Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Auriel Dwelle

Auriel ran out of the meeting office, hearing ruckus in the combat field, arriving at the combat field and opening the door to there, she then saw another group of students, who where staring in a seemingly injured corpse, she then saw the horrible mess that was A's body, only barely reconizable by the clothes, "Various limbs coming from the inside, vomiting fire and blood, overuse of the vessel body maybe?, Mei, help me with the wounded subject" she half muttered to herself and half asked the winged girl, with a small commanding tone, "And you two, come with me, I need to know what happened" she commanded the two students staring at the body.

@Olivia Acerbi @Kisaki @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian
Fley had been staring at the ongoing fight between A and anyone who had been trying to fight her. She knew she had not a single chance against A, but at a glance, her body seemed to be reacting quite strangely. This made Fley consider one thing she'd never thought too much about before: What is A, really? Fley was standing off to the side where hopefully, A and no one else would notice her. All of a sudden, someone came running out from somewhere Fley could not see too clearly, but the person was presumably a teacher. She then realized that it was the kind nurse who'd helped treat her wounds from her fight the day before with Usagi. She seemed to be saying something about a vessel - Fley was just barely within earshot of the woman, but since she had quite good hearing, she was able to hear what she was saying. The words that came out of her mouth did not fully register inside Fley's mind until a few moments later. So this wasn't A's body? Fley ran over to the students who were nearby. She recognized them from earlier. They'd gotten involved in the mess with A, but did not seem to be doing anything to help. "Excuse me," Fley said, clearing her throat and approaching one of the two. "If you don't mind me asking, could you explain what the hell happened?" 

@Destructus Kloud @Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi @Storm Guardian

Shook her head again. "Not really. We tend to avoid other supernatural and mythical creatures. Most of us are highly protective of are birth grounds and will drive away other supernatural creatures for fear of them damaging are homes."



Ryujin watched from the edge of the Forrest. He snapped his fingers and the storm clouds that hovered over the combat field disappeared. He leaned his back against a tree and slid down until he was sitting on the ground. he laughed to himself once again. "So you can posses my human form now? Well that isn't good in the slightest" he said to himself.
"Uhh, okay. Ma'am." Caesar complied, following her and the other teacher. Noticing Fley, he turned to her and rubbed the back of his head ruefully, "Well, I think A got a bit angry and went demon mode. You know, fire and demonic body parts and such. But then a bolt of lightning and Roy injured her and she kinda just flopped to the ground." He glanced over at A, "I do hope she's okay. Stuff like this really dangerous. I mean, imagine if it was someone else about to get roasted by her instead of me? Roy can't be here to save everyone, right?" He paused for a moment, thinking, "Perhaps there's some kind of police force within the school... Like a disciplinary committee or something. Maybe if joined that, stuff like this would happen less?" He looked back over to the wolf girl, "Oh sorry, just thinking out loud. By the way," Caesar leaned in closer to her, "Don't be so afraid of Lydia. She's a nice person really, you just gotta get used to her looks."

@Fazy @Olivia Acerbi @Storm Guardian @Kisaki @Lucremoirre
Roy sighed regretfully, "I didn't mean to injure her." He wipes his falchion on his white shirt--it was already too much stained with blood and burnt to be used again, then sheathed the sword. He looked nervously at A, trying to use energy medicine like he saw someone once doing, but failed. Roy sighed, following Auriel, and braced for the worst.

@Destructus Kloud @Kisaki @Fazy @Olivia Acerbi @Lucremoirre

((You know, it's getting quite crowded))
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"Oh, thanks," Fley said, nodding. "That helped clear things up quite a bit. I was awfully confused about that whole ordeal. Anyhow, I'm Fley Sanders. Nice to meet you," Fley said, smiling a little. She decided to be a little more friendly after thinking about what Ryujin had said. Maybe being slightly more approachable would allow her to control her wolf instincts. And making friends wasn't all that bad either - nor was it hard, if she had the right attitude. "So, you're into that whole discipline business? I highly doubt anyone would listen. No offense. It's a good idea, but..." Fley sighed. "Speaking of which, since you seem nice and all, and... um, doing such a great job with your powers in comparison to myself, have you any idea of how I could make my wolf self any better at all? Oh, excuse me for being so talkative, I haven't even gotten your name yet..." 

