Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

(Sorry for such a super late response, i was out at a Monster Jam.) Logan looked at the clock, seeing the late hour and heads off to bed. He kept having mixes of dreams and nightmares, keeping him from getting any real sleep until about one in the morning, where he lay dreamless.

Kori's eyes sparkled ever so slightly but it was barely noticeable. It actually looked pretty good she would have to learn how to cook soon because without that skill she would starve and die. She was hesitant  to try it for whatever odd reason and was examining the food like it was some kind of new substance from  a foreign land. She looked at him and back to the food.  He wouldn't.....try to hurt me..... she thought to reassure herself before taking a  quick bite of it. "It's.....pretty good." she started to eat her meal with no hesitation now.

"Not much" Red looks around the room, and shrugs having seen worse. Opening the fridge she takes out the carton of eggs, and finds a clean pan. She takes a few eggs and scrambles them, when the pan got warm enough she pours the eggs in and let's them cook. After the eggs finish, she transfers them to a plate and grabs a fork. Red walks over and sits at the tables and starts eating.

@Olivia Acerbi

Kori's eyes sparkled ever so slightly but it was barely noticeable. It actually looked pretty good she would have to learn how to cook soon because without that skill she would starve and die. She was hesitant  to try it for whatever odd reason and was examining the food like it was some kind of new substance from  a foreign land. She looked at him and back to the food.  He wouldn't.....try to hurt me..... she thought to reassure herself before taking a  quick bite of it. "It's.....pretty good." she started to eat her meal with no hesitation now.


Axel smiled at her and simply looked at Kori " we are now family okay so no matter what ill watch your back and you will watch my back okay but Never ever try to sacerfice your self for me okay my cute Sister " he said to her smiling at her kindly" 


Goodnight Tarasobiki
Lucas had been looking around rather ruefully as he ate his breakfast. He mostly saw moving blobs, but none of said misty blobs really looked terribly familiar to him. Great... Tons of people he hadn't taken the chance to get to know, already off and making friends. Meanwhile, he was by himself. He didn't... Dammit.

...Wait. Was that..? Thinking he caught someone familiar, Lucas squinted. Pink... Yeah, pink hair, he thought. Something that could be an uniform. He knew her! Well, they had only spoken once before, but that was better than never before!

"Hey! Sucy!" He waved, trying to get the attention of what he thought was the odd girl from yesterday. If he was mistaken and it wasn't her, well, then he had just made a fool out of himself, hadn't he?


She turned her attention in the view of the figure who had called her name. Squinting to see them more clearly, a small smile cracked her posed expressionless face. “Oh hey, it’s that boy from the other day…” Holding her hand up, she waved him over.

Her stomach rumbled once more, as it seemed she was starving as well. She looked away from him in embarrassment. How unladylike to let your stomach growl In front of another. Oh, it’s not like she cared. She didn’t even sleep in a dorm room, but preferred something so barbaric to modernization.
Lydia decided it was best to just prepare for the day in her dorm. If she wanted to freak out people, she want to do it while looking fresh. She somehow managed to shower herself, making quite a bit of a mess as she did so, and brushed her silver hair out. Making sure that there were no knots in her long hair Lydia moved on to checking her wings and nails. Seems fine. Happy with herself, Lydia looked at honey and realized how much dirt he got on himself after trekking all the way to Luxor Academy. Guess she'll be skipping breakfast then. Making sure she wasn't going to accidentally snap off the stinger Lydia polished Honey's carapace so that it shone. He himself didn't make too much fuss since Lydia ordered him to stay still, and thus he did. It was a neat power to be able to control bugs, even wild ones listened to her. She wasn't too sure about humongous insects though, she hopes she will never have to try either.   
After awakening,Aurelion notice he was laying down on some flowers.He sigh before getting up and cleaning his clothes with his hands "Hmpfh. I don't have other choice to get clean up after all." he walk slowly at his room,looking around "Great,nobody strange here for one time!" he walk at the bathroom,humming a music as he wash away his scratch from before.He then leave up the bathroom and do his hair style,putting his black and white clothes on him and his golden armor on his bedroom.

After that done,he decide to sit down on the couch and summon trough his gates some wine and a delicious strawberry cake as he eat it "Who need to move at the cafeteria when you already have unlimited food." he mumble to himself as he put a CD of a series and open up the TV.
She turned her attention in the view of the figure who had called her name. Squinting to see them more clearly, a small smile cracked her posed expressionless face. “Oh hey, it’s that boy from the other day…” Holding her hand up, she waved him over.

