Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Once out of the crowds way and from the prying eyes he slumped against the building's wall.  His body felt it was being teared apart from his soul. He winced in pain and closed his eyes. He took short breaths and changed back to his regular form. The whites of his eye turns from black back to white. His yes also stopped glowing.

"gah"he moaned in pain , clenching area where his heart was. The pain started to slowly go away and he was finally was able to get up ," I overworked myself"

@Olivia Acerbi

"Hmm, a demon huh?  Wonder if he can sense my presence like I do his..", A thought, analyzing Usagi through the wasp. "Novice......nearly wrecked his meatsuit with all that magical energy. Kinda cute tho, I'll hit him up later."
He felt a weird presence next to him. He looked up only to see a wasp. " Most be a student nearby"he started to walk back to his dorm.

(She's thirsty bro)

"Hmm, a demon huh?  Wonder if he can sense my presence like I do his..", A thought, analyzing Usagi through the wasp. "Novice......nearly wrecked his meatsuit with all that magical energy. Kinda cute tho, I'll hit him up later."

Sythnar Dochrohen

"Oh n-no it's fine...I-I've been told worse things...."  Seth told the teacher telepathically as he breathed heavily through his gas mask, remembering the extremetly detailed stories of the Mwthi massacre told by his parents, at the end of each story, always telling him to despise witches, it didn't work for him fortunately.


Auriel Dwelle

"Thanks Abe..." Auriel said, slightly blushing with the nickname Abraham gave her, "Time to get to work, whoever you are, you can come in." she said, half muttering to herself and half saying to the student on the doorway, she then reached for a potion in one of the cabinets, "Okay, 'Liquid Potion Te-....'" the nurse stood there, shocked when she stared at the purple potion, she remembered clearly when she was at the infirmary a while ago, it was labeled 'Liquid Potion Test', not 'Concussion of Fortune', and then she remembered a potion brewer she met at the woods, who gave her a Concussion of Fortune, as a gift for healing him, and it was coloured green, not purple, she then suspiciously glanced at the small girl, could she switched the labels?, she then opened a drawer of the metal desk, picking a simple swab, then she swabbed some blood of the wounds of the recently wounded girl, and placed the swab on the purple potion, waiting for it to react.

@Dante Verren @Deucalion @Olivia Acerbi

(Sorry for the late response! My computer kinda crashed)
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He felt a weird presence next to him. He looked up only to see a wasp. " Most be a student nearby"he started to walk back to his dorm.

(She's thirsty bro)

(U kno it : D being the patron of lust will do that to ya) 

A had the wasp follow him. She had just noticed Ryu and saw the suspicious look Auriel had given her, her hands were currently full.
she shrugged. "I havent any idea honestly. I just got here a few hours ago myself."

"Well then" Fred said, finally happy to have a mostly normal conversation. "Why did you come here? Looking to learn some magic? Or old History?" After asking such a question Fred began to wonder why HE was here.
"Well then" Fred said, finally happy to have a mostly normal conversation. "Why did you come here? Looking to learn some magic? Or old History?" After asking such a question Fred began to wonder why HE was here.

She shrugged. "Not sure really. My parents got the letter and then decided it was best to send me here. I have no qualms."
Ryujin silently stepped into the nurses office and leaned against the wall by the door. He watched as then nurse gave a suspicious glance towards the girl he thought was A. He had the same feeling of caution that he had around A when he looked at the girl but she didn't look like her at all. He shrugged it off he just needed to wait tell the nurse was done healing fley then he could see if she had anything to help him control his oni.


@Olivia Acerbi

(lmao, what, you didn't think Kahe was cute?)

(lol, that wasn't it. Kahe just blew it. Besides, he hasn't seen the last of her, she's still got the shadow tracking him, and since the curse won't take effect so she'll have to deal with that at some point.)
(lmao, what, you didn't think Kahe was cute?)

