Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Same, even though I don't have school tomorrow because I have to go do something about, don't know how to describe it, but, I'll be on earlier than usual! Goodnight @Kisaki))
(I'm so sorry. I need some sleep.)

"Sooo miss Red...would you like to practice with me? I'm bored and I would love a good fight."

He said as looked at her swinging the sword.

(Thats ok)

Red nods "sure, it will help me fully wake before classes."
Kagami slightly blushed. "I'm really glad that I make you happy. " she said. "Sushi sounds good. I haven't had any since when I was in Japan".

(Goodnight.  I'll may on ealier unless I get more homework on the second day of school.

I'm seriously being stressed out by work and trying to make friends..."

Same, even though I don't have school tomorrow because I have to go do something about, don't know how to describe it, but, I'll be on earlier than usual! Goodnight @Kisaki))
Ryujin stood over by the woods. He was in human form but his eyes where the eyes of his oni in its second stage. The golden eyes surrounded by blackness. He laughed quietly to himself. "And that my demon friend is round 2." he shook his head and his eyes returned and personality returned to normal.

@Olivia Acerbi


Yin looked at the girl out of the corner of her eye but remained silent for a minute. "My name is Yinqi."


"That's because it is chinese. China is my native homeland. You speak with an English accent but it doesn't sound American. Are you canadian? No maybe British?"


Cecil stared at him because there wasn't really much else to do and his attention needed to be preoccupied by something. It didn't really matter what it was "Plans? I honestly haven't been thinking about that. I was just kind of enjoying fresh air and all that good stuff."he didn't have anything in mind except maybe adventuring a bit. He might go and get something to eat to because he would eventually get hungry and he might as well eat before he started getting hunger pains. Then after he would just go along with whatever the day brought. Nothing special planned at all. The only guy he knew there was Miko and their first time speaking to each other was definitely not the best conversation he  has ever had. 

Meeting more people would be a goal too for that day. Once he got the name of at least one other person he would just do whatever interested him at that time. "Hmm...Actually I may go make more acquaintances. So I can know a few more people." he didn't have much of a motive for it. He just did it because it was a long time since he has had any acquaintances. "What about you Miko? You got anything planned or what?"

@Navitic (It's okay!) 



"Alright...If you say so..." she stood up to follow him. "So...Um...Are we looking for your room first or mine...." it did not make any difference to her because they would look for the other one later whichever one they chose right now.

@kenchin (Sorry! I was sort of busy and the power cut out which meant no internet.)
"The cities are overpopulated and frankly could use cleaner air while the rural areas are a completely different story. They seem to be stuck in the medical age. Overall it isn't to bad if your a supernatural. The Chinese have alaways had strong ties to the mythological so the worship of spirits is common in the country side. Of it was only common in the cities as well then it would be great."

"If that is so, then there must be a lot of supernatural creatures there?" Alice said, "And if there are a lot then there must be a school for supernatural creatures too." 

@Dante Verren
"There is a lot of supernatural creatures but there is no school. We tend to keep to our birthgrounds. Wheter that be a shrine , a palace, or a rural village. We only leave it we have to."

(Last post for the night. I will reply when I wake up in like 6ish hours.)

"Wow. So you're not lonely then. You can get to meet different people that can understand you." She said. Alice looked wistfully ahead of her, on the bushes and beds of flowers, swaying at the command of the wind. 

@Dante Verren (Good night!) 
Caesar got up, dusting himself off. He had a few bruises and was a bit singed, but otherwise he was okay. He had got up just in time to see the nurse arrive as everyone surrounded A with concern. Clearly their sparring match hadn't gone to plan and Caesar wondered if it was because we didn't have teacher supervision. They were just lucky there was one nearby when this happened.

He walked over to where the group was and he asked no one in particular, "Is she going to be okay?"

@Storm Guardian (Cool moves btw xD  ) @Olivia Acerbi (When I say everything he touches turns to nothing, I wasn't lying. You're lucky he's still clothed otherwise you'd have lost that hand! :P ) @Cheryl(come back!) @(whoever the nurse is) @(everyone else i forgot)
The scene and appearance was too much for Lydia. She had scurried all the way back to her dorm and locked herself in. The fire had done it, the heat and fear of being burnt alive was the thing that sent her away. However she didn't escaped the battle unharmed. While running away, one of the fierce black tendrils from A had snapped off a piece of her horn, leaving the rest of it bleeding on her. There should be a piece back at the combat field, but at that moment Lydia just wanted to just sit and try to think of what to do.

(@Destructus Kloud My character it scared of fire :P . Of course she would run away)
@Destructus Kloud @Kisaki @Cheryl @Storm Guardian

A lays conscious on the ground. Periodically twitching and bloody eyes wide open and dancing around frantically. She couldn't understand, she hadn't even begun to scratch the surface of her power......yet she'd felt as though she was going to explode throughout the entire ordeal. Her fury must've pooled a massive amount of energy within her vessel, and her limiting her output must've caused it to build up and nearly destroy her from within. Her human form turned out to be a lot more fragile than she had thought, she was going to have to take precautions from here on out if she wanted to keep it.....well whats left of it. 
The overflow of demonic energy had grotesquely ravaged her body, leaving it deformed and mutilated like something out of a crossover between Doom and The Thing.....or Professor Xiuruk. She was gonna need to generate a lot divine energy to negate it's affects if she was ever going to look anything vaguely human again. 
A lifts her tail, now elongated and covered in bony spines, and waves it around like a white flag trying to signal the fact she's passive. She tries communicating with Mei and the others but all she can manage is a monstrous groan. 
"I've fucked it now..", she thinks to herself. "Luxor is going to hang me by my  guts and parade me around the campus.....Damn it! This 'human' thing is hard.", she shouts internally, unsure whether the taste in her mouth was blood or the irony of her pursuit to abuse free-will leading her into a situation where she has to exercise restraint or risk destruction. 
Kagami slightly blushed. "I'm really glad that I make you happy. " she said. "Sushi sounds good. I haven't had any since when I was in Japan".

