Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

After Caesar mentioned food Lydia's nose made her turn to face the kitchen. "Sure. By the way my name's Lydia. Nice to meet you." Lydia said over her shoulder that wasn't blocked by the white hornet, he had crawled back up to her shoulder. Fluttering her two magenta wings from happiness, she scurried over to the source of the smells. Her eyes immediately glanced at the sausages that were still sizzling from the pan. Taking two plates Lydia piled up bacon strips and sausages on one of them, and the other one with a fried egg with a bit of toast. "I think that's good enough" she mumbled at Honey.  As she was coming back to the table with Caesar Lydia used her front two navy legs to grab a cup of tea to help wash it down. 

"Well I'm back. Can I ask why you're here? I think it's rather obvious to me." she set down the two plates and started to sip the tea as she stood there in front of Caesar.

@Destructus Kloud (there's no more BBCode ( :( ) but I use the options at the top of the text. It's only on PC I think.)
"S-Sure!" he said, he had a few petals on his head, touching them made them turn to ash, so he tried to shake them off, as beautiful as they were, he didn't want to have anyone see that part of him anymore. "So how was the rest of your day?" he asked her, interested in what happened after she left. Course, his was...interesting in a very strange way.


" It was great. Bothered my brother for a while then came here." Her red eyes glanced over to the cherry blossoms.

"I heard the teachers over talking when I walked by the meeting room. Apparently some demon assaulted the nurse."
"Likewise." Caesar had finished his omelette by the time she had returned and he'd already made progress on the cola, "Well, how'd you mean? Why I'm at this school, or why I'm here in this specific space? Or why in general, because I don't think I know the answers to deep questions like that." He smiled. She sure had a lot on her plate, although that might not be as surprising as he'd first thought. I mean, who knows how much someone of her species needs to consume on average? Caesar didn't dwell on it for too long, even the guy that he'd tried to talk to before seemed to have stacked the calories high for breakfast. He took a sip of his cola, reverting his attention back to Lydia.

@Cheryl (Eh, it's all bb code to me. xD  Also, my sister's named after your character, you know. :P )
"Much stronger then me." He finished his meal in silence. " if I lose the battle and I'm not able to regain control then I will be erased and my oni shall take his place by my grandfather's side as a oni of thunder." his face was expressionless as he spoke. "My oni can exsist without me since I was only created to fit in with the human world. However I am forever tied to my Oni and will perish if he does, and so the war will continue until we destroy each other or we find a compromise."

" It was great. Bothered my brother for a while then came here." Her red eyes glanced over to the cherry blossoms.

"I heard the teachers over talking when I walked by the meeting room. Apparently some demon assaulted the nurse."

Cody looked uneasy, 'I'd never do something like that...', "Do they know who did it?" he asked her as they walked to the cafeteria. "I could find him...or her... I can sense evil demons." he said, sadly, he's been looking over his shoulder lately, because he himself, is slowly becoming a full demon with every anger spike.
"What do you mean by compromise? What do you mean that your oni can survive without you? You know, there are people who care about you," Fley argued. She really couldn't stand to see Ryujin like this. She suddenly thought about what she had said. "Not-not that I care about you," she added, hastily.

@Dante Verren
Finishing up breakfast, Fred walked out of the cafeteria to walk around the school for a bit. He saw a few people he knew awake already, but not really anyone who he felt comfortable approaching yet. Fred figured he might be able to make a friend once classes started. He saw a some students in the garden and decided to practice seeing aura again. He sat far enough away that he didn't think he would be too noticeable and watched them as secretly as possible.
After an hour or two A decided to change and get ready to take on the day. She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a long, blistering hot shower.

A exited the bathroom through a thick sheet of steam, her hair wrapped in a towel while the rest of her "air-dried", and walked out onto their newly formed balcony.  Waving as she was noticed by students passing by. "Beautiful day!", she'd shout. 

After some time well spent perturbing the student body, A made for her room to put on some clothes. 

"Wake up, WAKE UP!", she yelled at the boy still asleep in her bed, throwing a shoe at him.

"Huh, what? Oh hey, you.", he said in haze. "Oh, I had a really great time las-", he began before being cut off.

"What hell are you still doing here? Gtfo out of my dorm!", A said shoving him out the door. "Fucking amateurs." 

