Luxor Academy Roleplay- Starts Here! (Semester 1 History)

“Oh… Yes of course.” She nodded to the male, as another giggle escaped her lips. The male’s embarrassment was enough to make her feel rather good inside. Someone found her to be somewhat attractive. Diving her body into the heated pool once more, she came up and leaned over the side of the pool. Resting her head upon the concrete she thought for a moment. “Before you go, would you be interested in getting something from the Café?” She blushed for a moment before realizing what she had just asked him. “Oh I mean as students! I wouldn’t ask something of you like that…”

Lucas was just about to hurriedly leave when her second question came through, which was enough to have him nearly choke. An actual collection of bolts scattered from him at the surprise, his own unrelenting psionic force crashing into and knocking over a nearby locker. Furthermore, one of the mirrors loudly developed a large crack. No. No no no. Control. Relax. Pull in.

Deep breaths.

Once again reigning in his own power, Lucas exhaled. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- We uh, we probably... I'll. I'll get someone to fix the damages. A janitor or... Something. Yes." He nodded to himself. Great going, Lucas. Now you managed to look like a total loser before a potential new friend. Incoming laughter in three... Two... One...

Doing what he could to salvage the situation, Lucas turned back towards Sucy for a moment. "That'd be fun, thoug! We can go- I mean, we can head to the cafeteria right away when you've bathed and I fixed this, uh... Mess."
Miko nodded in agreement. He was kind of glad that they were going for a bite to eat. Maybe even excited. He wondered what kinds of meals they served in the school. Suggesting everything he had witnessed, it would be enough to satisfy him more of less. Catching up with Red, they proceeded towards the cafe. Some time later, they reached a set of doors. A smirk grew on his face.

'This is no problem for me.' he thought with certainty.

Showing true gentlemanship he placed both of his palms on the side of the door and readied his legs. Pushing with all his might at once, he attempted to open it. The door did not budge an inch. Miko was taken aback. 

'How was it possible that it did not open?! Am I that weak?!' thinking in confusion.

Maybe he pushed it wrong. Yes. That makes sense. Once more he positioned himself for yet an another attempt. Failure. 

"GAH!" he yelled out loud.

Miko was getting irritated. Following it, a few more attempts had been made, all fitted for the same result. He made his hands into fists and punched the door multiple times. The anger substituted his pain. Growing tired he looked to see if he made any progress. Nothing but a few dents. Before announcing defeat, he would make one final attempt. Giving himself about five metres of space between him and the door would be enough for a running start. When ready, he pounced into action. Sprinting along the path, going as fast as he could, dusts of dirt formed behind him. For when he was about half a meter away, he flung his entire body at the door.


Upon impact for only a few seconds, he sticked himself onto the door. Now he felt both defeated and in serious pain. The two worst combinations. Alas, a creaking sound had been heard. To everyone's surprise, the door had slowly opened. Slowly, but surely. How? Some of you ask? Well to much of Miko's knowledge the door only opened 'outwards' rather than inwards. A massive mistake on his part. Realizing his mistake, he felt like a complete fool out of himself. Unsticking himself he slowly walked off to the side and held his arm out gesturing Red to enter. He had his head dropping down to the ground in shame.

"Ladies first." he quietly said.

"Or, I can keep the information which btw, it has LITTERALY no meaning to me, and we can just not speak about this?" Kahe says, full eye contact "and please know... I would never say anything..."

"Uh, alright?", A wasn't completely sure if this guy was either horrifyingly stupid or just incredibly insouciant. She might have actually been kinda impressed if the boy had no qualms with her essentially torturing the angel principle of his school with the soul of his dead wife, just because she could.

She decided she wasn't completely convinced of either and opted to make sure. Her eyes flashed for only a moment. A simple curse; the next drink Kahe takes will become water from the river Lethe, wiping his memory of their encounter. 

"I guess, I'll be on my way then.", A said, walking out of the still open door. 

"What an incredible waste of time that kid was.", A thought to herself. "Now, the night(?) is still young, there must be something else to do."
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Cody put the book on the ground, "Human... And sure! I'll have one if you're offering. " he said politely, smiling happily now, starting to get used to be called demon, since it obviously wasn't going to stop. 