@Destructus Kloud
@Kisaki I was implying that I wouldn't be able to get into the school you're in because I am stupid when it comes to college education and stuff. Except US history, I'm a buff in that. Because now that I read my reply, it looks like I'm being mean ))
Caesar smiled at Fley, "It's nice to meet you, I'm Caesar Louna-Gorne. It's not that I want to discipline people like that. It's just..." He gestured around the ruined field that was still smoking slightly, "I want to help make sure stuff like this doesn't happen, you know? But it's fine, I'm sure people'll listen. Everyone must have some good in them," He glanced over to A again, "even demons. And if they don't, well," he shrugged, "I'll have to scare them then." As Fley talked about her wolf form, he looked her up and down thoughtfully, "Hmm, I'm assuming you're affected by animal instinct or something even when you're in human form, right? Well if you mean you want to suppress that then you could to create a trigger for it? Like, you will only morph if you do a certain thing or a certain something happens. For example, say you clicked your fingers," he did so to demonstrate, "it would trigger your wolf form. I'm not sure exactly how you would do that though, perhaps training, or meditating? But it would be a lot more convenient if it worked." He sighed, stretching his arm behind his back, "I wish I could just do that."


Cecil stared at him because there wasn't really much else to do and his attention needed to be preoccupied by something. It didn't really matter what it was "Plans? I honestly haven't been thinking about that. I was just kind of enjoying fresh air and all that good stuff."he didn't have anything in mind except maybe adventuring a bit. He might go and get something to eat to because he would eventually get hungry and he might as well eat before he started getting hunger pains. Then after he would just go along with whatever the day brought. Nothing special planned at all. The only guy he knew there was Miko and their first time speaking to each other was definitely not the best conversation he  has ever had. 

Meeting more people would be a goal too for that day. Once he got the name of at least one other person he would just do whatever interested him at that time. "Hmm...Actually I may go make more acquaintances. So I can know a few more people." he didn't have much of a motive for it. He just did it because it was a long time since he has had any acquaintances. "What about you Miko? You got anything planned or what?"

@Navitic (It's okay!) 



"Alright...If you say so..." she stood up to follow him. "So...Um...Are we looking for your room first or mine...." it did not make any difference to her because they would look for the other one later whichever one they chose right now.

@kenchin (Sorry! I was sort of busy and the power cut out which meant no internet.)

Axel looked at her and grabed her hand " we are looking for your room first and then i decided that if i have a room cool and if i don't i haven't done camping in a long time now " said axel while luaghing kindly like their was no problem in the world but he held Kori's hand with care and started to walk her to the dorm's after a few minutes he found her room " 

@TaraSobiki should we do the time skip i just relised they did day one and two already lol 
"Training, I suppose would be a good idea," Fley said, considering the thought. "But I have no clue as for how to go about it. I just... you know, flip out. Enough about me, I'm useless. What are you? Oh- that wasn't supposed to be an offensive comment, I just want to know. Or, what can you do? There has got to be some reason for you being here. As for Lydia... I have an insane fear of arachnophobia. Don't tell anyone. I hate to admit it, but I'll go nuts if I see her again. I can't get over it. They're so creepy and crawly and-" Fley shuddered. "No. I don't want to think about it anymore." She waited and stared at the mess on the field. "I think you really should join the disciplinary whatever you were talking about. Even if it doesn't work completely, at least it'll help with something in the least. It'll have some effect over people. Though not me. I mean, I could get expelled and I honestly would not give a damn." 

@Destructus Kloud
@Fazy @Storm Guardian @Kisaki @Lucremoirre @Destructus Kloud

A became obviously distressed by the situation, slowly writhing and attempting to move. The arrival of another archangel, the prying of the students and the condition of her vessel caused her to opt for a retreat. With a inhuman guttural moan she rose to a crawl moving forward, away from the group. With a slow and strained claw at the ground she opened a pitch black rift and begin trying to pull herself into it. 

"Where the hell are all these archangels coming from!!", she thought to herself. "I'm gonna have to seriously re-evaluate my strategy. I mean, two archs in one place?! What the f*ck is going on?" 

