Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

Iroh tried to think back if he had any combat experience, the most he had was when he lived as his dragon side in the forest for a couple years. Iroh laughed and thought that hunting animals didn't count as combat experience and raised his hand when they asked who didn't have combat experience. 

"Sure! Let's go...hunting." she took that as a signal that she could look at him again. He was a wolf now.....was he a wolf when talking with her? She didn't know he could speak when in animal form. She expected it from Tami because  that was her original form and kitsunes were supposed to be spirits or something but he hadn't talked when she was petting him. "Y-You can use telepathy? And what would embarrass me?" she followed him, still carrying Tami because it would of been rude to just drop her.  She walked up on one of his sides and began walking beside him.

@Scarlet Wyvern 

@Tamamo-no-Bae (Hope you don't mind! I'm taking Tami with Uni.)

[Female- Yana] and [Jonetsu]

Yana began to open her mouth but she looked over to Izona with widened eyes "No way! Do you hate me!? There isn't enough money in the world to make me go get dinner with him!" Yana was acting like it was the most horrible thing in the world. As she went on and on Jonetu got more and more annoyed. Yana was plucking her nerves...again. "Can you do us a favor and shut up? Stop acting like somebody asked you to sleep with him." she said in the calmest voice she could muster at that moment but there was still hostility in her voice.

"Ah hahaha," Alice awkwardly laughed, her hand unconsciously scratching her head, a habit she have developed over the years of disappointing people. She also noticed the change of mood through the instructor's aura  when he replied to her. She ignored it. "Yea.. I guess you could say that." She muttered. "I'm sorry again, sir. It won't happen again." She hoped.

She jogged towards the crowd of students. Everyone had a friend beside them, chatting, laughing, some listening to the instructor. She kind of felt left out but she don't want to be called out by the instructor so she listened patiently.

Fred scoffed a bit, but kept it to himself. "As if it's easy as going for a quick strike" Fred thought "When you don't know how to strike, let alone quickly, that can’t be of much help.

Other than that Fred was relieved to hear there would be teams. "I'm sure my teammates will make up for what I lack in combat ability. Fred wondered how large each team was.

"Well hopefully I make it on your team since you already know what I do, and since your so strong and all" Fred said to Ryujin. "Do you have any combat abilities?" He asked the photographer.

@Dante Verren

"Of course." Abraham continued. "I'm not expecting anyone without proper comabt experience to know exactly what I'm talking about as far as strikes go. As such, we'll have a bit of a warmuo before teaming up." He moved his hands up and swung them outwards, directing the less experienced students. 

"Everyone that put their hand up before, pair up with someone else that did. We're going to practice some. Of course, without seriously hurting one another."

@Os1r1s @Vaccum @Obsessed and others I missed whose characters aren't really fighters.
Alice stretched her arms, stretch there, stretch here, roll there, roll here. When the instructor said pair up, she looked around for students who has no partner yet.

(So who wants to pair.)
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Seeing someone nearby who was obviously looking for a partner, Fred walked over to her and said "Hey, I'm Fred. Do you want to partner up?" Giving a bit of a wave and a slight smile as he walked over.

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((As fun as this is, I feel that maybe we should wait a bit before we proceed. Let other people wake up and join in and all that))
Aurelion smirk "oh....Seems like we have a class before." Aurelion start to walk where they need to go for their first class,waiting for Kahe to come.

Kahe runs up behind Auri, stopping next to him. "... How tall are you?..." He asks, looking up at the blond.
Kahe runs up behind Auri, stopping next to him. "... How tall are you?..." He asks, looking up at the blond.

Aurelion scratch his chin "6ft tall if i remember it correctly." Aurelion then do a suspicious smile looking at Kahe "Does my tall bother you?"
Aurelion scratch his chin "6ft tall if i remember it correctly." Aurelion then do a suspicious smile looking at Kahe "Does my tall bother you?"