"Not a full demon? So your half something then? What's the other half that isn't demon? Human?" he didn't seem to like his demon side all that much.He seemed to be sort of depressed about it actually. Should she of switched to a different subject? To prevent it from getting him down or say something encouraging maybe. She was at a complete loss on what to do right now to make him less depressed. She decided to use her own method that worked for her "You want a lollipop?" it seemed sort of random to anybody else but not to her.


(...I hate this glitch )

Cody heard a dog growl and saw Fley nearby "Excuse me for a minute please " he said as he walked towards her and sat next to her, "Fley, I'm sorry for flipping out on you earlier.. It wasn't who I was, but I just want to try and introduce myself again, " he held a hand out to her, "I'm Cody. " he said nicely.

@Fazy @TaraSobiki
Lucas was just about to hurriedly leave when her second question came through, which was enough to have him nearly choke. An actual collection of bolts scattered from him at the surprise, his own unrelenting psionic force crashing into and knocking over a nearby locker. Furthermore, one of the mirrors loudly developed a large crack. No. No no no. Control. Relax. Pull in.

Deep breaths.

Once again reigning in his own power, Lucas exhaled. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to- We uh, we probably... I'll. I'll get someone to fix the damages. A janitor or... Something. Yes." He nodded to himself. Great going, Lucas. Now you managed to look like a total loser before a potential new friend. Incoming laughter in three... Two... One...

Doing what he could to salvage the situation, Lucas turned back towards Sucy for a moment. "That'd be fun, thoug! We can go- I mean, we can head to the cafeteria right away when you've bathed and I fixed this, uh... Mess."

The sight before her left in such an awe struck. Raising a brow to the male, she posed a question. “Y-You’ve psionic abilities..?” Making a mental-note in the back of her mind, turning away from the boy. Wrapping her arms over her bare chest, she shielded herself from his sight. “Please, let me bath… Shoe boy.~” The tone in her voice was not one of a demanding girl, but one who showed slight interest in him.

Auriel Dwelle

After the headmaster dismissed her, the nurse decided to stay in the infirmary for the time being, the infirmary was completed of five hospital beds, a cirugical room, and ten cabinets, containing various remedies, potions and vials, with a metallic table with six drawers and a chair, she then sat on the chair,  waiting for class to begin.

(Open for interactions!)
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The sight before her left in such an awe struck. Raising a brow to the male, she posed a question. “Y-You’ve psionic abilities..?” Making a mental-note in the back of her mind, turning away from the boy. Wrapping her arms over her bare chest, she shielded herself from his sight. “Please, let me bath… Shoe boy.~” The tone in her voice was not one of a demanding girl, but one who showed slight interest in him.

Hoo boy, well, his powers was one thing he could talk about. "Ah! Yes, actually, I'm, um... I'm a psychic. Dad- Or well he's not my real dad actually he kind of adopted me but he's also teaching me. Me and the rest of the school. I-I mean he's a teacher. Mr. Chester! He was there at the entrance ceremony!" Dangit he was rambling about something unrelated instead why was he like this?

"H-He is teaching me how it works, anyway. I still haven't figured it out completely and I can knock things over or... Worse. But you already saw that." He finally added with a bit of a sheepish tone.

Her shooing made him snap back to attention, though. "Oh! Yes, I'll do that! I'm sorry!" With another small spark of psionic energy, Lucas quickly jogged out of the washroom and off to find a teacher or janitor or... Anything. Just so he could tell them that there was a mess.

...Dammit he had made a complete fool of himself, hadn't he? Why was this always the case? Every time he was caught off guard or spoke to someone he didn't know well, he always put his foot in his mouth, every single time. Maybe he just wasn't made for social interaction...
"Uh, alright?", A wasn't completely sure if this guy was either horrifyingly stupid or just incredibly insouciant. She might have actually been kinda impressed if the boy had no qualms with her essentially torturing the angel principle of his school with the soul of his dead wife, just because she could.

"'re cool with it?" 

