Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Ryujin laughed a little at her reaction and offered his hand to help her up again. "You alright?" "So i guess that means she does have feelings for me" he thought o himself.  He was unsure what do to now. His heart was pumping ridiculously fast but he had never liked someone before, "Damn this is confusing" he though to himself.

Ryujin laughed a little at her reaction and offered his hand to help her up again. "You alright?" "So i guess that means she does have feelings for me" he thought o himself.  He was unsure what do to now. His heart was pumping ridiculously fast but he had never liked someone before, "Damn this is confusing" he though to himself.

Fley's face was still red. "B-but it's n-n-not like I l-like you or anything, you know?" she said, shakily accepting Ryujin's hand for the second time. "I-I-" Fley cleared her throat, which had gone dry in a matter of seconds. "M-m-maybe we should go back to where everyone else is." She avoided eye contact with Ryujin as she spoke. She couldn't stand to look at him now.

@Dante Verren
Lydia was pleased to see that A didn't make the game so that she would win, at least the red girl had some sense of fairness. Not that she probably would be in battle. "Yeah I'm Lydia, please excuse my body for having so many legs." she said to add to Caesar's answer. She still didn't know the guy's name, and hoped that he would say so before he chose his partner. Inside her head Lydia begged that he would pick her, she didn't want herself or Honey to get injured against A's fire or coming in contact with Caesar.

@Storm Guardian @Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud (pls pick me :c)
Ryujin nodded. "Lead the way and I will follow. " He noticed that she was avoiding looking at him "unless you want me to leave you alone" he said. Her personality seemed to do another 180. She was super energized a minute ago. now she's super reserved. I hope I didn't go to far he thought to himself.

Roy looked back and forth between the three people, and when Caeser spoke up about having a match with him, he asked, "What fighting style are you? Do your gloves do something interesting? I'm just curious because sword fighting isn't my only way to fight." He raises his right hand, which summons a glowing, blue-bladed cleaver, spins the knife by the handle, and tosses it into the air, where it dissapears.

@Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl
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"Err, with my fists, I guess? Well, not entirely. Look:" He picked up a nearby branch and removed one of his gloves, placing the branch in the hand. The sides fell to the ground as the middle section broke up into loads of tiny pieces too small to see, "It's not a fun thing to have and I don't want to hurt you. How about, if I touch your chest," He pointed to Roy's heart, "with a gloved hand, then I win?" It was the best compromise he could think of. He'd use his powers to defend himself, sure, but he wasn't going to disintegrate the guy.

@Storm Guardian @Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi (Yeah, but she has human ears and eyes. xD )
"Hmm? Oh, the combat field isn't too far from here," Fley murmured, walking in that direction. To be precise, it was only a few minutes walk away. Fley was walking unusually fast, almost as if to avoid Ryujin completely. She was so nervous she almost couldn't speak. Once arriving at the combat field, she noticed a couple of familiar faces, but a group of four in particular stood out. "L-let's go talk to them," she said to him, looking up at him once but then averting her gaze again. 

@Dante Verren 

@Storm Guardian @Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud (Y'all are at the combat field, right?)
"Hmm? Oh, the combat field isn't too far from here," Fley murmured, walking in that direction. To be precise, it was only a few minutes walk away. Fley was walking unusually fast, almost as if to avoid Ryujin completely. She was so nervous she almost couldn't speak. Once arriving at the combat field, she noticed a couple of familiar faces, but a group of four in particular stood out. "L-let's go talk to them," she said to him, looking up at him once but then averting her gaze again. 

@Dante Verren 

@Storm Guardian @Cheryl @Olivia Acerbi @Destructus Kloud (Y'all are at the combat field, right?)

( )

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"Sure but Your not allowed to do any fighting until we can talk to Mr.Chester about controlling your instincts. Understood?" He started heading in the groups direction. "Yeah I differently screwed up something. She won't even look at me now." He noticed that A was with the group and he stopped walking. His eyes changed to the thunderous gold that where his oni eyes. The air around him became more humid just lkike when a large storm was on its way. his oni blood started to burn. His oni was still pissed about being told to retreat from his fight . Ryujin shook his head and cleared the thought of a rematch out of his head as he went back to normal. Their where three other people he didn't know. One was a spider lady, another guy he didn't recognize at all, and a third was the guy that he had to ignore because he was on the phone. He still had to apologize for that.