A changed into her normal much less than modest style of attire. She had no idea what to do or where to do it so she settled on going to the cafeteria and flashed herself to the small garden at the base of the watchtower. 

"What am I even doing anymore?", she thought, smiling to herself. 

(open to anyone who's looking for an intense spike in BS)

Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth then washed his face and looked like at the mirror, he looked like a mess, to say the least, after Dalilia asked him to stay there, he decided to take a short bath in the small bathtub, when he finished, he got out of the bathtub and cleaned himself with a black towel that was being suspended with a white towel on the wall by a hanger, or at least it was until he grabbed it, he then wrapped himself with the same towel, shuffling and straighting his own hair with Seth's own hands, he now looked like a respectable young teen!.... kind of, after Dalilia said she was ready, a knock could be heard on the door, "I-I think that's my s-stuff... c-could you get it f-for me please?, M-My name's Seth by the way"  Seth spoke telepathically to her, poking his head out of the bathroom, as he was a only child, he always had the room for himself, not that he'd done anything of notice alone, it'd still be a while for him to get used to having a roomate.


Cody looked uneasy, 'I'd never do something like that...', "Do they know who did it?" he asked her as they walked to the cafeteria. "I could find him...or her... I can sense evil demons." he said, sadly, he's been looking over his shoulder lately, because he himself, is slowly becoming a full demon with every anger spike.

"I don't think you should risk it. I heard this demon is an old as Luxor himself." Kagami didn't like to fight especially someone who is probably more skilled than her. She didn't like to lose either so she avoided stronger oponents.
@Olivia Acerbi (Umm, I guess that'll be me. Join me and @Cheryl in the cafeteria?)


A looked up at the gargantuan watchtower. "Jeez, ya think Luxor is maybe compensating for something?", she thought aloud. A scanned the area for a moment before entering the tower. Using the tower elevators she arrived at the cafeteria. 

Taking in the sight, sounds and smells as she walked around the room she looked for some fresh meat. "Who's gonna be graced with my presence today?", she grinned before making eye contact with Caesar. "That'll work." 
"I don't think you should risk it. I heard this demon is an old as Luxor himself." Kagami didn't like to fight especially someone who is probably more skilled than her. She didn't like to lose either so she avoided stronger oponents.

Cody sighed a silent relief, "That's a good idea. Guess I'll stay clear too." he said, "Any idea on any good clubs? I'm on monster hunt, and I missed the first one..." he said sadly. Now he'd like a new club, since if he's going to miss anything in a club, it might as well be something that he won't feel bad about missing.

"Yes sir!" Dalilia yelled through the room and walked to the door opening it slowly she peered out through the hall way and smiled. "Seth's stuff right?" She asked the person that stood in front of her as they just nodded and handed her things. She grabbed them and smiled, setting them close to her bed before she walked back to the door. The person there was gone. Did he walk away, anyways. Dalilia closed the door and looked at the bathroom. She noticed that he didn't have a shirt on. It's not that she could see, but his shoulder was bare. The girl turned around and spoke. "D-do you want me t-to bring y-you  your b-bag??" She stuttered and walked closer to his stuff, not wanting to turn around and him have came out naked, or something like that. The girl stood there silently until he gave her an answer. 

" I haven't joined anything....maybe I should make a music club."she suggested.  "Kids like music here , right?"she said as she entered the cafeteria.  She grabbed herself and apple.

"I really wish there was a bakery.  Jack used to make cake and candy for the family when I was younger. Mother made us ice cream to go with our cake also."she sighed. She really missed her old life.

Cody sighed a silent relief, "That's a good idea. Guess I'll stay clear too." he said, "Any idea on any good clubs? I'm on monster hunt, and I missed the first one..." he said sadly. Now he'd like a new club, since if he's going to miss anything in a club, it might as well be something that he won't feel bad about missing.
" I haven't joined anything....maybe I should make a music club."she suggested.  "Kids like music here , right?"she said as she entered the cafeteria.  She grabbed herself and apple.

"I really wish there was a bakery.  Jack used to make cake and candy for the family when I was younger. Mother made us ice cream to go with our cake also."she sighed. She really missed her old life.