"Aslong as its not my problem..." Kahe says, scratching the side of his neck.
Well Fred was pretty bored of waiting at this point and decided to see if he could gather some information about what was happening tomorrow. Or any info at all really. "When does dinner start?" might be a good choice. The infirmary was nearby so Fred figured their might be some staff there currently. He walked into the infirmary and say a young woman in there. "Do you work-" oh yeah she was at the opening "ceremony". "-here often?" damn, bad save.

Fley growled, but said nothing. She sniffed his hand awkwardly and eyed him, surveying him up and down for a good minute before shaking his hand with her paw. She made a funny sound that sounded like a sneeze. She looked away from the half-demon. Cody, he said his name was. Well, now she had a name for a face. Maybe she wouldn't hate him so much, after all.  

@CERBERUS177 *Sorry! I was eating.
Red puts her hand on his head and gently ruffled his hair, "it's ok people make mistakes, like I did one time. I had stolen a twenty-four pack of beer when I was younger on a bet , thinking it was non-alcoholic to trick my friends." Red pauses for a few seconds before putting a big smile on her face, "I ended up having a three day hangover. But after that my father would every so often open a bottle of alcohol to were I could smell it and remember my mistake." Red lays her ears back, "now days if I smell anything alcoholic........ let's just says, don't be around me I get very sick just from the smell." She smiles again and walks into the cafeteria.

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"Aslong as its not my problem..." Kahe says, scratching the side of his neck.

"Uh, alright?", A wasn't completely sure if this guy was either horrifyingly stupid or just incredibly insouciant. She might have actually been kinda impressed if the boy had no qualms with her essentially torturing the angel principle of his school with the soul of his dead wife, just because she could.

She decided she wasn't completely convinced of either and opted to make sure. Her eyes flashed for only a moment. A simple curse; the next drink Kahe takes will become water from the river Lethe, wiping his memory of their encounter. 

"I guess, I'll be on my way then.", A said, walking out of the still open door. 

"What an incredible waste of time that kid was.", A thought to herself. "Now, the night(?) is still young, there must be something else to do."
Hoo boy, well, his powers was one thing he could talk about. "Ah! Yes, actually, I'm, um... I'm a psychic. Dad- Or well he's not my real dad actually he kind of adopted me but he's also teaching me. Me and the rest of the school. I-I mean he's a teacher. Mr. Chester! He was there at the entrance ceremony!" Dangit he was rambling about something unrelated instead why was he like this?

"H-He is teaching me how it works, anyway. I still haven't figured it out completely and I can knock things over or... Worse. But you already saw that." He finally added with a bit of a sheepish tone.

Her shooing made him snap back to attention, though. "Oh! Yes, I'll do that! I'm sorry!" With another small spark of psionic energy, Lucas quickly jogged out of the washroom and off to find a teacher or janitor or... Anything. Just so he could tell them that there was a mess.

...Dammit he had made a complete fool of himself, hadn't he? Why was this always the case? Every time he was caught off guard or spoke to someone he didn't know well, he always put his foot in his mouth, every single time. Maybe he just wasn't made for social interaction...

After the young man had left, grasping a wet-cloth, and some soap between her fingers. She began to wash every inch of her body until she was clean. Not a single speck of ash, or soot could be found even remotely near her. Thinking of the previous encounter made her happy, she had never really been good with friends before. Mainly keeping to herself, a shut-in.

As about twenty minutes had past, she climbed out of the water, dried and clothed herself. Sporting her usual attire, her black-robes, and her Witches Hat. Walking out of the rest room, scanning the hall-way she looked for the boy she had just met. She had faith he wouldn’t just leave her like that. After all she was excited to get something from the cafeteria. “Where did you go, Brain Boy…”
Well Fred was pretty bored of waiting at this point and decided to see if he could gather some information about what was happening tomorrow. Or any info at all really. "When does dinner start?" might be a good choice. The infirmary was nearby so Fred figured their might be some staff there currently. He walked into the infirmary and say a young woman in there. "Do you work-" oh yeah she was at the opening "ceremony". "-here often?" damn, bad save.