Her stomach rumbled once more, as it seemed she was starving as well. She looked away from him in embarrassment. How unladylike to let your stomach growl In front of another. Oh, it’s not like she cared. She didn’t even sleep in a dorm room, but preferred something so barbaric to modernization.

Lucas Riksmond

Alright! He hadn't been wrong, after all! Happy to actually speak to someone he kind of knew, he sauntered his way over to Sucy. Yeah, that was her. He could tell when he got closer.

"Hi." He just smiled. "Sorry about yesterday, everything got so hectic I, uh... I didn't really find the time to catch up with you." He ran his hand through his messy hair, a show of genuine shame on his face.

His mannerisms were interrupted by a loud, growling stomach. "...Oh, but uh, we can at least eat breakfast now, if you want?"


A teacher that had been oddly absent the way before made his way into the cafeteria, wearing the same dark coat as he always did, his knotty gray hair hanginig down over his shoulders. The cafeteria staff knew what he wanted. From behind the counter, they put up three cans of anchovies, which were clearly not intended for morning food.

Content with this, Samuel went on to the bread, took a piece and added a large chunk of lard to eat, spreading out a centimeter-thick layer of butter over it before sitting down at an empty  table. From there, he opened his cans and scarfed down the fish by seemingly just pouring them into his mouth, sometimes taking a bite from his fatty sandwich for a thoroughly disgusting display.

(holy shit, i'm sorry my wifi fucked up yesterday and i couldn't get on. what happened yesterday? did anything important change? what are we currently doing?)
Since the other weird student doesn't respond,Aurelion turn back at Kahe "Well.We should go eat something,since like something bad happens otherwise the training could start." Aurelion say ready to go at the restaurant in the direction of Kahe.


(I'm really sorry, I couldn't get on yesterday, my wifi quit working and with the new updates you can no longer get on this using a website. I dont think We can continue this rp because the day already switched over. Would you/me like to just write a little rundown of what happened and post that, just so we can fill in the time from then till now?)
Astor stared at the dorm as she glanced down at the dress she was wearing. Looking into th mirror, she sighed. As usual it looked like all the color had been sucked out of her, the only color was her outfit she on. She slipped on her gloves to conceal her hands, and picked up her spear. Spinning it she leaned in onto her shoulder. 

She looked around the room while she layed the spear back down on her bed, Giving a final look, she slipped quietly out her room and made way for the cafeteria.

She adjusted her headband and looked at the tables, holding an apple. She was not much for eating a lot since it was hard to lose energy for her. Sighing, she sat near a boy, Samuel. She gave him a small smile for intruding his area, but she rather not sit completely alone. She took a small bite of her apple and turn her attention to her table. @Deucalion
(I'm really sorry, I couldn't get on yesterday, my wifi quit working and with the new updates you can no longer get on this using a website. I dont think We can continue this rp because the day already switched over. Would you/me like to just write a little rundown of what happened and post that, just so we can fill in the time from then till now?)

(My character is inside his room watching the TV,let's say they just goes at their bedroom and sleep ^-^. )
Astor stared at the dorm as she glanced down at the dress she was wearing. Looking into th mirror, she sighed. As usual it looked like all the color had been sucked out of her, the only color was her outfit she on. She slipped on her gloves to conceal her hands, and picked up her spear. Spinning it she leaned in onto her shoulder. 

She looked around the room while she layed the spear back down on her bed, Giving a final look, she slipped quietly out her room and made way for the cafeteria.

She adjusted her headband and looked at the tables, holding an apple. She was not much for eating a lot since it was hard to lose energy for her. Sighing, she sat near a boy, Samuel. She gave him a small smile for intruding his area, but she rather not sit completely alone. She took a small bite of her apple and turn her attention to her table. @Deucalion


((Haha, I would reccomend reading character profiles before writing :P Samuel would probably be the last person anyone would consider a "boy". A grizzled old man, he's a teacher on the premises.))


