Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Mei stuttered," I-Im a teacher. I always b-been mistaken as a 17 year old. ". She bows and gives him a slight smile," I should introduce myself. I'am Mei Yuima. The head of disciplinary  committee and punish those who break the rules".


Cody looked surprised, "You can't be no older than 16 to me miss. My mistake for you being a student. But I guess speaking with a teacher isn't all that bad." he said smiling 'Well this got interesting ' he thought, "How'd you end up working here if I may ask? " he said, putting the book away. 
Lydia was about to start talking to the wolf girl named Fley before there was a booming voice coming from behind. She jumped back in fear and saw A growing brighter and a midnight black tendril shot up out of the ground next to her. "I-I uhm, Fley, Caesar, Honey, let's get out of here!" screeched Lydia, backing away from the fiery chasm and sensing the hot air starting to make her skin sweat. Soon enough, Lydia was scampering away towards the garden, hoping that no one will intervene her escape. She was even slightly using her wings so she was gIiding across the ground.

(Damn Caesar, you have a brave soul xD)
(That, and I think he relies too much on being unharmed with everything cause of his powers. Trust me, there are ways of harming him still. :P  I'm heading to bed now actually. I'll be still in the field tomorrow if we're just pausing this. Or continue, either way. )
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"Ive been her for a long time.  I was bored with my old job , so I decided to join with some of my friends." Her job was really interesting....back then. 

"Excuse me for a moment. I should really fix my apperance. ". She pulled hair back into a p

onytail tail. The atmosphere seem to suddenly change.

"Ah! So much better. Now....who the he'll are you?" she asked. 

"Ive been her for a long time.  I was bored with my old job , so I decided to join with some of my friends." Her job was really interesting....back then. 

"Excuse me for a moment. I should really fix my apperance. ". She pulled hair back into a p

onytail tail. The atmosphere seem to suddenly change.

"Ah! So much better. Now....who the he'll are you?" she asked. 


"I'm'am. " he said, "But I wouldn't expect me in your office any time soon. " he said, as he didn't plan on doing anything bad. So really he was safe from... Whatever she does. "I'm not going to be fighting... I just don't have the need to do it right now. " he said, as he was scared of his powers getting out of control. 
"Woah, woah A, calm down they didn't mean it!" He rushed over to the demonic girl, seemingly unworried by the fire and black stuff, "Save you final form stuff for the one on one fight, okay? Someone might get real hurt and..." He glanced over to the two sitting and observing, "I think some teachers may be here too. Let's not get that serious about this."

@Olivia Acerbi (aaaand this is when your bs starts. xD )

(I explicitly warned you XD)

A roared and screamed in ancient tongues, wildly thrashing attacks around at Lydia and the others. She'd begun to physically change; claws ripping through her fingers, a pair of arm-like wings jutted from her bloodied back, her horns had grown and her cheeks had ripped revealing gaping jaws lined with razor-sharp teeth. She picked Caesar up into the air, making a remark in a demonic language. She opened her maw, flames crawling up her throat preparing to shoot at Caesar. 

( The body is human, A's antics are destroying it. You should probably do something. :)  )
"What in the actual hell?" Roy yelled, seeing A's transformation into a demon. He quickly drew his hand and a half falchion and chucked it at A, then appeared to the sword (One of his signature attacks, I actually made that attack like those Super Smash Bros Up Special Attack... the sword is in the air), batting with his sword flat at A's arm, the arm which held Caesar, hoping to distract the demon, then does a forward somersault, rolling and dropping his sword once he hits the floor to avoid stabbing himself and evening out the impact. His sword then appears back into his hand when he gets back up.

@Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi ((And a few others))
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"Well that's too bad. I guess I can make the kids in detention miserable."she grins.

"Sooo kid, why hell aren't ya fighting ? Are you scared? "

She crosses her arms. Maybe he's trying to ditch class,she thought.

"I'm'am. " he said, "But I wouldn't expect me in your office any time soon. " he said, as he didn't plan on doing anything bad. So really he was safe from... Whatever she does. "I'm not going to be fighting... I just don't have the need to do it right now. " he said, as he was scared of his powers getting out of control. 
"Well that's too bad. I guess I can make the kids in detention miserable."she grins.