Auriel Dwelle

"Well... It's my first year here so not much!" Auriel said with a small giggle, "Do you need anything?, I don't see any wounds on your body, So I guess your only here for information?" she said with a warm smile to the black haired boy wearing glasses, still in the chair.

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Kori nodded and reached inside her pocket for some. She took out the two she had currently and held them out to him "Cherry or blueberry. I like both so it doesn't matter." she was happy that she could cheer him up a little bit. She would offer the other student one to just because she as already giving them out. She watched him go off to the other girl and just watched passively. 

@CERBERUS177  @Fazy


She checked the clock and noticed the time Time for announcements. she walked off to a room with a microphone and turned it on"Attention. Monster hunting class is starting. Please go to the combat field. Thank you." she cut off the microphone and went to the combat field herself. 

 @Kisaki    @LoneSniper87 @CERBERUS177  @Dante Verren @Tazmodo @Ellieroan @LinkyGirl @Tsukihi @Navitic @NickTonCutter @Os1r1s @nfounder @Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi @Deucalion @Vaccum @theManCalledSting @Fazy  @Enmyira @MyriadMalady


She blinked a few times, not expecting that at all. He had made a three-sixty in personality and she felt she had to do...something. "Really? I-I wonder why....It seems like a dog a lot of people would like.....Y-You seem like a good person too so I can't imagine the reason behind it!  Y-You're appealing in both forms in my opinion!" she smile in a way that was supposed to comfort him. She probably wouldn't say that without meaning it and she honestly did. So far he seemed like a very cheery person....compared to her anyway.

@Scarlet Wyvern (I was eating!)

(When Kahe is actually water so he never drinks it)

"bye!" He said without emotion, not even slightly meaning it. Kahe turned once again towards Blondie. "Sorry about that..."

Fley growled, but said nothing. She sniffed his hand awkwardly and eyed him, surveying him up and down for a good minute before shaking his hand with her paw. She made a funny sound that sounded like a sneeze. She looked away from the half-demon. Cody, he said his name was. Well, now she had a name for a face. Maybe she wouldn't hate him so much, after all.  

@CERBERUS177 *Sorry! I was eating.

Cody laughed happily at the noise, petting, her from her head to the back of her neck, she's soft, "You remind me of my old dog... She looked almost exactly like you... " he said smiling, scratching behind her ears, and in between her eyes. " wouldn't mind if I gave, you a quick hug.. Would you? " he asked her, "Uh... I... Nevermind... Stupid question. Sorry. " he said.


(Glitch )
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Kori nodded and reached inside her pocket for some. She took out the two she had currently and held them out to him "Cherry or blueberry. I like both so it doesn't matter." she was happy that she could cheer him up a little bit. She would offer the other student one to just because she as already giving them out. She watched him go off to the other girl and just watched passively. 

@CERBERUS177  @Fazy


She checked the clock and noticed the time Time for announcements. she walked off to a room with a microphone and turned it on"Attention. Monster hunting class is starting. Please go to the combat field. Thank you." she cut off the microphone and went to the combat field herself. 

 @Kisaki    @LoneSniper87 @CERBERUS177  @Dante Verren @Tazmodo @Ellieroan @LinkyGirl @Tsukihi @Navitic @NickTonCutter @Os1r1s @nfounder @Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi @Deucalion @Vaccum @theManCalledSting @Fazy  @Enmyira @MyriadMalady


She blinked a few times, not expecting that at all. He had made a three-sixty in personality and she felt she had to do...something. "Really? I-I wonder why....It seems like a dog a lot of people would like.....Y-You seem like a good person too so I can't imagine the reason behind it!  Y-You're appealing in both forms in my opinion!" she smile in a way that was supposed to comfort him. She probably wouldn't say that without meaning it and she honestly did. So far he seemed like a very cheery person....compared to her anyway.

@Scarlet Wyvern (I was eating!)

