of the fangs. More dog than vampire, that's for sure. "...Do you know of any ways that...if I go mad, do you know any ways to fix it? " he asked her. 
Ryujin was breathing heavily "" despite his words he was still smiling. "You comfortable up there" He asked in a playful tone.

She put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. 

"I'm not very helpful with that stuff. I could ask my brother since he has similar problems . I do think you should take your time transforming. You don't want your demon blood overriding your humans part of ya."

"Yes... But since my tail showed up, I haven't been able to get rid of my demonic look. I just.... " he stopped, thinking of himself becoming his dad, "I just need that extra push now... I'm standing at the edge... Just need a push. " he said sadly, "But... I don't know what will happen when I do it... I'm scared, I don't want to hurt anyone. " he said, he opened his mouth and touched one of the fangs. More dog than vampire, that's for sure. "...Do you know of any ways that...if I go mad, do you know any ways to fix it? " he asked her. 
She put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. 

"I'm not very helpful with that stuff. I could ask my brother since he has similar problems . I do think you should take your time transforming. You don't want your demon blood overriding your humans part of ya."

Cody felt a warm and happy feeling when she put a hand on his shoulder, he smiled at her, "Thanks Kagami... You sure know how to make me happy. " he said, she truly did, it's been a very long time since he could actually say something like that. "And to be honest, I don't say that lightly. I've been sad for awhile... You've so far, made me actually happy. " he said, giving her a small toothy smile. 
Miko spent a good while in the bathroom. The first thing he did that fine morning was to take a steamy hot shower. Doing so helped him wake up faster better than any other cold water. Which was quite unique to be honest. Most people did it the other way around, since being cold stimulated the body to react faster to dramatic temperature changes. However, the hot water helped him be all warm and relaxed which he greatly enjoyed to his liking. Several minutes go by as he did his usual morning routine; brushing teeth, washing his face, bathroom, etc. He then opened the bathroom door to reveal him standing at the door shirtless and wearing a snow-white colored towel screening below. Above his head, he was drying off the last remains of wet hair with another separate white towel. Facing his roommate he gave him nothing but a friendly grin.

"Hey, sorry about all that. I don't completely enjoy the mornings as much as other people do." he said while cleaning the inside of his ears with the towel at hand.

But he knew that he already screwed up his first impressions with this guy. He had to work fast to get him into friendly territory if he was ever going to live under the same roof as him. Assuredly, Miko hoped that he could pardon him for his particular behaviour. Setting the towel onto the back of his shoulders, Miko walked up to his roommate extending a single hand for an incoming handshake while the other was holding onto the towel keeping it from falling as he made small movements.

"I don't believe we met. My name is Miko Boudreaux. And you?" Miko asked.

@TaraSobiki (No problem, I'm fine with waiting. Unlike most people.)
Roy, seeing a person invite him over, smiles and heads over to the combat field. As he walked over, he realized he was unsure of what to say or do. When he arrived near where the three of them were,  he called a greeting, "Hello! How's are all your days going?" He then realizes that was kinda lame, but doesn't care.

@Destructus Kloud @Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi

((Won't be on until 2:00 PM PST tomorrow, due to the fact that I have some leadership training to attend to. Hope this doesn't get in the way somehow...))
As Red nears the field she sees that someone was already there walking around, she decides to let them be as she's there. Unsheathing the sword from the staff, she gives it a few swings in the air before sticking the staff up right in the ground.

"I might happy that your happy." She gave him a quick hug. "I'll try to be there when your all sad and gloomy."

She then bowed."Unfortunately  I have to go start to class now. So see ya later."she waved goodbye and skipped away.

"He's such a cutie " she giggled. 

Cody felt a warm and happy feeling when she put a hand on his shoulder, he smiled at her, "Thanks Kagami... You sure know how to make me happy. " he said, she truly did, it's been a very long time since he could actually say something like that. "And to be honest, I don't say that lightly. I've been sad for awhile... You've so far, made me actually happy. " he said, giving her a small toothy smile. 
"I might happy that your happy." She gave him a quick hug. "I'll try to be there when your all sad and gloomy."

She then bowed."Unfortunately  I have to go start to class now. So see ya later."she waved goodbye and skipped away.

"He's such a cutie " she giggled. 

Cody hugged her back before she left, and said a goodbye, the rest of the day might be good, and he hopes that he speaks with her again... Hopefully.. Not mad... 


