Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Smoke got his armor on and walked at the dorm. He had just spent the last hour cleaning the dorm and wanted to relax a bit. He walked around aimlessly lost in his own world.

(open! Please I'm desperate!!!!! XD)
Lydia was feeling accepted before the wolf girl came along. This was what she was afraid of, people being afraid of her because of her body. She looked at the wolf with an awkward expression. "So, uhm, my name is Lydia. It's good to meet you. And this is Honey, my little pet." Introduced the arachnid, with Honey buzzing loudly while nibbling on the straw. She assumed they would both also introduce themselves.  
@Fazy @Cheryl

"Aw, she likes me.", A giggles crouching down to Fley. 

"Back off insect!", she hissed towards Lydia as she approached. "Can't you see you're scaring her with your grotesque form?" 

A was thoroughly enjoying agitating Lydia. She may be her first conquest at the academy. 
Ryujin sighed. So she was trying to avoid him. Ryujin wonder as he felt his oni start to become active again. He quickly turned up the dial of his head buds until the punting in his head went away. He turned to look at A. "So why did you send the bugs yesterday?"


@Olivia Acerbi
Fley refused to look up at what she called the 'winged spider being'.  In fact, she started to paw at A's foot in search for comfort, maybe a pat on the head or something to make her feel better. Once she heard the winged spider being's voice, Fley freaked out. Though she didn't move, her entire body was shaking with utter fright and fear of Lydia. Fley started to move a little bit more, wandering slightly around A's feet and then Ryujin's, starting to get more comfortable with him again. Though it had been less than half an hour since that whole conversation, she was already doing fine. She sniffed him and rolled over onto her stomach and looked at the two of them expectantly. She avoided even looking at Lydia.

@Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi @Cheryl
Ryujin looked over at Lydia. "He quickly did a bow." I'm sorry for Fleys behavior. As for A don't take anything she says seriously." he held out his hand. "My name is Ryujin. It is a pleasure to meet you Lydia and Honey."

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@Dante Verren @Fazy @Cheryl @Storm Guardian @Destructus Kloud

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Pikachu ", A claims and tries to avoid the subject.

"Hey! When did this turn into a meet n' greet?", A shouts. Everyone seems to be preoccupied with small talk and other trivialities. 
She begins to lose her temper, still not very used to not getting her way and not being in control of the conversation. 
Smoke walked around daydreaming. He ended walking all the way to the field. He saw someone starting to get upset. He walked up to them and tapped them on the shoulder. 'You ok?' He said in sign language.

@Olivia Acerbi
Cheers @Fazy,))

Cody made his way to the combat field and looked at everyone there. He was not in the mood to fight. So he took a seat and watched everyone do their thing. 

(On phone, can't mention everyone, it only let's me tag 1 person )
- Jack-

He woke up late as usual. He even froze half of his room at some point in his sleep.

"The evaporated into thin air as he stepped out of bed onto the cold floor. He thrower on some clothes and got ready for combat class.


Mei stood near as she watched the youngling practice in the combat field. Her hair was down and she looked a little nervous . She put on a nervous smile as students walked passed her. 

(Anyone free)
Caesar laughed lightly, "Ah, sorry! I suppose this was meant to be more sparring but with powers this time." He smiled and faced Roy again, "So do you wanna do this now then?"

(Idk if ur on right now, but if not I'll probs fight someone else and then wait there till you get back.@Storm Guardian )@Olivia Acerbi
Lydia glared at A after she said that remark,but she kept quiet. Turning to face the guy with headphones, called Ryujin, Lydia shook his hand and smiled at him. At least he wasn't quaking in fear. "Don't worry, I was expecting this kind of stuff. And as for A... well she's just a douche." replied Lydia, taking a peek at A. Returning to face the wolf on the floor, Lydia skittered closer and said "So, uhm, what's wrong? I'm sure that it's not me right?" . Lydia honestly didn't fully know if she was the one making her scared, maybe it was Honey, anyone could be scared of him.

"Don't even worry about it!" he was just relieved that his assumption was right. This guy did not like the morning time which he found odd but everybody couldn't stand something. But it still was pretty weird to him because the fact yout woke up should make you the happiest person in the whole world in his mind so being grumpy made him think that somebody wasn't happy that they got to see another morning. Maybe that was just him though. He could understand why somebody might not be a night person. It was dark, everything got quiet and it was extremely boring to wait for the world to 'start up' again.

