Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Fley let go and put her hands up. "All right, all right, calm down," she laughed. "Fine, if I called you a-a friend, would it still be fine? And besides, you're the one who was complaining that it hurt, what else do you want me to do? Lick it? Sorry, your girlfriend would get mad at me and I don't want to deal with her," she answered. Fley started rolling all over the grass. "Damn it, when the heck does class start? Isn't there a bell that rings around here that signals the start?" she rolled over him a couple of times but didn't seem to notice him at all while she was doing this. It was like she considered him a part of the hill. 

@Dante Verren
"Uhh, okay, I'm cool with that." Caesar took one of the straws out and held it up. Of course he didn't know if it was the short one, but he almost hoped to take the newcomer on as well. At least, he'd rather fight him than girls is all.

@Storm Guardian @Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl
Smoke walked to his dorm and flopped down on the bed. He noticed a girl in the room as well. He waved to her. Kori was her named or he thought so anyway. The knight got up and went into another room got out of his armor and into sweatpants and a hoodie. 


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Ryuijn let out a sigh relief as she let go but weirdly enough part of his brain was disappointed. He shoved that thought to as far back of the corner of his mind as he could .and laid back onto the ground. "Your a very confusing person you know that. Also I still don't have a girlfriend. Though I'm starting to get the feeling you want me to get one with your constant accusations."

He stayed silent for a while as he was constantly rolled over but he didn't mind. "Your not a lost cause." It took him a minute to realize that he said it out loud but when he did he knew that he meant it so there was no reason to cover it up."

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Fley shook her head as she rolled to a stop beside him. "I'm not confusing, and no matter what anyone says, they can't convince me that I'm not a lost cause. Unless you've got some transformation potion to get me back to being a regular human, then... well, I guess then I'll agree that I'm not," she answered. "And I don't necessarily want you to get a girlfriend. You just look like the type to already have one. So I kind of feel awkward when I do stuff to you - not that I've done anything wrong to begin with - because of your girlfriend of whom I am now assuming you don't have." 

@Dante Verren 
"You are definitely confusing. Every time I think I have you figured out you do something that throws me off and I have to start from scratch but I guess that's just part of what makes you adorable." he closed his eyes and continued talking. "Your speaking to the grandson of a god who also happens to be stuck in a war with a monster he can't control and probably never will be able to but can't live without. Now that is a lost cause. You on the other hand just need to learn how to control your emotions and instincts. Which in all honesty shouldn't be to hard. you just need the will power to be able to beat it and people that are willing to help you."

His voice shifted to a more sad tone. " I was friends with a bunch of people before I had to leave my home but everyone was also scarred of me. They kept there distance  always stopping before they got to close to me. Once I ended up living with my grandfather i didn't get a chance to socialize with many people around my age. The ones i did where either terrified of me or looked down on me. Besides most women don't find being a oni a very big turn on. So to sum it up I have never once had a girlfriend."

Miko was happy that they could settle their differences aside. Cecil seemed a little 'off' when he want to shake hands with him. He could not exactly tell what that was all about, but maybe it was something he did not need to worry about. Letting his hand go, Miko walked over to his dressing drawers and pulled open the top drawer. Rummaging through the drawer he pulled out several pieces of clothing and laid them all on the bed, neatly organized. He stood before them and looked in disappointment. It was not anything special, it had been the same attire he wore yesterday but this was a cleaned pair. Beggers can't be choosers after all. Admitting, he quickly changed into the pair while throwing the towels that he wore into the dirty basket in the bathroom so he could clean it later. Walking into the center of the room he stretched out his arms and legs to rid of any stiffness before doing anything drastic today. He made a small groaning noise as he moved around.

"So Cecil. What's your plan for today's agenda?" he asked casually.


(Sorry. Going to be offline for the rest of the day. I need a small break to help calm down my tensed muscles which in fact are killing me right now. :(  )
Miko was happy that they could settle their differences aside. Cecil seemed a little 'off' when he want to shake hands with him. He could not exactly tell what that was all about, but maybe it was something he did not need to worry about. Letting his hand go, Miko walked over to his dressing drawers and pulled open the top drawer. Rummaging through the drawer he pulled out several pieces of clothing and laid them all on the bed, neatly organized. He stood before them and looked in disappointment. It was not anything special, it had been the same attire he wore yesterday but this was a cleaned pair. Beggers can't be choosers after all. Admitting, he quickly changed into the pair while throwing the towels that he wore into the dirty basket in the bathroom so he could clean it later. Walking into the center of the room he stretched out his arms and legs to rid of any stiffness before doing anything drastic today. He made a small groaning noise as he moved around.