She could't understand what her brother was doing but didn't feel at all threatened so she let him pat her head. "Brother.....What is this doing? It's very....odd..." for whatever reason she felt  It was sort of weird but not in a terrible way. She was curious about what this was supposed to do because she had no clue on what he meant.

@kenchin (I was out! Sorry!)


Cecil woke up at some random time and when he saw the area around him he smiled. He was actually free and last night wasn't a dream. He wasn't  a constellation or statue . Cecil was happy about all that but this human body would take some getting used to. The ground was farther away than it was when he was a fox so that made him a little uncomfortable.

That was just one of the many other things he would have to get used to but after he did everything would be smooth from there. He looked at this other person who had been there and he still wasn't gone. He kind of expected him to be for whatever reason but he was still there. "Hey! How long are you planning to stay?" he asked him.


Axel used his Flames of Harmony and made her soul feel calm and relax the once cold Aura was clamed down around her " thats weired i think yuki onna is different form us human aura's but i calmed the Rain flames around your soul " he said looking at her " hahaha so if you feel a bit happy or feel better just not sad that means it worked if it didn't then i still need to train alot more " axel then looked her smiling"

occ: it's cool i got called in to do a double shift today when the system went down 

As Red nears the field she sees that someone was already there walking around, she decides to let them be as she's there. Unsheathing the sword from the staff, she gives it a few swings in the air before sticking the staff up right in the ground.


Izo looks over to Red with curiosity. "You! Whats your name"

(Goodnight. )
Alice opened her eyes. What she first saw was white tiles. She blinked her eyes. She felt so tired but she made herself sit up. She just realized she fell asleep and was sprawled on the bed awkwardly. Her legs was still crossed, her head earlier was hanging on the bed.

"Ugh." Her legs was numb, her back and neck was sore. "What time is it?" She murmured, looking around. There was no clock and she had no watch. Despite of being asleep for who knows how many hours or days, she felt much more weary than the last she was awake. It meant that she needed to harness someone's energy now. You should eat regularly, they said.

Slowly, she untangled her legs, assisting it with her hand. Her legs were like jelly. She waited for a couple of minutes for the blood to flow thoroughly, she doesn't want to walk around the hallways with a crunched face.

When her legs was fine, she stood up. Her vision swam and black spots started to appear. She held the wall for support. Alice blinked her eyes and started walking slowly. She opened the door and went outside.

She walked with her hand on the wall. The sun was up, it seems it was still day, but it could be another day. The hallway was silent. Are classes already going on? But she wouldn't like to attend a class if she's going to pass out any minute. 

She continued to walk around and then saw a tree. Below it was someone with her or his back facing Alice. The person or creature was wearing a black hood. Alice hesitated, this person or creature is the first time she saw since she went outside. The hallway was silent and she will definitely pass out any minute. She don't want any of her parents or siblings to be called for passing out in the hallway.

"Wish me luck." Alice whispered to herself.

She crossed the hallway, walking slowly. Her arms were raised on each of her side, as if she was walking in a tight line. She stepped on the garden, or what she assumed was the garden. There were plants and flowers everywhere, enjoying sunshine.

"Hi?" She said, trying to make her voice louder. She probably look horrible right now but she didn't mind that.

@Dante Verren
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"Uh no..." She couldn't see the person/creature's face but her voice sounds so feminine and human. "I need help... If you mind.." She took a step forward and almost fell but immediately caught herself. She looked at the girl, auras surrounded her. A few are bright and colorful, and one is dark but faint. 

@Dante Verren
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By the time Lydia had reached the combat field she noticed that there were three people already there, two that were her 'friends'. Skittering closer she asked "Who's he?" feeling a bit bothered that there was yet another person that might start insulting her. She stretched all ten of her limbs as she prepared for combat, not that she was going to be fighting. It was going to be her large pet Honey, and maybe a passerby. The long stinger on Honey glinted in the sunlight as he too started to stretch. 

@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian
Just as Fred was beggining to see the faintest of auras coming from the other students a call inturrupted his concentration. It was his mom; his grandpa was in the hospital. Fred knew the family was half expecting this and went to his dorm to gather up a couple of his things. His mother was waiting for him out front so he got in the car and they drove out. Fred thought it kinda sucks having to leave almost right after he got here, but he'd be back soon enough.

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