Samuel glanced up as a student sat down near him. Smiling at him with dead eyes... Hm. He couldn't make out just what she was yet, but he didn't particularly care either. If she didn't end up a part of his group, she wasn't his problem.  Without speaking, the old man cracked open another can of anchovies, tilting it upwards and letting the content run out through the hole he made and into his mouth. Once done, he wiped the few drops of preservation oil from his beard, swallowing all of the fish with a loud gulp. He didn't really care how gross he came off, he simply raised his overly buttered bread and took another bite. He wasn't here to talk to students. He was here to eat.
Fley shook her head. "I didn't mean that!" she said. "I just thought you might be hungry, but your idea is much better. To be honest, the cafeteria is only a five minute walk from here..." Fley started to walk beside Ryujin. She didn't say anything for a little while, but then she sprang a question that came generally out of nowhere. "Can't you control your oni?"

@Dante Verren
Lucas Riksmond

Alright! He hadn't been wrong, after all! Happy to actually speak to someone he kind of knew, he sauntered his way over to Sucy. Yeah, that was her. He could tell when he got closer.

"Hi." He just smiled. "Sorry about yesterday, everything got so hectic I, uh... I didn't really find the time to catch up with you." He ran his hand through his messy hair, a show of genuine shame on his face.

His mannerisms were interrupted by a loud, growling stomach. "...Oh, but uh, we can at least eat breakfast now, if you want?"


A teacher that had been oddly absent the way before made his way into the cafeteria, wearing the same dark coat as he always did, his knotty gray hair hanginig down over his shoulders. The cafeteria staff knew what he wanted. From behind the counter, they put up three cans of anchovies, which were clearly not intended for morning food.

Content with this, Samuel went on to the bread, took a piece and added a large chunk of lard to eat, spreading out a centimeter-thick layer of butter over it before sitting down at an empty  table. From there, he opened his cans and scarfed down the fish by seemingly just pouring them into his mouth, sometimes taking a bite from his fatty sandwich for a thoroughly disgusting display.


She smiled once again, bowing her head in a greeting to her friend. “Yes please, I’m very hungry..~” She gave him a faint smile, as the morning scent of the dew filled the area around them. Reaching for her wand once more, she turned it into her broom-stick. And offered him a seat in a rather joking manner. “Hey, I promise I won’t speed this time.” She climbed up onto the stick, and moved forward allowing him room to get on as well.
Pleased to see Honey all shiny and clean, along with a dirty cloth, Lydia dumped it in the empty hamper and skittered around the room thinking of what to do. It wasn't normal for Lydia to be so nervous, she's usually more outgoing and ready to try new things. Wondering why she was so hesitant to go outside her dorm, Lydia realized it was because of the unpleasant experience from when she encountered some other people back in the forest. Lydia thought about some way to cover up her body, perhaps the blanket from the bed would do? No, people should understand what she is, not that Lydia really knows herself. 

"Come on Honey, lets go explore this place!" whispered Lydia to the hornet as she squeezed past the door. At that moment she couldn't see anybody but she was sure she would eventually see someone if she walked down the hallway. And she did so, skittering around the dorms until she came upon the cafeteria, where there seemed to be everyone. Trying to act as normal as possible, Lydia edged around the wall, trying to blend in even though it was practically impossible with Honey buzzing as loud as he could.

She nodded "Okay....I've never had a male family member before though..." all yuki-onna were least in her village. She didn't know of any males in her family so he would be the first. "I gained a partner, friend and brother all in the same day..." she mumbled. 

Axel smiled at her " Its not male or Female Family is just Family okay Kori-chan " he said to her and patted her head " sorry i can't do much right now but life in this school wont be to bad now that we have each other right so for now we should find out where i am staying or if we are going to go do that hunting thing they mentioned " said axel while he was eating the food 

She smiled once again, bowing her head in a greeting to her friend. “Yes please, I’m very hungry..~” She gave him a faint smile, as the morning scent of the dew filled the area around them. Reaching for her wand once more, she turned it into her broom-stick. And offered him a seat in a rather joking manner. “Hey, I promise I won’t speed this time.” She climbed up onto the stick, and moved forward allowing him room to get on as well.


Lucas visibly hesitated, giving a bit of a nervous smile. It wasn't that he wasn't willing to fly, he just... Well, he had nearly panicked last time and god knows what that would do. He couldn't really afford to lose control and lash out now that he finally had made a friend. Then again, he didn't want to seem like a wimp either, that wasn't... Hrm...

"Are you... Are you sure?" He was still smiling, but his hesitation was obvious. "I mean, uh... If we don't race like that then, maybe..."

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