"So Cecil. What's your plan for today's agenda?" he asked casually.


(Sorry. Going to be offline for the rest of the day. I need a small break to help calm down my tensed muscles which in fact are killing me right now. :(  )
Lydia already knew that she was going to somehow get the longest straw. It was A, a demon who can do a multitude of things, and B, Lydia was already pretty unlucky. Sighing, Lydia daintily picked out a straw and showed it to everyone. After that Honey nabbed it from Lydia's fingers and started to nibble on it, needing his daily veg. 

@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian 
Lydia already knew that she was going to somehow get the longest straw. It was A, a demon who can do a multitude of things, and B, Lydia was already pretty unlucky. Sighing, Lydia daintily picked out a straw and showed it to everyone. After that Honey nabbed it from Lydia's fingers and started to nibble on it, needing his daily veg. 

@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian 
Fley smiled and leaned her head against his. "Don't be sad, please," she said, giving him a hug. "I think onis are pretty damn cool. Well, their cool, but not exactly friendly. I can't say I don't hate your oni form. No offense. But I do like you. And I still don't think I'm confusing! But I can change, if you want me to. What do you want me to do, be a little more friendly?" she asked, quite seriously. "I can try that, but I can't promise it'll work. As for my wolf-thing, you don't know how hard it is to control myself. I try and try... but I can't. I'd do just about anything if someone helped me." 

@Dante Verren
"It's like I said I promise to help you however and whenever I can. All you have to do is say the word." he titled opened his eyes so that he was looking at her. "You shouldn't be that wiling to change if someone wants you to. The phrase nobody is perfect is a very true phrase. However those who are closest to perfection are the ones who are true to themselves. " He placed one of his finger just above her breast where her heart would be. "Just be true to yourself. Change necessarily isn't a bad thing but it will make those who care about you more happy to see you being you."

He stood up and dusted himself off looking up at the sky. He turned around and held out his hand to help her up with a smile. "Shall we go find out when class starts?"


"Wow!! You have such an amazing power!!" Dalilia said loudly, covering her mouth as she looked down. As soon as he asked about drawing, the girl clutched her notebook a little harder. She smiled up at him, trying not to show the worry in her eyes. "Y-yeah actually..." She stuttered and then looked forwards. She had never shown anyone her drawings before... never really planned on showing anyone, that was until her drawings were finished.. but that wasn't going to happen. As soon as the short Dalilia got outside, the sun hit her rosy red cheeks. The wind blew through her hair as she continued to walk with Seth. Her notebook, clenched in her hands. 


Sythnar Dochrohen

"O-Oh thanks!"  Seth telepathically said with a small joyful expression on his eyes, he really had never told anyone his power, "O-oh I see, I bet they're great!"  he telepathically said to Dalilia, he would ask to see her drawings, but he decided not to, after seeing her expression, as they walked on a marble path to the academy, "W-What made you come study here?"  Seth telepathically asked the girl with a shy tune, as a small breeze blew through his clothing, slightly lifting his cardigan.

Fley grinned. "You sure do have a way with words," she said to him, and accepted his hand. She got up and brushed off her shirt lightly. "Mm, yeah, let's go. Where to? The combat field? Damn, that place brings back bad memories. Speaking of combat class, I still need to talk to the freakin' teacher about that, but I don't know the teacher for shit-" Fley sighed exhaustively. "Can't I just go to sleep in my dorm? I'll steal Cody's blanket. I'm sure he won't mind too much, he's a half-demon, he'll deal with it and-" She yawned. "I'll just crawl under the blankets and fall asleep..." 

Fley waited a moment and stared up at the blue sky. "You know... the reason I wish I could change... people don't like me, so I'd change everything about myself to please the one person who might like me. Not that you do. I'm just saying, you know? 'Cause I kinda like you." 