(lol, that wasn't it. Kahe just blew it. Besides, he hasn't seen the last of her, she's still got the shadow tracking him, and since the curse won't take effect so she'll have to deal with that at some point.)
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_At Jacks/Usagi's dorm-

"Jack decided to take a shower , a cold one to be exact. Being in the heat for too long made him sick and grumpy.

After letting the cold water fall against him he grabbed a towel and wrapped around his hip. He used another towel to dry his hair and bunny ears off. Jack threw a plain white T-shirt on with his underwear. "Thank god I have no classes until tomorrow. Maybe i'll miss out monster hunting for today."

( I can't go back and delete thing, so ignore the quote)

Auriel Dwelle

"Oh boy..." Auriel said in a worringful tone after the liquid in the potion turned into a deep dark red, "She will be alright, only needs some rest, but since demonic powers can cause curses and misfortunes, we will need to take care of her." she explained to the student who seemed to be friends with the wounded girl as she released some of her flies, who procceded to heal the wounds of the girls,  "Infirmary update, two wounded females, three hospital beds left."  she said in the intercom on the table, the message echoed within the hallways, "You look pale, do you need anything?" she said rising one of her eyebrows to the student leaning on the wall close to the door.

@Dante Verren @Fazy @Olivia Acerbi
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Fley murmured a word of thanks as the flies got to work. She was healed in a matter of minutes. Sure, the blood was still there, but she was in a manageable condition. She rose from the hospital bed and opened her eyes. Damn, she was going to be late to- What did class matter right now? She had to apologize to Usagi. What had she done? She still couldn't remember clearly, but she knew she'd given some sort of injury to the guy. Fley got up and walked to the nurse. "I'm leaving," she said. "Thank you for helping me." She shot a look at Ryujin. It was supposed to be a grateful look, and she hoped she'd gotten the message across somehow.

@Lucremoirre @Kisaki @Dante Verren
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Ryujin let out a small sigh of of releif as He saw Fley get up and leave. She gave him a look which seemed like it was one of grattitude but He wasn't sure.  He hoped the sigh wasn't loud enough for anyone to hear but if it was oh well. He held up his hand to show the nurse his problem. His hand had started to turn red and was shakeing. Small sparks keep at from his hand once or twice. " if you ever heard of oni they are extremely hard to control. I where power dampeners to make it easier but I've reached my limit and I am now loseing control. Do you have anything that might help?"



@Olivia Acerbi
@Fazy @Lucremoirre @Dante Verren

A's eyes flashed their true color for a moment as she winked at Ryujin and gave him the shush gesture while Auriel asked him a question. 

As Fley got up to leave A tossed a flea taken off Cerberus onto her tail and began yelling about pain to break up the mood. 
Fley stayed for a moment just to check out what Ryujin was waiting for. It seemed he'd been hurt too. Oh my God, what happened to his hand? Jeez, it looked like it had a heart attack. As much as she felt like insulting him, she held back. Ryujin is supposed to be your friend. She felt a pang of hurt, and then an overwhelming wave of concern flooded through her. "Are you okay?" she asked, worriedly. She glanced back inside the infirmary to notice a girl who was looking over at them. 

@Dante Verren


@Olivia Acerbi
Fley stayed for a moment just to check out what Ryujin was waiting for. It seemed he'd been hurt too. Oh my God, what happened to his hand? Jeez, it looked like it had a heart attack. As much as she felt like insulting him, she held back. Ryujin is supposed to be your friend. She felt a pang of hurt, and then an overwhelming wave of concern flooded through her. "Are you okay?" she asked, worriedly. She glanced back inside the infirmary to notice a girl who was looking over at them. 

@Dante Verren


@Olivia Acerbi
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She really didn't think that was fair but nodded anyway. "I'll still give you a lollipop...." she got up after a few seconds and dusted off her clothes even if they really didn't have much of it on her clothing. "It was nice sparing with you...I think we can be friends..." she wasn't sure before but she decided it was alright. 

@kenchin (It's fine. No reason to apologize.)

@Fazy (Um...Why are you mentioning me? I'm a little confused right now....)

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