Enough about his thoughts and opinion on people who were annoyed in the morning, currently this guy had his hand out. Cecil was confused for a good ten seconds but then it hit him what he was trying to do. He wanted him to shake his hand mostly likely. Cecil thought that was only for dogs but it seemed that people normally did this as greeting or a sign for something. Peace maybe.....he wasn't completely sure but this must of been what this meant. Foxes were smart so he had confidenence that he could figure out how things worked around here quickly.

In response he grabbed his had and shook it  as quickly as he could. "Nice to meet you Miko! I'm Cecil Red! Hope that we can get along better after this!" he was going to make a huge effort to be friendly with most people here. He wasn't exactly looking to become best friends but maybe they would be close acquaintances.

@Navitic (Here it is! Thanks for waiting!)


She gave him a tiny smile "I guess I do feel...a little warmer." she felt something but wasn't sure if it was because of his powers or not. " I usually come off as sad to you?" sometimes she wasn't completely sure of her emotions. It was kind of weird in her opinion to not be able to tell how you are feeling at times. It was her body and her brain so she should of been able to. She did wonder about why she couldn't...


Axel just smiled "hahah don't worry about it's almost normal sense everyone has emotion's that are hard to understand and some well are more emotional than others okay " he smiled at her and just stood up " so lets go get our rooms okay "


ooc: anyone tell me whats happening 
Fley looked up at Lydia and morphed back. Her face had gone pale white. "U-um, no, no, I'm not sc-sca-scared of y-you at all!" Fley murmured. "I-I'm Fley Sanders and-" She took a step backwards. "It's a pleasure to meet you." Fley forced a tiny smile and then ran back over to Ryujin and hid herself behind him. "Save me," she squeaked, in a voice just loud enough for him to hear.

@Dante Verren @Cheryl
(Got to go to work for the rest of the night so see ya guys later)

Ryujin started to feel the pull of his oni agian so he made the smart move. "What ever you poor excuse for demon." he looked and Fley and shook his head. "Sorry fley I just remembered I have something important to do." he then hurried away from the combat field as fast as possible .

@Olivia Acerbi

Okay , you wanna start?

I'm guessing Mei. ))

Cody stopped reading and looked at his surroundings, he caught a glimpse of a girl sitting next to him, "Hi. " he said politely, he was hoping to make more friends here, might as well be out going. "So, why aren't you sparring like the rest? " he asked her. 
(@ everyone)

A was growing more furious by the second, her eyes and horns glowing with intensity. She turns towards Smoke when he taps her wearing a vicious expression. "What!!", she roars. 

Before Smoke can respond A overhears Lydia and Ryujin talking about her. "Pathetic?! I'll skin your soul!" She threatens in a demonic voice. She stomps on the ground creating a small flaming canyon in the field. This complete lack of presence and void of fear and respect was absolutely foreign and infuriating to A. 

Cracks begin appearing across A's skin, leaking her demonic essence. The Fiery mist coming from the cracks affects the very atmosphere, making the air hotter and saturating the area with a feeling of dread. 

"Face me, you worthless vermin", she growls in a voice that shakes the very ground as Ryujin makes his escape. She digs her hands into the ground and a explosion of black tendrils rocket out of the ground and at the students nearby. 

A begins to bleed from her orifices, glowing brighter. 

( @Kisaki there's nothing to see here, nothing to see here. Seriously, tho.)
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Mei stuttered," I-Im a teacher. I always b-been mistaken as a 17 year old. ". She bows and gives him a slight smile," I should introduce myself. I'am Mei Yuima. The head of disciplinary  committee and punish those who break the rules".

"Woah, woah A, calm down they didn't mean it!" He rushed over to the demonic girl, seemingly unworried by the fire and black stuff, "Save you final form stuff for the one on one fight, okay? Someone might get real hurt and..." He glanced over to the two sitting and observing, "I think some teachers may be here too. Let's not get that serious about this."

@Olivia Acerbi (aaaand this is when your bs starts. xD )
Jack sighed as two students were already fighting.  'This school may be the end of me',he thought as he avoided the two as he walked past. He surely didn't want to be caught up in the mess.

(Another Character up for interaction?)

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