Mentioned: @CERBERUS177

@Dante Verren
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"Other than I didn't wanna be the only freak out there? I mean I guess I wanted to meet new people like me... and I get away from home... So that's a plus!! I heard this academy has really good schooling, I mean by programs and such. I like the activities that are around the school and such." Once Dalilia realized she was rambling, the girl froze and shook her head, shrugging lightly. "U-um yeah... What about you?" She asked, not sure how to keep the awkward silence away. 


Sythnar Dochrohen

"O-Oh I see...., About m-me?, W-Well I came h-here because I-I wanted t-to fend f-for myself!, Can't k-keep yourself a-at your p-parent's h-house right?!"  Seth telepathically lied to Dalilia, he felt uncomfortable talking about it with an accquaintance he had just met, they were now on a land full of green bushes filled with various flowers and trees of various kinds, this must be the garden, he then saw a pink fly on a flower, he made a mental note to collect any insects he can find in this area, "S-So..., do you have any hobbies of some sorts?, mine is s-stargazing and insect collecting...."  he telepathically said to the girl, wondering on how many kinds of insects could there be in this area.

Roy takes a straw and holds it up in the air, then replied to the question the person with the straws asked, "Call me Roy. What are your names?" He looks around the group, seeing the person with the gloves (Caeser, I think), the one with the companion (Lydia), and the one with the straws (A). He secretly hoped he would fight the one with the gloves (Caesar), since he really didn't want to try to beat up any girls.

@Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud @Cheryl
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"I'm Caesar," Caesar replied to him, "that's Lydia," He pointed to the girl with a bug-like lower body, "and that's A." His finger finally rested in the demon's direction as he finished, before he then looked back, "Now all that's left is A's straw."

@Olivia Acerbi @Storm Guardian @Cheryl 
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Ryujin smiled as he listened to her. "Well then follow my advice. Be yourself that's is what the person who likes you wants you to do." his smile then changed to a devious one. " so you like me huh? I guess that's your way of makeing a confession and only after knowing me for one day." he did his best to keep his face and voice from showing Any more emotion then nesicary but he felt like his heart was doing a marathon in his chest. "Is this the part where I respond with any feelings I may or may not have? I'm not quite sure what to do with these kind of things."

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Ryujin smild as he listened to her. "Well then follow my advice. Be yourself that's is what the person who likes you wants you to do." his smile then changed to a devious one. " so you like me huh? I guess that's your way of makeing a confession and only after knowing me for one day." he did his best to keep his face and voice from showing Any more emotion then nesicary but he felt like his heart was doing a marathon in his chest. "Is this the part where I respond with any feelings I may or may not have? I'm not quite sure what to do with these kind of things."

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Ryujin smiled as he listened to her. "Well then follow my advice. Be yourself that's is what the person who likes you wants you to do." his smile then changed to a devious one. " so you like me huh? I guess that's your way of makeing a confession and only after knowing me for one day." he did his best to keep his face and voice from showing Any more emotion then nesicary but he felt like his heart was doing a marathon in his chest. "Is this the part where I respond with any feelings I may or may not have? I'm not quite sure what to do with these kind of things."

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"C-c-c-conf-confession?!" Fley exclaimed, her face turning red. She looked at the floor. "U-u-uh! I-I-I d-d-don't- I don't know... I d-d-didn't mean like-like-like that!" Fley started to bite her nails as her face turned redder. "Don't look at me!" she exclaimed. Her heart was beating so fast she thought Ryujin could hear it. "B-but it's not that I don't like- OW!" While she was talking, Fley had been shuffling her feet so much that she ended up falling backwards onto the floor of the hill again.

@Dante Verren
@Storm Guardian @Destructus Kloud @Cheryl

"That's right!", A grinned. She'd given the decision of who should get the shortest straw some thought. She knew Lydia would object to fighting her based on her disposition, Caesar had a sort of protective fear of his own power and would probably object to fighting her or Lydia. The new guy, well, the new guy had a sword. 

A opened her hand revealing a rather long straw by comparison. Roy had drawn the shortest straw and now had to choose an opponent.

"Looks its the Sir Roy's choice.", A chimed with an aggressive smirk. 

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