"Sooo kid, why hell aren't ya fighting ? Are you scared? "

She crosses her arms. Maybe he's trying to ditch class,she thought.

"No ma'am, I just don't think my powers are safe to use while sparring. I slip when I do. " he said looking out at the field. Then towards the garden. 'Maybe I should cut, I really don't want to hurt anyone... ' he thought, then turning his attention to Mei, "So what percentage of my grades would be cut off I don't do the sparring? " he asked her. 
"Psh...I don't know. I don't even teach this class. I have to watch you hormonal teenagers beat the crap out of each other. ".she complained.  She stepped a little and observed the boy.

"Half blood,huh.You smell more like a full blood to me. 

Maybe I could help you out with your have to get used to using your powers or you won't learn to control them."

"Psh...I don't know. I don't even teach this class. I have to watch you hormonal teenagers beat the crap out of each other. ".she complained.  She stepped a little and observed the boy.

"Half blood,huh.You smell more like a full blood to me. 

Maybe I could help you out with your have to get used to using your powers or you won't learn to control them."


Ma'am I don't know how to control them now. And I don't want to be a full blood....not like my father. " he said, his blood boiled at the thought of him, the process began but he clutched his ears and closed his eyes... He calmed down. "I would like to stay a half blood. I like being nice to people. I don't really have any friends... " he said, looking around for Kagami, and not seeing her. Fley didn't even speak with him, literally hung around Ryujins neck. That also made his blood boil. But he didn't know why. 
She sighed, " Weren't you talking to that vampire  girl. Seems like a friend to me. "

Mei was around the cafeteria at that time. "That brat should have combat around this time." She said.

She sighed, " Weren't you talking to that vampire  girl. Seems like a friend to me. "

Mei was around the cafeteria at that time. "That brat should have combat around this time." She said.


"I don't see her anywhere.. But friend wise, she is the only one I have... " he said, 'She isn't hard to miss, she's very cute and friendly... Pretty... ' he blushed when that last came to mind. "But yeah... I don't want to fight... I'm scared I might go mad and start killing people, I also don't want to get killed myself if I do go mad. " he said sadly, he was pretty much a passive person now. 
(i'm at work but I'm bored so...)

The sound of clapping drumsticks and the beating of drums sounded right before the sky darkend. Then from the sky tore open with a flash of light and a large bolt of lightning raced down from the sky shooting  straight for the fire burning in A's mouth.

@Olivia Acerbi
"Your not the only one here kid , but I'm sure you'll get a hang of it. You brats always do...."

She placed her hands on her hips and closed her eyes. "What are you doing behind me."she spoke to the figure behind her. "Just listening.... Hey Cody !" the red eyed girl waved.  "I'll be taking my leave and kid...stop being depressing . Lighten up." Mei walked away , her hair swaying back and forth.

"Wanna ditch class ? Maybe sneak out of school." Kagami suggested. She wanted to help Cody after hearing a little about himself.

Guess I can't reply the easy way ))

Cody smiled to Kagami "The amount of yes I can say... So.. Where to? " he asked her with glee. Happy to have met her again, he was starting to feel happy. Everytime he heard her voice it made him smile. 


(Going with the Ruby Rose voice because dammit it's cute )
"What in the actual hell?" Roy yelled, seeing A's transformation into a demon. He quickly drew his hand and a half falchion and chucked it at A, then appeared to the sword (One of his signature attacks, I actually made that attack like those Super Smash Bros Up Special Attack... the sword is in the air), batting with his sword flat at A's arm, the arm which held Caesar, hoping to distract the demon, then does a forward somersault, rolling and dropping his sword once he hits the floor to avoid stabbing himself and evening out the impact. His sword then appears back into his hand when he gets back up.

@Destructus Kloud @Olivia Acerbi ((And a few others))

(i'm at work but I'm bored so...)

The sound of clapping drumsticks and the beating of drums sounded right before the sky darkend. Then from the sky tore open with a flash of light and a large bolt of lightning raced down from the sky shooting  straight for the fire burning in A's mouth.