Emma St. Ives glanced up at the building she'd been rooted in front of for the last ten minutes. This was the dorms.. but was it the right one? She'd never been to a school like this before. In fact, she'd only gone to a charter school, and even then it was only for half a day. She'd had private tutors as well.. "at least it's a good picture." She mumbled to herself and lifted the expert looking camera that hung from her neck. She peered into it, adjusted the focus a few times, and snapped the perfect picture.

~~~~~~~~(phone post broken)

Emma blinked and then went to...  the combat field.

Kori nodded and reached inside her pocket for some. She took out the two she had currently and held them out to him "Cherry or blueberry. I like both so it doesn't matter." she was happy that she could cheer him up a little bit. She would offer the other student one to just because she as already giving them out. She watched him go off to the other girl and just watched passively. 

@CERBERUS177  @Fazy


She checked the clock and noticed the time Time for announcements. she walked off to a room with a microphone and turned it on"Attention. Monster hunting class is starting. Please go to the combat field. Thank you." she cut off the microphone and went to the combat field herself. 

 @Kisaki    @LoneSniper87 @CERBERUS177  @Dante Verren @Tazmodo @Ellieroan @LinkyGirl @Tsukihi @Navitic @NickTonCutter @Os1r1s @nfounder @Lucremoirre @Olivia Acerbi @Deucalion @Vaccum @theManCalledSting @Fazy  @Enmyira @MyriadMalady


She blinked a few times, not expecting that at all. He had made a three-sixty in personality and she felt she had to do...something. "Really? I-I wonder why....It seems like a dog a lot of people would like.....Y-You seem like a good person too so I can't imagine the reason behind it!  Y-You're appealing in both forms in my opinion!" she smile in a way that was supposed to comfort him. She probably wouldn't say that without meaning it and she honestly did. So far he seemed like a very cheery person....compared to her anyway.

@Scarlet Wyvern (I was eating!)

Emma St. Ives glanced up at the building she'd been rooted in front of for the last ten minutes. This was the dorms.. but was it the right one? She'd never been to a school like this before. In fact, she'd only gone to a charter school, and even then it was only for half a day. She'd had private tutors as well.. "at least it's a good picture." She mumbled to herself and lifted the expert looking camera that hung from her neck. She peered into it, adjusted the focus a few times, and snapped the perfect picture.

~~~~~~~~(phone post broken)

Emma blinked and then went to...  the combat field.

Auriel Dwelle

After the headmaster dismissed her, the nurse decided to stay in the infirmary for the time being, waiting for class to begin.

(Open for interactions!)

A remembered the dipsy nurse she poked fun at during the ceremony. "She seemed like a good time. Naive, innocent, sharp as a 2x4, it'll be a fun ruining her day.", she said walking up to a random door. As she grabbed the handle her eyes glowed again, when the door opened instead of leading to a dorm room it led to the hallway where the infirmary was located. She walked up just before the door and then changed her appearance to seem injured, she then stumbled in and fell onto the ground. 

Auriel Dwelle

After the headmaster dismissed her, the nurse decided to stay in the infirmary for the time being, waiting for class to begin.

(Open for interactions!)

A remembered the dipsy nurse she poked fun at during the ceremony. "She seemed like a good time. Naive, innocent, sharp as a 2x4, it'll be a fun ruining her day.", she said walking up to a random door. As she grabbed the handle her eyes glowed again, when the door opened instead of leading to a dorm room it led to the hallway where the infirmary was located. She walked up just before the door and then changed her appearance to seem injured, she then stumbled in and fell onto the ground. 

Auriel Dwelle

"Well... It's my first year here so not much!" Auriel said with a small giggle, "Do you need anything?, I don't see any wounds on your body, So I guess your only here for information?" she said with a warm smile to the black haired boy wearing glasses, still in the chair.


"Well, whaddaya know, you got me" Fred said nervously. "I was just wondering when dinner starts... and about 20 other things" He let loose a small smile. "Oh, I'm Fred by the way" he said while giving a small salute, making sure to keep his distance. Fred really wasn't sure when he wanted to let people know about his powers if ever. Maybe they have a file on him or something...
Iroh heard the announcement and hoped his attire of a hoodie and jeans were okay. Iroh quickly rushed out of the building and jumped turning into an owl dragon and flying to the combat field. After Iroh was flying for a good minute he found the combat field and landed in the dead center turning back into his regular human form.

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