(I take that back. It's way too early to open up that worm canister.)
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"Oh, no offence taken! I'm actually just a regular human in terms of biology and mentality. Not like, well, everyone here, really." He laughed, "But yeah, there is a reason I'm here and not at a regular school. A while back I was caught up in some crazy stuff and when I woke up I found I couldn't, well, I couldn't touch anything." He realised his glove had been off still this whole time. In a panic he quickly dug the glove out of his pocket and put it on, an obvious look of relief after he had done so, "Anyway, basically anything I can touch will turn to nothing. Or disintegrate. I'm not entirely sure how or why, but that's me, I guess. For some reason, these clothes I was given aren't affected though, so that's why I'm always in a tuxedo and with these gloves."

Caesar then looked around, wondering where Lydia had gone, then turned back to Fley with a sort of frown, "Well then try to focus on her human half. It's not nice to make people feel like that because of what they are." His mood lightened somewhat when she mentioned about the disciplinary committee, "Really? You think so? I think it could really help the teachers maintain order, and perhaps there's some kind of benefit for joined such a club? Not that I'm a material guy or anything." He laughed again, "You should care more about life though, Fley. Getting expelled is a terrible thing, especially seeing as there are so few schools such as this for people like us. I'd hate to see that happen to you." He blushed slightly and quickly amended his statement, "Err, or anyone, that is. I'd hate that to happen to you or anyone else."


(Sorry @Olivia Acerbi, aside from turning you to nothing, I can't really help much. : / ) 
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Ryujin opened his eyes to see that A was trying to escape. A wild grin crossed his face and his eyes shifted back to the golden/black oni eyes."Banzai" he muttered and rocked forward with the speed of a lightning bolt. He landed right in front of A and the portal she created. "Not so fast. "

@Olivia Acerbi 
Fley turned a little pink when he mentioned hating to see her getting expelled. Then she realized that he was talking about everyone in general. Figured as much - she wasn't anything special to begin with. "Nah. I don't care much about life or the future in general, y'know? I have a crap attitude and a screwy brain, not to mention that I can turn into a freakin' wolf. But thanks for caring. It makes me feel a little better," she said, smiling slightly. She sighed and looked over to A. Her eyes widened when she spotted Ryujin. "Oh my God, sure as hell I'm not getting involved with that. Neither should you. Wait - what do you mean you can't touch anyone? It's not like I'm gonna die," Fley laughed. "Here, let me help you with-" She pulled off his glove with a tug at the fingers. "Why are you so nervous about this whole thing? It's just a little glove. What, you've got electric powers or something? Like that guy?" she pointed to Ryujin. "Either way, I really don't care. You should be free with yourself. At least around me, 'cause..." she swallowed hard and looked away, thinking a bit. "I'm kind of your friend." She looked around awkwardly and tried to fix the situation by saying something. She fiddled with the glove she had pulled off of his hand. She clearly did not understand disintegration properly. "U-uhm, anyways, I really do think that the disciplinary team would improve the school's atmosphere in general and I'm sure you'll be awarded with extra marks or something..." 

@Destructus Kloud
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Caesar pocketed the un-gloved hand as soon as the glove came off. He spoke very quickly and nervously, "Ah, err, p-please give my glove back! Everything that touches my skin is disintegrated- if I were to touch you, you would become dust in the wind. So, please, please give my glove back." He was edgy and completely off-guard now. He hadn't expected that from her. He wasn't like Ryujin, who could at least suppress his powers somehow. There was no off button with Caesar. No grace period of freedom or ceasefire in abilities. There was no "being free with yourself" Caesar, because that was how people got hurt.

Calming down slightly more, he shuffled his feet together before answering, "I suppose we are. Friends, that is. You could even join it with me? And whilst we did that, we could work on controlling your canine side?" He glanced over to Ryujin and A, "Are they starting the drama back up again? I hope the teachers deal with it this time, I'm too exhausted from being thrown around." He remembered his glove, "Oh yeah, can I have my glove back now?" He asked, less panicked and more calm than before.

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@Storm Guardian @Kisaki @Lucremoirre @Dante Verren   (@Destructus Kloud well that's no fun : / I'm gonna have to see if A can use whatever material your gloves are made out of to beat that passiveness out of Caesar >:D)

A looked up at Ryujin before disappointedly groaning and dropping down back onto the floor, seemingly surrendering. However, hidden beneath one of her gnarled wing-like appendages the tip of her tail began to glow red hot. Whether this was an aggressive or defensive action, A hadn't decided yet. 

