Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

After finishing his series,Aurelion sigh "Boring school!" Aurelion say before getting up on the couch looking around "Atleast there is nobody to bother me in this room." he say before walking of the room letting the door wide open,in the direction of the garden.With that done,he began to do some basic training.
"It wasn't cheap," Fley murmured, still laughing. "That was fun. At least I woke you up." She rolled off of Ryujin. "W-well, when does class start? I have to talk to the instructor or whatever and tell him I'm not fighting anymore. I can't control myself, and that never turns out well." Fley curled up into a ball. This action was something she did when she was scared, cold, or lonely. "What if I hurt someone else again? Lucky that Usagi has healing powers and other people intervened, because... well, what if I did something else? What if I..." she shivered. She couldn't bring herself to say it.

@Dante Verren
Ryujin sat up and rubbed his stomach trying to get rid of the sick feeling he had in his gut after the impact to his crotch. "It was totally a cheap trick. Don't you know your never suppose to hit a guy there. Even in war that is just wrong." Ryujin watched as curled herself into a ball. He reached his hand over and ran it through her hair like he did when she was in wolf form. "Well since you promised to help me with my oni problem it would only be fair if I helped you get control of your instincts. " Ryujin smiled down at Fley. "If there is anything I can do I will do my best to help. That's a promise, and I always keep my promises."

(I can't tag your name for some reason. Anyway it's fine. Hoped you had a good sleep :) )

Yinqi stood up and brushed herself off. "Tell me what I can do and if it is in my power I will help you."

(sorry about that I fell asleep)


Alice went closer to the girl with heavy steps. "It is." She smiled regretfully, "This will weaken you a bit," Alice touched the girl's hand. She concentrated on her energy, on her aura. She felt heat coursing through the girl's veins and then transferring to hers. Alice started to relax but she didn't pull her hand away. She felt better, she felt a big boulder was just removed from her back. Good thoughts started to flow inside her head, being a disappointment was forgotten. She felt lucky, she felt at ease but there was something in her heart, something heavy she couldn't pinpoint. 
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Yinqi was startled but didn't pull away. she didn't sense any hostile intent from her and qilin where usually a good judge of character. As her aura was being transferred they both where surrounded by a jade green aura. Suddenly from the tree above them two small fruits fell from the tree right into Yinqi's other hand. She looked at the fruits and silently held them out to the girl.


Yinqi was startled but didn't pull away. she didn't sense any hostile intent from her and qilin where usually a good judge of character. As her aura was being transferred they both where surrounded by a jade green aura. Suddenly from the tree above them two small fruits fell from the tree right into Yinqi's other hand. She looked at the fruits and silently held them out to the girl.


When Alice was done, she immediately pulled her hand. She felt much better, she felt energized, she felt she could run miles. "I'm so sorry!" She eyed the fruit, "And I don't deserve that fruit. Are you okay?"

Yinqi nodded silently still holding out the fruit towards the unknown girl. She had paled a bit but for the most part her aura remained the same jade green it was during the transfer. Yinqi held the fruit out farther still signalling for the girl to take them.

"Oh thanks." Alice gingerly picked the fruit. "Are you really okay? I don't want to leave you here by yourself. And I'm very very sorry." She apologized again.

This was why she sometimes hate her abilities. She needs to feed on someone innocent. Unlike vampires, they have blood bags, creatures like her doesn't. 

@Dante Verren
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Yinqi nodded. "I am fine. Are you feeling better now?" from under her hood her golden eyes analyzed the girls body and soul. She seemed genuinely sorry so it was ok that she took a bit of her magic. "Name?"


"Alice are you an aura eater?". She meant no offence with the question but her head was a bit blurred so she didn't  think about what she was saying or asking.

"You can say that. We are Aurae. I'm an Auri. I can see auras and read them. I feed off through auras." Alice explained, "Do you want to sit? Should I hold you and escort you?" Alice was cautious, she was lucky this girl didn't react violently and killed her in an instant. The only thing she can return is assist her and find a way to make her feel better.

@Dante Verren

Yinqi silently sat back down under the tree. she remained silent for a moment. "If you can read aura's does that also mean you can identify what a person is by reading their aura?" 

Caesar noticed Lydia's stance, "Alright, student battles it is! So who fights who?" He asked, a little excited and a little nervous to the coming events. He hoped whoever his opponent was had a way to avoid his touch. Or perhaps he should just stick with keeping his gloves on? Maybe if they played with the rules that if he managed to touch them then he will claim the victory, although that all depended on the other person.

@Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl @Storm Guardian
Alice followed her and sat beside her. The fruit the girl gave her  was still in her hands, untouched. "If you mean if that kind angel you just chatted with is secretly a mugger? No. I can read their moods a bit. I'm not powerful  or skilled, that's why I was sent here. A powerful Auri can read moods and personalities and when an Auri harnesses a person's energy, she or he can inherit the victim's mood, personality and ability for a limited time, it ranges from a minute to a day. In my case, it's only a minute. My highest is 2 minutes."