(Goodnight.  I'll may on ealier unless I get more homework on the second day of school.

I'm seriously being stressed out by work and trying to make friends..."

(I thought I made a friend yesterday. She said she was new and had no friends. But best friends don't count as regular friends. So I was forgotten when she left class so eh. I'm not going to try no more. .-.)

Cody nodded, getting onto the bus with Kagami, taking a seat with her. "You're lucky! I wish I was from Japan, the culture there is wonderful and the places are gorgeous! " he said, sad to say, suicide forest was the most beautiful place to visit. Given its bad past and present, areas have been blocked off by the government and locals. For supernatural reasons... 
(There is hope to make new friends ,but I just can't relate to anyone at school and I'm shy.)

"I love it over there . They have a bunny island and fox shrine where you can feed all the animals."  There was also a deer shrine where you could feed the wondering deer.

"Japanese food is also great , but don't ask me to cook some because I'm horrible at cooking."she chuckled. She remebered how mad Jack was when she burnt ramen. He complained that you can't just put maple syrup in every dish she had.

Caesar got up, dusting himself off. He had a few bruises and was a bit singed, but otherwise he was okay. He had got up just in time to see the nurse arrive as everyone surrounded A with concern. Clearly their sparring match hadn't gone to plan and Caesar wondered if it was because we didn't have teacher supervision. They were just lucky there was one nearby when this happened.

He walked over to where the group was and he asked no one in particular, "Is she going to be okay?"

@Storm Guardian (Cool moves btw xD  ) @Olivia Acerbi (When I say everything he touches turns to nothing, I wasn't lying. You're lucky he's still clothed otherwise you'd have lost that hand! :P ) @Cheryl(come back!) @(whoever the nurse is) @(everyone else i forgot)

@Destructus Kloud @Kisaki @Cheryl @Storm Guardian

A lays conscious on the ground. Periodically twitching and bloody eyes wide open and dancing around frantically. She couldn't understand, she hadn't even begun to scratch the surface of her power......yet she'd felt as though she was going to explode throughout the entire ordeal. Her fury must've pooled a massive amount of energy within her vessel, and her limiting her output must've caused it to build up and nearly destroy her from within. Her human form turned out to be a lot more fragile than she had thought, she was going to have to take precautions from here on out if she wanted to keep it.....well whats left of it. 
The overflow of demonic energy had grotesquely ravaged her body, leaving it deformed and mutilated like something out of a crossover between Doom and The Thing.....or Professor Xiuruk. She was gonna need to generate a lot divine energy to negate it's affects if she was ever going to look anything vaguely human again. 
A lifts her tail, now elongated and covered in bony spines, and waves it around like a white flag trying to signal the fact she's passive. She tries communicating with Mei and the others but all she can manage is a monstrous groan. 
"I've fucked it now..", she thinks to herself. "Luxor is going to hang me by my  guts and parade me around the campus.....Damn it! This 'human' thing is hard.", she shouts internally, unsure whether the taste in her mouth was blood or the irony of her pursuit to abuse free-will leading her into a situation where she has to exercise restraint or risk destruction. 

"I'm sure she'll be fine. Those creepy flies that the nurse has can easily heal this brat. Now would you please carry to the infirmary and keep an eye on her. I have to go report this to the principal." She then stood back up. "Should I feel bad for her....mmmm. Nah."she muttered , she spread her wings from her back. It seemed to be another archangel in this school.
(There is hope to make new friends ,but I just can't relate to anyone at school and I'm shy.)

"I love it over there . They have a bunny island and fox shrine where you can feed all the animals."  There was also a deer shrine where you could feed the wondering deer.

"Japanese food is also great , but don't ask me to cook some because I'm horrible at cooking."she chuckled. She remebered how mad Jack was when she burnt ramen. He complained that you can't just put maple syrup in every dish she had.


Cody laughed with her, "Maybe I can teach you how to cook some day. " he said, he wouldn't mind that, since cooking is easy once you get the hang of it. "So... Bunny island, sounds wonderful, just lay down and pet all the bunnies. " he said, bunnies were cute, but nothing beats kittens and puppies. 

(I would say that me and you could be friends... But compared to you... You're Albert Einstein and I'm a cave man. xD )
The sword makes contact with A's arm, knocking Caesar out of her grip. Almost simultaneously, a bolt of lightning crashes into A's open mouth breaking her Jaw. She recoils with a low roar. Diverting her attention from Caesar and Roy, she turns, her jaw hanging loosely off her face, searching for the source of the attack. A's condition was getting worse, her legs had morphed and contorted into taloned limbs having hock and stifle joints and rage was only being heightened as the students fled or fought back, denying A the closure of a kill.

A terrifying mass of blood, exposed bone and twisted flesh, A's vessel begins to fail as it approaches its point of FUBAR. 

As the body is continued to be literally ripped apart from within, her movements and attacks become a lot more labored, as she hurls them in any and all directions not knowing who or what had attacked her.

Having a hard time acquiring a target, she attempts to fly and get a better view but only gets a few meters before tumbling across the floor. The deterioration of the body was proving too much, finally leaving her crawling on the ground vomiting blood and fire.

A brief moment of clarity comes to her as her body continues to fall apart and she extends her claws out towards the center of campus, hissing something before collapsing onto the ground. 

(I take it back, send help....pls @Kisaki

(oh god, more A and Auriel antics, Yes)

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