Cody took another burrito, and started to eat it, "Same! Maybe we can make one...? A baking class that is, music too if we can..." he had an idea, "What if we make a music club, and a baking club, some days we cook, others we play music!" he said, thinking that it was a great idea.
Caesar noticed there was someone looking at him and turned his face in their direction. He was greeted with the face of a girl that'd just entered, although not one he'd seen. Caesar hadn't had time to hang out during training and get to know everyone, so there were plenty of people he didn't know and this newcomer seemed to be one of them for him. He waved at her in a friendly matter, wondering if she was going to come over. There was no one else but the Lydia sitting at their table.

@Olivia Acerbi (sorry for the wait, had to go eat)

Sythnar Dochrohen

"I-I'd prefer if you b-brought me my s-stuff, also I-I'm not n-naked if t-that's what y-you're thinking!, I-I wrapped myself in a towel, s-so you're only g-going to see me shirtless!"  Seth telepathically said to Dalilia with a shy tone, his skin turning into a light shade of pink as he waited for her to give him his bag.

Cody looked uneasy, 'I'd never do something like that...', "Do they know who did it?" he asked her as they walked to the cafeteria. "I could find him...or her... I can sense evil demons." he said, sadly, he's been looking over his shoulder lately, because he himself, is slowly becoming a full demon with every anger spike.

(Lol, A just entered the cafeteria 
Cody looked uneasy, 'I'd never do something like that...', "Do they know who did it?" he asked her as they walked to the cafeteria. "I could find him...or her... I can sense evil demons." he said, sadly, he's been looking over his shoulder lately, because he himself, is slowly becoming a full demon with every anger spike.

(Lol, A just entered the cafeteria 

"S-sorry!!" Dalilia said as she closed her eyes shut and picked up his stuff. She wobbled her way over there, swaying as her eyes were shut tight. Even if he wasn't naked, she didn't wanna be rude and stare at him as he was standing there shirtless. The girl bumped into the wall and shook her head, handing him his things as she peeked her eyes open slowly, just to make sure she hadn't ran into the door instead of the wall. She smiled up at him, trying not to look at his naked body as she turned back around and sat on her bed, a slight pink arose on her cheeks. She sighed lightly and just sat on her bed, looking out into the sun as she waited for him to finish so she could go to the bathroom. She normally didn't share a room, so this would be a different experience for both of them. 

Caesar noticed there was someone looking at him and turned his face in their direction. He was greeted with the face of a girl that'd just entered, although not one he'd seen. Caesar hadn't had time to hang out during training and get to know everyone, so there were plenty of people he didn't know and this newcomer seemed to be one of them for him. He waved at her in a friendly matter, wondering if she was going to come over. There was no one else but the Lydia sitting at their table.

@Olivia Acerbi (sorry for the wait, had to go eat)

A waves back and begins walking across the cafeteria to them. 

"Hey! Do you guys mind if I sit with you?", she said as she approached them. "I was busy all day yesterday so I haven't met very many people.", she said
Cody took another burrito, and started to eat it, "Same! Maybe we can make one...? A baking class that is, music too if we can..." he had an idea, "What if we make a music club, and a baking club, some days we cook, others we play music!" he said, thinking that it was a great idea.

"That's a really awesome idea...I could just kiss you right now !"she exclaimed.  Sweets and music at the same time.

That's like a dream. She bite her apple and hummed happily to herself.

Sythnar Dochrohen

When Seth was given his stuff, he instantaneously closed the bathroom door swiftly, with a small slam, this may or may not be a little too much for him, he then unzipped the bag, picking the first pieces of clothing he saw, and those were a obsidian coloured cardigan, a white t-shirt, denim jeans and some simplistic black shoes, he then dressed himself, when he finished, Seth opened the door and placed his unzipped bag on his bed, "I-I'm really sorry for the i-incovenience... but t-thanks for bringing me my s-stuff...."  he telepathically said to Dalilia with a small thankful expression on his eyes as he zipped his bag.

"That's a really awesome idea...I could just kiss you right now !"she exclaimed.  Sweets and music at the same time.

That's like a dream. She bite her apple and hummed happily to herself.

Cody blushed when she said that, "We should go speak with the principle! I'd love to cook my spicy steaks!" he said, though only he is used to the spice, hence his fire powers and stuff. "Should we go and ask right now? Or should we wait later?" he asked her.

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