(paging Doctor Auriel)

"Thanks for helping me today. I hope you find your room and if you don't.....I'll camp with you..." she never camped before, she hardly knew what it was but it couldn't be that bad if he was laughing about it.....Then again he seemed to be a very cheery person so he might of just not minded it that much. She really couldn't tell...that aura reading power would of been useful to her.

@kenchin (Sure!)

"So you can't touch me?" Fley joked, waving the glove around in the wind. She stopped and looked at him seriously. "All right, I'm sorry for putting you on edge there. Here, have it back, I don't want to make an enemy of one of the only people who'll be my friend." She looked him in the eye for a moment. "Um, anyways, yeah! I'd love to join the disciplinary committee with you, I suppose," Fley said. "And we could work on helping me. And maybe you, too. I'll help figure out a way where you can survive without hurting me, and without wearing your gloves." Without touching his hands directly, she slid his glove back on. "I'm kind of tempted to touch your hand, though. It sounds like a fun way to die." 

@Destructus Kloud
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Ryujin let out a sigh of relief as she surrendered allowing his eyes to return to normal. He looked over at the nurse. "I will take her to the nurses office for you. After all I did kinda break her jaw so it's the least I can do."  Ryujin knelt down and slid his arms under A's body pulling her up into his arms so he could carry her. He felt pain in his arms and torso as the scolding heat from her body and the spikes of he appendages cut and burned his skin but they where minor injuries so he ignored them. "Alright lets get you fixed back up." He noticed that her tail was glowing but decided to ignore it. Hopefully she would be nice enough to to stab him until she was all better again. He waited to start heading to the office until the nurse told him to.

@Olivia Acerbi

Axel slept in the hunting grounds most of the nights but he would seceretly find way's to come out of nowhere like if it was his hobby to do that after two day's in this school he noticed more than just yuki onna's he also met arcangels demi human's and even Oni's and alot more but he already knew but he was happy he met kori he hopes to make more friends like her and maybe find the person he was sent her to protect even if he has nearly to no information. After he his morning training and breakfast he went to pick up Kori in her room like usal " Morning Kori are you still sleeping he said knocking on her door "


@ everybody so whats going on maybe we can join in with you guys
"Eh, no, I can't. It's alright though, I'm just still a little unused to it is all. I don't want to forget and accidentally kill someone." He laughed the ordeal off nervously as the glove came back on, "Cool, we'll sign up together," He smiled warmly, "And yeah, I'll totally help you out. It's the least I can do for a friend." He took on a sad look at the last part, "Believe me, if there was a way, I'd have found it. These odd clothes given to me by my parents are the only remedy I know of."


(@Olivia Acerbi I feel like I've been heavily hinting this, but he can't be "physically touched", right? But what about psychic/brain power stuff? Or the wind? Or hitting him with blunt objects so that his clothes don't tear? He's actually still really fragile) 

(@kenchin I think we're all coming in doors anyway. Roy and I have to go to the infirmary with the nurse to explain this all, along with Ryujin, but Idk what Fley, Lydia and  the others will do.)
Fley looked around and glanced over at Ryujin, who was now carrying A back to what she assumed was the infirmary. So he'd also been involved in this incident. How amusing. She showed little to no emotion as she turned to Caesar. "So, what'll you be doing now? As far as I'm concerned, classes haven't started. Or they're being held off because of that." She pointed back at A.

@Destructus Kloud @Dante Verren @Olivia Acerbi

Auriel Dwelle

"Alright, I suppose we should go now, oh!, and did your medicine work?" Auriel asked the student whom she remembered to be the one who she gave the Calming Solution as she walked to the infirmary right on the side of the combat field, expecting the students to follow her, as she opened the door to the infirmary, "You can put her in that bed" she said, pointing in a bed, as she walked to the intercom, "Infirmary update, one wounded demoness, four hospital beds remain, Professor Xioruk, you're needed here"  she said in the intercom, realizing that Xioruk would probaly know the physiology of his own species...or at least she hoped.

@Dante Verren @Destructus Kloud @Storm Guardian @Olivia Acerbi (I think RpN bugged on me, re-siging for a moment)
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