"Nope." A friendly laugh escapes before Kahe turns his legs into a spiral of water, brining his top half higher above Auri "does my tall bother you?" He giggles.
"Nope." A friendly laugh escapes before Kahe turns his legs into a spiral of water, brining his top half higher above Auri "does my tall bother you?" He giggles.

"Oh,i see..." Aurelion shrug blinking one eye at Kahe "Water manipulation.Interesting!But i think you should have show me that when we start the training." Aurelion look around noticing others students "Seems like we need to partner with someone for this training.Up for this Kahe?"
"Oh,i see..." Aurelion shrug blinking one eye at Kahe "Water manipulation.Interesting!But i think you should have show me that when we start the training." Aurelion look around noticing others students "Seems like we need to partner with someone for this training.Up for this Kahe?"

He returned to his solid state "definantly!" Kahe said as he peered around at the others.
@MyriadMalady (make sure to mention people so they can get notificnotifications of your post) @Deucalion @TaraSobiki

Luxor Was already getting a headache from all the yelling .

Jonestu  comment , we'll he couldn't really respond to that. But there is a merit to Izona idead. Another punishment for her, he thought.

"I'll do it "he said .Izona grinned and turned to Yana ,"You have to do it now"
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"Nice photo" Ryujin turned to look at the teachers as they said something about teams. "Teams huh? Well that puts a dent i my plans."  He raised his hand and and took a big breath before yelling loud enough for everyone assembled to clearly hear. "Mr instructor I have a question!"


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"Nice photo" Ryujin turned to look at the teachers as they said something about teams. "Teams huh? Well that puts a dent i my plans."  He raised his hand and and took a big breath before yelling loud enough for everyone assembled to clearly hear. "Mr instructor I have a question!"



Abraham was watching everyone pair up, smile still on his lips as he did. Once everyone had a partner, they could proceed. Always fun with new students, figuring out who did what, their skills... A new batch of miracles every time. 

He was already chuckling to his own incredibly cheesy line when someone called for a question, prompting Abraham to turn to him. "It's Mr. Chester, but yes. Do ask."

@Dante Verren
[Female-  Yana] and [Jonetsu]

She froze in surprise "I have to sleep with Luxor!?!?!?" Jonetsu shook her head "No. Get  your mind out of the gutter. We're talking about dinner." she replied. Yana still didn't seem any calmer "I don't care! How could Luxor agree to this! This is so.....diminishing! I'm going on a dinner date with the principal!" she had finally come to a conclusion. The world hated her. She was being tortured like this for what reason other than that.


 @Fazy (Combat field)
Alice turned to the voice and caught a waving hand. It was a boy with messy black hair and circular wide glasses. Alice smiled, "Hey!" she said, "I'm Alice, sure!" she grinned. 

Fley stared blankly at the students who'd assembled. All of them were different and had... had some strange quality about them that set them apart from normal humans. What was the instructor telling them to do? Oh yes, this was a combat field. She'd be expected to figh- Partner up? Partner up with who? Who in their right mind would want to partner up with her? Well, she'd want someone strong, in the least. That's it - Ryujin. Fley scanned the field for Ryujin and barked loudly at him.

@Dante Verren
Someways at the back of the group, another hand went up. It was Caesar, one of the new additions lately. He spoke up with a slightly awkward manner, "I, err, don't exactly have any combat experience. By hunt, what exactly will that entail?" He asked, almost nervously but clearly trying not to show it. His hand lowered when he had finished, expecting a reply from one of the teachers. This place wasn't exactly like his last school, it was certainly odd, but his mother had decided that he should move to someplace that could actually... "Handle", his new ability. At the time, he had snorted at that. Ability? More like curse, and as if there was anyone who could actually deal with him now. Not that he intended to cause a drama that required him to be handled, nor did he really want to ever disprove that, but still, he was proud enough of his powers. Even if he wasn't so of himself anymore.

@(A teacher of some kind :P )

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