Yinqi nodded signalling that she understood. She glanced at the fruit out of the corner of her eye's from under her hood. "Eat. Taking my aura enhanced your luck and caused the fruit to fall. They are yours."

"Oh wow. How lucky of me. But I'm not hungry. Foods doesn't do anything to me aside from making me realize wonder and making my stomach full.

"You should eat yours. I know you're very weak as I took a lot. Please tell me anything to make you feel better. Well, you just need proper rest, if you're healthy and I'm sure you are, you'll regain your proper strength in an hour or so." Alice explained. 

@Dante Verren

(If I don't reply that means I'm asleep)
"Oh wow. How lucky of me. But I'm not hungry. Foods doesn't do anything to me aside from making me realize wonder and making my stomach full.

"You should eat yours. I know you're very weak as I took a lot. Please tell me anything to make you feel better. Well, you just need proper rest, if you're healthy and I'm sure you are, you'll regain your proper strength in an hour or so." Alice explained. 

@Dante Verren

(If I don't reply that means I'm asleep)
Fley rolled over to Ryujin. She felt slightly more comforted. She started to rub his crotch where she'd hit him. "Sorry about that. At least I woke you up!" she said, shrugging. "I'll make you feel better." She rubbed harder and smiled. "Thanks for the offer, but there's practically nothing you can do to help me. I'm a hopeless case." She squeezed his 'area' as she spoke.

@Dante Verren (Sorry, I thought I posted!) 
"Well to be honest I don't want to fight you or A." Lydia glared at A. She didn't want to fight those weird things or whatever else she had up her sleeve. Plus after realizing how deadly Caesar can be with disintegrating with just a touch, Lydia actually started to stay a little bit further away from him in fear of accidentally making contact with him. And she definitely didn't want Honey to disintegrate on her, he needed to make contact with the skin to deal actual damage. So she looked at the new guy, who she still doesn't know the name of, and didn't really see anything odd that he could do to Honey or herself. "I'll fight you, whatever your name is." decided Lydia, excited yet nervous for her first battle.

@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian
Caesar noticed Lydia's stance, "Alright, student battles it is! So who fights who?" He asked, a little excited and a little nervous to the coming events. He hoped whoever his opponent was had a way to avoid his touch. Or perhaps he should just stick with keeping his gloves on? Maybe if they played with the rules that if he managed to touch them then he will claim the victory, although that all depended on the other person.

@Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl @Storm Guardian

"Let's draw straws?", A said holding a closed fist out, 4 straws extending out from between it. "Shortest straw has to choose their opponent, that way everyone gets paired.", she says reading their expressions. She's obviously planning on rigging the draw but hasn't decided on how yet. "Caesar, you first."

"I will be fine. Energy transfers are not that uncommon for me." Her voice was weak when she spoke but it was full of confidence. "Well at least they weren't" she mumbled quietly.



Ryujin's face went completely red with embarrassment and his brain froze. He forced his brain to work again. "What are you doing! What if someones nearby. This has to be against school rules. Is this how you treat all your acquaintances." and so continued his embarrassed rambling until she let go of him. 


"Don't even worry about it!" he was just relieved that his assumption was right. This guy did not like the morning time which he found odd but everybody couldn't stand something. But it still was pretty weird to him because the fact yout woke up should make you the happiest person in the whole world in his mind so being grumpy made him think that somebody wasn't happy that they got to see another morning. Maybe that was just him though. He could understand why somebody might not be a night person. It was dark, everything got quiet and it was extremely boring to wait for the world to 'start up' again.

Enough about his thoughts and opinion on people who were annoyed in the morning, currently this guy had his hand out. Cecil was confused for a good ten seconds but then it hit him what he was trying to do. He wanted him to shake his hand mostly likely. Cecil thought that was only for dogs but it seemed that people normally did this as greeting or a sign for something. Peace maybe.....he wasn't completely sure but this must of been what this meant. Foxes were smart so he had confidenence that he could figure out how things worked around here quickly.

In response he grabbed his had and shook it  as quickly as he could. "Nice to meet you Miko! I'm Cecil Red! Hope that we can get along better after this!" he was going to make a huge effort to be friendly with most people here. He wasn't exactly looking to become best friends but maybe they would be close acquaintances.

@Navitic (Here it is! Thanks for waiting!)


She gave him a tiny smile "I guess I do feel...a little warmer." she felt something but wasn't sure if it was because of his powers or not. " I usually come off as sad to you?" sometimes she wasn't completely sure of her emotions. It was kind of weird in her opinion to not be able to tell how you are feeling at times. It was her body and her brain so she should of been able to. She did wonder about why she couldn't...


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