@Olivia Acerbi

The sword makes contact with A's arm, knocking Caesar out of her grip. Almost simultaneously, a bolt of lightning crashes into A's open mouth breaking her Jaw. She recoils with a low roar. Diverting her attention from Caesar and Roy, she turns, her jaw hanging loosely off her face, searching for the source of the attack. A's condition was getting worse, her legs had morphed and contorted into taloned limbs having hock and stifle joints and rage was only being heightened as the students fled or fought back, denying A the closure of a kill.

A terrifying mass of blood, exposed bone and twisted flesh, A's vessel begins to fail as it approaches its point of FUBAR. 

As the body is continued to be literally ripped apart from within, her movements and attacks become a lot more labored, as she hurls them in any and all directions not knowing who or what had attacked her.

Having a hard time acquiring a target, she attempts to fly and get a better view but only gets a few meters before tumbling across the floor. The deterioration of the body was proving too much, finally leaving her crawling on the ground vomiting blood and fire.

A brief moment of clarity comes to her as her body continues to fall apart and she extends her claws out towards the center of campus, hissing something before collapsing onto the ground. 

(I take it back, send help....pls @Kisaki
The sword makes contact with A's arm, knocking Caesar out of her grip. Almost simultaneously, a bolt of lightning crashes into A's open mouth breaking her Jaw. She recoils with a low roar. Diverting her attention from Caesar and Roy, she turns, her jaw hanging loosely off her face, searching for the source of the attack. A's condition was getting worse, her legs had morphed and contorted into taloned limbs having hock and stifle joints and rage was only being heightened as the students fled or fought back, denying A the closure of a kill.

A terrifying mass of blood, exposed bone and twisted flesh, A's vessel begins to fail as it approaches its point of FUBAR. 

As the body is continued to be literally ripped apart from within, her movements and attacks become a lot more labored, as she hurls them in any and all directions not knowing who or what had attacked her.

Having a hard time acquiring a target, she attempts to fly and get a better view but only gets a few meters before tumbling across the floor. The deterioration of the body was proving too much, finally leaving her crawling on the ground vomiting blood and fire.

A brief moment of clarity comes to her as her body continues to fall apart and she extends her claws out towards the center of campus, hissing something before collapsing onto the ground. 

(I take it back, send help....pls @Kisaki

(Help is on the way.)

Mei flies in with speed and lands near the scene. 

"Now that's what I call karma..."she leans down.

"Gods! Do I really have to pick you up . My clothes are going to be dirtied."  She pokes A'.

Then turns back to the students watching ,"Get the nurse!"
(That's a perfect canon voice)

"I don't exactly know....where would you like to go? ,she asked.  

"I'm new to this area... I say we go into the town and see what we can do! " he said, grabbing his bag and putting it behind him, "Let's go! " he said happily, walking away from the field with Kagami, if he was caught. It was his idea. 
"I'm new to this area... I say we go into the town and see what we can do! " he said, grabbing his bag and putting it behind him, "Let's go! " he said happily, walking away from the field with Kagami, if he was caught. It was his idea. 

"Maybe we can get some food while we're at it. " she suggested.  Luckly there was bus to town. Walking would take a extremely long time.... She skipped along by Cody with a smile on her face. "You seem happy."
"Intresting name.I'm Izo Makato." The purple hair boy gave her a grin and held his stuffed toy close to his body.

"Well yours is a nice name." Red smiles back at him, studying him over from were she was. Looking down at her sword, she gives it a few more swings.
"Maybe we can get some food while we're at it. " she suggested.  Luckly there was bus to town. Walking would take a extremely long time.... She skipped along by Cody with a smile on her face. "You seem happy."

"When I'm with you, I'm happy. You bring the happiness out of me. Been awhile since I've said that to be honest. I'm just glad to be with you. " he said, giving her a closed eye smile for a quick second, "I'm thinking sushi, you up for that? " he asked her, he's been craving it for a while now, maybe today will be good. 
(I'm so sorry. I need some sleep.)

"Sooo miss Red...would you like to practice with me? I'm bored and I would love a good fight."

He said as looked at her swinging the sword.

"Well yours is a nice name." Red smiles back at him, studying him over from were she was. Looking down at her sword, she gives it a few more swings.

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