@Olivia Acerbi

@Storm Guardian


@Destructus Kloud
"Sure but Your not allowed to do any fighting until we can talk to Mr.Chester about controlling your instincts. Understood?" He started heading in the groups direction. "Yeah I differently screwed up something. She won't even look at me now." He noticed that A was with the group and he stopped walking. His eyes changed to the thunderous gold that where his oni eyes. The air around him became more humid just lkike when a large storm was on its way. his oni blood started to burn. His oni was still pissed about being told to retreat from his fight . Ryujin shook his head and cleared the thought of a rematch out of his head as he went back to normal. Their where three other people he didn't know. One was a spider lady, another guy he didn't recognize at all, and a third was the guy that he had to ignore because he was on the phone. He still had to apologize for that.


@Olivia Acerbi

@Storm Guardian


@Destructus Kloud

"Well, well, well if it isn't Zeus' bastard son.", A teased seeing Ryujin approaching. "We're about to have a sparing match. You could save yourself the time and run away now if you'd like?", she breaks from the group and confronts Ryujin, wearing a friendly smile. 
Roy raised his eyebrows on upon seeing Caesar perform his powers "Seems like a deadly ability to have," Roy commented. It seemed the gloves weren't there for an advantage, but more to protect others from his power. After Caesar gives his suggestion, Roy replies, "Sure. If you manage to touch my sword, then I guess I'll drop it and keep fighting." He looks curiously backwards, hearing someone walk up to them.

@Destructus Kloud @Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl

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Fley glared at the girl. "Who the hell are you? Back off, girlie, c'mon now-" Fley moved to shove her back a bit. "You don't look so pretty yourself you-" Fley froze and stopped speaking as soon as she spotted the girl with eight legs. She almost immediately morphed to wolf, a look of panic entering her eyes as she howled at the sky, aimlessly running in circles around the combat field.

@Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl @Destructus Kloud @Dante Verren @Storm Guardian
He returned the smile."Good morning to you as well Little miss red devil. I have one question for you. Do I look Greek?" He decided that it was best to ignore the running away comment sense he knew she was just trying to piss him off. He watched fley transform and he face palmed. "Dear lord this girl has problems. Ryujin hen looked over at Caesar and waved at him trying to be friendly. "Your name is Caesar right? Sorry about this morning I didn't mean to ignore you I just got caught up in my phone call." he then turned back to look at Fley. "Hey get back here now and stop freaking out!"

@Olivia Acerbi


@Storm Guardian


@Destructus Kloud
Fley glared at the girl. "Who the hell are you? Back off, girlie, c'mon now-" Fley moved to shove her back a bit. "You don't look so pretty yourself you-" Fley froze and stopped speaking as soon as she spotted the girl with eight legs. She almost immediately morphed to wolf, a look of panic entering her eyes as she howled at the sky, aimlessly running in circles around the combat field.

@Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl @Destructus Kloud @Dante Verren @Storm Guardian

A was about to roast Fley when she goes dog mode. A is caught off guard by this. 

"You wanna control your pet there, Raiden?", A comments, subtly responding to his question. @Dante Verren
Caesar waved back at him, "It's cool man. I'll try to re-introduce myself again later, or I can spar with you after Roy if you'd like." He turned his attention back to Roy, "Yeah, sure, that's fine. And I guess, pin me down? Knock me out? I'm not exactly sure what it is you do aside from summoning. Or it could be a game of tag, sort of? Like, just don't let me get you. Unless you do actually have a way of affecting me, that is. Not to sound cocky or anything," he laughed despite himself, "it's just... I don't know, I guess."

@Storm Guardian @Dante Verren
"Thank you. Also I don't own her nor do I have any clue what she is doing or why she is doing it." Ryujin walked over to fley as she ran around. He held out his hand and amplified his voice a bit to try and install and tenprriay alpha mentality. "Fley stop running in circles and calm down. Your fine. No one's trying to hurt you. Well unless you count A who looks like she wants to put a muzzle on you." he said the last part about a muzzle loud enough for only him and A to hear.

@Olivia Acerbi

Fley glared at Ryujin for a moment before she stopped howling and running. She ran back over to where Ryujin and A were standing and curled up into a tiny ball at A's feet. She was giving off a mean aura, but maybe this mean and not-nice individual could protect her from the giant spider with wings - two things of which she was scared of - spiders and insects. The combination of both mixed with human frightened her so much she'd probably rather go home - and home was not that much of a nice memory, either. As for Ryujin - well, she would have ran straight for him if she hadn't stopped and remembered their awkward conversation from earlier. She had not fully recovered from it yet. She was still thinking about what he'd said, why he'd said it and why did he have to say it and why was her response so stupid. 

@Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi

Mentioned: @Cheryl

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