Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Ryujin turned to face Fley and gave her a weak smile. "I'm not upset about you giving into your instincts though you need to be more careful about it. I mean look what happened to you. As for where Jack went i don't have a clue as my mind was occupied with more pressing matters." He moved his right right arm away from his left and patted her head softly. " There is no need to be upset or nervous. You know that what happened was wrong and you wan to apologize for it. Ge may not forgive you but at least you did the right thing. Everyone makes mistakes. It's what they do afterwards that defines them."

The red coloring had spread to the tip of his right hand and he seemed to be a bit taller than earlier."My partner was Emma. The girl who took are picture earlier but by this point I'm sure she already picked up a new partner."


Sythnar Dochrohen

Seth was then surprised when a group of wasps suddenly attacked the teacher, the unknown male teacher was trapping the wasps with him in a thin reflective dome like object, this is where Seth decided to jump in, "Duck! Jump Left! Go Right!"  Seth said telepathically aiding the male teacher in dodging the wasps and their fire.

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The wolf laughed in a deep rumbling growl that sounded good-natured, not terrifying.

I see you don't know what to think of me. That's alright... I have been too forward. I apologize. I should not treat you other girls.

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"Sure... if we can use it to maybe.. play a little prank?" She asked.

"Yeah that sounds cool. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody" Fred said. "What did you have in mind?" Fred's mind was more at ease now that he had a task, but he was also worried that his hand might start to get sweaty.
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"Yeah that sounds cool. As long as it doesn't hurt anybody" Fred said. "What did you have in mind?" Fred's mind was more at ease now that he had a task, but he was also worried that his hand might start to get sweaty.

"Just a slip on a small patch of ice.. "
(Sorry, I was eating.) 

"Thanks for the advice," Fley said, reluctantly. She'd never gotten advice from someone before, but this was especially useful. Especially since others think that she has 'bad people skills'... which may be true. "And... Ryujin, I don't think you're doing so well. I think you should be excused from class, but in the case that you'll stay because you'll be ever-so-stubborn, would you like to be- never mind." Fley shivered as she thought back to what she might have done to Usagi. Though she couldn't recall the event clearly, she remembered hurting him. This was why. This was why she didn't want to talk to anyone, didn't want to communicate with people. Because they were going to get hurt, and then more than anyone else, she'd get hurt - not physically, but mentally. Fley walked alongside Ryujin silently. Maybe she would withdraw from the school. Her wolf instincts were just going to cause others pain. Usagi was the first. Who knows? Ryujin could - but most likely won't, he's so strong - be the next.

@Dante Verren
Ryujin glanced down at Fley next to him. "If your gong to stick around class mind if I ask a favor from you. Since I'm probably without a partner I'm going to need someone to watch my back. That persons also going to need to hold onto this for safe keeping." he pulled out the medicine vial and held it out to Fley."You don't have to if you don't want to but how about it. You in?"

Fley nodded. "I'd be happy to do that," she answered, taking the vial from him. She assumed it was some medicine to help him with his oni, or something related to it. She had heard it would make him fall asleep. "What are you going to do right now? I'm not- I mean, I'm too tired to fight," she lied. Fley realized she was gripping the vial a little too tightly now, so she loosened her grip a little. Jeez, why was she being so... nervous? She wouldn't attack or hurt Ryujin. Or get too close to him. She'd just... stay away. That was her resolve. Gritting her teeth, she stared at the floor and continued to walk.

@Dante Verren
"I'm going to hold it back as long as physically possible and hope the monster hunting starts. if it does then I will let it take over and once he mission is over you will give me the medicine. If I break before the hunting starts then you will give me the medicine as fast a possible and do what ever you have to to ensure that I am unable;e to hurt anyone. Got it?" They exited the building and reached he edge of the combat field. by this point both of his arms had turned red. He had grown taller and his muscles had grown larger along with his voice becoming a bit deeper. He watched as the Mr.Chester fought the bugs. "This is not going to be easy."

"You do know that you aren't allowed to enter the forest on your own, Ryujin," Fley replied. "But yeah. I guess I do understand..." she patted his shoulder awkwardly. "U-um, is there anything I can do to help? At all?" Fley bit her nails and chewed on them a moment. "I really do want to help. Don't decline my offer, if you can. You don't know when I'll ever ask again. And I'm doing this willingly, mind you," she added. 

@Dante Verren
Iroh got up from the training field and turned into his owl dragon form and decided to start flying around the field and get a workout in.
"Well my plan is to go in alone and flush out the monsters makeing them easier prey. Also are you alright? you sound a bit nervous or scared. I hope I am not the cause." his hands clenched into fist and then relaxed as he spoke." if you would rather go look for Jack so you can apologize to him I won't take it personally or hold it against you. Oni's can be quite terrorfying to people who have never seen them before."

"Bloody hell..!" Abraham lept back in surprise as three humongous insects bursted out from seemingly nowhere. A monster attack..?! Those rarely if ever occured on actual schol ground. Well, okay. He could manage. Standard procedure. First, damage control.

With a thought, a thin bubble formed around Abraham and the three wasps, a forcefield of psionic energy keeping them away from the other students. Perfect. Next was neutralization. Abraham was hopping from side to side to avoid the flames, generating a small plethora of energy spheres around him. Sorry fellas, this is what he had been doing and teaching for the last thirteen years.

With a spark, the spheres launched at high speed, turning into fast psionic bolts homing in towards their flying, fire-spewing targets.

@Olivia Acerbi

A group of bolts homed in on one of the wasps and annihilated it.  "Oop, those look dangerous. Lets level the field a little.", A opened portals beneath the remaining wasps dragging them down into a fiery pit. The portals closed behind them causing the psionic blasts to lose their mark. After a few seconds a burst of fire exploded from the ground where they had been. Heavily armored, flaming hornet-like creatures emerged spewing blue fire with a napalmic effect. 

"Much better.", she actually says out loud in the infirmary.  @Lucremoirre 
(Entrance area - going to male dorms to visit Jack.)

Kagami pranced right into the school. This is where she will be staying for now on , well... at least she can see Jacky !

Her red eyes scanned the area ,"So many demons are here. Looks like I will fit in."

Fley looked at Ryujin skeptically. "Yeah... go in by yourself, turn into an oni, and take down a crap ton of monsters? By yourself? With the state your in?" She scoffed. "Yep, the teachers are totally gonna have a blast sitting on the sidelines and watching you." She paused. He couldn't be serious, could he? "You're not really going in on your own, are you? At least let me come in for back-up?" 

@Dante Verren
(Entrance area - going to male dorms to visit Jack.)

Kagami pranced right into the school. This is where she will be staying for now on , well... at least she can see Jacky !

Her red eyes scanned the area ,"So many demons are here. Looks like I will fit in."


Cody wasn't paying attention to what he was doing and bumped into someone, he closed his book, "I'm sorry! " he said, "I shouldn't have been reading while walking... " he said to the girl. 
(Ok so im adding a new character later in the rp but there is mention of her soon should i make a cs now or when she comes into real play?) Logan puts his helmet back on and waits for the hunting to start.
"I'm being serious. Me going in alone is the easiest and safest way for everyone. Unless your immune to lightning if I was to hit you by accident you would be a pile of ash in the shape of a wolf. " his eyes grew wide As he saw the monsters emerge from the ground and his the voice in his head screamed at him to join the fight. Both hands turned into fist as he dug his nails into his palm and grinded his teeth to try and stay in control. "Fley back up now!" the red coloring quickly climbed up his neck all that was left to change was his head and that wouldn't take long at all.


@Olivia Acerbi

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